SukkhaMadiqqa ago

I have been waiting since the Q request for the new board to see how you were treated @srayzie. Seeing how the new board was set up is an eye opener.

I'm not happy with a lot of things lately. Here is what I am starting to suspect (and it really pisses me off).

Q is NeonRevolt.

KKOH ago

I dont like the feel of any of it. I think the 8chan board et al may have been hijacked also. I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but something about Neon and other players in this is alarming. I sent POTUS a message that reads: "Please ask Q to verify /BO/ and mods."

Bodean1415 ago

Political my dear, n mix in a bunch of tee shirts...wa laa.... he did send us scurring around.. I ended up here at voat, best thing ever...

garlicbulb ago

Keep going as before, you do great

RandomComment ago

Be good. Keep doing the do. We still want ya.

Q_Tip ago

**Couldn't resist. Posted this on QRV. Sure to get slammed, but what the hell, I won't be going back. That place has become a cesspool in less than 24 hours!



[–] 13970952 0 points (+0|-0) 3.8 minutes ago (edited 43 seconds ago)

It's the Twilight Zone here. . . if this is Q's idea of a Patriot sub, then he has shit for brains, and I know that's not true, so that only leaves one thing: DS Compromise and all the organ grinder monkeys are running loose!

Q_Tip ago

Holy Shit Batman. . . QRV wants 100 CCP's!

The LARP's are begging for upvotes like crackheads on the offramps holding signs - "Will Comment for Upvotes."

This new sub is Q's idea? These crackheads are Q's people?

It's the friggin twilight zone over there. . . Someone kick me in the nutsack, because I think I am having a bad dream.

Bodean1415 ago

Niggers for food stamps...

Aaronkin ago

I stopped reading NR about 1 1/2 months ago. There was a few little things that struck me as really odd. So I trusted my instincts and stopped reading. Truth is the notables explain almost everything just fine and NR is a waste of time. sarayzie, I know what Q did and he had his reasons, lets hope they produce positive results, if they do, no harm, no foul that can't be excused. As for you hold on and don't let this rattle you. We are still with you. Trust the plan, focus on the plan. Ignore what you can't prove today and time will do the work and prove it later. I can't help but get the feeling this whole thing is sort of slimier to what is going on in the Senate Confirmation hearings. Name dropping, accusations with zero evidence and elitist special privileges. honestly it don't look good.

White_pride_cis ago

I trust him about as much as I do Ja'Quango alone with my wife @Srayzie .... in a dark alleyway in Baltimore

srayzie ago


WitchHunter1000 ago

Both Tucker and Hannity were treasure troves tonight. Future proves past. Hannity Tucker.

kestrel9 ago

"trust NR?" Who did NR work with to set up the patriotsawoken site because Voat was going bye bye? Were Mods from Rddt involved in that?

Patriots were united enough on separate boards before Reddit went down. The two boards on voat were united enough to have a small but growing subscriber base via connecting 's' (like that door between hotel rooms that usually stays locked), but it was so new we didn't have time to fully integrate. So the problem imo, must have come from patriotsawoken and they had to be sent back from whence they came.

No problem we just go with the anonymous board with anonymous people, some of which don't trust us because they don't normally come here or because NR warned them off of us. Essentially we have 3 boards, which could have been avoided if NR didn't appoint himself a moses figure.

madhatter67 ago

I think this should work out fine....we just keep on doing what we always have...we've already been attracting some decent new blood from the Reddit influx....but the bulk of it is contained which stops us getting swamped.....Over time more will notice we got a good thing going on over here and join in...just need to get past all the poison they were fed about us in the initial move

kestrel9 ago

Well said! After reading Q2269 the intent of the decision is clear. And after sleeping on it I realize that it was a really wise call. Officially 'endorsing' one or the other of the existing boards would of been really problematic for several reasons.

srayzie ago

Three’s Company was my fav!

