MinorLeakage ago

Yeah, I think we are pretty much in agreement on all those points. The real solution would involve creating a rule that would specifically disallow what HenryCorp did to steal the subverse in the first place, and to stop him from continuing to squat on other "name-brand" subverses.

Unfortunately, I think this would require some actual action on behalf of the administrators, who seem to be too busy recently to get involved. I vaguely remember Atko saying he was aware of the whole HenryCorp situation a while back, but I don't have a link to it. I assumed he would sort it out, but it seems nothing has ever happened.

I'm not sure how to fix the problem if it doesn't get fixed from the top down, but I just generally disagree with mob justice. It would be right in this instance, but like I mentioned before, it sets a rather bad precedent.

You say we don't come here for abstract principles, but I sort of do. It's definitely why I left Reddit.

MinorLeakage ago

So let's change the rules to specifically deny corporate entities or paid shills from moderating subverses. I fully support that idea. I don't support breaking the rules on a case-by-case basis because it opens up some major new problems. Everyone should be entitled to and bound by the same laws and protections.

Foralltoosee ago

No one is imposing anyone's free speech. That sub has always been a liberal 'Kek, guns kill people' kind of place. You not understanding that doesn't mean anyone is stopping you from posting anything. v/gunarereallycool doesn't exist. Go make it and post there. v/gunsaregreat, v/ilikeguns, v/checkouttheseguns; none of them are taken. If you want to post about how guns are actually cool, make the place and go do it, or just share your opinions with everyone on a system sub, you won't be removed there.

They want a place to be sarcastic and high-minded. They should get that space here as well.

lolatwhiteys2 ago

Wow. Just... wow. You're complaining about someone taking 'control' of a website you frequent? How about, and this may seem a bit radical to anyone on this website, you get the fuck off this shitty site and live a normal life outside of the internet? Fucking sad cunt.

You triggered yet faggot? LOL!

Porphyrogennetos ago

What HenryCorp is doing is not free speech. It's the digital form of invasion.

He can SAY whatever he wants. So can you. So can I.

Taking over subverses is not free speech.

If Voat was my site, HenryCorp would have been long gone a long time ago.

@atko @putitout

HenryCorp does not have the best interests of the site in mind. He is not about free speech and freedom of expression. He is all about censorship, and I wish you'd do something about it.

beren ago

I don't see the mission statement... where is it?

WhiteRonin ago

I'm sure there is a throttle on the site so rather difficult. Plus isn't voat protected by cloud flare?

something_went_wrong ago

What about instead focusing on making a positive contribution to /v/guns and ignoring the obvious troll cave that is /v/gunsarecool? No need for a 1-to-1 match of sub names against that other shit site. And Voat is still small enough where users can collectively reject and ignore a shitty verse like /v/gunsarecool and others made by the joint HenryCorp marketing team until rendered irrelevant.

I don't know if you have some sort of history with a "gunsarcool" sub here or there and got burned. But seriously, check out the already established /v/guns instead.

beren ago

Thanks, and you are right, I should just move on. When I joined voat, it wasn't like it is today. Even the sidebar said "Not this time, turkeys!" which I found hilarious. We had great content and everyone was nice, but now it's like this. A fucking wasteland where one asshole berates and bans anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I guess the point I was trying to make was summed up by @Porphyrogennetos, but I guess it doesn't matter, I'll just let it go.

something_went_wrong ago

Thanks, and you are right, I should just move on.

Well, I don't think it's quite that simple, and you should wait a minute before you agree with me. I think Voat is still small enough and has options available to users to combat mod abuse unlike that other shit site. Options such as more easily moving on to a better subverse and being able to freely air grievances on /v/whatever or /v/askvoat like you did prompting awareness and discussion.

On that other site, people tend to say "well why don't you create your own sub" without understanding that is futile there. One can't simply expect several hundred thousand users pull up stakes from one sub and move to another. /r/technology vs all the other non-flourishing offshoots created in protest against their mod abuses as an example.

