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redditsuckz ago

Thats quite a red pillin post...

Maybe you should expel the Jews that control the v/pizzagate sub or maybe you just dont got chutzpah to do it...

Crensch ago

Nice try shoehorning in your personal axe to grind here. How about you provide some links showing how it's controlled by Jews? I'm more than happy to entertain the idea, but you'll have to do better than just asserting it.

redditsuckz ago

Well if one of the owners Victor(((Steiner)))Davion isnt obvious enough...

The Rothschilds controlling Pizzagate Subs through Disobedient Media (pizzagatefree)

Jews control all the important subs here and have from the beginning;

Crensch ago

Ok, without the gish gallop. I'm not trawling through all that shit to prove you right, that's your job.

redditsuckz ago

that's your job.

Well I guess its your job to PRETEND to be against the jews...pretending this is a "non-censoring" free speech forum making this a safe space for the "goys".

This must be (((Marina Abramovic))) pic that got you triggered into protecting your jew masters;

Crensch ago

Really? I accept that the creepy Morticia-looking whore is a kike.

I ask for sources for your claims, not a Gish Gallop of bullshit, and you bring up something that is calling me an alphabet puppet?

I said I was willing to entertain the idea, but all you bring to the table is bullshit.

redditsuckz ago

Whats bullshit is your hypocrisy of "protecting voat" while owning/moderating a sub that deletes ~3000 posts A MONTH...

All the same jew mods came over from reddit added by Kingkongwaswrong;

And they just shuffled around accounts since Kingkong was still owner and adding the same jews over and over.

Then you have the recent mod of v/pizzagate defend the teachings of the Talmud;

Lets say for a moment you are yourself not a jew...even if you clean house of v/pizzagate this whole website would be shut down within less than a week...;)

Crensch ago

Whats bullshit is your hypocrisy of "protecting voat" while owning/moderating a sub that deletes ~3000 posts A MONTH...

There's no hypocrisy, the rules are there, based on what the users of that sub wanted. Many posts run afoul of those rules.

All the same jew mods came over from reddit added by Kingkongwaswrong;

I'm not reading through shit about the rothchilds and hillary just to find what point you're trying to make by linking to that.

A picture before @kevdude and I stepped in and fixed things. /golfclap

Then you have the recent mod of v/pizzagate defend the teachings of the Talmud;

The post ran afoul of the rules. Whatever that mod's personal feelings on the matter, posting about a religion is not going to help put anyone behind bars. It was a useless post.

Lets say for a moment you are yourself not a jew...even if you clean house of v/pizzagate this whole website would be shut down within less than a week...;)

Re-read that, then rephrase it into something that makes sense.

redditsuckz ago

the rules are there, based on what the users of that sub wanted. and your censoring jew rules...

A picture before @kevdude and I stepped in and fixed things. /golfclap

Yeah you really fixed it when later mod numbchuck added by kingkong went rogue and deleted a whole bunch of important shit;

Oh look here you are deleting threads with over 100 upvotes with some of the most damning evidence for pizzagate;

then rephrase it into something that makes sense.

You are a Jew

Crensch ago

Well, looks like nobody really believes you, and it's not difficult to figure out why that is.

You've all the makings of a Jew, yourself, and your examples of my own jewery are pretty pathetic.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe people will believe Anneke Lucas and her story that (((you))) wanted to hide....

I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6