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KingVindbarr ago

Are you White?

RedHed ago

Does it matter?

KingVindbarr ago

Of course it does.

RedHed ago

The only thing that really matters is if you are doing something wrong. If you aren't doing anything wrong, it should not matter. Unless you have done bad things previously so that the police already have that idea about you in which case, you should really do exactly as they say.

KingVindbarr ago

If you aren't doing anything wrong, it should not matter

In a perfect world, I imagine you'd be right. In reality, however..

RedHed ago

The are good and bad people in every line of work. I suspect you already know that and I would hope that you know the majority of police are very good people. If you don't know that, then hopefully you know that many of them put their own lives on the line every day to protect people and to serve them. I do believe that being subjected to a certain type of person on a regular basis can cause that person to take on some of those characteristics. Thus becoming the bad person themselves, but I do not believe that all police are bad or even that very many are bad. They are overworked, they are disrespected and they still get up every day and put that uniform on and serve.

KingVindbarr ago

I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.