QDPie ago

No no no - the REAL culprit is probably John The Molesta Podesta, who was in NZ in time to help stage this false flag operation that was supposedly live-streamed on FB (while it was conveniently down.)

OK - here's all I've gathered on it being fake:

was nz attack faked? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3103959/17519819?context=10

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3096500 New Zealand "mass shooting" Fake, not just a FF, obvious dummies or rubber bullets (GreatAwakening)

submitted 10.5 hours ago by ICE_2010 Not sure if anyone is talking about this, but I managed to download the video and watching it for the 5th time now... this is a movie pure and simple, dummies, rubber bullets, things like that become obvious. Get the mp4 on torrents, there is a link on bitchute but it streams really slow, maybe some more out there. Youtube doing it's best to pull the original vid. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SQt1KqWIbNT9/BitChute https://imgur.com/a/fm4hCumImgur Album

https://i.redd.it/z4ulzxy7rjm21.jpg - podesta connection and https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/2020-nz-election-a-juicy-target-for-major-hack-john-podesta/ar-BBUAfdS



Then this from Thomas Wictor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOikrDPgTyM&feature=youtu.be

New Zealand Attack - excellent response from a Christian politician


me… Thank you for this, anon. I am so glad to see this, though now we really all need to pray for this gentleman. He is right on. I also spoke with a friend in Australia today who was on the fence and tending to blame this on "not enough gun control." I had to be careful -- international comms and all. So I did the Q thing: "Do you think this may have been carefully planned?" "Who do you think benefitted from this act?" "Are these ever really about just one thing?" "Do you think he may have had some help, or may have been programmed to do this?" "Did you read those supposed texts and posts to places like 8Chan?" "Did you think those were oddly specific posts?" "Do you notice how many targets in the US they managed to point to and what these people have been saying?" "Is there a body in the US that has caused mayhem worldwide in the past 50 years or so and who is under attack in the US?" "Did you notice that the bulk of the MSM reports appeared to have been prepared in advance and they were all nearly identical in their wording?" "Are you aware there is a report coming out implicating AU/NZ intel agencies in re: our POTUS?" "Did you notice who is visiting your country right now?"


this is an odd one - https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/03/17/new-zealand-the-unraveling-of-a-israeli-mass-murder/

more NZ false attack

I posted many things - but this might be one of my longest...... Danes/Denmark involved in NZ terror attack? (QRV)

submitted 7.8 hours ago by 3113271? I am a Danish anon. When I first saw the NZ shooting, I knew it was a hoax - didn't spend much time researching, but saw a few posting evidence of my suspicion from time to time, and like any other FF, operation Gladio, I just lifted my shoulders and read other things. You kind of get used to it, when you can see through it with the obvious CGI and stuff. But one thing I kept thinking about was the weapons. Today I remembered why; I saw a documentary in Danish morning TV news, maybe last year about 2 danish guys that have invented fake weapons - you cannot tell the difference - and the difference to real weapons are they do not shoot with bullets, but with fire and air, and they are harmless. They invented the weapons due to so many accidents in making movies and stunts, and their prime customer is Hollywood. At that time I didn't think much of it, other than - lucky guys, they are going to make a fortune. Then today, I research back to the clip I saw, and got the names of the 2 guys; Daniel Karpantschof and Søren Haraldsted. I looked up Daniel and BOOM!!! everything just dropped, coffee cup and my jaw: Daniel Karpantschof served on President Obama's Council of Experts for Entrepreneurship, was named Denmark's New Creative Elite, and is routinely exposed to burns, cuts and bruises, in kitchens, workshops or around the office. He is currently running Copenhagen Industries -- a 21st century arms manufacturer for special effects, film and tv. Daniel used to advise RML SpaceLab, an open source space exploration agency, is the co-founder of Nexus Global Youth Summit, and ran The Economist Group Ideas Lab. He has been involved in a number of startups (in telco, cleantech and entertainment) and guest lectures at the Danish School of Design, New York University, the Chaos Pilots, Copenhagen Business College, Pratt School of Design. He served as Danish representative to UNESCO and the UN World Summits on Information Society, on private and public boards, including the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies, Danish Evaluation Institute, the urban development project Copenhagen – The Thinking City as well as the National Council on European Policies and the National Board of Education. In 2009 he achieved his childhood dream and moved to the US, and in New York he joined The Economist -- which he eventually left to run the global Sandbox community as Head of Global Affairs. For the time being he is living somewhere between Copenhagen and New York City, as he is building Copenhagen Industries. WORK CEO, Copenhagen Industries Søren Skov Haraldsted is a special effects coordinator, and has been so on many, many films - look here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1706530/ So my thoughts are; The dems FF in NZ was made with these 2 danish guys new invention - weapons shooting with air - but you cannot tell the difference from real weapons, one of them a former President Obama's Council of Experts for Entrepreneurship, and one of them a special effects coordinator for Hollywood productions. I am totally flabbergasted!!!! I hope you got through my post, and can see what I see - I never knew that I would see the day, that I actually could make a connection from my country to the world wide spider web, although I knew it is here - but now, today - I see so much more clearly how fare their spider web/tentacles are reaching. Here you can see testing in danish TV of the weapons in studio: http://nyheder.tv2.dk/tech/2017-02-01-to-danskere-opfinder-nyt-vaaben-til-hollywood-her-tester-tv-vaert-det Edit: Our crown princess Mary Donaldson, is from Tasmania - Australia, New Zealand - and our Queen Margeretha is one of the commitee of the 300:http://themillenniumreport.com/2015/11/the-committee-of-300-who-are-they/

