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oiseaulibre ago

The whole purpose of /v/ProtectVoat is to take over the major subs on voat.

Disappointed ago

That's not true at all and I should know.

oiseaulibre ago

You may not be a part of it but that is what the sub has been repeatedly used for. It's also used to attack and witch hunt users.

Disappointed ago

Thing is you accuse @kevdude of it too and I know it isn't the case. What subs do you think we or he controls? What we do is make sure no one owns the default subs. We were instrumental in pushing for less powers for mods and the result of that was janitors, which has been pretty good. No one controls the default subs. So what other ones are you talking about? Pizzagate would have been shit on and destroyed by a lot of regular voaters including SBBH if @Crensch didn't step in.

As for attacking and witch hunting it was also used by Amalek, Sanegoat, registereduser and even Sar to witch hunt us mods. We don't delete anything but duplicate threads and NSFW. So yea, it has been used to by people to attack and witch hunt users but its a free speech sub so what would you have us do? Smack people on the fingers like we are something special? It is what it is. I've said all along some of you guys have been treated harshly but there are no brigading rules on voat and only a select few have had their CCP replaced.

oiseaulibre ago

kev and the others who do this go out of their way to cause drama to take over subs. They did it here on /v/identitarian where they purposely broke the subverses rules and they cried cancer mod when the mod enforced the rules. It happened in the subs listed in @9-11's archives in the first comment in this thread (i.e. /v/european, offgriders, edm). They did it to /v/TIL. Sane went complete cancer mod on TIL. But what caused him to become a cancer mod? The sub was brigaded with posts that 1) broke the rules and 2) attacked the mod, which resulted in Sane panicking and wrongly banning tons of people, including me.

While it's true no one "owns" most of defaults. Most of the of the most active subs are controlled by users from PV, The Cabal, SDBH, and SBBH/ROTR/CouncilOfShitposters.


/v/politics(heygeorge), /v/whatever(cynabuns) /v/pizzagate(heygeorge and Crensch), /v/AskVoat(cynabuns), /v/pics(trigglypuff), /v/pizzagatewhatever(heygeorge), /v/news(cynabuns), /v/fatpeoplehate(HomerSimpson and The_Penis_Wizard) /v/politicalnews(kevdude, Crensch, and cynoclast), /v/ReportSpammers(cynabuns), /v/music(foundring), /v/admin(kevdude and mick, /v/traditionalwives(Empress, Le_Squish, and Trigglypuff), /v/technology (Disappointed)

As far as witch hunting, it seems that is what most of PV is used for...

Most recent witch hunt posts on PV: - (from sbbh mod) - (this one from kev himself) - (from crensch. Crensch seems to think PV is his private brigade army.)

Crensch ago

/v/politics(heygeorge), /v/whatever(cynabuns) /v/pizzagate(heygeorge and Crensch), /v/AskVoat(cynabuns), /v/pics(trigglypuff), /v/pizzagatewhatever(heygeorge), /v/news(cynabuns), /v/fatpeoplehate(HomerSimpson and The_Penis_Wizard) /v/politicalnews(kevdude, Crensch, and cynoclast), /v/ReportSpammers(cynabuns), /v/music(foundring), /v/admin(kevdude and mick, /v/traditionalwives(Empress, Le_Squish, and Trigglypuff), /v/technology (Disappointed)

Tell me, what kind of rEddit cancermod behaviours are shown from the mods of these subs?

What do we unfairly delete, and whom do we ban? Are there narratives we don't allow, in subs that aren't specifically designed for one particular narrative from the outset? (fph/pg/tradwives)

(from crensch. Crensch seems to think PV is his private brigade army.)

Even if I wasn't PV, I'd ping people to my comments. How does my being PV mod change anything?

oiseaulibre ago

Tell me, what kind of rEddit cancermod behaviours are shown from the mods of these subs?

What do we unfairly delete, and whom do we ban? Are there narratives we don't allow, in subs that aren't specifically designed for one particular narrative from the outset? (fph/pg/tradwives)

I didn't say you did. I said a group of people control them.

Even if I wasn't PV, I'd ping people to my comments. How does my being PV mod change anything?