I’m still trying to catch up. I’m being pulled all over. I’m seeing NR now saying he doubts Q, but he defended the Reddit mods and insinuated our sub was infiltrated because we had 2 users with names similar to someone in Reddit. They weren’t even mods. We should all know that this place is crowded with clowns and shills. How does that mean WE are infiltrated? His point was to say he didn’t know if he could trust the mods. Meaning me and @Shizy at the time. So he’s still here and supporting the mods after saying he’s doubting Q?

kestrel9 ago

NR was off base, made a really bad call and is not going to learn from it if today's blog is any indication. He tooting his own horn because QRV has the same core mods as if that means a Q endorsement of v/theawakening.

He would have better supported unity by admitting he was wrong to try to convince EVERYONE to abandon Voat.

NR misses the beauty of the decision to create the QRV board, which among several things, is helping to correct the blowback from his own bad judgement call.

But NR avoids culpability in creating the chaos and instead interprets Q's decision to endorse the QRV board as a sign of Q supporting him and then takes credit for the whole thing as if he was prescient! LOL Go figure. Q did not reject either board here, he allowed for the patriotsawokening users to come back to Voat in an attempt to reunite the reddit refugees, instead of having them spread between chans and Voat.

ccrider201617 ago

I felt lost when reddit stuff went down and I lurked both boards and will do so.with the new one but I think you have done a great job with this board and I have felt at home here.

ordinarymike ago

If neon is a pied piper, it'll become painfully obvious soon. In their desperation, the cabal will activate all their sleepers. we'll know the truth before long. cheer up! We will win.

Cleanhobo ago

boy... I wonder why Q didn't just send everyone here... What could the reason be? Why would Q not send everyone here to THIS board...

Alice89 ago

It’s obvious. Because he can trust in the mods of v/QRV, since they are from 8ch and one of them is the BO. And I have the impression he wants to end the division between the two subs creating a new one to unite all his followers.

FLmom ago

I'm putting 100 bucks on that!

pairadocs ago

You already know that I think this sub, it's members, mods and you are great, so I won't cheerlead here. But I am interested in your idea that 8 chan may be comp'd. I have been saying that for the last 2 days, Q has not seemed like Q. if you go there make sure you see my last entry. What stands out the most is how today was handled 2266-2271. I know Q is not that amateurish in dealing with group dynamics and the kind of ego/power conflict that would come from assigning a BO from another board and telling the world to leave where they are and go to THE TRUE unified group. The roof is beggining to fall on the DSs heads. I would not be surprised if this was not their move to cut off all Q followers from Q.
We don't have control over that right now. But we can continue to do what you all have been doing. Stay in place (yes you mods to, you are respected and loved), make this a real deal Q place, use the tactics you all do so well to teach the new comers and make it hard for the obstinate ones. They will discover the hell/matrix that is being built over there like v/theawakening and take a look at us as we hold down real free speech. Sorry this is so long. But any way I can help (not as mod or anything, but behind the scenes) or in my daily hanging out here, please let me know.

MolochHunter ago

you know what. I think the apex of the storm is so close anyway, the DS could take out 8chan and Q and the plan could still unfold


Agreed. Hell there is 50 Q sites on phuckbook now

WitchHunter1000 ago

Rep Gaetz called out cabal as "secret society" on Tucker! Go to 5:30

Jobbyweecha ago

Meh, v/GreatAwakening was getting too fast for my liking anyway. Since v/QRV is now shitting up the front page like crazy, that one is getting blocked, so I'll just continue lurking here, if ya'll don't mind.

lnsip9reg ago

Refugee here, take heart! You created a great subverse, I found myself more at home here than TA! QRV is needed as time is short, it's winning time!

TapasTree ago

What I DO know is that Q personally sanctioned a Voat board... and it ain't this one! Not sure how you failed to mention that, but I think I'll be unsubscribing from this subverse going forward. My observation period of about a week has given me all I need to see after my move from reddit. BOTH SUBS WERE SHIT. Neither of these previous boards ever consistently gave visibility to Q posts, and they never fucking linked to them even if they mention one. So much stupid, irrelevant bullshit being posted every day too, instead of focusing on the plan. Shills being upvoated in every thread. Tired of your shit, @srayzie

Bodean1415 ago

Butt hurt much? Logical thinking..

