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RightSideUp17and6 ago

ThanQ for such extensive analysis and plausible product. It makes sense. Hand in glove. We gotta win this Second Revolutionary War or WE will end up in Gitmo. This is for the future generations, being here for such a time as this. Obviously we are over the target cuz the shills have been shilling lately. Starting to look like QRV, all the sniping. No matter. Not gonna stop our roll. Fight fight fight.

Crensch ago

His part 2 was completely debunked a few days ago, which is why he's pushing this narrative now.

The Nuermberg trials were a farce. The eyewitnesses were unreliable. The Germans were tortured for their testimony.

The sources for this are in that link, and are damn near unassailable. The comment was written specifically for BS21, and this post suggests that he refuses to engage my claims honestly.

@Vindicator @srayzie

Vindicator ago

I don't think he's "pushing a narrative." I think he, like everyone else grappling with various aspects of this information, is resisting it.

What was it like for you? How did you first start doubting what you were being told? How did you handle the cognitive dissonance? We all start somewhere. If we're really going to get to the bottom of the psyop(s), we need to be able to work through that process.

I am frustrated that I don't live close enough to any of the really good libraries. I would like to personally vet the original sources for the Red Cross reports and a lot of this other material that contradicts the propaganda, and take video of myself reviewing it. It is very frustrating that those who have orchestrated this multigenerational deception have perverted the press to such a degree that almost nothing can be taken at face value, on either side of the debate, going back at least to the 1940s...probably before, because I think this shit started around the time of WWI, not WWII.

Crensch, how would you react if you found out that the people behind eugenics in the 30s are the same people behind population control now, the same people who have created the infertility, autism and suicide epidemics among white males, and aborted 23.4 million white babies since 1970?

Crensch ago

Crensch, how would you react if you found out that the people behind eugenics in the 30s are the same people behind population control now, the same people who have created the infertility, autism and suicide epidemics among white males, and aborted 23.4 million white babies since 1970?

I would change my view to fit the evidence. Immediately. Then I would say my mea culpas to everyone, and move on being exactly the same amount of right as before given the evidence I've been presented up to that point.

I don't even understand this resistance. It's one thing to do so in a conversation where someone blindsides you with words. It's another to have my comment showed to you, sources easily found, not checking them, not even apparently reading them, and pretending they don't exist.

I don't think he's "pushing a narrative." I think he, like everyone else grappling with various aspects of this information, is resisting it.

Utterly foreign.

What was it like for you? How did you first start doubting what you were being told? How did you handle the cognitive dissonance?

While doubting what I was told growing up, I had zero access to information that could confirm the source of my dissonance. I handled that poorly, and clawed my way through books and websites and life until I found things that matched the reality I saw, and not what I was told I was seeing.

That situation and this one are so insanely different that it hardly bears mentioning, though.

These people, Blacksmith and whatever that cunt's name is, are fighting for the narrative pushed by the same powers that push the MSM, CNN, lies in schoolbooks, leftist, pro-Jew, open-borders, white genocide, and everything else that permeates our lives. I may indeed be shown to be wrong later on, but I'm nowhere near THAT wrong.

Literally everything Q is saying, neither of them are doing on this subject.

I bet neither of them could tell me what argument convinced them that this fantastical event happened. It's pathetic. It's beneath humans. It's one thing to not have been exposed to the information, it's another to, at this juncture, have a narrative so entwined with who you are, that you'd act like these two in order to defend your mind from finding out it's not true.

The Holocaust is an origin myth. It's where whites, for 60 years, have sourced their shame for their own people. I get it. At this juncture, I just don't care, and I have the itch to pick apart this OP and everything he says simply because I took my time to provide him with everything he needs to wake the fuck up, and he not only dismissed it, but made a post specifically predicated on my being wrong.

This is after HIM telling ME to "read some of D'Souza's works". Nigger can't even read something on Voat, but wants me to go pick up some streetshitter's book and read it? Telling me I'm "glowing" and that I'm a shitposter and a vegan fag because he's too stupid to have any real arguments, but somehow thinks he's qualified to make a submission like this after having utterly dismissed solid, well sourced information with specific claims he could debunk if his retard mind were capable?

Crensch, you should give Blacksmith those examples, rather than merely attacking him for doubting.

First, I noticed I hadn't upvoted that comment. Apologies. It was a good one, and someone really didn't like it.

