voir-dire ago

It involves 'water'.

GodsAngell ago

"Watch the water".

Wynterwhisper ago

New York times just published something on this

KYanon ago

I believe Putin is an ally and a war is still a desire of the deep state. Sounds like another failed coup to blame on the Russians

singlebrain1 ago

just what I was thinking.

GodsAngell ago

BINGO!!! Rumor/Speculation is that Israel is behind both the US and Russian Subs that sank today:

U.S. and Russian Subs SANK Today!


So glad cooler heads are prevailing and no one is jumping into war without checking all the facts first.

dunklederf ago

BuT JeWs ArE PaTriOtS tOo And OuR GrEaTeSt AlLy

BulletMagnet879 ago

New name for the DS's attempts to start a war: Operation Broken Record

Jfunction ago

My first reaction was, this is a clown sub we've been tracking for a long time while monitoring its comms. It was about to do something nasty and we took it out. FWIW & JMHO.

GodsAngell ago

The CIA has their own subs?

WHO has been tracking a Clown Sub???

By "clown" do you mean "Israel"???

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Missing subs were a theme around here 6 months ago, around the time of that Washington State rocket. Surely you know this?

Vozlo ago

Is there any real information at all, or just a talk radio show rumor, and Debka speculation? It's an alarming story, and nothing else. Hold that fire.

NJAnon ago

If the Russian sub was an unarmed spi ship, the claims of an American sub being sunk are false, but it raises other questions. This is from DebkaFile and I have found them to be pretty reliable..."This account carried in Russian media varies in most respects from the first reports reaching this site and may refer to a separate incident. They report between 14 and 17 members of an AS-12 nuclear powered submarine died of poisonous fumes caused by a fire aboard the vessel. The submarine was described as experimental and unarmed but often used in spy missions. It is unclear how many of the 25 crew survived. Local media suggest four or five are receiving treatment in Severomorsk’s military hospital for poisoning and concussion injuries. Another news account said the majority of the officers died in or on their way to hospital. These reports do not cite the cause of the fire." https://www.debka.com/mivzak/urgent-consultations-in-washington-moscow-on-reported-us-russian-submarines-in-firefight/

singlebrain1 ago

The official story is fire on a Russian sub.

DickTick ago

In rushing waters

NJAnon ago

Maybe another attempt to start a war? This time with Russia?

BulletMagnet879 ago

Definitely wouldn't be the first time, as we all know.

DammitMan ago

That’s what I’m thinking. No matter which sub was attacked, this kind of scenario has all the markings of DS. It makes no difference to them as long as it’s a major event to take the limelight off Trump for his July 4th plans.

NJAnon ago

fyi, I saw something that said a German News site was reporting Kerry arrested. I haven't looked into it yet. It seems like a lot is happening though. Hillary accusing the Trump Foundation of Illegality makes me think she is being formally charged, finally.

DammitMan ago

What I’m seeing is that that publication is satire much like our The Onion. I don’t know.

NJAnon ago

Ok. Thx. I don't think he would be the first high profile arrest, maybe another red herring, but I'm just guessing.

Meta-Vinci ago

I’m reading it as another head fake to forcebtheir hand. Expend payload after payload with less and less effect.

We are convincing those in the (controlled by) DS who are on the fence to make wise choices.

Not to say nothing is happening. Quite the contrary. Why change the strategy that keeps working?

RightSideUp17and6 ago

Interestingly well said, anon.