Dansterxx ago

I've been arrested a few times. Just complied, went to court, went on with my life. Funny how that works

feckyerlife ago

I've been arrested from drug trafficking to homicide involvement. I've never been beat up by an officer. Just listen and comply, maybe joke and leave my battle for the courtroom. All these morons act like the officer is also the judge jury and executioner. Most officer don't have the sway with the prosecutors, specially in the larger counties.

Maat4u ago

I don’t think people Truly understand White privilege.. it’s not just is knowing OP statement. It’s that niggers have a hard time following simple directions. They become confused, frustrated, and then agitated. They act out in violence when directions become more and more complicated. Like “license and registration please” this command is loterally white privilege, because it is cryptic in nature to the nigger population. To fully equalize society, you would have another negroid police enforcement placeholder, come up to the car. Make subtly hand gestures, including pointing to his own abnormally large lips, nose and sloped short forehead. Make long brunt exhales hitting high notes at the end of his breath. Then, the negro cop Pulls out his own license out and taps on it. The nigger drivers, may understand in its own language, and what is being asked of him. When the nigger driver gets his license out, the negro police officer should trade a banana for it, (this can be exchanged with a slice of watermelon, a box of grape drink, or a drum stick,

for best results-fried. The negroid cop should then make sharp inhaling sounds. After negroid cop turns and hands it to the white cop, so the white privilege guy can process the niggers formations for warrants and outstanding tickets said nigger driver may have. The negroid cop must stand by shifting body forward and aft of the car, claiming the area under his protection, and if need be, beat his chess to warn off any intruders. After the white police officer finds several arrest rap sheet and the warrant for drug sales (obviously because of whites privilege).. he should radio it in right away. But not to raise suspicion, delay time and give back the negroid cop the license to hand back to the driver. Immediately, the white cop, shoot the nigger driver with a tranquilizer dart, like zookeepers use. Then back away under cover and let the magic happen making sure to be safe from a major chimp territorial display. After said tranq is nicely settled in, the nigger driver is transported back to his natural habitat. The local county or state prison. Where he can enjoy three meals, exercise, sex and drugs. All under watchful eye, and safely Away from a good growing society. Cheers fuck face

Misskylie42 ago

You got lucky ..


A pair of buddies and I were pulled out of a car at gun point. We matched the description of a group that had just robbed a near by convenience store. No one was shot. We did what we were told answered some questions. As soon as they realized we weren't who they were looking for it was here's your ids get out of here.

CokeOrPepe ago

Was this in Pensacola, Florida by chance?


Nope, way on the other end of I-75

angelCole ago

The downvoat brigade has been through, I see.

KillerKap ago

I got taken down by a swat team once. followed directions. still alive. niggers are just too stupid to be alive

COAnon ago

Exactly. The only ones that resist arrest are criminals.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

I love trolling boot lickers about natural law. They can’t see that their street pirates and niggersitters, literally serving satans henchmen.

whyamIevenhere ago

So did Ryan Whitaker. And Duncan Lemp was asleep. Stop sucking off the cops' dicks, you fucking loser faggot. Your single data point experience isn't representative of every single police encounter. Clearly they do murder peaceful people and there are thousands of examples.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

OP is a faggot for a reason

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

The peace officers of this country have been tricked into becoming policy officers (police). They have been tricked into forcing the free people to become totally compliant with the will of their very own sworn servants (public servants). The limit of government in this country WAS the rights and freedoms that were 100% protected via the common law (NOT the statutory law). That has been replaced and with that, our rights and freedoms lost. In the common law, any man could charge another with a common law crime and prosecute him (if he lost he was doomed because he greatly injures the accused reputation). Unless the common law returns, we all remain in bondage.

Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

I have been arrested multiple times, Not gonna tell you what for but disturbing the peace will get you arrested. I have never been beaten, shoved to the ground,or even man handled by a cop. I obeyed their orders promptly and I still have a nice life and all of my constitutional rights.

HollisterKopp ago

Contrary to popular opinion, cops do not want to shoot. The resulting paperwork is a real bitch.

