Steinmacher ago

here's the problem... smallfat mom has 5yr old tranny kid. I bet the comment sections are filled with MAP pervs.

Steinmacher ago

watching jootube commit suicide... very entertaining.

and I bet the pedo's love the video's this woman posts of her little boy, but pulling her ad money instead of banning pedo's who make the comments is exactly a libTard move.

rbgscorpse ago

Umm...hate to burst your bubble but there was an article the other day that showed Pedos are using these vids to look at softcore minor porn (yoga splits, etc) and the advertisements following would lead the Pedos to MORE videos with similar content. Then the Pedos couldn't resist commenting on the videos. THAT is the reason why YT has this new policy.

Fancy451 ago

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

kafi3n ago

Quick go and destroy all liberal Chanels’ revenue

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Go to hell Susan Wojcicki and shut the fuck up Susan Wojcicki and fuck off Susun Wojcicki same to YouTube, Sundar Picar, Google, and the entire FBI and CIA all pf it all of them.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Now lets see how quick and fast YouTube and Google go to hell and how quick and fast Susan Wojcicki and Sundar Picar are mutiny'd against and fired. It will be time to see how much money and revenue Google and YouTube burn through in a quarter going forward in the future. And i'll smile all the time as it happens. Go to hell Susan Wojcicki go to hell YouTube go to hell Sundar Picar go to hell Google go to hell and shut the fuck up and fuck off.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @GodsAngell.

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Novusod ago

Yes Yes this is a gift. Time to start spamming random Russian text at lefty and mainstream channels. Bookmark this link

Oзарена неземной радостью, как эти чудесные весенние утра, которыми я наслаждаюсь от всего сердца. Я совсем один и блаженствую в здешнем краю, словно созданном для таких, как я. Я так счастлив, мой друг, так упоен ощущением покоя, что искусство мое страдает от этого. Ни одного штриха не мог бы я сделать, а никогда не был таким большим художником, как в эти минуты. Когда от милой моей долины поднимается пар и полдневное солнце стоит над непроницаемой чащей темного леса и лишь Вдали от всех живут они в буквенных домах на берегу Семантика большого языкового океана. Маленький ручеек Даль журчит по всей стране и обеспечивает ее всеми необходимыми правилами. Эта парадигматическая страна, в которой жаренные члены предложения залетают прямо в рот.

PatriotLady1 ago


RationalDomain ago

Use goog (own) translate to port comments to Russian?

Don_Tomaso ago


AlternateSelection ago

JewTube should become a thing with 24/7 anti-Jewetism.

heroinwinsagain ago

fuck the greatawakening stupid q faggots.

DickTick ago

Good one! You sure told us! Your such a big girl!

3939726284 ago

Let the online Crusades begin! Mu ha ha ha!

TheBRAINz ago



everlastingphelps ago

Just means that only demonitized videos will have comments open.

YT comments are cancer anyway. Glad to see everyone turn them off.

Islamiscancer ago

Islam is cancer. you racists.

PatriotLady1 ago

Cancer not a race.

FireSauce ago

Pewtube when?

PatriotLady1 ago

Vaya con Diablo!!!!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Good. should face the wrath of a informed user-consumer base which seeks, or creates an alternative that meets their needs.

analyticalalligator ago

It just means that everyone will disable comments. Does anyone read YouTube comments anyway?

Hand_of_Node ago

Comments are often where the best info is found. A video without comments isn't worth watching.

PatriotLady1 ago

Only thing worth reading on MSM channels and so entertaining.

Jewed ago

Lots of channels depend on viewer involvement and discussion. Incidentally YouTube is only going to use this rule as an excuse on channels they don't like.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Millions of people.

Dragonfart ago

Somebody needs to create a Qtube or Quetube channel as an alternative to these to those ass clowns.

NotInFormation ago

The tech lords have already collaborated with banksters to quash upstarts. Soon, I hope, someone will beat that in court as it’s overt monopolism.

Paladin_Diver ago

You are correct. This is being worked on. Sorry, no details, but this isn't a shill comment.

ninjajunkie ago

Considering the faggot SJWs always close the comment section, I wonder who this is aimed at?