On to the quote: what now?

He's very obviously not coming at this honestly, or with any intention of taking in any amount of information that goes against the axioms of his internal framework of reality. I knew he wouldn't, which is why I responded to him the way I did. He immediately went to the implied "you are ignorant" saying "Read some of D'Souza's works". It's hand-waving to someone else. HE didn't have anything at all to say on the subject, HE didn't have any arguments. HE doesn't have any knowledge with which to formulate any arguments.

I'd wager quite a lot that you responded rather differently. Apologies for not remembering, myself.

@srayzie @shizy @think- @kevdude

Vindicator ago

I'd wager quite a lot that you responded rather differently. Apologies for not remembering, myself.

I was a pretty sensitive kid (bookworm, A+ student), and was emotionally clobbered by the images of the piles of starved bodies and emaciated people in bunkbeds. In school, I read and believed Corrie Ten Boom and Anne Frank. At the same time, I remember wondering how in the hell all of this mass killing was going on for a decade under the noses of modern Christian folks in Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands and no one knew about it, documented it or got word out to the rest of the world. I also couldn't understand how Communist Russia was part of the Allied Powers.

The fact no one reported the mass killings still makes no sense to me, especially in light of the fact that that information would have helped war hawks get the U.S. involved in the war much earlier and thus motivated the citizens of the countries invaded by Germany to share it, yet that did not happen. How could all of the German people be so blind to this? This oddity deepened shortly after college, when I took guitar lessons from an 80-year-old musician lady who had toured Berlin throughout the 1930s performing in cabarets as a teen with her brothers and father. I asked her what that was like, and she confided that all the ladies thought Hitler was hot and what an exciting and fun time it was.

It wasn't until I came to Voat that I learned the bunkbed picture I'd seen had been faked (no naked, starving guy standing there in the original). By that time, I'd experienced for myself that the media was completely controlled, brutal fascist censorship had been levied against both Trump supporters and pizzagate investigators and the only place free speech was guaranteed was full of highly intelligent people debunking official narratives left and right. Clearly, things were not the way Hollywood, schools, churches and mainstream journalists (even Fox) said they were.

One of the funniest things was learning about "pilpul" after being accused of it and realizing a) all of the people shilling v/pizzagate argued in that deceitful way and b) the guy accusing me of it also used it. That's when I began to appreciate the tactics you tend to deploy against it, and why. Somewhere in there, Q came along and confirmed a lot of what I'd originally thought was just shill propaganda to make Trump followers look like rightwing extremists. So, I started really taking people here seriously, re-examining things I'd shrugged off before, etc.

BUT, I wouldn't necessarily expect others to make that mental shift in the same way. Modding v/pizzagate has given me both an up close view of devious and malignant shill tactics like pilpul (which is how the entire Left and its institutions think, not just the Jews who invented it) and a 40,000 foot overview of the various patterns forming. I happen to be cursed with a quasi-eidetic memory, so once I learn something, I'm stuck with it.

I would not expect casual participants in Q or pizzagate research to have made that leap, yet, especially if they have invested large parts of their lives in institutions that have been bent by globalist fuckery, like the churches and the military. For those folks, "awakening" means going through the stages of grief, so denial, anger, blaming etc. are to be expected.

Crensch ago

I'd wager quite a lot that you responded rather differently. Apologies for not remembering, myself.

I was referring to whenever it was you first encountered me. You responded differently than BS21, was my wager.

The fact no one reported the mass killings still makes no sense to me, especially in light of the fact that that information would have helped war hawks get the U.S. involved in the war much earlier and thus motivated the citizens of the countries invaded by Germany to share it, yet that did not happen.

Excellent point.

How could all of the German people be so blind to this? This oddity deepened shortly after college, when I took guitar lessons from an 80-year-old musician lady who had toured Berlin throughout the 1930s performing in cabarets as a teen with her brothers and father. I asked her what that was like, and she confided that all the ladies thought Hitler was hot and what an exciting and fun time it was.


One of the funniest things was learning about "pilpul" after being accused of it and realizing a) all of the people shilling v/pizzagate argued in that deceitful way and b) the guy accusing me of it also used it. ?

That's when I began to appreciate the tactics you tend to deploy against it, and why.

Nice to be appreciated.

