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MinorLeakage ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise. The unfortunate side of freedom and free speech is you will have to defend people you disagree with. If we violated our own rules to strip someone of their subverse and/or ban them, what would make us any different from SRS, etc? The fact that our opinions are "right"?

The best course of action is to just keep telling people about what happened, and try to prevent further abuses in the future. I also have a subverse I would love to "liberate", and it's even currently technically abandoned. I just can't bring myself to sink to the level of the assholes who stole it and perverted it in the first place.

Anyways, I agree that @HenryCorp is a real piece of shit. However I don't think the solution can ever be "just ban him and take it back". It has to be within the rules, for legitimate reasons. And unfortunately, HenryCorp generally follows the letter of the law, just not the spirit.

Porphyrogennetos ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise.

I don't agree with this point.

If we were to silence HenryCorp, that would be becoming what we despise. If he were trolling or just being an asshole, so what, who cares? Ignore him.

What he's doing now can't be ignored not because it's a choice to care, but because the outcomes of his actions (not speech) are having a very negative effect on the site and its members overall.

We all strongly dislike him and his actions and we want them to stop. The will of the people has been spoken, but nothing has been done.

o_V_o ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise.

Well, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. If this was the real world he would have been assassinated already anyway. Ban him, restore the sub, end of.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Eloquent and passionate. Bravo!

beren ago

I disagree. If someone walks up to me and punches me in the face unprovoked, am I an asshole for punching back?


That's a terrible analogy.

beren ago

You're right, it is. But I don't agree that we would be "like him" if he boot him out and ban him. He is one person who doesn't like guns and wants to dominate and control the conversation like a dictator.

We are the community and we want to talk about guns because we like them and think they are cool. That's why we want /v/gunsarecool BACK. Because we want to post Hickok45 videos, and pictures of the SBR we just put together.

He is an asshole who wants to post about gun control and call us names. Fuck him. It's not like we are "silencing" him, he has his whole subreddit on reddit, which he links to from /v/gunsarecool, btw, just to drive traffic there. He doesn't care about voat.

The only way we would be like him is if we were the minority voice and we were silencing the majority, which is what he is doing.

MinorLeakage ago

The problem is that what you're describing is the mentality of many of those who practice censorship. By your same logic, what would happen if enough new Voaters signed up to make you the minority, and then wanted to do the same thing back? Would that be fine, in your opinion, since they are now the majority?

I am not trying to be confrontational or insulting, but what you're describing already exists. It's called Reddit.


He got the subverse within the sites rules. Im not defending the fucking loser but these rules are what sets this community apart from others. This is why I came here. You can't pick and choose what aspects of free speech you want and who should have free speech and who shouldn't. It's time to move to a new subverse and not let this happen again.

Chiefpacman ago

I'm glad I read this before I attempted to put forth a similar idea, that would have been less readable.

It has to be case by case. Honestly, putitout needs to get on this or hire someone who can. I hate to be one of the users frustrated with put, but he just isn't active enough.