Disappointed ago


Chicago is now open and modless

bdmthrfkr ago

Confirmed, just tried to post there and I got the message that I am not authorized to do so.

If I gave a shit about that hell-hole Chicago it might almost cause me to be worried.


Any subverse that bans you isn't worth you being a member of. But you should still be able to post there. Thanks.

equilibrium ago

Why is atko not de-moding this cuck?

individualin1984 ago

I contibuted more to that sub than your pathetic ass did. You are nothing but a sad squater that should just go away as soon as possible.

individualin1984 ago

You going unban me i posted more there than you worthless ass did.

Bfwilley ago


They just hate this site.

birds_sing ago

Start a new sub called TrueChicago, or something like that. If you start that sub then you can have whatever rules you want. Just like they started a sub and have whatever rules they want.

HashTagFU ago

I couldn't care any less than I do about Chicago but seriously asshole, people should be able to say whatever they want about it. You're a dick that belongs at Reddit, not voat. I deem you the most disgusting and unwanted goat on voat.

ZenAtheist ago

This is how it started on reddit. I'm serious - protect free speech, or the slippery slope of censorship will kill it like virtual cancer.

HashTagFU ago

Just create another one called Chicongo. It's a more accurate name anyway.

embers ago

You should really take a moment to reflect if you belong here. Reddit is safe and positive and heavily curated. Does that sound more like your thing?

RumpRangerRick ago

You suck. Please demod yourself.

You're the antithesis of what Voat stands for.

RumpRangerRick ago

This is not cool, Admins :(

I think dude needs a demod.

carnold03 ago

Yea, I think this is what caused him to pop up.

GreyAlien ago

since when have mods on voat been able to decided what the community posts i thought we were all go by community votes

Broc_Lia ago

  • It's always been that way

  • Democracy makes the site even more vulnerable to SJW takeovers. There's 83,000 readers on eddit SRS, if even 1% of those people made accounts here they could easily steal any small sub on this site if ownership were based on majority vote.

The current system is not perfect, and it sucks when a sub owner goes inactive or is compromised, but it's miles better than mob rule. Especially on the internet where anyone can fake a mob.

mamwad ago

Since forever: "Subverses may create their own rules and enforce them as they see fit, providing they do not violate the terms of this agreement. You agree that Voat is not responsible for the actions taken or not taken by moderators."


AOU ago

I'm neither black nor white, still, I blame behaviour.

How can't you?

Is it racist to call out people who are not behaving like socialized human being?

european ago

I still can't figure out what "google-ish" means.

lol. I think it has something to do with when there was a story about google censoring ethnic slurs or something. So someone had the idea of making google into an ethnic slur.


If you want nice things in v/Chicago, then show up more than once a month and post nice things there -- be the change you want to see.

But you are totally wrong to arbitrarily delete other users' legitimate Chicago-related posts. It is not your place to make everybody think happy thoughts; some people might want to face the increasing problems facing Chicago and this is one of the last uncensored places where that is possible. Don't be that person who starts ruining voat for all of us. Thanks.


Chicago is Chicago and anyone interested in Chicago will go to v/Chicago, which is why he is squatting on a recognizable, name-brand subverse like v/Chicago. This wouldn't be an issue if he was modding v/goodnewsfromChicago or some other specific niche subverse, but he is censoring voat goats in order to claim our shared spaces as his personal fiefdom. Thanks.


You are deleting legitimate posts from goats because you want to shape a shared part of the voat community into your own personal hug-box.

What you are doing on v/Chicago can in no way be compared to how v/niggers functions. Even black people are allowed, and encouraged, to post on v/niggers. The last time a black person posted on v/niggers, he got 68 upvoats and over 100 mostly supportive comments -- https://voat.co/v/Niggers/1258204

The only valid reason to delete a post or comment is spam or harassment, and to a lesser degree, derailing the discussion -- a legit crime story in v/Chicago is not spam, not harassment and not derailing the discussion. Your heavy-handed, clumsy modding is the only thing that is stopping the discussion on v/Chicago; you remove other user's posts and then you made the situation even worse by banning the whole community from v/Chicago, and then disabling downvoats.


WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

So when I make a rule at /v/niggers that you don't like, are you going to encourage ProtectVoat to brigade /v/niggers? Are you going to try to dox me like you're doing to CJJ above?

CJJ is on point about this. He decided to add a rule to make his sub better (as he believes). Instead of respecting his decision you're posting here to start up a vigilante party to attack him. I have implemented a strict set of rules because I feel it is what is best for my sub and voat. He is doing the same thing.


Maybe you are offering a false or flawed comparison:

v/niggers can't be compared to v/Chicago because by default v/niggers is aimed specifically at hating blacks; the very name of the subverse is a pejorative specifically intended for the denigration of blacks, and the obvious intent of the v/niggers subverse requires clear and consistent mod rules to keep the subverse on track. On the other hand, v/Chicago is a broad, recognizable, name-brand for a subverse representing a major city -- it is not called v/GoodChicagoNews or v/UpliftingChicagoAnecdotes -- and goats who want to post about Chicago should not be censored.

Furthermore, the v/Chicago mod is not an active voater. He drops into voat once per month to maintain control over v/Chicago; he is squatting on it in case voat really takes off, in which case, he can bring his reddit cancer over here.

What he did today was he came into v/Chicago, announced that the subverse was now a good news-only safe-space, then methodically deleted weeks and months of upvoated posts and community discussion because things that were being legitimately discussed last week, last month, now clashed with his ideology. In comparison, it would be like if you, as the top mod of v/niggers, decided tomorrow that vniggers would only allow good news about upstanding black people, and then deleted every post in the subverse and destroyed all the existing discussions.


WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

No, thank you.

Good bye.

MinorLeakage ago

I normally agree with you on most subjects @Cancel-Cat-Facts, but in this situation, I think you're wrong. I agree with you in spirit, but @Clueless-Joe-Jackson has the letter of the law on his side.

We've had this exact discussion with the Admins before, and you of all people should remember it well, since it had to do with @HenryCorp. It was decided (or rather, we were told) that so long as it isn't a system sub, the owner/mods are free to act however they please. They can set arbitrary rules and ban anyone they feel like. Every non-system sub on Voat basically operates this way. It is one of the many unfortunate flaws in this website. We can all still enjoy it and use it without /v/Chicago.

This entire comment is almost a carbon-copy of one I made about a Henry Corp sub like 3 months ago...


Anyways, I agree this situation sucks. But just make your own Chicago sub. With blackjack, and hookers.

EDIT: Downvoated for contributing to the discussion... You fags are as bad as the so-called tyrants you oppose.

individualin1984 ago

That asssucker swooped in and deleted a large chunk of content that i submitted. He stole that content from voat. These were posts going back many months. If he had this policy all along i would have posted my content elsewhere. I was contibuting far more to that sub than that looser in life ever did.


Blackjack and hookers is kind of tempting. Thanks.

Owlchemy ago

He's killed the sub - LOL - in the other thread he said he turned on the 10,000 CCP to down vote option. Trouble is, that also means no one except those subscribed will ever see new posts in v/all, v/front ... so effectively, he's screwed himself and likely doesn't even know it.


This is voat. Our motto is 'Have Your Say.' No goat needs your permission to post. No goat needs your approval to have their say.