Somewhere in there, Q came along and confirmed a lot of what I'd originally thought was just shill propaganda to make Trump followers look like rightwing extremists. So, I started really taking people here seriously, re-examining things I'd shrugged off before, etc.

They are definitely good at waking people up. Well, not BS21 and cuntflaps.

BUT, I wouldn't necessarily expect others to make that mental shift in the same way.

No, but there's a certain minimum standard of honesty and integrity that is missing here, IMO.

Modding v/pizzagate has given me both an up close view of devious and malignant shill tactics like pilpul (which is how the entire Left and its institutions think, not just the Jews who invented it) and a 40,000 foot overview of the various patterns forming.

I'm not sure I differentiate between the two; zoom-based manifestations of the same playbook.

I happen to be cursed with a quasi-eidetic memory, so once I learn something, I'm stuck with it.

My memory sucks with a lot of things, but things I consider knowledge are absolutely eidetic-ish in nature for me. I'm not sure there's a word for how my mind gives me the answers, it's simply input-output-win. As if it was stored originally with all the possible applications for it built in to my subconscious flowchart.

Some day I'd really like to sit down and write about how my mind works so I can reference it. I usually just never really consider the 'how', I just mention certain truths about it when prompted to do so.

srayzie ago

It wasn't until I came to Voat that I learned the bunkbed picture I'd seen had been faked

I didn’t know it was faked. Wow

Vindicator ago

Yep. Here's the sauce.


These people, Blacksmith and whatever that cunt's name is, are fighting for the narrative pushed by the same powers that push the MSM, CNN, lies in schoolbooks, leftist, pro-Jew, open-borders, white genocide, and everything else that permeates our lives. I may indeed be shown to be wrong later on, but I'm nowhere near THAT wrong.

You are not entirely wrong.
The problem with your rhetoric however, is that you are only 1/2 right.

You see things that don't add up, see a pattern to it all, and stop there, thinking you have found the answers.

You complain about those whom you believe to be "in control" of the narrative, and latch onto another narrative- one of division, without recognizing that the other narrative is being pushed by the real powers who control far more than you can see. It's two sides of the same coin.

Both narratives are used to keep the peasants squabbling amongst ourselves. In that way, the true evil can always hide, because both sides stop short of fully exploring the visible, and obvious inconsistencies, and hypocricy found within their respective dogma's.

Vindicator ago

Voaltron, this is an interesting theory which may be true. I know Crensch, and I know he will change his position if you can demonstrate it's incomplete with facts. Theorizing alone, however, does not advance our discussion. Q has repeatedly urged us to research -- i.e. establish the facts.


With people like that, it really isn't about showing them facts that contradict their position. Those facts are everywhere. I could do that all day long, and their position will not budge.

Why? Because their dogma is so extremely divisive, they can always find an easy way out of being wrong, and people tend to travel the paths of least resistance. It goes something like this:
•"Those are Jew made facts, and because I know some Jews lied to me before, (((ALL of them))) lie!

It's a childish, emotional, illogical overreaction to the injury of being lied to in the past.

Or to put it in simpler terms- You can take a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink.

Vindicator ago

With people like that, it really isn't about showing them facts that contradict their position. Those facts are everywhere. I could do that all day long, and their position will not budge.

That is not my experience with @Crensch. He has spent countless hours helping route shills and disinfo-pushers from v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening. He has helped both me and @srayzie bridge the cultural divide between Voat's old goats and the more sensitive, self-censoring normie users of our subverses, allowing our boards to survive and thrive on Voat without pissing off the natives and triggering the Voat immune system. He has defended us personally against attackers and respected us when we asked him to ease up on those we didn't think were shills. Behind the scenes he's done more for Q and pizzagate research that most submitters. He didn't have to do any of that.

And frankly, if this is what you believe, what is the point in replying to "people like that" at all? Wouldn't it be better to ignore and downvote, rather than attempt to stir up more negative dialogue?

Also, if Q didn't want "people like that" to be part of the Great Awakening, why would he send people to Voat, which is chock full of them?

Q said,

Crumbs dropped will soon paint the full picture.

The picture will open the eyes of the world.

We can't do it without you.

God bless you all.


He also said,

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event. WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families? Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have. Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident? Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of. We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


Do you really think Q wants you to "not bother with" people who are angry, abrasive and difficult? The ones who are most awake about leftist tyrants and their weaponized minority minions, and probably own the most guns?

