jonnyquest ago

What kind of equipment are we talking about!? What good are tractors at a protest -- unless we're ready to start 'protesting' for real, lol.

WhisperingPine ago

This is the Bill that they wanted passed which would have GREATLY hurt those living in Oregon

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ManOnFire ago

Will Antifa man up with a battalion? The Oregon loggers, hunters and fishermen might engage the black hooded Soros army....... BRING IT

TheGenitalGiant ago

Not Likely, soy tends to spoil quickly in proximity to anything that smells like sawdust and saw bar oil.

CockroachKing ago

They don't want one world government so they are AltRight, silly boy

Derpfroot ago

Start of Yellow Vests protest?  I really hope so.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Hahaha, nah man. I'd protest like that for 1 weekend and then start making pipe bombs

Qd4Action ago

'It's Happening!' should have been the title of this post. All the previous posts with that title were sort of mis-fires. This is actually Patriots visibly pushing back in a manner that is non-violent but sends a pretty fucking clear message that the populace has had enough and will not tolerate this any longer without a reaction.

numina18 ago

Correction: It's Habbening!!

barebrain ago

Any other link pls not available in the UK I have been feeling this all day over hear. My hackles up.. radar on.. God bless Patriots. Watch your six.

GodsAngell ago

The Civil War HAS BEGUN!!! Its Starting in Oregon!!!! Way to Go Militia Coming to Aid GOP State Senators, who had to go into hiding: Oregon Capitol Now Closed, Thanks to Militia!!!

PatriotLady1 ago

shared on FarceBook

ALIENS2222 ago

Oh shit! I will try to go there and take pics... Not sure if I can get away but Im going to try.

CMAnon ago

They need to watch their flanks. They don't want to get boxed into center city and then surrounded.

PatriotLady1 ago

stay away from Portland

Cloudrdr ago

Salem is not in Portland

TheGenitalGiant ago

Faceberg is now actively deleting any content and video related to the protest. All of the videos that were posted are now blocked or say Video has been deleted.

DawnPendraig ago

Reminds me of the Obamacare and Obama shut down protests as well as the Ron Paul Campaign

GodsAngell ago

I hope there is a Patriot there with a camera to live stream events......for everyone's safety.

Snicklesnork ago

The convoy should divert to Faceberg HQ where they can protest in favor of free speech. The new Free Speech Movement begins at Faceberg HQ.

TheGenitalGiant ago

All of the traffic cams and government run city cameras are now disabled as well....

brit_yuvall ago ODOT traffic flow...downtown Salem looks even more gridlocked than normal... traffic cams are working (for now)

Plague1 ago

So you're telling us explicitly that now is the time for the protest to turn violent, since no one will be able to be identified.

Steelerfish ago

You are correct, but not in the manner you (badly) joke about. This is an open invitation for Antifa and the like to do whatever they have to do. Any violence will automatically be blamed on the conservatives no matter what evidence and documentation is produced that proves otherwise.

The Portland police will be ordered to assist Antifa in any way possible, again.

TOP DOWN, BOTTOM UP, INSIDE OUT..... here comes the state’s crackdown.

Plague1 ago

If the violence is your fault no matter what, and we already know the state will throw the book at you regardless of truth, your best bet is simply to make the trouble worth it. And thus, do everything in your power to make it not worth it for the state. Make sure everyone knows to plead 'not guilty' and plan on taking every single case to trial. Enough people involved and you're talking about a serious overload of the system.

The system is corrupt in the deals it offers people in exchange for not risking an expensive (for the state) trial. The reality is, if every single person currently facing charges requested to go to full trial, virtually no one would be processed and by default all but the worst would basically have to be let go.

If we could actually unify and make our voices of support heard for all the incarcerated, harass and doxx the police department and mayer's office like the leftists do to make our support for them known, and do everything in our power to show it was Antifa initiating the conflict they got beat down in.. Furthermore upping the ante by making fun of the losers getting their shit kicked in.

Antifa only works because these cowards attack people in huge numbers against one guy. If everyone that showed up from our side was actually decent at fighting, it could be really fun to cave some skulls in.

GritD2 ago

I think so.

starbaby ago

What kind of dirty dealings is this? These people are so out of control!I wouldn't be surprised if the criminals try to impound the vehicles and jail the dissidents. This smacks of third world power play....

Primus_Pilus ago

There will come a point at which that crowd says fuck the rules.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Yup, thank god jesus gave us the AR-15. Lord be praised

Oxnonstopox ago

Watch out for road blocks

DifficultDays ago

What kind of road block could stop them? I figure they could push right through with the tractors and equipment!

Oxnonstopox ago

They could but the governor has a history of ordering law enforcement to shoot before they come to the road block

DifficultDays ago

That is infuriating!

Oxnonstopox ago

Yes it is. That is what happen to lavoy finicum and his passenger duing the Oregon standoff back in 2016

1Paydaddy ago

Lavoy was a patriot.

DifficultDays ago

I didn't remember that was Oregon.

Oxnonstopox ago

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

Mscss ago

You see, even the patriots know how to protest. Be save my friends.

Primus_Pilus ago

When Patriots REALLY start protesting is when the Left should worry. 50 years of repressed anger at injustices is going to get EXTREMELY ugly.