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Roughpatch ago

What kind of person says those things about kids?

Crensch ago

A pedophile. One that doesn't want PG researchers to continue researching.

Srayzie was one of the best, if not the best. They wanted her and the Q stuff gone for reasons. Especially because she destroyed NeonRevolt.

Roughpatch ago

Dude, she was showing skin...that is kind of an oxymoron for a pizzagate researcher. I mentioned she doxxed herself when she posted something from a site and she was in the comments. She wasn't concerned. I wasn't here at the time when this blew up, but it never seems to go away. I have no respect for women who use their body as tools. I've seen her comments about voat in other platforms, and it seems she likes to stir up the boys. So you take that however you like but I have no respect for hypocrits.

Crensch ago

Dude, she was showing skin...that is kind of an oxymoron for a pizzagate researcher.

Yeah? How's that?

I mentioned she doxxed herself when she posted something from a site and she was in the comments.

1) How is this relevant.

2) Context? Where did you mention this?

She wasn't concerned.

So... you mentioned the previous sentence to her? When? Where?

I wasn't here at the time when this blew up, but it never seems to go away.

It never will.

I have no respect for women who use their body as tools.

Nobody asked you to respect her as a woman. As a researcher, she was one of the best.

I've seen her comments about voat in other platforms, and it seems she likes to stir up the boys.

Sources? You're bringing up a lot of irrelevant horseshit here.

So you take that however you like but I have no respect for hypocrits.

Hypocrisy? Where? Do provide support for this implied claim.

Roughpatch ago

Just get over yourself....this is why you get so much shit from people.

I'll make sure to not engage in any conversation with you again. Your like a little crybaby on the play ground when you haven't gotten your way. And if you think she was/is such a great person and believed in researching that's on you. Her actions and words proved to me she wasn't/isn't. That's what makes pizzagate sub a joke. If it wasn't a joke it would flourish and info would be out in public about the important things instead of fighting over a women who had no morals. Ghost

Crensch ago

Just get over yourself....this is why you get so much shit from people.

Any particular part? Is asking for clarification or support for your comments something to be looked down upon where you're from?

I'll make sure to not engage in any conversation with you again. Your like a little crybaby on the play ground when you haven't gotten your way.

Sounds like you want to say what you want and not have anyone ask you to clarify or support your statements.

And if you think she was/is such a great person and believed in researching that's on you. Her actions and words proved to me she wasn't/isn't.

You can't even handle supporting your position in this comment chain; I'm not sure you're qualified to make that kind of judgment.

That's what makes pizzagate sub a joke.

PG was made a joke by the massive amount of money going towards COINTEL psyops against it. The users/researchers were too weak as a bloc to handle it - she wasn't, which is why her IRL was doxed and threatened. In fact, almost all the best researchers were doxed and threatened off the site.

If it wasn't a joke it would flourish and info would be out in public about the important things instead of fighting over a women who had no morals.

You're a little on the stupid side, aren't you? PG has been neutral and outside of the warzone since she was first attacked. Did you misspeak here, or are you really this stupid?


Ghost? Cheesebooger's?

You should really work on your communication skills. You seem to think others can read your mind, and you don't provide clear context or convey your ideas without there being more questions than the ones you may have answered.

If English is your second language, I'm happy to work through understanding what you're writing here; I used to help ESL from non-nigger countries learn to speak like an American, so I'm more than qualified to help you communicate whatever it is you're trying to communicate here.

Roughpatch ago


Crensch ago

Yeah, didn't think so.

Bleat all you like, but every facet of your argument was demolished by asking you to clarify.