QualityShitposter ago

Bye, Felicia.

MolochHunter ago

well, off you go to the new sub

oh btw, the new one has fucked over newbies AGAIN by not permitting accrual of CCP

pairadocs ago

Don't tell them that. You will deprive them of the joy of discovery about this and the other eh..problems issues.

WanderingTaurus ago

hmm and what kind of content were YOU contributing to the sub here exactly?

TapasTree ago

I was a commentfag on reddit and same here, the bread and butter of Q discussions. I don't give a fat shit about the newest feud between mods or who is compromised this week and not the next. That seems to be the only content ever posted here, "OMG I THINK Q HAS BEEN COMPROMISED! OMG THEAWAKENING IS COMPROMISED! OMG HOW CAN WE HELP YOU GUYS LEARN VOAT?!?"

Shit or get off the fucking pot, there has hardly been a single thing actually worth commenting on in these subs because it's all stupid shit about which mods we don't like or how to keep the Voat natives happy, etc. TALK ABOUT Q, NOT THIS DIVISIVE BULLSHITTERY! I'll see some stupid tangential discussion about weed curing cancer, it's literally anything but serious Q discussion ~70-80% of the time.

pairadocs ago

I must have missed it but if you feel that way, why are you still here?

WanderingTaurus ago

You have been here for 9 whole fucking days! Ignore posts that don't interest you, contribute to those that do, or start your own damn threads. Your initial response to this thread itself served no purpose other than one you are bitching about.

srayzie ago

Well I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing unless Q tells me to stop. Thank you guys for your support. I wouldn’t want to try if it weren’t for you guys. Xoxo

Rainbow_Trout ago

Older goat here, this is where I feel comfortable and this is where I’ll stay. Take care.

QualityShitposter ago

@ srayzie Schtap listening to fucking that nigger NeonRevolt, and listen to Q! Famefags are not the solution!

New Q board at Voat is v/QRV. I tried pinging you (maybe different account) to get you to hand over keys here, but no go. No problem except you have to keep managing this place (sorry you didn't get an easy out).

Expect lots of newbies coming here for CCP since they can't earn it in anon subs. Once that's dealt with, business as usual except growing bigly.

Bodean1415 ago

Was just there ...9 subscribbers n 2 people online? Don't see the issue.

srayzie ago

Neon Revolt is taking some abuse lol. We’ve had so much support that I’m feeling better. What do you mean hand over my keys?

QualityShitposter ago

Never mind. Said that after Q suggested Voat, but before BO created QRV.

love_light_truth ago

Absolutely, these subvs will flip, burn and get reborn. Q linking to /v/qvr is just another spek. The dust will settle soon, don't fret.

You're doing an awesome job, in the eye of the tornado of sorts, as the dust is spitting up all over this ...region(?).

Members as you know will determine the best subv, not bursts of cross-promos and territorial pissings.

srayzie ago

Thank you. We won’t give up!

AlwaysDeplorable ago

I'm going to continue monitoring all the Q boards for now. @srayzie, I don't think this is about you. I would bet that Q heard (or discovered first hand) all the drama that was going on and just figured that creating a new subverse with someone he already respected was the best way to go. He did mention that people were scattered and wants them together. It didn't seem like GA and TA were ever going to get together. (Though I do think that a lot of us were subscribed to and monitoring both subs).

NoTrueScotsman ago

Man, this is really messed up and I really feel for you here. You've worked so hard and done such a good job spreading information and making it accessible to bring people in. I honestly wouldn't have known about this stuff without you.