AlarmClockandRadio ago

"Comments for this video have been disabled"

Necrophagist-2018 ago

Time to get real jobs now

AlphabeticalAnon ago

HA! Their dumbass twatter page banner says "imagine that you couldn't watch your favorite videos" and then something about saving the do they mean that they love to delete videos all the time while you get their version of the internet? What?

sicntrd ago

Big Brother at its finest.

derram ago :

TeamYouTube on Twitter: "(2/2) With regard to the actions that we've taken, even if your video is suitable for advertisers, inappropriate comments could result in your video receiving limited or no ads (yellow icon). Let us know if you have any questions.… /SQoSjWbbSo"

This has been an automated message.

Truther65 ago

Never interrupt an enemy while he is destroying himself.

Intothewind ago

Seems like the Q Army may have since work to do. Let's flood those comment sections. Maybe I'll start with CNN

sane ago

Just type two letters into the comments... "CP" for the concept of Combat Points in Pokemon.

NUKED ENTIRE ACCOUNTS and all videos! Deleted! not demonetized. TOTAL UTTER deletion of acount from comments with those two letters.

It got a lot deleted starting today. Just for others posting the letters "CP"

PROOF: three famous guys : Mystic7, Trainer Tips and Marksman got nuked according to BBC news today.

CokeOrPepe ago

CNN is fake news btw.

Novusod ago

Bookmark this link (Generates random Russian text)

Великий Оксмокс предупреждал ее о злых запятых, диких знаках вопроса и коварных точках с запятой, но текст не дал сбить себя с толку. Он собрал семь своих заглавных букв, подпоясал инициал за пояс и пустился в дорогу. Взобравшись на первую вершину курсивных гор, бросил он последний взгляд назад, на силуэт своего родного города Буквоград, на заголовок деревни Алфавит и на подзаголовок своего переулка Строчка.

hamman365 ago

just gearing up for the 2020 election cycle. One Narrative to rule them all, One Narrative to find them, One Narrative to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor where shadows lie.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow I got down voted for just saying I loved the refernce! Sore Ass troll shill still having his little meltdown!

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

I down voted you here just because you're complaining about it. Take your nigger faggot ass back to censorship land if you can't handle it. lol

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And I downvoted you because you're a complete idiot who can't read. I didn't complain sore ass. I mocked it because it was such a benign comment to begin with and calling out the SORE ASS who found it offensive!

Sounds like you embrace the censorship since it offended you so much.

MAGAroniNCheese ago

Just upvoted you, thereby undoing that asshat's downvote. I gotchu

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I upvoted you too! And someone sure has a sore ass with their down votes on our posts! Sorass Soros bots are so pathetic, a certain asshole I know must be stalking me!

draaaak ago

You faggots voat farming? Ya know, we don't take kindly to such shenanigans 'round these parts. Best watch yourselves.

Astonisher667 ago

Do you own this board? No. So get out! We don't take kindly to fucking pieces of shit like you. Now you've exposed yourself as the tool that just goes around and down votes anyone who blocks your ass. How infant of you to go and down vote someone over saying the most benign thing because you are a mentally deranged troll with no life. You're still buttsore over the mods banning your other aliases from here.

draaaak ago

lol, do you own this board? No? Oh, well then I think I will stay :)

What other aliases do you think I have that were banned? Seriously, what other accounts do you retards think I control? I would love to know, because as far as I can tell, this is my only account.

Also, while I'm here, have a downvoat, for being a faggot.

Astonisher667 ago

You're only here to silence and ruin free speech for others because you are the very faggot jew nigger shill. Your other accounts also go out and attack people for talking because you think you own voat. Not just this board, but the whole site. Your day of reckoning is coming.

draaaak ago

Name one other account. You sound so certain, so name one, just one.

Astonisher667 ago

I got a whole list of them, thanks to another anon. And checking them, yeah you basically repeat yourself one trick pony.

draaaak ago

OMG you're so stupid. Seriously, try it, don't dick me around, just name one other account you think is mine. Or are you too chicken?

