individualin1984 ago

Umm, Ya, me too I would like to be unbanned if someone could get around to it.

Disappointed ago

Right but some of these people use IRC and could be in the same chats as well trying to mess with whoever is keeping tabs on them. Some of the anti-racist and anti-conspiracy subs are huge and even so called "opposing sides" can be friends.

Disappointed ago

Where are you getting antiracist from?

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

I'll mod them for a case of beer a month.

Disappointed ago

I didn't post there since he went postal so no ban.

SkinnyMagna ago

Any actual Chicago dwellers willing to take over?

TheDude2 ago

They were all murdered.

KimmyKitten ago

My work here is done :P (look at the comment modlog I brigaded the fuck out of them)

ThizzBoss ago


carnold03 ago

It might be best to leave those boards without moderators for a few months if we've got people who are going to such lengths to suppress us in posting freely.

Disappointed ago

Theres also an announcement thread if you want to post it there

Goatku ago

ヤギ世界を右に行われます。 さようなら!


KimmyKitten ago


The goat world will be done right. goodbye!

You are a good goat.

WhiteRonin ago

My goat swings to the left ....It's normally a good goat too except when drunk and then it goes "sayonara" too!

ThizzBoss ago

You and I have very different opinions regarding tentacles

TAThatBoomerang ago

I agree. Bansai.

Disappointed ago

You could say that

Disappointed ago

Well I put another thread up for that too.

Disappointed ago

v/niggers as well