steveday72 ago

The "fire" on the Russian submarine is reported to have happened on Monday evening, apparently around 8:30pm local time. A nearby town of Lavrentiya is in the time zone UTC+12. Which puts the "fire" at: Mon 08:30am UTC.

Cloudflare started going offline at 7:45am (EDT) Tuesday. Which puts Cloudflare's outage at: Tue 12:45pm UTC.

So the two events happened approximately 28 hours apart.

feli00 ago

I tell you. The Jewish satanic bankers of the Jewish central bank with their puppets Freemasons of the governments of the USA, Russia and the rest of the countries do these things to kill us with these skirmishes and later with the wars that they create. that go to visit the aristocratic Jewish families of the central bank to close the CIA, freemasonry and lock up all the freemasons and Jesuits puppets. Then eliminate the Jewish human slave money, release technologies and live well, happy and collaborating in society. it is a Hebrew slave prison

mismacheta ago

Question is- Do the Bolsheviks(we know who they really are) still control Russia? If they do, then Russia is our enemy. If not, or a similar struggle has/is taking place there as is here, then the leadership fighting against them are our allies.

As far as the people, Russians and Americans have been sold the mutual lies and fear mongering with each as the boogeyman of the other.

Blizzardpants ago

One thing I feel the need to mention is that US and Russian subs have ran into each other before. The US had secret sub bases in Sweden at one point.

Fishdo169 ago

Not sure about this guy but SGT report posted a link to his blog regarding what has happened... here’s the link

DickTick ago

I called it hours ago.

And yet here is /u/GodsAngell doing exactly what I said she would do. Starts off by mostly giving the news the way it is, and sometimes even does a pretty good job of it, but it isn't too many paragraphs before she blast off into pure conjecture, but conveniently never mentions it's pure conjecture and continues to state it as if it's the exact same type facts as from the news sites in her post above that..

You can just about set a clock to it.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Yeah well, the nukes aren't gonna work. They'll bomb Hanford first, but you can bet it'll be something much less nuclear.

petevoat ago

Good work, thanks for letting us know.

I'm praying for those lost souls if indeed a US sub was scuttled.

But i have no sympathy for black hat operators that want to start off a major conflict. May they burn in hell.

GodsAngell ago


Revel4ti0n ago

I think it was a Clown C_A sub where even Trump told Putin to go and hunt it down.

Clown Sub who launched a missile at AF1

GodsAngell ago

Its a possibility.

wokeasfook ago

Guess what else is opposite Alaska? Russia.

Russia is closer to Alaska than mainland US is. So basically Russia had a submarine near Russia. Oh the humanity. Won't somebody think of the children.

User890020 ago

There's plenty in DC who do just that!

GodsAngell ago

I didn't think I needed to point out this obvious FACT that Russia is close to Alaska.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Well you found the need to point out that Alaska was part of the US in your other thread lol.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

As a citizen with zero military experience I have to ask:

Would subs just open fire on each other?

I know aircraft come into US airspace frequently and they get escorted back home, they don't just open fire on each other, at least that I know of.

Isreal has subs? The deepstate has subs? These are mammoth objects that require a dock, crews, supplies, fuel, etc. I could see Israel having a rogue sub but where would black hat operatives store and maintain a submarine?

Too many questions, not enough information.

Blizzardpants ago

My guess on where to store a black hat sub would be on an island off of Washington state's coast. Maybe were finding out why that plane crashed on that island.

DeathRayDesigner ago

This report is so full of unsubstantiated speculation, it is next to worthless. Best to wait and see. Your skepticism regarding CIA submarines is well-founded. A rogue CIA submarine is about as believable as a secret CIA mission to the Moon: impossible to conceal.

As for what might happen, it is more plausible to think that a US sub may have detected the Russian sub where it ought not to have been. The Russian sub would have been embarrassed (not supposed to be detected) and would have withdrawn. The US sub could have made its point by dogging the Russian sub and pinging it regularly with active sonar to make it obvious it was tracking and following them. Submariners pride themselves on their stealth. Having someone following you ringing a bell would be shameful to the Russian submariners. And that would be good enough.