If it helps, know that those of us who have been here, and a lot of us who have lurked and not commented much here, appreciate and respect you and your work. The goats who knew your username before last week still know you by the good reputation you've earned here.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I love all you guys. We’re just going to continue doing what we do!

abyssmal ago


DerivaUK ago

Seconded. Keep on keepin’ on, Bird. @srayzie

EyeOfHorus ago

@srayzie try to stop being a girl for just one day! You've done a good job, ignore the static, and keep doing what you've been doing. Leave your emotions behind. No one has any expectations!

Qanon is fucking retard if he's relying on Neon or Stoner.

DamnLiquor ago


srayzie ago

Thank you...

try to stop being a girl for just one day!

I needed that lol

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't eat the blackpill.

Just keep on going like you've been doing for almost a year.

You do a great job :)

srayzie ago

Thank you!

DerivaUK ago


Phantom42 ago

Oof. I'm already there.

We're defeating the Cabal, sure, but we have to deal with a LOT of other bullshit that cuckservatives/Boomers like such as the idea America was supposed to be some melting pot of every race, that Nazi's were evil because they had "Socialist" in the name and didn't like the Kikes, so on, so forth....

I appreciate what Q is doing, but we have a FUCKLOAD of work ahead of us.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Member for 9 days

White supremacist

Interesting. Didn't think they had those on reddit.

Phantom42 ago

Eh. Not a plebbitor. Lurked on 4chan and 8chan for a good few years now. Heard about the Voat thing and the whole ban and all that... Figured I may as well slip on in too.

Also, very different than a white supremacist. You'd do well to research the "bad guys" a bit more... You know, the ones the Cabal claim are evil? Yeah. Those guys.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Anybody here for 9 days is a potential bad guy.

You might not be, though.

If not a white supremacist, what are you?

Phantom42 ago

Oh, I understand the suspicion. Perfectly respectable. I'm a guest in the Voathouse. I'm not about to just shit onnthe walls and say it's your fault for not telling me where the bathroom is.

ANYWAY... It's hard to definitively define (heh) what exactly I am.

I believe in a homeland for all people, and I believe racial values should be embraced and held high in society. I want blacks to be proud of themselves by forging a new legacy, because, let's face it, they haven't had a great start. You can look at IQ levels and crime statistics and so on... Not good. I certainly don't want those types anywhere in or around my home. WITH THAT SAID, one of my greatest mentors in life was a black guy. Good man, served in SWAT for several years, was my high school principal. Nothing but respect for the guy. Unfortunately, he is the exception, not the rule. I hope that the Black race has it in them to change that.

Same for the Asians. Asia is for Asians. This is a no brainer. They've done exceedingly well and have a fascinating culture and, for the most part, agreeable values that they have stuck with for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Whites, we deserve a homeland as well. Currently, we are facing an invasion. This is no game. It is truly happening. Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, all VERY white countries, are now places of routine rapes and attacks. Those people and that land are my people as well. They are my brothers and sisters. I won't tolerate such acts on my people. Looking at the plain statistics and hitlstory itself, it has been whites that built the West. Whites built Europe, and the America's (though the U.S. and Canada are the main ones). Whites have unique culture, civilized culture, and so on, so on. I'm sure you've heard it all before.

I want America to be what it was meant to be. This "melting pot" idea? It was meant as an allusion to having Francs, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, Brits, Poles, so on, all living together. However, they all share a common trait. Race.

Am I saying we just kick out all the darkskins from our country now? No. Let them continue their lives if they're good contributing citizens. If not, kick them out. In a more permanent manner, if necessary.

Essentially, I want a homeland for all people, and believe that if we all embraced our racial values and embraced what is essentially nature, we would be better off. That is what I find among leftism that is a recurring theme, defiance of nature. Faggots, Tranny's, interracial marriage being pushed (when, in a natural environment, it's quite rare), and SO many other things that would need... God knows how long to explain clearly.

As I said though, a homeland for all people.

ALSO, fuck the Cabal, the Synagogue of Satan, and the lies they have spread throughout our history (like calling Nazi's evil... Because I'm going to trust evil people controlling us calling supposedly evil people evil.... After they fought them using our blood.).