I think it's important to keep the censorship discussion going as you have done by making this post. If Voat grows so too will the issue of censorship. So continuing the discussion about this issue now and keeping track of the problem for historical purposes is important, IMHO.

beren ago

I've messaged @Atko again and let him know that censorship is happening on voat and that I don't think someone like @HenryCorp should be allowed to mod on this site at all. I think he should still be allowed to participate, but I think he has proven he is not fit to mod and I hope that @Atko see that and acts. Beyond that, I'm not going to spend anymore time on this, it is not my site, and I might just leave again and go somewhere else where this can't happen.

microlyfe ago

Do to the subverse what Atko and puttitout did to reddit. Start your own, better version.

smokratez ago

Hitler did nothing wrong.

ScreaminMime ago

On Voat, comparing someone to Hitler isn't necessarily an insult.

Who is Voat's anti-Christ? Hmmm, better post to /v/AskVoat...

cyks ago

Is voat a death cult? Who cares who the anti-christ would be.

k_digi ago

it happens after you get the money the power then the woman. the subverse is after those.

WhiteRonin ago

Fight fire with fire:

Ping @henrycorp for being a dick

Block his subs

Post to a sub that lists all his subs so that noobs will know not to go there.

Create a competing sub with good content.

Henry is a retard but trying to ban him is also not realistic.

beren ago

All good ideas. I don't think banning him from /v/gunsarecool is unrealistic. Not if we would could get @Atko or somebody to remove his mod privs and put someone who actually cares about free speech back as a mod.

Throwingtothewolves ago

Why did you leave Reddit?

WhiteRonin ago

He'll either rinse and repeat or just start his own subs.

Pushing him out be showing their is no gain to be here and nota place to make revenue off, he'll move along to happier hunting grounds.

If he posts outside of his subs, ping and down vote him.

Eventually he'll succum to attrition.

ShineShooter ago

It's simple, we kill the cucks.


I would say the most effective course of action would be to have everyone unsubscribe to /v/gunsarecool and subscribe to /v/gunsreallyarecool . Let HenryCuck moderate a sub only he and his alts subscribe to.

beren ago

Yeah, I did that a long time ago. Still good advice though for anyone who hasn't yet, thanks!

Throwingtothewolves ago

This is the solution. This solution isn't burdonsome or hypocritical.


It's 4 mouse clicks, I know it's a burden. Also, I haven't seen you offer any ideas in this thread. It could be you don't know what you're talking about considering this has been going on a lot longer than your account has been active.

Throwingtothewolves ago

I didn't post the solution, because I didn't have to. @CONGLOM-O and others already had.

spookybm ago

/v/MyBox is pretty much private... as in.. nobody visits it.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Well, I just visited it. I was mildly disappointed to find it was not a sub devoted to women discussing their genitals and posting selfies thereof.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Unfortunately, not yet

mamwad ago

Real talk: The only possible means is to somehow get @Atko or @Puttitout to remove /u/HenryCorp's mod privileges. But, that seems like it isn't going to happen any time soon, as the admins make no money off voat, have real jobs, and have tons of stuff to work on the development end. HenryCorp is low priority, whether you like to think he is or not. Just use alternative subs and keep petitioning the admins for redress.

I would suggest getting in on the ground floor of decentralized social networks, like diaspora* and GNU social instances. Voat is but a way station. There's more exciting things to come in the future.

beren ago

I did message @Atko a few months ago and never got a response back. I figured it was because he is too busy, or just doesn't want to get involved in something he thinks is petty.

MinorLeakage ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise. The unfortunate side of freedom and free speech is you will have to defend people you disagree with. If we violated our own rules to strip someone of their subverse and/or ban them, what would make us any different from SRS, etc? The fact that our opinions are "right"?

The best course of action is to just keep telling people about what happened, and try to prevent further abuses in the future. I also have a subverse I would love to "liberate", and it's even currently technically abandoned. I just can't bring myself to sink to the level of the assholes who stole it and perverted it in the first place.

Anyways, I agree that @HenryCorp is a real piece of shit. However I don't think the solution can ever be "just ban him and take it back". It has to be within the rules, for legitimate reasons. And unfortunately, HenryCorp generally follows the letter of the law, just not the spirit.

