WS2016 ago

New question, why don't blacks speak correctly?

Why the ebonics?

ImmortalRationalist ago

What is your IQ?

JewsAreGreat ago

Why do yall whine abd cry about shit that happened a long time ago?

Artofchoke ago

Ho ho ho, what's this? Some patriarchal figure trying to control my feminine wiles? Want me in a burka too??

Thank goodness Trump is coming to save us all from your kind!

Artofchoke ago

It is indeed a regular pussy, the kind you're born with. It bleeds, there's a weird taste and odor.

It's definitely a cunt. And so am I. :)

BeelzaBubba ago

But I saw colored in RSA, Zim, & Botswana with no running water, with a lexus with rimz parked in front of the shanty standing around drinking mealie beer and listening to that awful boom "music"....

BeelzaBubba ago

Have you ever spent time in sub-saharan africa? I have. And I saw the same ignorant behaviors. Do you not believe genes influence behavior?

Whitemail ago

Say homey, I be fly on the jiggy jiggy yo. You be illin'?

eagleshigh ago

Power and intimidation games seem really common.

Evolution is the name of the game.

eagleshigh ago

Higher levels of chlorine in their sweat. Going to make a post on race and body odor soon.

hwhiteguy ago

They have more protein and lipids in their sweat. Bacteria feed off this and since they don't shower much... The bacteria shit and shit stinks.

Asians have the least protein and fat in their sweat.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Don't forget EDAR and ABCC11.

WS2016 ago

What is the black man's obsession with fat white women?

eagleshigh ago

I'd reason since Africa is poverty stricken they have an evolutionary strategy to go after heavier women because they are more fertile.

See. Mauritania. They have a song describing fat women.

Force feed 16k kcal a day to make them gain weight.

Love song describing fat women.

Freedman et al (2004) observed that, as expected, black men were more likely to choose heavier figures as an ideal body for women than white men. Also expected was that both groups would choose figures with a low waist to hip ratio, but black men would choose a lower waist to hip ratio as ideal. They also show weight to be a more important cue than waist to hip ratio in mate selection as well as supporting the theory that black men’s preferences may serve as a protective factor against eating and body image pathology in black women.

WS2016 ago


Aren't fat people less fertile now though? I guess evolution hasn't caught up to our dietary habits yet.

eagleshigh ago

I updated the post.

With the dysgenic effect in America, low IQ people are having more kids, IQ and obesity correlate.

WS2016 ago

This is very true, I've been studying that for awhile.

What about my other question. Black people being scared of nature, and pretty much everything?

Asked because of your comment about hunting.


WS2016 ago

Yeah, what are some nigger urban legends?

WS2016 ago

You hunt? Ok see now I don't believe you're black!

I kid, but that brings me to my question.

Why are blacks so freaked out about nature, or just all around scared of everything?

1Icemonkey ago

Like Token on South Park, do you have a bass guitar in your basement?

eagleshigh ago

I got a vasectomy last year

I was calling everyone a nigger lover, but after reading this I like you too.

eagleshigh ago

Goy, no.

eagleshigh ago

Nigger lovers, woodwork, etc.

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

I don't know if this place is your cup of tea but you're welcome to stick around. We could have more interesting conversations, no doubt.

user4574 ago

I'm not a fan of religion, but certain tenants, such as "child-rearing outside of marriage is usually bad" is something I can agree with. How does the black community reconcile religion with this 75% statistic?

pinkskinner ago

Do black lives actually matter?

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

You know that marshmallow experiment?

They did a version of that in Trinidad where black kids were more likely to take a cheap candy now, but Indian kids would wait a week for the nice one. Apparently the biggest correlate with that behavior other than race wasn't poverty.

It was whether they had a dad or not.

I don't think that Blacks and Whites will ever be the same, but the absolute best you can do for your kind is to promote the family unit. Another interesting clue relating to this whole social dynamic is the story of elephants at Pilanesberg Park.

Also, I would encourage anyone to vote Trump, although it seems you already know why that's a good idea. I dunno if you care to hear my advice but goddammit I feel like saying things. I'm voting for him because I want less Mexicans around but you have even more reasons to vote for him. Drugs flowing in from the southern border coupled with a flooded labor market are fuckterrible for blacks.

One-Way_Bus ago

I believe that! The number sounds about right when I lived in California. The government certainly encourages the poor in general not have any form of bank account.

Artofchoke ago

I have a cunt, faggot.

nigger_plz ago

Have you gotten to the point where you casually say "nigger" around white folks? In other words have you totally jumped ship from the black community and have become a white man mentally. Kinda like Ben Carson.

