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think- ago

Anon to v/QRV - "Mods Vindicator and Srayzie on the Pizzagate sub defending satanist pedophile Michael Aquino. Attacking another Pizzagate Mod think- and she resigns in protest.": |

I assume that the poster is @youllrememberme, who showed up in no time after I stepped back on the stickied EsotericShade thread. He should maybe have had the grace to ping me, although I'm not interested in his shill drama.

I didn't leave a comment there.

@argosciv: After reading the post today, I wondered whether you might have left comments? Specifically the comments defending Michael Aquino? Just askin'. Thanks.

argosciv ago

I've opted not to reply to you here yet so as not to provoke anger in you, but, since you ask.

I did not. I've nothing to do with posting that submission or any of the comments therein - .

I was alerted to it by someone(good) and the only thing I did in regards to it was archive it and look for timestamps/comments in the ES thread which might indicate who did or might be connected to whoever did post it.

Whoever is behind it, is trying to play both sides and cause good folk to turn on each other(no doubt in my mind that it connects back to YRM and co.) - which is absolutely not something I'm interested in doing.

As I've said, I have no interest in even talking about Aquino, let alone defending him if it's true that he's abused children. The 'konformist' link you posted the other day was worth taking into account and I've taken the time to follow up on a couple of the sources in it, though it's still not something I'm 100% sure on, one way or the other.

youllrememberme ago

no doubt in my mind that it connects back to YRM and co.

I had nothing to do with that thread, nor do I have a "co." here other than my cousin and her husband and they are none of the people mentioned. Her husband doesn't even really post here, he's a chan guy. I found out about @think- resigning through that thread and made one comment You're probably right about both sides being manipulated, but it's not me. This was the last post I made on the srayzie subject.. That other shit isn't my style, I would have quoted the accusations in the post body and left links with the quotes for an archive.

think- ago

Now, you finally see the truth. Just know they will brigade me for commenting out of anon. It's worth it to me.

Ok, @youllrememberme, since we all met here in this cozy corner of the internet, I will just tell you this:

I thought it was totally pathetic that you came out of the woodwork in no time, after I had resigned.

This is what you wrote (per your link above):

Now, you finally see the truth.

I think it is shitty that you turned up in order to instrumentalize my conflict with @Vindicator and @srayzie.

This was a specific argument with @Vindicator, @srayzie and me. You don't know the background story, and it's none of your business. It's also pathetic that you think because I have had an argument with them, that I will chime in bitching about them, or might be on your side. You can just fuck off.

They were both my closest friends on Voat. I can cherish our friendship looking back, even though I might be angry now. It's not my style to paint people in a bad light as 'muh evil people', only because I have a specific conflict with them.

I still think it's awesome how @srayzie created and maintains v/GreatAwakening, although I'm not even a Q follower. I still think @Vindicator has great traits, and I miss him.

Again: I'm not interested to be used in your smear campaign. What you have been doing is disgusting, and infantile. Suggesting they brigade you is pathetic.

Focus on your own work, and stop this shitshow. Behave like an adult, not like a juvenile troll. FFS.

@kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

Just know they will brigade me for commenting out of anon. It's worth it to me.

youllrememberme ago

Relax, I haven't posted anything about srayzie in almost a month. I saw the thread in QRV, thought you may have woke up. Apparently it was just a domestic disturbance. Don't get your panties all bunched up over it.

I'll continue to call out shills reguardless of how juvenile you think it is. People are being manipulated here and most are sick of the good alt bad alt bullshit that sryazie admitted to having knowledge of in a DM to me.

srayzie ago

Relax, I haven't posted anything about srayzie in almost a month

That’s because every time you do, you’re called out. You’re learning,

youllrememberme ago

LOL you'll never make me obey with your bullshit lies.

You're Ian, you're thisistotallynotme, you're nothereforpizza

Next thing you know you'll be calling me amalek. You've been fully exposed for who you really are, it's just boring dancing around in circles with you, so I've moved on.

srayzie ago

Thank you

Shizy ago

Awwww, think-!!!

think- ago

@Shizy: please see parent above, thanks.

srayzie ago

Let’s not forget about your @thisistotallynotme alt. Or, is that your cousin?

That other shit isn’t my style

You are one of the biggest pieces of shit on Voat. You play many different roles, including a concerned Q patriot. So your STYLE changes to fit the narrative. Trying to cause division is what you live for. So, I wouldn’t doubt for a second that you would go make that post. You’ve done it time and time again.

@Kevdude @Argosciv @Shizy @MolochHunter

youllrememberme ago

I have no affiliation with thisistotallynotme. That person has actually insulted me through DM and I've spoke to other members about them trying to figure out who the fuck it is. My cousin is @beautifullyinvisible and her husband is @nowcomesthepain

You accuse me of being everyone and their mom, including Ian. Why do you always appeal to authority and ping everyone?

srayzie ago

I just ping the mods I work with. I’m a mod of pizzagate and ProtectVoat too. As you know, we have our eyes on you because of your lies and accusations against us GreatAwakening mods. We all know you here. So, you can cut the act. It’s not about authority. You call me a name fag/Fame fag all the time as well.

youllrememberme ago

I'm not acting and that's classic appealing to authority (ping power users to upvote you and downvote me to create a false consensus).

I didn't start that thread and I'm not any of the people you accuse me of being. You know the alts I have (youllrememberme2/youllrememberme3) and that they were only created because I was brigaded when I came back, after deleting ThePuppetShow. You are a famefag, your voat popularity means the world to you. It's really kinda sad.