WireResource ago

Shit...I've been pulled over for 100mph+ on a motorcycle on several occasions and not even a ticket. White privilege? No. I stopped, parked under a light, removed helmet, hands on handle bars and did not fucking move a muscle without asking. One cop even spent 10 minutes talking to me about his bike which shared the same engine as mine.

Products of a retarded culture get retarded results.

1Sorry_SOB ago

A proud black man has every right to resist arrest!

Seriously, why have they never taught black kids in elementary school how to act when in the presence of police?

I'm starting to think there is something really wrong with the negro because not one of them has figured out you shouldn't resist arrest.

moderator99 ago

Fuck that shit.

Indiscriminate detainments are not justified.

CokeOrPepe ago

Who was indiscriminately detained?

moderator99 ago

Anyone being pulled over by a cop for no obvious reason.

You are not under their jurisdiction until you accept that you are.

Therefore, they have no right to pull you over unless you're putting lives in danger.

I've challenged this and won so many times because I'm right.

Goqgo ago

In every Cop movie or TV show I have ever watched, when the Cops yells “Freeze” and the person doesn’t freeze, he gets his ass shot!!

kidcip16 ago

"White privilege" is not chimping out the second a cop starts talking to you.

mark7 ago


ibepokey ago

even better: when the cop(s) are YELLING AT YOU TO STOP and COMPLY

do it. these 'people' have no respect for authority, since the majority of them have never experienced authority through the lack of FATHERS.

moderator99 ago

You're going to let those people cause you to lose your freedom to live without being jacked up by the cops for indiscriminate things like a loose license plate?

markrod420 ago

Arrested twice. Shot neither time. One time i turned myself in. Its really not hard to avoid being killed by police.

Drkadrka ago

I've had cops with guns pointed at me on more than one occasion, twice while I was myself armed. I was respectful and compliant. Cop only took my gun the time he thought I was DWI because I was coming off a 48hr job. Zero holes added to my body at any time.

ibepokey ago

ditto. i've experienced more than one felony stop, and both encounters left me breathing, and unharmed. mistaken identity.

Notimportant36 ago


1- not wound up pointed AT me, but the cop car slammed the breaks where I was about to cross, came around the car, pulled out the gun and started aiming. My hands were already up when I realized it was some crack dealer (he looked the part) on a pay phone about 5-10ft from me. Carried onto work, however, the white crackhead criminal surrendered immediately got into felony prone before it was demanded. Like he had done that dance before.

  • I got off at a train station that was near a place where people buy meth, it had a sub shop next and for whatever reason "food" = meth. So, guy asks me "you hungry, want some food" I reply trolling, "fuck ya, I'm getting a sandwich". Cop appears, "you 3 up against the wall", I look at the cop, "who me?" I laugh and comply, he only had his gun out for a second, spent about 15 minutes digging through the meth heads pockets and asking if I knew what it was, I flapped my pockets for him, that made him nervous. But after laughing about how I would never touch meth and just looking at the scum I knew it was probably meth stuff.

It's always funnier dealing with cops after establishing that you're not going to be arrested in any way (or ticketed)

pizzaequalspedo ago

Same here. I’ve been arrested a couple of times back in my younger years. Never tried to fight back or wrestle free. That buys you more time in which you can reevaluate priorities and understand the importance of not doing things that get you arrested.

KingVindbarr ago

Are you White?

greatheart ago

If you REALLY want to get the question right ask this. Do you know who your father is and did he help raise you.

I bet you will find a direct correlation between kids that grew up without a father figure and kids that do not respect authority. Who then go on to do stupid things.

Of course there are exceptions but that would be closer to the truth.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Of course there's a correlation, dare I say a causation.

But we can't talk about that. Remember, it's all the cops' fault.

greatheart ago


KingVindbarr ago

Probably. This entire conversation appears to have been a waste of time, however. I don't get the hostility.

greatheart ago

The hostility is because it is getting a little insane. Everyone knows what the problem is. Black people are NO different than White people or any other color people.