Astonisher667 ago

I can post the whole list. It was sent to me and several other members here.

I'll let others have the chance first though. I was asked to keep it for a while. I'm not going anywhere. It's in my inbox now and I'm not deleting it. There's a lot of other info I was given as well. You are being monitored by some group of people so, I'll just let it stand the way it is now. I have no desire to play with you and incur the wrath of all your accounts to do their worst to me. Once I'd name them, that's exactly what you'd do and that was one of the reasons I was warned about this, gramps.

heygeorge ago

A source has alerted me about this thread. Please PM copy of list to help fellow investigators. @MadWorld

Astonisher667 ago

It started when someone I generally chat with made a comment to this dickhead who then went ballistic and started going off the rail. I replied to some other comment and he just kept on and on assailing both of us. Then this total psychotroll draaaak popped up and started to blast about "being talked about behind his back" which of course was the original dick's problem so he just used his draaaak account to bully my contact here AA.

This draaaak was also the same cyberbully who attacked AA when she first joined voat. He kept attacking her for basically doing what kneo24 kept pounding his fists over, the fact she stuck up for some OP of a topic. In draaaak's case she merely agreed with a James Wood topic of some kind. IN knucklehead kneo's case she merely defended another user for the updated links in a post.

This all got him so angry that he continued on and on for over a week just running his mouth. We know that he has alternate accounts and this list both of us and several other users received was showing the proof of his tactics which I can also attest to. He uses accounts to massively downvote a user's posts and goes back a week and starts from there, then uses those same accounts to come and upvote all his vile posts.

I was invited to join here by AA and when she made her own board, she invited me to be a moderator although I really don't know the ropes. I don't know who the other subscribers are. But we were all accused of doing what he is actually doing. His whole drama is based on his mental incapacity to deal with anyone who just simply disagrees with his oppressive views and liberal tactics. His main goal is to censor anyone he targets with his abuse of the voting system.

I don't participate much, I don't come here everyday. I don't even pay much attention to trolls but when this particular one got so loud and so angry and destructive, I stepped in. I had a good vote count until he decided I was to be his next target. IMO voat should ban that user and all his accounts.

The user that sent me a list was genuinely trying to help. And it wasn't just a list. There was a whole backstory of what they experienced. And links to show how the same thing happened to them. With him using the very same tactics he's been using against me, AA and the other user she generally talks to.

I hope that helps.

MadWorld ago

The list that I am aware of is @draaaak's NPC list he made. At the time there was at least one troll who kept making alt accounts just to piss him off. If there is another list, it is more likely belonging to the NPC troll than @draaaak. But we could compare them, if available.

draaaak ago

I can't wait to see who's on this list XD

draaaak ago

Post it bitch. Or are you bluffing? I think you're full of shit. You sure sound like you're full of shit.

You are being monitored by some group of people.

LOL oh jeez that's rich. You having a fun LARPing tonight?

I have no desire to play with you and incur the wrath of all your accounts

So just name one, faggot. Or do you not even have a list? Yeah, you don't have alist. I know you don't, because there is just me, so there is no list. Unless, of course, it's just a list of other users' accounts lol

I was warned about this

You're so gay.

Astonisher667 ago

Obvious sock is obvious.

draaaak ago

Speak for yourself, @AlphabeticalAnon :)

Astonisher667 ago

You downvoting like mad, huh kneo24?

draaaak ago

Got the wrong guy. Nice try though. What's funny though, is you're the one with the alts.

Astonisher667 ago

Well now kneo24, why not prove it then. I'll wait while you go through all my posts and down vote as many as you can and then you can act like the obvious batshit that you are.

I got the right guy, you sure came into this thread to reply to me here, gramps.

draaaak ago

I'm not kneo24, but you can think whatever you want.

I know you're @AlphabeticalAnon's alt because you are both mods for a subverse with only 4 subscribers (the other 2 are almost certainly other alts of yours), and you have the same attitude, vocabulary, comment structure, and apparent low level of intelligence. You also tag team and talk to eachother too much.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Astonisher667.