He's using his sub to brigade users he disagrees with.

Crensch ago

I didn't say you did anything wrong in the subs. I said a group of people control them.

So, there's no issue with the mods?

He's using his sub to brigade users he disagrees with.

And I'm saying if I wasn't a mod, I'd behave exactly the same way. What then? Would I finally be in some protected class of people where you won't complain about me simply because my name isn't on a list of people that can but by your admission do not do something more?

oiseaulibre ago

So, there's no issue with the mods?

My claim was that a group of users have been taking over subs.

And I'm saying if I wasn't a mod, I'd behave exactly the same way. What then? Would I finally be in some protected class of people where you won't complain about me simply because my name isn't on a list of people that can but by your admission do not do something more?

You being a mod means you hold more sway and credibility in the community. But even if you weren't mod that post would still be a witch hunt and an attempt to brigade.

Crensch ago

My claim was that a group of users have been taking over subs.

And it suggests that there's a problem.

You being a mod means you hold more sway and credibility in the community. But even if you weren't mod that post would still be a witch hunt and an attempt to brigade.

I don't think it does, and pinging people to stuff I think they'd like to see isn't brigading.

If you think it is, where do you draw the line? Linking to anything on Voat = brigading? Only for certain users? Do tell.

oiseaulibre ago

And it suggests that there's a problem.

The intentions of the group seem to be control over the site, so that is the problem.

I don't think it does, and pinging people to stuff I think they'd like to see isn't brigading.

If you think it is, where do you draw the line? Linking to anything on Voat = brigading? Only for certain users? Do tell.

Making threads in PV linking to comments where someone disagrees with you and calling them Jews or Shills is brigading and witch hunting.

Crensch ago

The intentions of the group seem to be control over the site, so that is the problem.

So despite there not being a problem thanks to the people modding these subs, the fact that they're modding them is a problem?

Making threads in PV linking to comments where someone disagrees with you and calling them Jews or Shills is brigading and witch hunting.

So making threads elsewhere is fine, just not PV? What if I don't call them Jews or Shills?

Is that still brigading and witch hunting?

Users pinged can choose to comment or vote however they want.

oiseaulibre ago

So despite there not being a problem thanks to the people modding these subs, the fact that they're modding them is a problem?

Yes, an SRS-like group controlling voat subs is a bad thinbg.

So making threads elsewhere is fine, just not PV? What if I don't call them Jews or Shills?

Is that still brigading and witch hunting?

Users pinged can choose to comment or vote however they want.

Do you understand what you are doing is literally was SRS does, right?

Crensch ago

Yes, an SRS-like group controlling voat subs is a bad thing.

SRS-like. Care to expand on that?

Do you understand what you are doing is literally was SRS does, right?

What's that?

I don't have a roving band of idiots following me around worshiping the ground I walk on and doing what I tell them to do.

oiseaulibre ago

SRS-like. Care to expand on that?

Use SRS tactics to control forums.

What's that?

You post a comment or post of "shit someone on voat says" (sound familiar) and have the PV shill squad come after them.


Crensch ago

Use SRS tactics to control forums.

What tactics do I use, and how do I control people?

You post a comment or post of "shit someone on voat says" (sound familiar) and have the PV shill squad come after them.


I see what I think is either a shill or a Jew, and I let people know. Are you saying you don't like that I let people know what I think?

oiseaulibre ago

What tactics do I use, and how do I control people?

Making posts to brigade users.

Concern trolling to take control on subs.

I never said you control people.

I see what I think is either a shill or a Jew, and I let people know. Are you saying you don't like that I let people know what I think?

Look at the content of this sub compared to what you post on PV:

You literally link to comments to brigade.

Crensch ago

Making posts to brigade users.

I don't make posts to brigade users. I make posts to inform users.

Concern trolling to take control on subs.

What subs did I concern troll to take control of?

I never said you control people.

You alluded to it. Ok, how do I control this forum, then.

Look at the content of this sub compared to what you post on PV:

O...k. So this archive links to this comment and... what?

This comment?

This one?

