Rex_Phil0 ago

What the hell is going on around here? First everyone was Amalek, and now this "sane goat" ...

WhiteRonin ago

Sane and amalek are different people. There purpose? Dont know ...

Amalek had really good arguments against Jews.

Sane complains about freedom of speech being cenaorsed by point limits and down votes. He also liked to attack the owners of Voat. @tallest_skil can correct me on this.

Everybody is an alt is because those 2 get down voted to hell. And they need alts to up Voat themselves.

Sane / tallest gets nasty so I can see why he gets down voted a lot.

WhiteRonin ago

Honestly, I wasn't sure so I started baiting him. The he put his 2 signature moves together in one post.

I have never heard before of sane pm'ing people to harass them but @tallest_skil has. At least hecho calls empress a tyranny in public and to her face. This slummy bastard goes private.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that you have no answers to the questions asked about your paid LARPer.

WhiteRonin ago

Not even bothering. U dont.

I am just baiting you because the more you post the more your pattern shows. All is being recorded.

Tallest_Skil ago

admits to being a paid shill

admits to inventing bullshit to push a LARP

this somehow will work out in his favor

Reminder that WhiteRonin is a kike paid shill, as proven by his refusal to use any actual name for jews.

WhiteRonin ago

You forgot to say that I am legion!

What a looser fag. Can't get shit straight.