I began my little journey into the "bad guy's" beliefs by looking, of all places, to General Patton.

He said "we fought the wrong enemy". Then he died. Knowing how people get Clintoned, I figured it worked the same back then, and wondered why the Hell a General of an army that just utterly destroyed these people (Germans) would say "Oh no... We fought the wrong people,".

So then I dug into the Reich, and found that it was nothing like I was told to believe. The name "socialist"... Name only. Goebbels put it nicely (a quote largely like this, though I don't believe it is word for word): "Do you pove your nation? You are a Nationalist. Do you love your people? You are a Socialist."

By that definition, I am certainly a NatSoc. Butbutbut it's Socialism.

Well, yeah, you think I didn't find issue with that? Because I sure as Hell did.

So I continued digging, seeing what I could find.

I found that it was a mix of Capitalism, with the government stepping in when corporations begin to harm the people, or Volk, as the Germans put it. Think of this as the monopoly busting here in America all those years ago. That's essentially what the Reich did. Hitler himself is quoted talking about how Marxism (Socialism, Communism) doesn't respect the individual. It takes and takes without giving back.

The Reich, it had no quarrel with the individual making a lot of money, and doing well for him or herself. It encouraged it, BUT through means that were honorable. You know, go be a doctor, a high ranking soldier, so on...

BAH, I could go on forever, and it's 1:30 where I'm at and I haven't slept since five this morning... Or, well, yesterday morning.

One last point, Hitler often did mention that not having a specific ideology is what allowed NatSoc to do so well. It can take the best from all aspects and pull it together into one thing STRICTLY for the Volk, not the government. Essentially the inverse of fascism.

Kinda like a... "We the People" thing, you know?


Fact- Hitler's mamma was a Jew. That means, he was too, by blood.

Fact- The NAZIS were literally occult, cultists.

Fact- The Nazis used socialism to con the masses. They only went after the ""bad"" businesses, just like socialist Venezuela did. All socialism is a con game. Nazis are socialists.

Fact- George Soros was a Nazi, and a Jew also. Weird huh?

You should research all that, before you get your head stuffed too far up your young ass to pull it back out. The "good guys/bad guys" question isn't nearly as simple as pointing a finger at any one race, religion, creed, or group of people. Don't fall for the old, "it's all (((their))) fault" gambit. It's a trap.

Phantom42 ago

Fact- JIDF needs to fuck off.



clamhurt_legbeard ago

Dude, thanks for the very detailed reply.

I think you'll do all right here on voat.

Phantom42 ago

No problem at all man.

OH, and do note that if it sounds like you're talking to some kid, you are. I'm just some random 19yo that had a little too much wokejuice one night... and now I'm here.

Also, and I don't know if you're a Christian or not, but I found something interesting about this "hunt for Truth" we all have.

In Christianity, we'll often hear God described as the Truth, Light, and Way.

OFTEN. Not all the time... Deniminations and such...

ANYWAY, as Christians we are also called to seek God in our lives. You know the drill, "God has the answers" and all.

Well, I was lying awake one night when it clicked: If God is the TRUTH, Light, and Way, and I'm seeking Truth already, regardless if I'm Christians ir not, am I not seeking God? I tend to believe I am. God is Truth, I seek Truth, therefore I seek God.

Which brings me to another thing: Science. I've found that as scientists go deeper into the field of quantum theory and such, they magically find religion quickly. It's almost a pattern, you'll have new scientists (quite a few, not all) entering religious, then advancing and saying there is no God, and THEN getting to the deep shit and saying "there has to be one". It's funny really.

I recall Tesla told us to think of the universe in terms of waves and sound... That struck an interesting chord with me the first time I heard that. I remember a story from the Old Testament, the walls of Jericho.

Essentially, the Hebrews (I believe it was the Hebrews) surrounded the city but couldn't get inside. For (3?) days they marched around the walls and blew trumpets as loud as they could. The walls eventually fell, and the city was captured.