What is your point, that SRS advertises things said to a wider audience so they can see it? Looks like even SRS on rEddit isn't some monolith of idiot followers that downvote whatever the hive-mind wants them to downvote.

So advertising comments/submissions is brigading and bad?

Or is it just that you and your kind are butthurt because your comments and submissions get downvoted when people see them? Is that the problem you have?

oiseaulibre ago

I don't make posts to brigade users. I make posts to inform users.


What subs did I concern troll to take control of?

I didn't say you individually, but you as a part of a group. By modding PV and PG you do have major sway on voat.

You alluded to it. Ok, how do I control this forum, then.

Groups like SRS want to have power/control so if they need to use their power to silence or push a narrative they can. PV plays a major role in subs being taken over.

What is your point, that SRS advertises things said to a wider audience so they can see it? Looks like even SRS on rEddit isn't some monolith of idiot followers that downvote whatever the hive-mind wants them to downvote.

So advertising comments/submissions is brigading and bad?

Or is it just that you and your kind are butthurt because your comments and submissions get downvoted when people see them? Is that the problem you have?

I don't know how you can't see how this is bad. SRS has been brigading threads for years by posting links to comments and then invading the thread. You are doing the exact same thing at PV.

SRS is the reason many people left reddit. Here, the mod of PV is defending them.

Crensch ago

I didn't say you individually, but you as a part of a group. By modding PV and PG you do have major sway on voat.

Modding PV is nothing more than being part of a list of users that other users can feel free to ping to problems on the site.

Modding PG is nothing more than booting out cancermods, and checking with the users to see if they want to change the rules every 6 months. I don't consider most PG users to also be Voaters - very few cross that bridge.

Even without those, would you say I still have major sway on voat?

And as for this supposed group I'm in, do you mean the users that tend to do more on Voat? Yeah, we tend to get to know each other after a few tens or hundreds of interactions, and we tend to mod the things we want to ensure don't fall into the wrong hands.

What power do mods really have here? Save those like @HenryCorp and @Haredeenee @she, and the faggots on /v/identitarian?

Groups like SRS want to have power/control so if they need to use their power to silence or push a narrative they can. PV plays a major role in subs being taken over.

No, PV plays a major role in giving a subverse back to the users it was stolen from. One mod taking control of a subverse and changing it without the consent of the users is a bad thing, and that's what we are against.

I don't know how you can't see how this is bad. SRS has been brigading threads for years by posting links to comments and then invading the thread. You are doing the exact same thing at PV.

So, when I ping to my own content, am I brigading myself? What about when I ping to comments I like?

You showed me SRS, and have yet to show how it's an overly bad thing. Advertising to get more eyes on something is neither evil nor good - people will vote how they want to vote, and they'll respond if they want to respond.

SRS is the reason many people left reddit. Here, the mod of PV is defending them.

No, mod and admin deletions, bannings, and narrative-pushing caused people to leave rEddit.

I bet you don't recall, but I was one of those that people linked to from places like SRS, and I wound up beating them. More eyes are only a bad thing if you have something to hide, or you have a shitty userbase.

Does Voat have a shitty userbase?

oiseaulibre ago

So, when I ping to my own content, am I brigading myself? What about when I ping to comments I like?

You showed me SRS, and have yet to show how it's an overly bad thing. Advertising to get more eyes on something is neither evil nor good - people will vote how they want to vote, and they'll respond if they want to respond.

You're not advertising. You're saying here's a comment I don't like everyone go downvoat it.

No, mod and admin deletions, bannings, and narrative-pushing caused people to leave rEddit.

Exactly, once SRS took over the subs on reddit they became cancer mods. Before and while they're taking over subs they couldn't become cancer. SRS became buddies with the admins and slowly took control of the site. They took years.

If all the people left reddit for voat tomorrow SRS would want control here. So, it makes sense that they would want to have power here and not use it until the time is right, Their goal has always been to control speech. SRS wouldn't come over and act like @Haredeenee. They'd come as a friend of voat, someone perhaps looking to protect it. You can look at them as a trojan horse.

I think they have three goals with voat. 1) have control over subs just incase they will need the power to control voat in the future. 2) drive users away so they don't have a place for freedom of speech. 3) limit speech on voat

How they are achieving these goals:

The first: simple, mod all powerful or potentially power subs.