I've seen that, where a black speaks perfect English and calls every black a nigger. They literally view of themselves as white. Very weird and very rare. If you ever get to that point then you have truly arrived.

the-gerbil-in-my-bum ago

well then...

where did i put my bleach at?

redpilldessert ago

What do you think of the beauty of whites versus blacks?

Do most blacks prefer or think the best black women are as pretty/attractive as the best white women?

Super_Cooper ago

Thanks for coming here. You got a big pair of balls and I respect that.

redpilldessert ago

Wow, you sound like one in a million...

As for two, thank you for your honest response. I'm sure you - as a person - are more intelligent than most whites. That image obviously only displays the average for each country.

I'll also be honest as a white person, and say I ALSO don't know for sure, though I strongly suspect there's truth to it. However, what's not so clear is the amount of contrast in IQs if we were to account for poverty, nutrition etc. They may be much closer than the chart shows, but by how much is very unclear. We already know however that nutrition accounts for around 10-15 IQ points IIRC.

Do you know if you may have any 'white'-ish genes from ancestors at all?

eagleshigh ago

Nutrition accounts for atleast 10, lowest 7 points on phenotypic IQ.

SprklngWgglsGetaJob ago

Thanks for being a good sport. This is a pretty good AMA.

SprklngWgglsGetaJob ago

Can you swim?

no-na-ha ago

I think you're a troll. The LAST thing a nigger would do is to fuck wid da plumin on muh-dik.........

user4574 ago

You can muh dick while shooting blanks, although elsewhere in this thread he implied that it wasn't vaajayjay he was shooting into.

AlphaWookie ago

Yup you speak the truth. Still, roleplaying can be fun.

White_Phillip ago

to be honest, that's around the stoner community too.

eagleshigh ago

It's because a few "famous" people died with a white lighter on their person.

redpilldessert ago

Two questions from me:

1: What do you think of the 'white genocide' that's happening? Do you believe it at all, or think it's sad?

2: Do you think there's any truth to this image:


2: you'd have to be a dumb nigger to place any faith in that image, right? I'm no statistician, but it should be clear to anyone that nobody could sample that large of number of countries with any accuracy.

Let me kick you two examples: the #1 winner Hong Kong is not actually a country it's part of #5 China, Poland somehow ranks above Germany(?!), and India is below the Dominican Republic even though they can fix all our tech support problems over the phone. Whoops, that was 3, not 2 examples...I guess I'm a non-critical thinking American contributing to us being below stupid soviet Latvia.

Most tellingly, South Africa is towards the bottom of the list, which is where we want it. Do you honestly think that some nerds went out into the bush to survey the whole country, or maybe it'd be much easier to just survey the whites in Josie? The whole thing doesn't add up.

eagleshigh ago

Hong Kong is put separately because it's an autonomous territory.

but it should be clear to anyone that nobody could sample that large of number of countries with any accuracy.

People have huge misconceptions on how many people are needed for a representative sample.

India is below the Dominican Republic even though they can fix all our tech support problems over the phone.

What are.....different castes? Also think of the ones who come here, get our nutrition and schooling and go back there. Also think Brahmins.

In regards to Poland and Germany, numbers change, the Flynn Effect is reversing in numerous countries.

Most tellingly, South Africa is towards the bottom of the list, which is where we want it. Do you honestly think that some nerds went out into the bush to survey the whole country, or maybe it'd be much easier to just survey the whites in Josie? The whole thing doesn't add up.

How doesn't it add up? You know, you can go and check out Lynn and Rushton gathered the data yourself, which is from university students. And the coloreds score between Africans and whites, but that doesn't matter!

@redpilldessert did a great job with this, any errors are errors of Lynn's and not his.

redpilldessert ago

They survey wasn't perfect, either in IQ or skin tone, but it's about the best we've got. I recommend you check out the sources to read their methodology. Remember half of India still shit in public. To fix our tech problems is more memorization than intelligence. As for South Africa, well there are tons of blacks there which unfortunately reduce the average IQ a lot.

One-Way_Bus ago

Why do niggers fail to save for retirement, a home or even bother with a general savings account? Don't give me a bullshit answer. I've read studies that account for niggers making the same as whites, and they still barely save anything. Spics don't like to save either. Generally it's whites and East Asians that save.

Whitemail ago

Whites and yellows have ancestors that had to survive through ice age winters. Most of the people who weren't inclined to future planning and saving died a long time ago.

HorusTheAvenger ago

prove it, that you are a NIGGER, post a photo even if it's just a paw

Slayfire122 ago

Why do you assume only niggers live in ghettos.

realist88 ago

Much of Europe used to be a white Ghetto. A white neighbourhood is a white Ghetto. Its not Ghettos.