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Astonisher667 ago

You're absolutely laughable! I don't know who the other subs are, and AA invited me to be a mod and I accepted. But your wild and delusional shitshow is now public and I will be saving to show around. Since you have obviously outed yourself, you elected to start posting with your alts in some insane effort to go after anyone who sees through you, and by doing so you have exposed yourself freely. You talk and sound just like all the other alts you have been using to censor and harass the people. You pull all that accusation about me out of your ass. Low intelligent troll, go bother someone else and know that you are exposed.

You've been downvoting everything on my page you can target. That is a jew, shill and nigger tactic. I see you.

draaaak ago

You're so retarded. Tits or gtfo.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Empty threats you piece of shit! Your projection is massive in scale but your army is small.

draaaak ago

Please, tell me more about my army.

hamman365 ago

who is the sore ass that downvoted you

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'll send you his username, but he's got others. He's also from another forum where he is equally a sore ass.

draaaak ago

Still talking about me behind my back? And I'm the sore ass.. lol I hope you didn't spend all your money on wine this week and still have some left over for your 17 cats' Fancy Feast. Kitties get hungry too.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh there's the TROLL SHILL ASSHOLE! Actually I referred to your other account psycho stalker! So you're STILL stalking me? That figures! This time it won't be easy to silence me you fucking psycho! I know that's what you want to do since I enrage you sooo much! I still agree with James Woods' opinion against yours and there's nothing you can do but scream! But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place! I don't have to do it behind your back I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!

And I don't drink but you should drink Dran-O and remove yourself from humans and animals. You are a sick sadistic motherfucker!

draaaak ago

Wow, you're still a total whackjob delusional cunt.

and there's nothing you can do but scream!

...but, you're the one that's screaming. I mean, look at the things you're saying:

Actually I referred to your other account psycho stalker!
That figures!
This time it won't be easy to silence me you fucking psycho!
I know that's what you want to do since I enrage you sooo much! and there's nothing you can do but scream!
But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place!
I don't have to do it behind your back I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!
You are a sick sadistic motherfucker!
take a look at who is back to attacking!
I just banned his other sock accounts!

All of those sentences, which is most of your comment, end with an exclamation point. The only person here who is screaming, is you. And you accuse me of projection.. lmao. You see, this is why I call you delusional. This is what delusion is.

But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place! ...I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!

Be my guest :) Just, ffs, spell my name properly, and learn to ping, it's the polite thing to do. Like this: @AlphabeticalAnon is a stupid, loony, wino cunt. See how easy that is?

What's my "other account"? Which accounts did you ban? I only use this one account lol... You banned me from v/Obscurity (such an appropriate name for your subverse btw.. so obscure, I'd never even heard of it), but, you also banned a bunch of other users thinking they were me? Fucking priceless. Ya know, for someone who bitches endlessly about how unfair it is to censor other users, you sure seem quick to censor me, and people you mistakenly think are me, from your precious subverses. Isn't that a little hypocritical?

You should know, that when you block someone on voat, it only removes them from your field of view. The blocked user can still see all of your comments and posts, they can voat on them, respond to them, and they can talk endless shit about you without you ever knowing. Blocking users is fairly retarded, but then, I guess that would suit you well ;)

He's a deranged HRC screamer who is still attacking anyone who reminds him that she lost.

Yeah, this is the delusional part right here. Can you find one comment I've ever made, over the past 3.7 years that I've been here, that would even slightly suggest that I ever, even for a microsecond, supported HRC? Can you? If you try, you'll be wasting your time, but you're welcome to waste you time, seems like something you're into.

I don't get it.. is @srayzie supposed to give a shit about any of this? You're really losing it. Don't stop though, I think it's hilarious XD

And I don't drink but you should drink Dran-O and remove yourself from humans and animals.

Did you just promote violence? Does encouraging self harm and suicide qualify as promoting violence? Maybe the mods should take a look at you instead of me, because that might be a subverse rules violation right there. Just sayin.