The second: a little more complicated: brigade users, do things like LARPing as Nazis, cough cough /v/ROTR

The third: i.e. when chat was still around the chat restrictions were a direct result of SBBH and a spammer.

Crensch ago

You're not advertising. You're saying here's a comment I don't like everyone go downvoat it.

Am I?

Is that what all linking to comments is, or just when I do it?

Exactly, once SRS took over the subs on reddit they became cancer mods. Before and while they're taking over subs they couldn't become cancer. SRS became buddies with the admins and slowly took control of the site. They took years.

So, because liberal, censoring faggots on rEddit took over the site, that means it'll happen here with people that literally fight against cancermods at every chance?

The very people championing the rights of the users are just going to break bad and start censoring shit with their mod tools?

If all the people left reddit for voat tomorrow SRS would want control here. So, it makes sense that they would want to have power here and not use it until the time is right, Their goal has always been to control speech. SRS wouldn't come over and act like @Haredeenee. They'd come as a friend of voat, someone perhaps looking to protect it. You can look at them as a trojan horse.

That's a helluva long con. Who do you think this applies to here?

I think they have three goals with voat. 1) have control over subs just incase they will need the power to control voat in the future. 2) drive users away so they don't have a place for freedom of speech. 3) limit speech on voat

They'll need to rip the subs from me to get control over the ones I'm [O] on. Everyone is welcome here, and they have a place for their free speech. Shills, Jews, niggers, spics, sandniggers - they all have a place here, and while it may be in the oven, mods don't censor them.

How they are achieving these goals:

The first: simple, mod all powerful or potentially power subs.

Sounds right, but I don't think any of them would survive here.

The second: a little more complicated: brigade users, do things like LARPing as Nazis, cough cough /v/ROTR

You're going to need to define brigading in a way that doesn't basically include any link to anywhere on Voat. My personal definition is that faggot that made the subverse specifically for the purpose of upvote-brigading, or that techius faggot's brigading subverse.

Many aren't larping at all. Many think the Nazis were too soft. This is not a LARP. The Holocaust didn't happen, and Jews really are a danger to whites.

RoTR is a shitposting subverse with a nazi theme. If that scares someone off, then they don't really give a fuck about free speech, and don't belong here.

The third: i.e. when chat was still around the chat restrictions were a direct result of SBBH and a spammer.

... direct result of SaneGoat, and nothing more.

oiseaulibre ago

Am I?

Is that what all linking to comments is, or just when I do it?

Whether you mean to or not, that's what it comes off as.

That's a helluva long con. Who do you think this applies to here?

That's what they did on reddit. The mods didn't become cancer overnight. They were diligently replaced by SRS and waited for their times to strike.

Sounds right, but I don't think any of them would survive here.

You'd think that but, SDBH basically straight up admitted they were SRS before. Me and many others think it is much bigger than just them. Kev and the sbbh crew even call out sdbh, possibly only to give themselves cover, possibly not.

You're going to need to define brigading in a way that doesn't basically include any link to anywhere on Voat. My personal definition is that faggot that made the subverse specifically for the purpose of upvote-brigading, or that techius faggot's brigading subverse.

Linking to a thread with the goal of voat manipulating is brigading, targeting a user with upvoats and downvoats is brigading, targeting a sub with downvoats is brigading.

I'm not saying you're guilty of all that. I'm just defining it.

Many aren't larping at all. Many think the Nazis were too soft. This is not a LARP. The Holocaust didn't happen, and Jews really are a danger to whites.

That's you're opinion, but for many they are LARPing, for example: ROTR.

Muddying the waters is a textbook tactic to drive people away from something. When a person used to come to voat there used to a lot more diverse conversation. Now if someone comes here they get animated CP and Nazis.

RoTR is a shitposting subverse with a nazi theme. If that scares someone off, then they don't really give a fuck about free speech, and don't belong here.

That's just the example of a sub dedicated to that theme. Much of the LARPing happens in major subverses.

There are many people who value free speech who do not want to spend their time online talking to Nazis.

