ReasonsToBeCurious ago

I am very aware that I don't know anything for certain. Just noticing. THX for replying.

ReasonsToBeCurious ago

I am neither the one chatting to him nor the OP of that thread. I did however notice that a comment disappeared from another user saying something about the hack on a related thread.

Thats 2

ReasonsToBeCurious ago

What happened to Phan_Sye's thread??

ReasonsToBeCurious ago

Me and OP could not find that thread, the threat about it was up for well over 4 hours. 17 minutes after your first reply someone shows up on the thread who found it. Quite possibly as a result of this post Not accusing anyone. Sorry if you feel so. Just want to be alert. Not only for myself. Especially if it happens with something that's already actively censored elsewhere.

Edit: A lot of comment in 2 hours then nothing for 7 hours. And another reason for that post not showing. Hmmmm....

Edit 2: Half the comments are missing! It was down alright.

Philhelm ago

That's not the issue. I realize that there will be all kinds of people here who support Pizzagate but have different beliefs about other perceived "conspiracy theories." Arguing over those differences is pointless, in my opinion, since the focus of this particular forum is to ultimately take down a pedophile ring operating in D.C., and the associated child traffickers.

Since the success of Pizzagate will likely depend upon mainstream support, my problem is that it seems people don't ask themselves whether their contributions will help or hurt the cause. If I were to send, say, my mother to this site after convincing her that Comet Ping Pong is a front for a pedophile ring, she will mostly see posts about Jews, Satanic blood rituals, NWO, MK Ultra, etc., and will nope the fuck out. In this hypothetical, whether it would be right or wrong of her to dismiss those posts is irrelevant, since it's our duty to convince them of the facts, not their duty to be convinced. The bottom line is that this shit doesn't help the primary cause of Pizzagate, and only provides ammunition for our opponents.

Ultimately, it's about being smart about things.