ZombiesAreNigs ago

If you can find any lots left, land is cheap. If you don't mind living alone 30 miles from the nearest road and are handy, it might be your calling.

Nietzsche__ ago

What specifically makes you think that your genetics are weak?

dayofthehope ago

He's black.

malandric ago

I have sickle cell recessive, bipolar disorder, and poor vision.

redpilldessert ago

Your intelligence alone more than makes up for those factors.

RedLaces ago

Okay, I'll ask a serious question:

Why do black families enjoy being on welfare? Is there some sort of social stigma where this is accepted among their communities?

malandric ago

Yes. Its common if you strive for a better life and reject the culture

eagleshigh ago

You seem to be high IQ so you're lucky in that regard.

RumpRangerRick ago

So the culture is to perpetually keep themselves in poverty, and shame anyone that tries to make a better life for themselves in the larger world outside their community ?

How does this get fixed ?

WS2016 ago

Bucket o' crabs

malandric ago

I have no clue. Maybe one day the community can look at itself and say "no more", but that might be awhile

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Your guess is as good as mine, but I'm betting it'll be a hard kick in the rear if anything. Herds don't change direction without a pretty strong external force. My kind could use a good kick, too.

Artofchoke ago

These things you're ascribing to 'blacks' are in fact prevalent in many impoverished communities. My rez is a dirty filthy shithole full of drunks and superstitious retards. To say BLACK is filthy, or bad, in some inherent way, is to carry around a lot of shit that will fuck up your self esteem, and it simply isn't the case. There are certainly poor people who struggle along all noble-like, and I guess that may have its merits, but poverty brings us down to a base mammalian level that will frequently bring out the worst in us, and it's nothing to do with race. I'm dangerous because I've been real hungry, not because I'm indigenous.

I'm sure you have a sexy voice, and everybody should panic when there's a chimp out. There is nothing, nothing, zero, inherently wrong with you. hugs Don't spend too much time in this subverse, it's filled with cunts. <3

Bilbo_Swaggins ago

Don't spend too much time in this subverse, it's filled with cunts.

I have a hard time understanding why you throw us under the bus like this. The name of the place? That's just bad marketing. I mean, read our conversations with him, it's not like we're wearing pointy hoods behind the monitors here.

ZombiesAreNigs ago

And yearly oil gibs, right?

user4574 ago

Is that real? I know The Simpsons don't tend to make stuff up (cit. the movie) but does the state really hand every citizen cash for allowing the destruction of the common land?

ZombiesAreNigs ago

It's real. The amount changes based on how much profit the state made I think. Then you get an amount for every person in your family. The amount given for previous years should come up with a Google search if you're curious.

Somali ago

What made you realize you had to get out to the point where you followed through with it?

Also how old are you?

malandric ago

A few things.

I was taking a night walk and passed a 7-11. Outside of it were underage kids clearly drunk asking for cigarettes and change. I continue past and see a druggie doing heroin while drinking vodka.

My sexuality preferences are frowned upon by black people and thus would get me killed, seriously.

Lastly, my mom died and when she died I had nothing keeping me around. I loved her, but she was gone and so was I soon after

Edit: I'm 26 now.

user4574 ago

Good luck with your career. I'm glad you can appreciate that working hard at an entry-level job can lead to better opportunities; it did for me, and now I have a great career.

One thing that tends to piss me off about my fellow race-realists is they tend to be extremely homophobic. I could research this myself, but I've been drinking, so no research tonight: what would you estimate the prevalence of homosexuality is in the black population?

SayTan ago

I'm not afraid of queers, I just choose not to hang out with them, just like I don't hang out with women, other than my one. Phobic is a bullshit word.

GreyAlien ago

how would you say black peer pressure affected you and or people around you?

AlphaWookie ago

How many illegitimate offspring do you have?

If you don't have kids will you do the world a favor and get you a vasectomy so you can not breed?

eagleshigh ago

Asking the right questions.


1) Who do you plan to vote for in November?

2) President Obama wants us to have "an open and honest discussion about race". How can we make that happen from our side & what pointers might you have if that were to actually happen? (it won't)

3) Why do blacks almost exclusively drink half & halfs?

Whitemail ago

The left NEVER wants an honest discussion about race. Most leftist ideologies and policies are based on the illusion that race doesn't exist.

sonic_sabbath ago

When are you going back to Africa?

Ajaxofbarbaria ago


senpaithatignoresyou ago

How much do they spend on hair weaves?

scrimmmy ago

What , if at all, do you think it will take for the black community to stop being fucking animals and pull their heads out of their asses?

Somali ago

How did you get out/what do you do now?

VoutGuy ago

Why did you post in this sub?