... direct result of SaneGoat, and nothing more.

You were not there. Sane had nothing to do with it. It was a spammer, who only spammed when people besides SBBH were trying to talk.

Crensch ago

Whether you mean to or not, that's what it comes off as.

So my options are:

1) Don't link to anything or ping anyone to anyhting

2) Look like SRS

I'll take option 2. I don't like walking on eggshells.

That's what they did on reddit. The mods didn't become cancer overnight. They were diligently replaced by SRS and waited for their times to strike.

I'd love to know who fits the bill here. I've not detected anything odd, and I'm really quite good at finding out what doesn't quite belong.

You'd think that but, SDBH basically straight up admitted they were SRS before. Me and many others think it is much bigger than just them. Kev and the sbbh crew even call out sdbh, possibly only to give themselves cover, possibly not.

You're telling me that there's a difference between SDBH and SBBH? And aren't the people posting there literally there to shitpost? How can even an admission of guilt be taken seriously by them?

I suppose some would post normally outside of their subverses, but I'd imagine that some do not.

Shitposters used to bug me a lot, but not really anymore. I enjoy the chaotic nature of their content.

Linking to a thread with the goal of voat manipulating is brigading, targeting a user with upvoats and downvoats is brigading, targeting a sub with downvoats is brigading.

All right.

I'm not saying you're guilty of all that. I'm just defining it.

There are a few reasons I ping people to things, but do you want to know the main reason?

I want to read their take on what's going on. I want their opinion. I want them to be aware of the conversation that is happening.

I don't like being in the dark about something, so I try to make sure that the more interesting stuff is shared with those that might also find it interesting.

Just like my posts about X being a Jew or shill. I don't care about the voats, I want people to be aware of that user, and tell me if I'm full of shit.

That's you're opinion, but for many they are LARPing, for example: ROTR.

I fail to see how that's an issue, regardless. The kinds of people that would avoid a place because of NAZIS are the kinds of people that want to silence people for their beliefs.

Muddying the waters is a textbook tactic to drive people away from something. When a person used to come to voat there used to a lot more diverse conversation. Now if someone comes here they get animated CP and Nazis.

What conversations aren't happening? Whose fault is that?

Animation is by legal definition not child porn. Nazis, also, aren't illegal content.

That's just the example of a sub dedicated to that theme. Much of the LARPing happens in major subverses.

There are many people who value free speech who do not want to spend their time online talking to Nazis.

They don't have to. They can block users and subverses just fine. They can even create their own subverses that exclude Nazis.

You were not there. Sane had nothing to do with it. It was a spammer, who only spammed when people besides SBBH were trying to talk.

I was in there. I'm pretty sure it was Sane, but I admit I can't confirm that 100%. Do you feel 100% certain in your statements?

The spam was used when I was in there, so I stopped going.

oiseaulibre ago

So my options are:

1) Don't link to anything or ping anyone to anyhting

2) Look like SRS

I'll take option 2. I don't like walking on eggshells.

There are a few reasons I ping people to things, but do you want to know the main reason?

I want to read their take on what's going on. I want their opinion. I want them to be aware of the conversation that is happening.

I don't like being in the dark about something, so I try to make sure that the more interesting stuff is shared with those that might also find it interesting.

Just like my posts about X being a Jew or shill. I don't care about the voats, I want people to be aware of that user, and tell me if I'm full of shit.

That's not at all what these posts seem like to me, but we are just going to talk in circles about this, lmao.

I'd love to know who fits the bill here. I've not detected anything odd, and I'm really quite good at finding out what doesn't quite belong.

One of the most famous silencing/take overs (good read):

Most recent attempt:

Most major subs have a mod from SDBH, SBBH, PV, Cheers, TheCabal, etc. These are the voat power mods.

You're telling me that there's a difference between SDBH and SBBH? And aren't the people posting there literally there to shitpost? How can even an admission of guilt be taken seriously by them?

I suppose some would post normally outside of their subverses, but I'd imagine that some do not.

Shitposters used to bug me a lot, but not really anymore. I enjoy the chaotic nature of their content.

