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Crensch ago

In a sub called "pizzagate" about discovering things about the pedophile ring, submissions not about the pedophile ring are being removed.

Thanks to the many parties wanting to COINTEL this shit under the rug, leaving it to votes really won't work like it does here in PV or other places where $people$ have no interest. (see the recent posts here about the bot-voted content)

Consider this sub to be more like /v/fatpeoplehate or /v/niggers. As long as the issue isn't "ad hominem" because a mod is butthurt, we don't have a problem.

Deletions in order:

  1. Race-distinction post
  2. pizzagate merch selling ostensibly for voat proceeds
  3. hatred towards christianity whining
  4. vague whining about possible collateral damage
  5. race-specific post
  6. more jew fingerpointing
  7. more jew fingerpointing
  8. more jew fingerpointing
  9. shit-tier request post (possibly first one that shouldn't have been removed, but not an awful choice)
  10. complete shitpost
  11. Sopes-tier reframing strawman
  12. Attempting to tie all this in to the ancient greeks, which, like race fingerpointing is irrelevant.
  13. Illuminati style post
  14. Don't blame jews 'cuz christians are bad too - which is irrelevant.

Given this, I'm more than happy to have the pizzagate mods to remove posts as long as they really are this level of shit-tier.

Let's be honest, if it's not about the investigation into pizzagate, it doesn't belong there.


I'm not taking part in the sub at all, but if shit is irrelevant then let the up/down votes sort it out. Why would people upvoat in the first place? The reason heavy handed mod activity is opposed is not because we don't believe the reasons given for deleting shit, but because it isn't the mods duty or right to control the narrative. The community decides.

I don't agree with the comparison to hate cj subs at all, because pg claims to be conducting an investigation. An honest investigation goes where the evidence points. The community should be allowed to collaborate and have discussions about where the evidence is pointing without being squashed by any personal bias from a mod. To say "it will be fruitless to discuss whether there is a racial or religious component" is not legitimate grounds to ban those discussions. Besides, there are plenty of examples of people engaging in horrific crimes while seeking out professions and affiliations that let them wear a mantle of morality that they feel protects them from suspicion and prosecution. (see: Catholic church ). What if the mod was deleting posts based on the politics of the accused?

Crensch ago


I'd recommend, if it hasn't happened, discussing removal rules with your sub, and putting them on the sidebar. That's the ONLY issue Voaters should have now with what's going on. It's obvious your sub is meant as an investigative forum, not a race-illuminati-ancient connecting shitfest.


"Posts not about PIZZAGATE specifically will be removed. Unfounded, outlandish connections will be removed. EVERY new claim needs a valid, clear source. While some hypothesis and guesses are good to have, things about races, religions, (besides possibly satanic stuff,) and other unfounded or non-useful generalizations are not relevant to this investigation."

And maybe make a sub FOR that kind of crap. "pizzagatehangout" or something where people that came over because of pizzagate but don't want to investigate can shitpost or whatever.

Crensch ago

@kevdude @disappointed @cynoclast @cynabuns

Let me know if I'm wrong here. Actually that goes for anyone - by all means give me a good reason that things shouldn't happen this way in an investigation subreddit.


To the people downvoating here, thanks for the confirmation that I'm right. I ask specifically for good reasons why I'm wrong and all you have is your downvoats.

philomath ago

I disagree. The rules as they are posted are contradictory and leave themselves open for censorship. That and it's been openly stated that censorship is in part the intent. They think there are too many "the jews are responsible" posts. So what happens when the Jew-hating faction of the site decides to join their ranks, start looking through their troves of who-knows-what, and starts making some legitimate findings? Will those findings be deleted because they don't comply with rule 4?

I feel like the proposed rules #1 and #3 should be sufficient to keep the subverse moving in the right direction, and set very clearly what that direction is. Rules #2 and #4 are more open to interpretation and open our entire site to abuses.

Crensch ago

They think there are too many "the jews are responsible" posts.

Yeah, and while that may be the case, posting about it over and over does nothing to help further the investigation.

So what happens when the Jew-hating faction of the site decides to join their ranks, start looking through their troves of who-knows-what, and starts making some legitimate findings?

Findings backed by sources will be left alone.

Will those findings be deleted because they don't comply with rule 4?

If legitimate findings are removed, you let me know.

I feel like the proposed rules #1 and #3 should be sufficient to keep the subverse moving in the right direction, and set very clearly what that direction is. Rules #2 and #4 are more open to interpretation and open our entire site to abuses.

I don't agree. If the mods delete something they shouldn't, they will need to answer for it. As of the last time I checked, nothing at all was wrong with the removals. @kingkongwaswrong has gone out of his way to both help his subverse assimilate and keep the trolls and paid shills from mucking it up.

philomath ago

Clearly i'm in the minority here.... Time will tell.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Having looked at it from the various posts that abound, I've come to agree with your position.

Specific topic subs have a responsibility to maintain focus and prevent forum slide
There is a need for those mods to put in the subverse rules/sidebar about the removal policy and how it pertains to maintaining quality information on that specific topic

For anyone that disagrees with those rules, we are all free to create as many subverse as we like and apply reasonable rules in a similar manner

I normally prefer allowing votes as a demonstrator of community focus, but given the vote manipulation recently, non system subs will need strong, defensable rules to curb 'distraction of the masses' forum manipulaiton

Crensch ago

Thank you for your response. It's not a decision I came to lightly, and I'm not thrilled with what it means for non-system subs - really for any subs, thanks to the massive upvoting of shit-tier posts.

Have any thoughts on the current state of the pizzagate sub? Any recommendations for them?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The pizzagate folks will have a hard enough time working against the shills and incredulous non-believers.
The filthy pedo ring goes waaaay back into old Europe with more recent events happening in the Netherlands in the 90’s, continuing today.

The only recommendation I can offer is perseverance, focus and diligence are the only things that will help them work through the onslaught of pressure they’ll face from many sides.

Cynabuns ago

Thanks for the ping.

It's a niche subverse, so while I may not care for their deletion policy, they aren't a Default and are free to set their own rules. Seems to me that the sub's owner is working very hard to assimilate the Voat ways of doing things while still keeping the sub neat and on-topic.

kingkongwaswrong ago

cries thank you

Cynabuns ago

You popping in here speaks volumes, thank you.

You have a heaping amount on your plate dude and you still have a long road ahead to get stuff straightened out. Transitioning to a new host, learning the written and unwritten rules of our site, keeping your peeps on topic and trying to educate them on all the ins-and-outs here at Voat. You've already done some amazing things helping to get your mods all on the same page; keep up the great work!

Crensch ago

Yeah, it's a pretty big catch-22 situation. The guy seems to legitimately want to assimilate and keep everyone happy, but spinning plates and all that.

He already cracked down on a mod removing something for "ad hominem" which is a patently absurd criteria, but IMO if the criteria is "not relevant to investigation" I can get behind that.

kingkongwaswrong ago

this is great, thanks for this. I will add this to our discussion sticky about new mod rules

Crensch ago

Sure, I've edited it a couple times. The last one might be the key to fixing everything.

Then again, maybe a "pizzagateinvestigation" sub would be better - depending on whoever's most likely to move their base of operations.