NZ and Sandy Hook connection - https://www.cchrflorida.org/sandy-hook-shooters-psychiatrist-arrested/#comment-7779

HRC pedo ring New zealand

https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12085350 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12041988 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11780357


more on HRC nz herald



HRC shut down the pedo investigation when secy of state https://voat.co/v/QRV/2860116

THAT's All I have for right now -- but putting the blame on Lanza AND the Shrink just acts as a diversion to keep people talking about it as if it was all real and not a LARP. Even if a couple of people really did die (or were killed before the whole thing started because they wanted those people dead and could add that into the "body count") is immaterial. This was a False Flag set up just as Q told us to expect. The children in the burning bus were as well. Of course at the same time, hundreds of people murdered in worse situations across the planet and all we got from the news was crickets... so there's that as well.

Vindicator ago

this is an odd one - https://www.veteranstoday.com/2019/03/17/new-zealand-the-unraveling-of-a-israeli-mass-murder/

Just a heads-up, QDPie: VeteransToday is a fake news site set up to fool conservatives and make them look like idiots. It's right up there with NeonNettle, YourNewsWire and MillenniumReport.

QDPie ago

One more question - what about that Henry Markow guy? Some of what he posts is a head scratcher, but he has a few things that are worthwhile. Is he a good guy, or is this one of those "even a stopped clock is right twice a day" things?

Vindicator ago

Makow is as well known to me. When I vet stuff for v/pizzagate, I look at the claims in the piece, look over the website and see what it's citing as sources, and if it looks sketchy, I flair it "Accuracy in Question" "Unverified" or "Possible Disinfo" depending. I rarely see Makow stuff posted anymore (there was a lot of it at the beginning of pizzagate). I tend to think that means it's probably fake news, as well.

QDPie ago

Thank you. I tried to find things on him and some of his posts were a little questionable. But I don't like throwing out a whole thing because someone has a different take on it. Still yet, I really appreciate the community here -- where I can ask the question and get a reasonable answer.

Vindicator ago

As do I! :-)

QDPie ago

Thank you so much for that info Vindicator. I'm reading so much that I sometimes don't know about these sites. That makes sense. Should I delete that from the post?

Vindicator ago

I wouldn't want it referenced in a post I made. Can you find another source that corroborates it?

QDPie ago

OK - I'm still new on here. Well, the reference from Danish Anon to this guy is spot on https://onfrontiers.com/profile/dkarpantschof And he's part of the Nexus Global Youth Summit, which raised some hairs on my neck. He's also very involved in special effects and making videos

Copenhagen Industries • United States Co-founder2016 - Present (2 years, 9 months) Copenhagen Industries is a brand new and innovative technology provider for special effects, film and tv production.

Follow our progress here, as we develop our hardware platform and apply groundbreaking technologies to provide safe, reliable and high-end/low-cost combat incapable, SFX only weapon systems to the global special effects and prop market.

I'm thinking that Danish Anon guy may be on to something.

So - while Veterans Today may be suspicious, the Danish guy has information that can all be vetted.

Fateswebb ago

Lanza was fake

TurquoiseLover ago

I want to see a list of every CREEP in Sandy Hook who got their mortgages paid off by the U.S. taxpayer for SCAMMING THE USA.

TurquoiseLover ago

hillybilly worked on drugging up school boys with RITALIN.

CR302 ago

The 'Dr.' Tries that with my young brother in law...gave him so many psych drugs that he turned into an attack monster and started physically assaulting all his family members. He was only 17 at the time. Sick bastards want everyone drugged.

hamman365 ago

The real culprit is Lanza, he pulled the trigger. Did his psychiatrist contribute w his treatment??? Dont know, dont know how Lanza was before Lexapro, but do know that millions have taken lexapro without grabbing an AR and heading down to the local elementary school. Also his psychiatrist was arrested for sexual assault, not for treating Lanza

Fateswebb ago

Lanza was fake..

DanaNordic ago

Running off to New Zealand suggests the THeRAPist is more than a benign pill-pusher.

AHistoryOfBadMen ago

He fled to New Zealand of all places. When Q said “who Is the THeRAPISt” I tried connecting him to NZ shooter but he does have a children’s psychology practice out there

Truther65 ago

Not surprising. NZ will welcome child sexual preditors.