CokeOrPepe ago

Relax guy! Igotchu2fam!

meglomaniac ago

You're absolutely dead fucking on.

Soon as 2020 hits, any sort of republican or right wing video will be censored and removed because of something like this.

Paladin_Diver ago

Remind me what happened to the One Ring at the end?

MisplacedMan ago

We fucking killed it with earth-fire.

DanijelStark ago

Frodo put the Ring on ... and became Dildo Baggins , a famous pornstar .

MAGAroniNCheese ago

Starring Stormy Daniels as Gollum

Paladin_Diver ago

I am really hoping that isn't really a pornstar's name?

DanijelStark ago

Its now XD

GritD2 ago

Amazing how it was sized to fit his cock. One cockring to fuck them all.

DanijelStark ago

Oh , wait ... wrong movie XD

hamman365 ago

let's hope that life imitates art!!!

Q=Samwise the true hero of LOTR

Paladin_Diver ago

Oh, and I want to be one of the Riders of Rohan when we charge down the hill.

Paladin_Diver ago

I'd have thought Gandolf.

hamman365 ago

Gandolf is Trump in my opinion - Samwise, the true steady hand that keeps Frodo safe and who easily relinquishes the ring - true servants heart

RationalDomain ago

Patriots as Frodo?

Perhaps military is rangers? (Not a huge stretch...)

hamman365 ago

Patriots definitely Frodo

Paladin_Diver ago

We could have a bit of fun with this:

Soros as the Dark Lord.

Not sure who should be the Goblin King.

Q could be Strider as well. Maybe Flynn or Rodgers?

Sessions is an elf, obviously.

Were there any evil chicks? I can't think of any.

That's all I've got for now.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Lord of the Rings references! LOVE THEM!

northportage ago

I'm pretty sure Alphabet is past giving a shit whether YT makes money or not. What they are trying to save is not traffic and revenue. What they are trying to save/create is an ability to completely manufacture artificial reality, and enforce it. It's not about the money anymore, they have tons of it. It's about control and manufacturing consent.

petevoat ago

Good comment, thanks

Baichu ago

The internet is the ultimate control weapon.

thatguyiam ago

I would argue that no-feedback cablevision was the ultimate control weapon. The interternet has global reach, so once they manage to censor, then it would be the ultimate control weapon. But you will always have little red pills popping up once in a while. Theyll never be as successful as they were with cablevision.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Hasn't Twitter never made a profit?

ChiCom ago

Of course they will continue to be opaquely selective in which comments and content they demonetize.

Notimportant36 ago

Of course. I'm not so sure youtube themselves is making less money, they are just trying to find ways to share less of it with select people.

Having advertisers pull out completely is a much stronger statement.

SolidFoundations ago

Well, more normies are going to receive red pills and begin to wake up. It may be too little to late, but it ain't a bad thing either.

Frankenblock ago


Amazon lost money for years while it became a juggernaut

Kleyno ago

That's a little different. Amazon failed to make money in the beginning as part of its strategy to ride out of the dot com bubble burst and chase the promise of future growth; it could have ended terribly, but Beso won out in the end and played the market perfectly. YouTube was already making money before the first adpocolypse and whoever is running the show over there clearly skipped common business sense 101 and has turned the entire platform into a money sink. It's a dead end business with no potential for financial growth and every potential for expanding costs. The amount of capital it must be taking to keep the lights on over at YouTube, well, I shudder to think, but the sooner that site goes belly up, the better.

petevoat ago

I wonder though if they manufactured the dot com bubble solely to make sure the alphabet companies rise. Interesting.

RationalDomain ago

Very interesting insight.

PatriotLady1 ago

Money laundering.

RedPillEh ago

500 mil CIA contracts and government subsidies

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/BloodOfEurope submission by @theoldones.

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ghost_of_aswartz ago

This is the end of youtube

All those "russian bots" are going to go onto deepstate and normie / npc channels and start posting conspiracy theories there

"PIZZAGATE.... Rachel Madow is a Pedo who drinks blood with John Podesta and satanic Hillary Clinton"

<<< This video has been demonetized due to community infractions in Comments >>>