Inner city blacks have been convinced that they are different than other people. that combined with welfare that gives enough to survive but discourages any thoughts of getting out. Welfare that pays only if you have a broken family. The KKK and the Democrat party are still playing their games.

Nukeisrael ago

You’re retarded. Race is not just skin color. Fuck off civnat garbage.

greatheart ago

I adopted two biracial kids. They are no different than any other kids. Take your crap to the Dems. You are talking their language.

Nukeisrael ago

Wait until they are 25 retard.

breitbartfan2 ago

Color doesn't matter if one follows Chris Rock's tips on how not to get your ass kicked by the police.

KingVindbarr ago

True. I think we both understand what I was attempting to illustrate.

RedHed ago

And just think... we had this entire conversation back and forth, sharing our own opinions and neither of us sunk into hatred. Thank you for the honest discussion.

KingVindbarr ago

Unfortunately, it would appear everyone else in this thread has a bone to pick. I just don't get the hostility. I was merely expressing an opinion based on my own personal observations and so many people just wanted to yell at me instead of helping me see why they disagree.

I clearly am not welcome here. That's unfortunate. I won't return, probably.


Stay awhile. Get thicker skin. Don't pussy out. Who knows, you may just learn a thing or two and that's the whole point. Knowledge.

RedHed ago

I welcome you. We can all have our own opinions and have discussion. Just as there are some extreme left/extreme right. Some bad people in all walks of life. Doesn't mean we are all bad. Come back.

KingVindbarr ago

Review the rest of this dialogue and then tell me if you'd come back. It's not exactly welcome to free thought, or me sharing my own personal experience that contradict what others declare to be absolute truth.

If I am forced to be called a liar for my own personal experiences, without any explanation, reason, or evidence as to why I'm wrong - then this is not the right place for me to be, it would be filled with frustration and anxiety.

Thank you, though..

RedHed ago

I understand completely, but I would hope that you would give the rest of us another chance. That is all. My account is only a week old.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Yes we all understand what you're attempting to illustrate, and we reject it.

Thanks for playing.

KingVindbarr ago

You can reject reality, but unless you help me understand why you're rejecting reality, all you've done is illustrate you prefer fantasy over reality. I'm open minded and all ears, and so far you've just been extremely hostile. I don't get it. This definitely isn't a welcoming place.

Jonny_Ninja ago

"You can reject reality"

That's rich.

XSS1337 ago

8 month old account ?

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Account age shit is faggot tier

XSS1337 ago


Fuck off back to your leftist shithole you call home soyboy.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

looks like 'everybody' doesn't care you worthless chode.

XSS1337 ago

Keep replying kike.

Your people will burn for crimes against humanity

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

You'll do nothing, cuck. I'm probably more European than you are.

XSS1337 ago

Hahahahaha yes I love it

Keep going jew.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago



XSS1337 ago

Perfect response

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

keep crying faggot

XSS1337 ago

You will burn for your masters I spin the pages of the Talmud that proclaim non Jews to be goyim slaves

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

You won't do shit, and even if you do, I'm not a kike so I couldn't care less about your empty faggy threats you weak cuck.

XSS1337 ago

Ahh yes , let the hate flow through you ....

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

this is pity.

XSS1337 ago

This is great fuel for me.

You are a genetic failure and the world knows what your people have done.

Tick tock

KingVindbarr ago

3 year old account..?

XSS1337 ago


Fuck off back to your leftist masters dog.

KingVindbarr ago

I don't get it. How'd I offend you?

XSS1337 ago

I will tell you in about 99 posts

KingVindbarr ago


XSS1337 ago

You heard me

Jonny_Ninja ago

Is it relevant?

Regardless of my race, he would have shot me if I gave him a reason to. But I didn't.

You're asking the wrong question to begin with.

Maybe if you start asking "so what happened from the time you were pulled over to the time you were shot", you might notice a pattern.

KingVindbarr ago

Is it relevant?

Serious question? Ivory tower, or some other reason you'd ask this? Do you believe the police in the US treat all races equally? Even the FBI admits this.

hwong ago

Do you think all races treat the police the same way? Even the FBI admits this....