Then, in Genesis it talks about how God SPOKE and it was so. Speaking... Does that not need sound? Waves? It's freaking interesting man.

So yeah, my spill on science is essentially that if you don't think science and God go together, you haven't even scratched the surface.

Okay... Now I really gotta shut the fuck up. It's 2:00 in the morning and I need muh dayum sleep!

Have a good one!

betadynamique_ ago

Some of what I've posted on Gab has me, I don't want to say spooked, but more intrigued insofar as "coincidence" goes. So then I'm convinced that Q is tracking Q, or specifically, Q is tracking those who are tracking Q, patriots and clowns alike. Having a 'fully endorsed' subverse is a good way to counteract whatever shenanigans, such as the division tactics. Now everyone can goto the sub they like, having common ground affiliated with the 8chan board. It may not be that any mods are compromised, but it may be that mods are pressured, if that makes sense, I don't know, like the drama started on Reddit because that's what Reddit does. They know how people react, and they take advantage, because it's all about manufacturing this idea that Q is a "deranged cult" or a "toxic community" and so forth. Similar effect here with #pizzagate originally, similar effect on Gab when the white nationalist blog 'daily stormer' was targeted. That migration thing, it spawns all this drama, confusion. This is my opinion, anyways. I would like to see what happens if the entire Reddit website was shut down, give them a taste of their own medicine.

SwampDonkey318 ago

3131643 Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors. In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch). Q

Bodean1415 ago

Whaat..he just said 8 ch a week ago? Ok I'm confused...maybe the awaking is out of Q's control?

kestrel9 ago

Some users on the new board are avoiding both v/GreatAwakening and v/theawakening. NR has lost a lot of credibility. 'Trust him'? He steered everyone out of here just to have Q direct them back in? But NR is 'in the know?' hmmmmm

srayzie ago

Heck yeah he has. How do you know they are avoiding the AwakenIng subs? Can you get in? It tells me it’s NSFW and to go to the front page.

kestrel9 ago

If you to the 'manage' (found just on the right of ' your messages' you can change your settings to accept NSFW. The problem for me is that I visited the board and ended up viewing the pic of the person with botched male to female surgery. NOT. Don't need to subject myself to it. So when I visit I know not to click jpgs. Just great.

AbsolutelyZak ago

NeoRevolting started boring me six to eight weeks back. Carrying on like a code breaker who decoded Q posts whilst taking a shit and complaining the whole time like a teenage girl who just lost her virginity and got dumped all in the same night. Really I can picture him as a boy version of ugly Betty but with thicker glasses! All that fighting with microdot or whatever his name is. Grow the fuck up. Youre Revolting !!!

CokeOrPepe ago

Yeah, he lost my interest too. I do look forward to Praying Medic's YouTube notifications!

Bodean1415 ago

Neon revolting. .. yes Q said drop back to 8's a zoo now but give it a bit to Mello's gonna be just fine.

kestrel9 ago

Unfortunately too many people put too much stock in his judgement, which seemed decrease as his growing paranoia about who to trust on reddit increased. He ended up in an echo chamber, barely trusting Q it seems (at least for today). Clearly NR made a huge misjudgment in herding people to the chans and dismissing Voat as a potty break.

SeanBox ago

I find it odd they would yank the rug out from under you on this. You’ve been committed to this for a long time. No one said anything to you before this happened? I know you always try to reach out. This is fishy.

InfiniteCurator ago

QRV is full of shills and garbage posting to stir up shit at the moment. It is making the board and community look bad. Just use your instincts and logical reasoning. I am not sure who is compromised or what to believe anymore, but just remember to think for yourself ALWAYS.

Phantom42 ago

One idiot literally tried to compare National Socialists to the Marxist filth.

