15116255? ago



15113077? ago

Is anyone really surprised at this point?

I'm starting to think that we really did fall from paradise. Earth is actually hell and it is populated by the evil ilk of the devil. HRC, Bill, Hussein, Podesta, Soros, Rothchilds, Saudis, Stalin, Mao, Pot, Hitler, Federal Reserve - the list goes on and on.

I pray the evil is soon vanquished and the human soul can realize its full potential. These people are sick and they care little for the sorry people. God help us.

15110782? ago

Is there anyone else who wonders how NBC managed to let this story get out?

15109853? ago

Was the whistle-blower found dead or is she still around?

15109810? ago

I can't even watch a video of NBC without wanting to heave.

15108061? ago

QAnon Future conversation with Normies

Future QAnon army conversation with Normies once they are red-pilled about Deep State:


15105948? ago

Never forget this - http://archive.li/vy54Y They all went after Lauer after he asked her about her emails. Apparently that's where the "We will all hang from nooses!" Meme came from. However, the meme is slightly off, as it changed some of the quotes from her as found in the archived file... Maybe needs someone to correct the meme? (I'm all for making sure whatever we put out there is accurate. Never give the demmies a chance to say, "Hey, that's not what she said!" They are right, it's worse!)

15112161? ago

Thanks for that link Patriot. I looked up the videos, hahah was good.

Hillary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC373ASBXs8

Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yNVAx68FB0

Trump did awesome as always. Trump always give substance, examples, things he'll do. Hillary just talks mumbo jumbo, fluff talk, no substance.

15125136? ago

Hah! Just watched that first one. Lauer looks very nervous and guarded. The fakery is amazing, "I'm so happy you're doing this..." HRC intones in her fake voice. Use this to NOT attack Mr. Trump... Listen to it without watching her. Amazing how fake she sounds. Hurts my ears. Her voice is awful. Then you watch it... her eyes are DEAD. Now she is talking about the BinLaden raid... look at the other thread today on that with McCraven... LOVE that he brings up the email server again! Now - watch her eyeballs. She is fearful. When you can see the whites of her eyes, you know she is really upset. And -- ummmmm, we are looking at clinton emails on wikileaks and there were a TON of Secret classifications. Lying sack of shit. I do face reading as a hobby... she is LYING LYING LYING. Did we EVER dodge a bullet! I'm surprised Matt Lauer is still alive!!

15127668? ago

ahhahha, NICE commentary!

Do you know the youtube channel body language ghost? She does good videos on body language. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7n8r27jRnjpYpfyEfBOLFw/videos

If you havn't, I recommend you watch the Christine Ford video, it's funny as https://youtu.be/uGxr1VQ2dPI

15125007? ago

Like Q says, They never thought she would lose! They have all been playing by the old rulebook and are in shock right now. That's why they had to cheat to win the midterms. They really really really really don't get it. Unfortunately the huge population of NPC's don't either. They've moved on while we are sitting here waiting for the other shoe to drop. Better be soon. We have about a month (Dec 21) for it all to coalesce. God help us all. Keep yer powder dry and your pantry filled!

Happy Thanksgiving, Patriot!

15105654? ago

At the time I figured they took the investigation just far enough to OWN each and every one of those perverts. Thousands of puppets on strings can do interesting, ugly things. Now I realize there was even more to it.

15105620? ago

Hopefully this is a sign that its gotten to the point where not even MSM can continue running cover for these sick assholes any longer.

15105274? ago

She's a human trafficker and part of a cabal who routinely rapes, tortures and kills children, not to mention the bodycount for adults. I can see why she would make that move.

15103884? ago


15103763? ago

State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki now with CNN. Go figure.

15103644? ago

This video is from 2013, why the hell do you think anything will ever come of it now?

Its over. Hillary Clinton, a former FLOTUS, a former US Senator, a former SOS will NEVER be charged with anything, that NOT the way the system works. Just move on with your life and forget about Hillary.

15103488? ago

Can’t wait for this bitch and all her cronies to hang

15105182? ago

She most likely will die in prison. Not stuffed and mounted, she needs to wither. It’s important to use these corrupt despots as an example. She has caused so much death and destruction and needs to be held to justice.

15105309? ago

i wish i could agree. but eradication, not vindication, is the ultimate goal...

15105485? ago

I think Bernie would be first in line to pull the switch on that hag.

Hillary and Wasserman pulled some dirty, dirty dealings to cheat an election. Voter fraud and election fraud are serious crimes.

15106917? ago

you would think - but his faggot ass took our donations, gave it all to clinton, endorsed her, then bought 3 houses and is pushing even more radical shit than before. he is a weirdo who almost got elected president - thank fucking god hillary (inadvertently) exposed this faggot! (all his voters voted for trump, obviously)

15111046? ago

Completely agree. I was a supporter of his before the dem primaries. Was red pulled and then voted Trump. So grateful I dodged that bullet! Thanks Hillary!

15103356? ago

Can we arrest that bitch now? Still waiting.......

15103339? ago

welp that got swept under the rug quickly. not one detail or name beyond the charges, unbelievable.

15103203? ago

To me, this video is simply an example of honest journalism that wasn’t tainted by Mockingbird’s agenda. Good find.

15112601? ago

If you want honesty, you should look at what happened with these claims because these claims were investigated by Office of the Inspector General.

15130414? ago


15103252? ago

How do you figure? Did you see those file graphics? "More to come on this story for sure" NOPE.

15103315? ago

Excuse me, “completely tainted”. Of course they’re not going to blow the whole thing out of the water but at least they were ‘brave’ enough to voice the matter.

15103509? ago

Well they were using their reporting as a means to appear honest. And no... they’ve been doing that for hundreds of years

15104429? ago


15103152? ago

Like with a cloth?

15102923? ago

She will be back. A dog always returns to its vomit.

15103149? ago

She's definitely a butt sniffer. Linda Tripp told me.

15102892? ago

HRC covering for pedophiles again

15113939? ago

Weird, Trump seems to like her.

Trump endorses Hillary Clinton: https://youtu.be/N5A02pNcGHs

15106882? ago

I noticed one thing, all these years HRC has been a loser. I feel Bill uses this for his own pleasure, looks like she's alone. Not powerful.

15103150? ago

Seems to be a pattern.

15105269? ago

the pattern... just practicing up for future "stand down" orders.

15103955? ago

right a pattern of people ending up dead.

15103545? ago

Did she get caught on tape laughing about it again?

15103569? ago

She's got a fucked sense of humor for sure.

15102871? ago

But it's just an alt rigjt conspiracy

15103153? ago

It's all right now.