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clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't eat the blackpill.

Just keep on going like you've been doing for almost a year.

You do a great job :)

Phantom42 ago

Oof. I'm already there.

We're defeating the Cabal, sure, but we have to deal with a LOT of other bullshit that cuckservatives/Boomers like such as the idea America was supposed to be some melting pot of every race, that Nazi's were evil because they had "Socialist" in the name and didn't like the Kikes, so on, so forth....

I appreciate what Q is doing, but we have a FUCKLOAD of work ahead of us.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Member for 9 days

White supremacist

Interesting. Didn't think they had those on reddit.

Phantom42 ago

Eh. Not a plebbitor. Lurked on 4chan and 8chan for a good few years now. Heard about the Voat thing and the whole ban and all that... Figured I may as well slip on in too.

Also, very different than a white supremacist. You'd do well to research the "bad guys" a bit more... You know, the ones the Cabal claim are evil? Yeah. Those guys.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Anybody here for 9 days is a potential bad guy.

You might not be, though.

If not a white supremacist, what are you?

Phantom42 ago

Oh, I understand the suspicion. Perfectly respectable. I'm a guest in the Voathouse. I'm not about to just shit onnthe walls and say it's your fault for not telling me where the bathroom is.

ANYWAY... It's hard to definitively define (heh) what exactly I am.

I believe in a homeland for all people, and I believe racial values should be embraced and held high in society. I want blacks to be proud of themselves by forging a new legacy, because, let's face it, they haven't had a great start. You can look at IQ levels and crime statistics and so on... Not good. I certainly don't want those types anywhere in or around my home. WITH THAT SAID, one of my greatest mentors in life was a black guy. Good man, served in SWAT for several years, was my high school principal. Nothing but respect for the guy. Unfortunately, he is the exception, not the rule. I hope that the Black race has it in them to change that.

Same for the Asians. Asia is for Asians. This is a no brainer. They've done exceedingly well and have a fascinating culture and, for the most part, agreeable values that they have stuck with for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Whites, we deserve a homeland as well. Currently, we are facing an invasion. This is no game. It is truly happening. Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, all VERY white countries, are now places of routine rapes and attacks. Those people and that land are my people as well. They are my brothers and sisters. I won't tolerate such acts on my people. Looking at the plain statistics and hitlstory itself, it has been whites that built the West. Whites built Europe, and the America's (though the U.S. and Canada are the main ones). Whites have unique culture, civilized culture, and so on, so on. I'm sure you've heard it all before.

I want America to be what it was meant to be. This "melting pot" idea? It was meant as an allusion to having Francs, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, Brits, Poles, so on, all living together. However, they all share a common trait. Race.

Am I saying we just kick out all the darkskins from our country now? No. Let them continue their lives if they're good contributing citizens. If not, kick them out. In a more permanent manner, if necessary.

Essentially, I want a homeland for all people, and believe that if we all embraced our racial values and embraced what is essentially nature, we would be better off. That is what I find among leftism that is a recurring theme, defiance of nature. Faggots, Tranny's, interracial marriage being pushed (when, in a natural environment, it's quite rare), and SO many other things that would need... God knows how long to explain clearly.

As I said though, a homeland for all people.

ALSO, fuck the Cabal, the Synagogue of Satan, and the lies they have spread throughout our history (like calling Nazi's evil... Because I'm going to trust evil people controlling us calling supposedly evil people evil.... After they fought them using our blood.).

I began my little journey into the "bad guy's" beliefs by looking, of all places, to General Patton.

He said "we fought the wrong enemy". Then he died. Knowing how people get Clintoned, I figured it worked the same back then, and wondered why the Hell a General of an army that just utterly destroyed these people (Germans) would say "Oh no... We fought the wrong people,".

So then I dug into the Reich, and found that it was nothing like I was told to believe. The name "socialist"... Name only. Goebbels put it nicely (a quote largely like this, though I don't believe it is word for word): "Do you pove your nation? You are a Nationalist. Do you love your people? You are a Socialist."

By that definition, I am certainly a NatSoc. Butbutbut it's Socialism.

Well, yeah, you think I didn't find issue with that? Because I sure as Hell did.

So I continued digging, seeing what I could find.

I found that it was a mix of Capitalism, with the government stepping in when corporations begin to harm the people, or Volk, as the Germans put it. Think of this as the monopoly busting here in America all those years ago. That's essentially what the Reich did. Hitler himself is quoted talking about how Marxism (Socialism, Communism) doesn't respect the individual. It takes and takes without giving back.

The Reich, it had no quarrel with the individual making a lot of money, and doing well for him or herself. It encouraged it, BUT through means that were honorable. You know, go be a doctor, a high ranking soldier, so on...

BAH, I could go on forever, and it's 1:30 where I'm at and I haven't slept since five this morning... Or, well, yesterday morning.

One last point, Hitler often did mention that not having a specific ideology is what allowed NatSoc to do so well. It can take the best from all aspects and pull it together into one thing STRICTLY for the Volk, not the government. Essentially the inverse of fascism.

Kinda like a... "We the People" thing, you know?


Fact- Hitler's mamma was a Jew. That means, he was too, by blood.

Fact- The NAZIS were literally occult, cultists.

Fact- The Nazis used socialism to con the masses. They only went after the ""bad"" businesses, just like socialist Venezuela did. All socialism is a con game. Nazis are socialists.

Fact- George Soros was a Nazi, and a Jew also. Weird huh?

You should research all that, before you get your head stuffed too far up your young ass to pull it back out. The "good guys/bad guys" question isn't nearly as simple as pointing a finger at any one race, religion, creed, or group of people. Don't fall for the old, "it's all (((their))) fault" gambit. It's a trap.

Phantom42 ago

Fact- JIDF needs to fuck off.