MolochHunter ago

douchebag. If one person is hoodwinking users in a sub, of course it stands to reason that other mods get pinged in to be appraised of the glowinthedark niggerfaggot fuckery. @Srayzie would be NEGLECTING her duty NOT to ping us in

MolochHunter ago

now list me Srayzie's actual alts, and provide an examples where she's used them for nefarious deceptions

because your list is as long as my fucking ARM on that score, pal

youllrememberme ago

I have 2 alts, youllrememberme2 and youllrememberme3. I only have them because I was brigaded by sbbh when I first came back to voat. Don't make shit up to push your narrative. I sometimes use youllrememberme2 when I post out of anon because srayzie like to make up bullshit to get people to brigade me. Like, I'm Ian or thisistotallynotme or nothereforpizza. I'm not any of those people, so, you must have alligator arms, "pal".

Explain how arguing with yourself on an alt is "necessary" as srayzie states. I'll wait.

srayzie ago

I’ve never vote brigaded. We don’t ping each other for that reason. That is your assumption. I can’t help the fact that you exaggerate everything and feel intimidated by mods, or by people who are not anonymous. You aren’t anonymous now. You weren’t before. You just want to fight. Get a life.

Everything you accuse me of, is only showing your weaknesses. Youre showing the things that cause you to feel inferior. Your accusations reflect your low self esteem issues. You especially go after me and Shizy. It appears that you have self esteem issues when it comes to females as well. We can’t help that you have issues. Sorry you’re struggling bro. @Shizy @Kevdude

Shizy ago

Check his "cousins" accounts. Very strange. Maybe they're more of his alts since the last time u/BeautifullyInvisible posted was to give him an assist when he was fighting with Cheesebooger months ago.


argosciv ago

Oh holy fucking shit...

You have no idea how significant this is... thank you for pointing this out.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @MadWorld

argosciv ago

Sorry, just seeing this now, you typo'd my username lol.


(Still waking up on this end)

Shizy ago

Damn it!!! You name makes me feel dyslexic!

argosciv ago

Hahaha, sorreh!


srayzie ago

Yeah. Who’s going to out there cousin? If I were his cousin, I would tell him to never tell a soul that we shared genes. 😂


Yep. I told her she could respond to me in private if she wanted.

But I did so publicly, because I'm forthright. Also I'm not going to change my behavior to avoid "the patterns" your shroom-addled, apophenic, mind identifies as "following" ES

@Argosciv, on the other hand, got blasted by @crensch when you

"PMd [him] this:

as it makes you and that retarded judaeo-christian-cunt srayzie

... after I [crensch] told him specifically NOT to do so, and to take his communication to the public forum.


So what the fuck was that dude? Were you, Argosciv, "grooming/manipulating" Crensch by PMing him? Are you "following the same patterns as ES" ?

P.S. if you're going to reference a comment I made 2 hours ago ( but still not respond to the false narrative I caught you spinning 7 hours ago ( it kinda proves you're a guilty, sneaky P.o.S.

P.P.S. I tag you/ping you in every accusation I make.

You post an archive (so I don't get a ping) like a scared bitch with his tail in between his legs.

Are you afraid I'll keep catching you lying? After accidentally pinging me, are you now afraid to write out my full screenname?

@vindicator @think- @kevdude @shizy @srayzie

argosciv ago

Oh I'm just letting you run your mouth as much as you want.

Letting you consistently behave like ES.

Letting you consistently rely on an old narrative that is now completely obsolete - but, you already know it's obsolete, right?

You can see the indicators, right?

Of course you can, that's why you keep spamming it in the hope that people unfamiliar with what's happened since, will see it and think it's valid.

That's why you also keep pinging think- in the hopes to rile her up with the past - whoops, smells like ES/TtT-styled grooming/manipulation.


A. No response to Private Messaging users in the same way you accuse others.

B. Specious, Substanceless, Repetition: hurrrdurrr "[insert name] acts like ES"; hurrdurrr "you're pushing a narrative", hurrrdurrr "responding to a comment is grooming/manipulation"

And then you post a screenshot proving you've intentionally avoided responding to the lie I caught you pushing (stosh21 is stevendkelley)

I wish I could take credit for the HEADSHOT, but you pulled the trigger yourself.

Is that a winky face or a black eye?

Goodnight sweet prince.

Edit: I'm pinging Mods and former Mods...something you will never be.

argosciv ago

D'aww, look at you getting all emotional and trying to spin.

Something troubling you?

Is it that I ignored your comment, or that you're finally starting to realize how obsolete your narrative is?

Or are you upset to realize I'm not downvoting anyone here and even upvoted someone who said something harsh to me?

All of the above?

youllrememberme ago

I’ve never vote brigaded. We don’t ping each other for that reason. That is your assumption.

The proof is in the voting behavior everytime you do it, it's not an assumption, it's fact.

You aren’t anonymous now. You weren’t before. You just want to fight. Get a life.

You came here to pick a fight when I was defending myself, to someone else, from your bullshit. I come out of anon to prove a point, thanks for playing.

Your accusations reflect your low self esteem issues. You especially go after me and Shizy. It appears that you have self esteem issues when it comes to females as well. We can’t help that you have issues. Sorry you’re struggling bro.

lol I don't think mentioned shizy since I agreed with Ian that you act like the same person. If I did it's because you pinged her and she commented. Not struggling at all, it's you pinging all your internet buddies for confirmation and consensus cracking. You're horrible at deflecting.