Did Q say "WWG1WGA -- except Holocaust skeptics?" 'Cause I missed that, and it seems to fly directly in the face of what he has said about WWII: "Fantasyland. Fantasyland."


If he's such a good researcher, then why doesn't he acknowledge the strong connections of the Nazi occult Vrill Society to some of the reported horrors of the Nazi concentration camps? Particularly the human experiments, and connections to the medical sciences related to the MK-Ultra program.

Or would that be too uncomfortable?

Vindicator ago

Was that brought up to him?

Wasn't MK Ultra a U.S. thing?

This is another example of where links to actual research/facts would be very helpful.

Blacksmith21 ago

MK = Mind Kontrolle

Vindicator ago

If you've got a link supporting that, I would love to collect the information at v/WW2Discernment

Vindicator ago

Do we have any actual documents (primary sources) that aren't from sources pushing the idea of reptilian shapeshifters?

Blacksmith21 ago

There isn't a whole lot of information out there about the early days of the program. What would "MK" stand for if it didn't stand for "Mind Kontrolle"? We know the Nazis went very far with "MK" studies - all the way back to Freud and others. Why wouldn't the OSS/CIA adopt the nomenclature, especially considering the repercussions of OP Paperclip.

"The hypothetical etymology of “MK” may possibly stand for “Mind Kontrolle”. The obvious postwar translation of the German word, “Kontrolle” into English is “control.” A host of German doctors, procured from the Nazi talent pool, were an invaluable asset toward the development of MKULTRA. The correlation between the concentration camp experiments and the numerous sub- projects of MKULTRA are clearly evident. The various avenues used to control human behavior under MKULTRA included radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, graphology, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and materials (LSD being the most widely dispensed “material”)."

Crensch ago

I'm going to go ahead and call the user above out for having 3 upvotes for his complete horseshit grand entrance above.

Also, check his top 2 lowest rated comments.

No sources, just like here.

In fact, every comment he's made about hitler, jews, nazis, or the holocaust have had zero sources. Just claims, claims, claims. No evidence for his facts

Also, not a single submission about them.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, at this point, anyone making claims and then telling people to research it without trying to support their claims gets a question mark next to their username IMO. There's no excuse for it at this point.

Crensch ago

Hate to point this out, but let's apply that equally.

Vindicator ago

Indeed. My preference is ALWAYS source if you're going to make claims.

Crensch ago

Yeah, at this point, anyone making claims and then telling people to research it without trying to support their claims gets a question mark next to their username IMO. There's no excuse for it at this point.

I suppose I mean, let's apply this to BS21.


Vrill society is VERY relevant to the topic of the this thread- the 4th Reich.

Yes MK-ULTRA is a US thing that has it's roots in the horrors of human "medical" experiments done in Nazi concentration camps during the holocaust.

Operation paper clip.

srayzie ago

I love how you’re rediscovering these Q posts. It gives me a whole new perspective now.

Vindicator ago

I have this weird ability to remember phrases I've read before. They pop into my head when they seem to connect to things.

Q has said "reread the drops".

Here's a cool exercise you can do any time that will help you do the same thing:

  • Pick any key phrase or word from Q, like "99%" "Fantasy land" "WWII" "Gold" "The choice to know" etc.
  • Go to, hit Ctl-F and search for the word or phrase
  • Scroll through all the times it's been mentioned in chronological order (reverse sort all the drops before you start) and get an idea of the progression and different contexts Q has used it in.
  • Dig down into each one to make sure you fully understand what each refers to
  • Make a submission here describing what you learned, to force yourself to digest and synthesize the information

Imagine how awesome the submissions would be if every q researcher did a thread like that on whatever key word or phrase from Q they found most interesting. We'd all chime in and give our different ideas. Who knows what we would discover!

srayzie ago

That is not my experience with @Crensch. He has spent countless hours helping route shills and disinfo-pushers from v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening. He has helped both me and @srayzie bridge the cultural divide between Voat's old goats and the more sensitive, self-censoring normie users of our subverses, allowing our boards to survive and thrive on Voat without pissing off the natives and triggering the Voat immune system. He has defended us personally against attackers and respected us when we asked him to ease up on those we didn't think were shills. Behind the scenes he's done more for Q and pizzagate research that most submitters. He didn't have to do any of that.

I couldn’t have explained that better myself @Vindicator. I think we’re all different and fit together perfectly. I love you guys!