Kike dumbass.

kestrel9 ago

Right, meanwhile on the qresearch

▶Anonymous 09/21/18 (Fri) 21:51:36cb32ad (2) No.3134609>>3134614 >>3134622 >>3134635 >>3134651 >>3134669 >>3134761 >>3134764 File (hide): 5b49523992b24a9⋯.jpg (273.99 KB, 838x1017, 838:1017, 1492617688554.jpg) (h) (u)


When Voat first started they banned VPNs and TOR. You had to register using your real IP address and you were limited to one account per IP. It was created to funnel all the racists and pizzagate researchers from Plebbit to one location where they're foced to use their real IP address so they can be tagged, logged, and tracked. The creator has shady connections to the defense community. This was all known back before the pizzagate exodus. 8chan /pol/ anons exposed the honeypot.

Q done fucked up by not vetting Voat at all and directing people to go there to the honey pot.


Voat is a cabal honeypot, and you just directed all your followers right into the cabal's big pot of honey. Congrats!

Probably just NR top brass.

Did anons beg Q to send the migration back here? /s

kestrel9 ago

Rule 0 on 8ch/PatriotsAwoken

Rule 0: Please avoid linking directly to the /QResearch/ board whether it is on your Facebook page, YouTube channel, Twitter account, website/blog, etc. The influx of newfags has only caused problems for the hard workers of that board as well as the staff members. That board is for Q and the autists. Take what you learn from here and spread it to this board and other platforms without getting in their way. This is a SFW alternative board here at /PatriotsAwoken/ for Reddit refugees, newfags, boomers, and the like. Link people here first.

meanwhile on qresearch… will someone please do something? I'm tripping over newfags at everyturn

InfiniteCurator ago

I just consume information. Look from all angles. Read from all sides. Those who are full of hate or prejudice while trying to hide should realize the internet is not a place for that any more.

DamnLiquor ago

FUCK off you all knowing nigger

kestrel9 ago

I just consume information.

You came to the right board

Irenewal ago

Yes I agree very much. Q said trust ourselves. Keep doing our own research and use our common sense. We need not be right all the time as long as we are thinking for ourselves. When I'm not sure of something, I just store it somewhere in my mind without any judgement until I am able to gain greater clarity on the subject.

TapasTree ago

Q also said that is the board to be on for Voat users. Do you listen to Q or not?

Qrunchy ago

Trust the plan....what other choice is there?

WanderingTaurus ago

Do you know the full plan?

Qrunchy ago

Winning!!! And not losing.....and making sure us plebes enjoy the show!

Lfaber36 ago

Q dropped and asked 8chan board owner to start a new voat sub. v/QRV

kestrel9 ago

Maybe the training wheels at the ptsa woken chan board went kaputz.

finessa ago

I kinda like the patriotsawoken chan board but it just isn't catching on; very slow. I don't know if our refugee crowd is intimidated by the chans or maybe they just all went to qresearch. Some were at Voat already, of course. Q is right. We need to stick together.

love_light_truth ago

More likely the cause is Voat being closer to Reddit in terms of UI vs 8ch. That's a different world of navigation look and feel.

finessa ago

Probably true, but I caught on fairly quickly and I'm no whiz. Maybe 8ch's reputation precedes it.

kestrel9 ago

If I recall NR spearheaded the chan board after sowing a lot of distrust between the Voat and Reddit communities. I can stick together with Qpatriots regardless of where they post, but I can't pretend the fallout of NR's mistakes didn't happen. I hope more new users will keep in mind that NR is NOT Q.

finessa ago

The whole situation makes me confused and kind of sad because I appreciated Neon's work. I can't figure out what is going on which probably means there is a back story. If we are forced to choose, though, I will trust Q.

kestrel9 ago

Of course trust Q. NR does NOT speak for Q, and it was NR who caused a lot of the confusion.

Mumbleberry ago

I'm sure srayzie hasn't noticed that. /S

srayzie ago

Know abiut the board?

Mumbleberry ago

The massive influx at v/QRV

srayzie ago

Yeah I read the Q post. Not sure what you mean