gerberlyfe ago

This is incredible. Keep up the good work. Love th synthesis.

Fancy451 ago


GodsAngell ago

IRC = Internal Revenue Code???

AUSAFVet ago

Anyone associated with hildabeast, if they had any brains, would distance themselves.. How much is the clinton's fakedations (foundations) bringing in now that she can't keep her slimy deals/promises. (Because she is NOT President!!!) Wish I could track All of the foundations to see what ones are doing better then others. Maybe we should check in with the IRS??

sicntrd ago

It's time to rumble and meme away.

Themooninthesky ago

Hillary has AI acting on her behalf. That’s how she’ll get away again and again and again.

Bonefish5 ago

It’s really something. Especially the ‘article’ 🙄 Who buys this shit?

It’s kinda amusing and positively REEKS of desperation! Amazing Q proof to boot.

Of concern, however...

All previous Q-linked tweets were swarmed with a literal storm of Q nods and especially, memes.

The Hillary tweet is not showing the same pattern.

This almost confirms (to me) Q’s post and another thread on here about banning new Twitter ‘curse words’, hashtags regularly used by Q patriots, regular supporters of those and also the earlier YouTube thread trending here. It’s a full-on assault.

Which is very affirming in a way, but also super scary.

People should be taking this very seriously and I don’t see an urgent response. Is it being quashed?? This is a pretty big deal. Look forward to a visit to the chans tonight. I imagine it will be guitar lively.

I just hope habbenings start really habbebing where it matters tout de suite.

Just read Mueller report delayed again 🙄

Voat78 ago

Just a thought, what if the ppl who own those accounts post a photo of themselves with thier twitter name on a piece of paper, but not showing thier face if they don't want, just below the head and a paper showing it's a real person. Wasnt something like this already done a year ago or so with the not abot hashtag?

RationalDomain ago

You said “PATRIOT” - I think that hurts Hilary’s feelbads.

GodsAngell ago

Tough tiddly winks!

GodsAngell ago

I agree this is serious. We may be shut down on this website tool.

If Voat/Great Awakening gets shut down suddenly, then try:

To see if it is still up. We can communicate there too. But if they shut down one, most likely they will shut down the other too. Not sure though. This alternate sight I never see any Q post info, so it could be safe.

Kirbyrambo ago

I get depressed every time I hear about this bitch. Wish she would do us all a favor and akancided herself

GodsAngell ago

Don't worry, suicide weekend coming right up!

Kirbyrambo ago
