stormymonday ago

useless garbage, I been ready for a year

Dirty_Money ago

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a monetized disinfo campaign?

MrDarkWater ago

What have you done to stop that stuff from happening?

That's right, nothing. You just need to feel better about yourself.

We do nothing, and you do nothing, only difference is that you're an ignorant judgmental cunt.

Go be productive, niggerfaggot

avanti ago

Yes, some times we are more busy than others... (happens to the best of us -- or especially to those...)

rickki6 ago

WERD UP Q !!!!!

truthseeker729 ago

These messages repeat the placeholders on 8chan here:


GodsAngell ago

The "placeholders" are from Nov 2018.

Never understood what Q meant by posting "placeholders".

goatboy ago

Placeholders are used in project planning to address known unknowns. In other words, critical path items that are expected and necessary to complete an objective, but not enough information exists at the time of plan preparation to detail more specifics. As more information becomes available about the placeholders, then they are likely to be reclassified from placeholder to objective specific.


Im guessing there will be some coded references to Q's messages, giving anons play by play when it starts going down

truthseeker729 ago

Hopefully we’re about to find out 🤞

singlebrain1 ago

Thanks Anon

eronburr ago

The video signifying the count-up to the currency reset hit the target last night. 200-500 views a day for a year and 1k views 6/26 and 2k views 6/27. Someone wanted to hit the timer today

Buzzsaw ago

It still says Federal Reserve Note??

eronburr ago

We can't abandon that without losing our world power. The supposed plan is to drop fiat and make it gold backed. Trump's seated 4/7 seats on the fed and 2 are empty. No reason to give up control of the FED when so many nations hand over their power to it.

Buzzsaw ago

Thank you.

KyJane ago

I read that there were like 15 miles of people heading to Oregon to protest. Maybe more by now. That's a possible reason, if more than just protesting is expected. Also could be some kind of border trouble. Another possible is big time arrests coming and the possibility of the insane Lefty loons getting violent.

1Paydaddy ago

Bada Bing Bada Boom! Q is in the room!

Lauraingalls ago


YoHomie ago

You're a goddam idiot.

ZombiClown ago

3351 , think your right about this one.