Ask kev if SDBH is SRS and he'll agree.

I fail to see how that's an issue, regardless. The kinds of people that would avoid a place because of NAZIS are the kinds of people that want to silence people for their beliefs.

There's plenty of people who want Nazis to have freedom of speech, but do not care to listen to them.

What conversations aren't happening? Whose fault is that?

Conversations aren't happening because users have been leaving. Whose fault? I think they've been driven away.

Animation is by legal definition not child porn. Nazis, also, aren't illegal content.

You're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying anything is illegal or should be banned. I'm saying when a user comes to voat they see that loli shit and Nazis. I don't think a lot of that content is genuine. It's being used to drive people away.

They don't have to. They can block users and subverses just fine. They can even create their own subverses that exclude Nazis.

Just because users can block people doesn't mean they can't be driven away. Voat has become a shell of what it once was over the past year. I think a lot of it has to do with shills muddying the waters to purposely alienate users.

I was in there. I'm pretty sure it was Sane, but I admit I can't confirm that 100%. Do you feel 100% certain in your statements?

100% sure it wasn't his main account and 99.9% it wasn't whoever was behind the SGIS account on an alt. Sane hated the spammer.

Crensch ago

That's not at all what these posts seem like to me, but we are just going to talk in circles about this, lmao.

Even if my motivation was to garner downvotes, what, in effect, am I actually doing? Am I commanding downvotes upon someone?

One of the most famous silencing/take overs (good read):

Didn't see a single mod we've discussed on there. A lot of SDBH and sanegoat stuff, and nothing about PV.

Of course, that was just a brief look over it.

Most recent attempt:

Looks like an alternative was made, and now the users that really want to be part of /v/identitarian, and dislike what was going on can enjoy themselves there now. Good on the mod that decided that.

Most major subs have a mod from SDBH, SBBH, PV, Cheers, TheCabal, etc. These are the voat power mods.

I think you may want to edit your list. Cheers has no mod, and no movement. TheCabal appears to not exist, and from what I recall, was set up as an enemy of PV.

As for the first two, I've only learned today that they're separate entities. It seemed as if you were suggesting they were on different sides, so I fail to see how them modding subverses is a collective issue.

PV mods major subs because we're generally trusted to not fuck things up and act like cancermods. Voat doesn't do background checks, so you work with what you have. Users found us to be trustworthy and transparent in our dealings, so they asked us to mod or join them in modding.

Ask kev if SDBH is SRS and he'll agree.


Forgive me, but as someone not overly familiar with SRS, and based on the archives earlier in our nest, I don't see that they do anything wrong. I don't consider linking to somewhere else to be some kind of sin.

I mean, if they're linked, they're linked, but we have a base-level issue here with what I've seen of SRS.

There's plenty of people who want Nazis to have freedom of speech, but do not care to listen to them.

Nobody has to. They can block users and subverses.

Conversations aren't happening because users have been leaving. Whose fault? I think they've been driven away.

Driven away by whom? Mods using mod tools? Admins? Downvoats?

The Jew I gassed twice this week had plenty of upvoats. I reckon he's gone for good now, regardless.

You're not understanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying anything is illegal or should be banned. I'm saying when a user comes to voat they see that loli shit and Nazis.

As they should. A free place will tend to have that kind of content when it's not allowed elsewhere.

I don't think a lot of that content is genuine. It's being used to drive people away.

Maybe, but if it works, those people really aren't that committed to letting others have their say.

Just because users can block people doesn't mean they can't be driven away. Voat has become a shell of what it once was over the past year. I think a lot of it has to do with shills muddying the waters to purposely alienate users.

People can be driven away by assuming gender these days.

Voat is doing fine, in my opinion. Lots of good information being passed about, and users learning things daily.

Shills are a problem anywhere, but I think we do a decent job of keeping them from getting a foothold.

100% sure it wasn't his main account and 99.9% it wasn't whoever was behind the SGIS account on an alt. Sane hated the spammer.

Maybe you're right. I think everyone hated the spammer, TBQH. I think if a vote mechanism existed in chat where users could reduce submission rates to 10/hr or so, chat would still be extremely viable, and fun.