Porphyrogennetos ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise.

I don't agree with this point.

If we were to silence HenryCorp, that would be becoming what we despise. If he were trolling or just being an asshole, so what, who cares? Ignore him.

What he's doing now can't be ignored not because it's a choice to care, but because the outcomes of his actions (not speech) are having a very negative effect on the site and its members overall.

We all strongly dislike him and his actions and we want them to stop. The will of the people has been spoken, but nothing has been done.

o_V_o ago

The issue is, you can't really "take it back" without literally becoming what you despise.

Well, sometimes you have to make sacrifices. If this was the real world he would have been assassinated already anyway. Ban him, restore the sub, end of.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Eloquent and passionate. Bravo!

beren ago

I disagree. If someone walks up to me and punches me in the face unprovoked, am I an asshole for punching back?


That's a terrible analogy.

beren ago

You're right, it is. But I don't agree that we would be "like him" if he boot him out and ban him. He is one person who doesn't like guns and wants to dominate and control the conversation like a dictator.

We are the community and we want to talk about guns because we like them and think they are cool. That's why we want /v/gunsarecool BACK. Because we want to post Hickok45 videos, and pictures of the SBR we just put together.

He is an asshole who wants to post about gun control and call us names. Fuck him. It's not like we are "silencing" him, he has his whole subreddit on reddit, which he links to from /v/gunsarecool, btw, just to drive traffic there. He doesn't care about voat.

The only way we would be like him is if we were the minority voice and we were silencing the majority, which is what he is doing.

MinorLeakage ago

The problem is that what you're describing is the mentality of many of those who practice censorship. By your same logic, what would happen if enough new Voaters signed up to make you the minority, and then wanted to do the same thing back? Would that be fine, in your opinion, since they are now the majority?

I am not trying to be confrontational or insulting, but what you're describing already exists. It's called Reddit.


He got the subverse within the sites rules. Im not defending the fucking loser but these rules are what sets this community apart from others. This is why I came here. You can't pick and choose what aspects of free speech you want and who should have free speech and who shouldn't. It's time to move to a new subverse and not let this happen again.

Chiefpacman ago

I'm glad I read this before I attempted to put forth a similar idea, that would have been less readable.

It has to be case by case. Honestly, putitout needs to get on this or hire someone who can. I hate to be one of the users frustrated with put, but he just isn't active enough.


He posted a few items that would let him qualify for a subverse transfer, then waited for the automated system to allow him in. That is how he corrupted the guns subverse.

HenryCorp also tried this with other movie-related subverses but was caught in time by voat users -- he was literally posting completely unrelated content to subverses just to fill out the posting requirements needed to take it over.

He is squatting on name-branded subverses to maintain control of them and eventually exert censorship over them for marketing reasons, much to the detriment of voat users who would facilitate discussion in those subverses without censorship.


Owlchemy ago

BTW ... v/gunsrcool also appears to be taken over by a HenryC shill or an alt username. Check it out. It not as blatant, but appears to be the same mindset.


The alt of gumby has only posted in henrycorp subverses. Good looking out; this is someone who will ruin voat if given the chance.


Owlchemy ago

Fully agree with you. Hey, I had all my stuff deleted from there when he took over, and am banned, for no reason other than I post in pro-gun subs ... but we have alternatives. v/gunsreallyarecool was created to circumvent the problem. No, that's not an ideal solution ... but just letting you know this has been an ongoing discussion and doesn't seem to have a solution other than a work around. I'm with ya though!

beren ago

I think by not kicking him out, we are essentially contributing to silencing free speech, not encouraging or defending it because that is what he does. He silences other opinions that he doesn't agree with. I don't see how leaving him as a mod helps to protect free speech.

Throwingtothewolves ago

What does that sound like? Reddit mods?

grlldcheese ago

Oh the burden of morality.


MinorLeakage ago

Not an ideal solution, but the only viable one if we want to keep our integrity.

Owlchemy ago