BigFatDaddys ago

You've missed the point entirely.

hwong ago

Have I?, maybe its you who's missed the point....

mark7 ago

I imagine there is some correlation between white drivers (and POC drivers) when it comes to possible violent interactions? Because every cop does not hate blindly. So it is a socio-economic byproduct of downtrodden culture, a threat is a threat. If your hands WERE up, no one WANTS to shoot ANYONE.

KingVindbarr ago

I bet you're right. I'm not trying to really drive that point in, just an observation I think we can all accept in regards to race and interactions with police. Of course there are reasons why they handle Whites with "white gloves", so to speak.. merely making sure we're intellectually honest about it from both angles. Maybe I shouldn't bother.

Jonny_Ninja ago

Again, go test for yourself. Videotape it, too. I've already tested it. I've also seen others test it. So instead of dealing in hypothetical bullshit, go into the real world and test some real shit.

Step 1) get pulled over for speeding

Step 2) Do as I instructed in my original post

Step 3) analyze what happens

That's your "control".

Next, try it again with some slight differences:

Step 1) get pulled over

Step 2) don't comply with the officer, and in fact, talk shit to the officer

Step 3) analyze what happens

The beauty of this test is that anyone of any race can try it!

If you live through it, come back and tell us what you learned (if anything).

Podingo7 ago

It is a fact, 4x more white people are shot by cops each year than blacks..i don't accept the premise you putting forth, in regards to blacks and interaction with police. We need to stop giving sermons on police bias, when actual data says different , and start preaching compliance to officers commands..

KingVindbarr ago

Sermons on police bias? The reality is that police bias exists, and ignoring that reality just puts us in a bad situation to argue fantasy in the face of reality.

I'll repeat; I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

Podingo7 ago

How long have you been an LEO , that you can put forth such observational truths? What is the basis of your conclusion, other than what media tells you? There can't be more white people shot and have LEO being biased towards blacks, at the same time( the argument doesn't hold water...its quiet simple, dont break the law and you probably wont come in contact..if you do break the law, treat the officer with respect first, and they will treat you in kind..

mark7 ago

Unless you drive a Govt. car, I doubt there are white gloves used on "white drivers". (Most Highway Patrol R arrogant dix to EVERYONE.) I can appreciate accuracy re: info. But the hyperbole spouted on a constant basis, makes cogent discussion irrelevant. There IS no middle ground. El Deguello

KingVindbarr ago

Let me try again. I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

mark7 ago

White people (generally!) don't carry knives, join gangs, carry firearms illegally, or transport drugs for a living. Immigrants and POC do so, on a higher per capita basis. Enhanced risk=enhanced readiness. That is just the way it is. If the driver responded as required, and was not a physical threat, he will not be harmed, regardless of who they R, by the rank and file. Assholes always exist, but if you rumble with a cop, you deserve what you get. If you don't, it should not be a problem. Cops can smell a felon, and that is who usually resists, and gets got. The price of a regulated society. How do you explain black cops, accused of such, they hate themselves? Or they know where the true threat is? It is not nuanced, and it IS simple. Don't act the fool, don't go to skool. Black, white, red, yellow, orange or purple.

KingVindbarr ago

I don't understand. I gave you a scenario and you ignored it completely and went into a different set of criteria that I agree with you completely on.

mark7 ago

Cuz I don't buy your premise. Most of the peeps killed by cops asked for it. They were criminals who broke the law, and tried to fight arrest. Cops stop who/when they want. If you are not wanted, breaking the law, or a criminal in the act, wtf cares if you get pulled over? More excuses, imo.

Jonny_Ninja ago

I believe that police are probably more suspect of certain races, and that's because...wait for it..THE STATS JUSTIFY IT.

See that's the thing about numbers. They don't give a fuck about your feelings.

Bottom line: when people play stupid games, they win stupid prizes. Anyone of any race has re choice of whether or not to play stupid games. If people of certain races choose over and over again to play stupid games, they should evaluate that choice insteas of claiming that the rules of the game are the problem.