Crensch ago

Love you, too, Qqueen.

srayzie ago

Thank you Vindicator. I’ll read thru this in a little while when I can get a little time alone. Thank you for the sauce on that picture too!

Crensch ago

The problem with your rhetoric however, is that you are only 1/2 right.

I'm going to require the same level of support for this claim that I do for every other claim.

You see things that don't add up, see a pattern to it all, and stop there, thinking you have found the answers.

I find the evidence, and make my conclusions based on that evidence. For the evidence presented to me up to now, I am as right as I can be. Anything else is really irrelevant, isn't it? I can't know what I don't know, and I can't know where to find what I don't know. Until new evidence is brought to like, I am as right as I can be.

You complain about those whom you believe to be "in control" of the narrative, and latch onto another narrative- one of division, without recognizing that the other narrative is being pushed by the real powers who control far more than you can see. It's two sides of the same coin.

Your words ring rather hollow without evidence. Do you just believe things without evidence? Why would you expect me to do so?

Both narratives are used to keep the peasants squabbling amongst ourselves. In that way, the true evil can always hide, because both sides stop short of fully exploring the visible, and obvious inconsistencies, and hypocricy found within their respective dogma's.

Did you know that claims without support really aren't that convincing? Compare what you just wrote to this.


I find the evidence, and make my conclusions based on that evidence. For the evidence presented to me up to now, I am as right as I can be. Anything else is really irrelevant, isn't it? I can't know what I don't know, and I can't know where to find what I don't know. Until new evidence is brought to light, I am as right as I can be.

What you say here is precisely what I meant when I said:

"You see things that don't add up, see a pattern to it all, and stop there, thinking you have found the answers."

You attitude impedes your will to seek deeper truths.

You are presented with evidence to show that (((they))) lied to you! Then you take the normal position of becoming sceptical of (((their))) version of the truth.

After being presented with further evidence of lies, and even explanations for (((their))) lies you reject everything that supports (((those))) outrageous liars.

That is an emotional overreaction. And that leads to errors.

The biggest error that manifests from the emotional overreaction to being lied to, is to do what you perceive to be the opposite- believe everything that >>>they<<< [the controlled opposition group] claim to be true. After all, why should you doubt >>>those<<< who showed you the light, and taught you that you had been lied to? Certainly >>>they<<< must be the real truth.

And without even realising it- you've been played. You are used as a weapon of division within the ranks of the peasants. Your tendencies to reject everything that (((they))) say is reenforced, and supported the lies of >>>them<<<. You become a pawn in the game, and give up your objectivity, and willingness to see shades of grey between the black, and the white.

And that is why you are only 1/2 right.

xenoPsychologist ago

that right there is what we in the business call an opinion.

Crensch ago

"You see things that don't add up, see a pattern to it all, and stop there, thinking you have found the answers."

I stop where the evidence stops. Until I find more, there is absolutely no reason to continue.

You attitude impedes your will to seek deeper truths.

Now you sound deluded. Still no evidence of your words having any merit to them.

You are presented with evidence to show that (((they))) lied to you! Then you take the normal position of becoming sceptical of (((their))) version of the truth.


After being presented with further evidence of lies, and even explanations for (((their))) lies you reject everything that supports (((those))) outrageous liars.

Overly simplistic.

That is an emotional overreaction. And that leads to errors.

Horseshit. It's a perfectly valid response to subhumans that cannot be trusted.

The biggest error that manifests from the emotional overreaction to being lied to, is to do what you perceive to be the opposite- believe everything that >>>they<<< [the controlled opposition group] claim to be true. After all, why should you doubt >>>those<<< who showed you the light, and taught you that you had been lied to? Certainly >>>they<<< must be the real truth.

You've yet to show that my information is from an opposition group. You've yet to show it's likely. You've yet to show that my information deviates from reality in any way.

You haven't shown anything, you're just LARPing some Mr. Miyagi BS.

And without even realising it- you've been played. You are used as a weapon of division within the ranks of the peasants. Your tendencies to reject everything that (((they))) say is reenforced, and supported the lies of >>>them<<<. You become a pawn in the game, and give up your objectivity, and willingness to see shades of grey between the black, and the white.

More unsupported claims.

And that is why you are only 1/2 right.

You've done nothing but jaw-jack this entire time. You haven't shown yourself to be right about anything at all.