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KingVindbarr ago

Are you White?

Jonny_Ninja ago

Is it relevant?

Regardless of my race, he would have shot me if I gave him a reason to. But I didn't.

You're asking the wrong question to begin with.

Maybe if you start asking "so what happened from the time you were pulled over to the time you were shot", you might notice a pattern.

KingVindbarr ago

Is it relevant?

Serious question? Ivory tower, or some other reason you'd ask this? Do you believe the police in the US treat all races equally? Even the FBI admits this.

mark7 ago

I imagine there is some correlation between white drivers (and POC drivers) when it comes to possible violent interactions? Because every cop does not hate blindly. So it is a socio-economic byproduct of downtrodden culture, a threat is a threat. If your hands WERE up, no one WANTS to shoot ANYONE.

KingVindbarr ago

I bet you're right. I'm not trying to really drive that point in, just an observation I think we can all accept in regards to race and interactions with police. Of course there are reasons why they handle Whites with "white gloves", so to speak.. merely making sure we're intellectually honest about it from both angles. Maybe I shouldn't bother.

mark7 ago

Unless you drive a Govt. car, I doubt there are white gloves used on "white drivers". (Most Highway Patrol R arrogant dix to EVERYONE.) I can appreciate accuracy re: info. But the hyperbole spouted on a constant basis, makes cogent discussion irrelevant. There IS no middle ground. El Deguello

KingVindbarr ago

Let me try again. I'm attempting to illustrate that if you take a white guy, a black guy, and a mexican guy and all other circumstances such as vehicle, dress, and behavior are identical - you cannot tell me you actually believe the California Highway Patrol will treat all 3 of them the same as the Kentucky State Trooper. This is my argument in it's entirely. It's not complicated. It's not nuanced. It's simple observation. Please help me understand where we disagree, and how.

mark7 ago

White people (generally!) don't carry knives, join gangs, carry firearms illegally, or transport drugs for a living. Immigrants and POC do so, on a higher per capita basis. Enhanced risk=enhanced readiness. That is just the way it is. If the driver responded as required, and was not a physical threat, he will not be harmed, regardless of who they R, by the rank and file. Assholes always exist, but if you rumble with a cop, you deserve what you get. If you don't, it should not be a problem. Cops can smell a felon, and that is who usually resists, and gets got. The price of a regulated society. How do you explain black cops, accused of such, they hate themselves? Or they know where the true threat is? It is not nuanced, and it IS simple. Don't act the fool, don't go to skool. Black, white, red, yellow, orange or purple.

KingVindbarr ago

I don't understand. I gave you a scenario and you ignored it completely and went into a different set of criteria that I agree with you completely on.

mark7 ago

Cuz I don't buy your premise. Most of the peeps killed by cops asked for it. They were criminals who broke the law, and tried to fight arrest. Cops stop who/when they want. If you are not wanted, breaking the law, or a criminal in the act, wtf cares if you get pulled over? More excuses, imo.