Again, not complicated. You can try to make it complicated if you want, but that's your problem, not mine.

KingVindbarr ago

Dunno. Sounds to me like we're saying the same thing, we just tap danced around it.

Jonny_Ninja ago

I don't know how you could come to that conclusion, but whatever works for you.

You're free to test my theory. It's really easy to test.

Step 1) get pulled over for speeding

Step 2) Do as I instructed in my original post

Step 3) analyze what happens

That's your "control".

Next, try it again with some slight differences:

Step 1) get pulled over

Step 2) don't comply with the officer, and in fact, talk shit to the officer

Step 3) analyze what happens

The beauty of this test is that anyone of any race can try it!

If you live through it, come back and tell us what you learned (if anything).

KingVindbarr ago

So you're of the position that all things being equal (behavior, etc), a White person and a Black person or Mexican person will be handled the same way by CHP in California? Or KHP in Kentucky?

I don't agree. There is enough evidence that I can readily access that suggests there are significant variables based on environment and skin color, regardless of how you behave.

Jonny_Ninja ago

There is enough evidence to suggest that certain people choose not to comply. If you want to make excuses for them, then that's your prerogative. But no one around here is buying what you're selling.

Jonny_Ninja ago

I already answered this question. I can't do anything about your reading comprehension.

Move along, we're done here.

KingVindbarr ago

But you didn't answer my question at all. You've ignored it entirely. You're arguing something I don't even disagree with.

I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

Jonny_Ninja ago

If each of the three comply, they will all be treated appropriately 99% of the time. Again, not complicated.

The problem is that you assume each of the three would comply, but the stats don't bear that out.

Also, before the cop even walks up to the door, he/she likely has your rap sheet pulled up on the computer.

No rap sheet and you comply, you'll be fine 99% of the time.

I'm not saying there are no bad cops. They exist. The problem right now is the narrative that most or even a significant number of cops are bad.

If you have a rap sheet, then the cop will be that much more suspicious of you when he/she walks to your car. Which is all the more reason not to do anything to cause a potentially fatal reaction..so like, reaching for a fucking knife, for example.

Should I also explain how to tie your shoes? Serious question. You seem to have a problem understanding concepts that most 5 year olds have mastered.

KingVindbarr ago

Sorry, but I have personal experience with police in CA and KY and you are lying, ignorant, or both. I appreciate your feedback, but you've chosen to live in a fantasy land and I cannot fix that.

Jonny_Ninja ago

"you've chosen to live in a fantasy land"

More projection. Color me shocked.

RedHed ago

Does it matter?

steelgnat ago


KingVindbarr ago

Of course it does.

RedHed ago

The only thing that really matters is if you are doing something wrong. If you aren't doing anything wrong, it should not matter. Unless you have done bad things previously so that the police already have that idea about you in which case, you should really do exactly as they say.

KingVindbarr ago

If you aren't doing anything wrong, it should not matter

In a perfect world, I imagine you'd be right. In reality, however..

Lonegunman65 ago

You do know that if you’ve had prior arrests and a record the police are going to know that don’t you? I suspect that’s the difference you might see. Given a white, black and hispanic with no prior arrests or warrants the vast majority of cops are going to treat them the same.

KingVindbarr ago

I understand. I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

Lonegunman65 ago

So, what’s your assumption? That the CHP are racists or Kentucky State Troopers are racists?

RedHed ago

The are good and bad people in every line of work. I suspect you already know that and I would hope that you know the majority of police are very good people. If you don't know that, then hopefully you know that many of them put their own lives on the line every day to protect people and to serve them. I do believe that being subjected to a certain type of person on a regular basis can cause that person to take on some of those characteristics. Thus becoming the bad person themselves, but I do not believe that all police are bad or even that very many are bad. They are overworked, they are disrespected and they still get up every day and put that uniform on and serve.

KingVindbarr ago

I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

XSS1337 ago

Downvoat him and destroy his account.

KingVindbarr ago

I suppose I deserve it.

XSS1337 ago

Go back to Israel.