Other things can happen, but a fire in a submarine is a major disaster. At least one Soviet sub was lost because seawater penetration into a missile launch tube caused a propellant fire. Loss of integrity in a compartment could have let high-pressure seawater into the compartment, causing drastic air compression, head injuries (sinuses, etc.), and possibly a fire resulting from the increased air temperature or reaction with seawater. That's a big if, and it is only offered as an illustration of possible explanations. So, be patient and set aside these panting speculations.

Lyonessrising ago

That's the sub they stole and used to try to assassinate 45. I'm sure they have places...the world is big. Rat lines everywhere . Subs ho out n st ssd y out a long long time. It's no 2 hour tour .

hwong ago

isreal has a fleet of some of the worlds best attack and ballistic subs. The dolphins...

DeathRayDesigner ago

The Dolphin class (2 variants) are Diesel-electric attack subs, 6 of them total, good for operation in the Mediterranean Sea, NOT in open-ocean or arctic waters. They do not have the endurance of nuclear submarines and they are NOT ballistic-missile subs.

hwong ago

also.... There is also the possibility the nuclear armament is based on the Gabriel antiship missile, and there are also reports that Harpoon missiles were modified to carry nuclear weapons. Nobody appears to know for sure what missile is operational, only that it was observed and that arming them with nuclear weapons is a logical conclusion. The yield of the nuclear warhead on these missiles is unknown, but estimates float around the two-hundred-kiloton mark, which would make them roughly fourteen times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

hwong ago

here ya go.... The four large torpedo tubes are the key to Israel’s sea-based deterrent, and without them it’s unlikely the country would have nukes on submarines. The large tubes are used not only for laying mines and sending and receiving divers, but also to launch nuclear cruise missiles. In 2000, the U.S. Navy observed a missile launch from off the coast of Sri Lanka that traveled an estimated 932 miles. Exactly what this missile was is a matter of speculation, but the leading candidate is some advanced form of the Popeye missile.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Shit I didn't know. No reason to be in the Bering strait from Israel unless starting shit

late2thegame ago

A bit of speculating .... why so many "important people" on a sub together .... invited? ... Like the Titanic? ... what if ... it was a bunch of DS types on that sub ... that needed to be gotten rid of ....

GodsAngell ago

why so many "important people" on a sub together

Yes, it suggests possible sabotage.

that_guy_pming_tits ago

I wonder if it was THE missing sub that sunk.

Kclineman ago

There could be something to this but "Hal Turner Radio Show" has been a source of disinfo only rivaling yournewswire.

Charles_Ponzi_ ago

Hal Turner has admitted in open court that he is an FBI informant and was getting over $100k per year until his cover was blown when Anon released emails between him and his handeler. He is the very definition of fake news.

GodsAngell ago

Is Debka on Hal Turner's payroll too?

Aminous17 ago

Another link Urgent consultations in Washington, Moscow on reported US-Russian submarines in firefight

Aminous17 ago

What's happen ???

amarQ144 ago

it's those dang Balkan 2000 torpedoes

derram ago :

Jordan Sather on Twitter: "Quite a few military fighter jets up in the Pacific Northwest skies today, I can tell you that."

This has been an automated message.

hwong ago

can confirm. also a flight of hueys (never before seen in these skies) headed towards the canadian border about 2:00 oclock pacific.

Crpowell821 ago

Why is he calling a nuclear vessel a research vessel?

themagarhino ago

God Dammit. Call it a Wessel!! :P

Wynterwhisper ago

Fox described it as a research vessel as well. It depends on which article one reads but I'm going with the fox article for now only because I'm not familiar with the other news sites cred.

Fancy451 ago

Damnit i read that as wessel.

GodsAngell ago

The deep sea research vessel was probably Nuclear POWERED, as opposed to being fueled by gasoline.....not that it was carrying nuclear warheads.

Crpowell821 ago

Thanks for the clarification. Lots of stuff going on right now.

DickTick ago

Looky there, another normal great comment... It is possible!