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AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'm being targeted by a stalker with multiple accounts that is actively going through all my posts to down vote them because he wanted to get into a fight and when I called him out, he pulled out all his accounts to start downvoting me all over the place like he did before in his fascist attempt to censor me. He has also been posting threats at me and another user. He is actively doing all this crap while thinking he can just railroad me and whoever else stands up to him. He has also been attacking @Astonisher667 and @hamman365. He has also targted lauraingalls and one other. I have gotten private letters regarding his tactics and other info. Is there any way to contact the owner of voat to give him the info I have?

Astonisher667 ago

he's been running thru all my pages as well and downvoting like mad.

The dumbfuck even posted this:

He thinks we're the same "because" we mod the same board! The retard oozes off of this one.

draaaak ago

Having fun talking to yourself?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

We'll be censored by him and his alts unless the owner of voat can step in.

draaaak ago

Act like a multi account shill, get treated like a multi account shill.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

But you're the one who pops up out of nowhere and starts down voting people, multi account shill. You are a deranged psychopath. I know all about your tactics.

draaaak ago

Classic projection. You're a textbook case if I've ever seen one.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You project and then keep turning it around, psychopath stalker. How many accounts do you have? Well apparently enough to downvote someone over a hundred times. But I'm onto your tactics and methods now, Soros shill.

draaaak ago

I love it. You're switching between accounts to respond to my comments. I get a reply from @Astonisher667, and then like 3 minutes later, I get a reply from you. Then 3 minutes later I get a reply from @Astonisher667, and then 3 minutes later I get a reply from you. You are so gosh darn obvious, it's just so adorable.

How many accounts do you have?

I thought you had some special secret list of my accounts. How many accounts do you have?

apparently enough to downvote someone over a hundred times.

Ya know, that can be done with one account. If I wanted to, I could technically administer about 12,900 voats every 24 hours with my account.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You tagged him, psycho stalker! Yeah yeah we all know how you do, you'll spend the rest of the day downvoting everything you can target with multiple accounts that you have and then just come off with some obvious psycho retort about how everyone loves you and downvotes those you target for you so you can have your ego stoked! But it's really that you have so many accounts to do that with. Like you did last time. Censorship is how you roll. Soros sore ass!

Astonisher667 ago

No switching here. The owners could tell I have not signed out for hours. But you're a delusional idiot. And yeah thanks for mentioning my username TWICE now. And you quoted the first target of your wrath, not me in that. So why not come at me, coward.

The owners, believe it or not, can also tell who stays signed in and who signs out. To my knowledge the other person you just started attacking out of nowhere, doesn't ever sign out. So much for your conspiracy theories, gramps.

Yeah I guessed as much. Abuse is just what you do. Like Hillary does. It's all about cheating with you.

draaaak ago

Awwwww, you broke the cycle! No fun at all :(

The owners could tell I have not signed out for hours.

So you log in with one account on your computer, and with your other account on your phone. It's not rocket science.

So why not come at me, coward.

How am I not already coming at you? You silly. Oh wait, was that a typo? Do you want me to come on you? Weird, but maybe. Got any pics?

The owners, believe it or not, can also tell who stays signed in and who signs out.

Putt is not going to tell you this.

Like Hillary does.

You're slipping, @AlphabeticalAnon ;)

If you're going to pretend to be two different people, you should really consider trying to actually act like two different people.

Astonisher667 ago

I don't use an iphone or internet on a phone and the owners can tell that too by simple browser OS check. But squeal like you do.

Never said @Putt would tell me anything, but he could just simply look and see that I have not signed out for hours. The other user you're attacking is someone else that you are stalking.

You're slipping @draaaaaaaak 1 thru 25.

If you're going to pretend to not abuse the site, maybe don't just pop up to attack someone who wasn't even saying anything to you? And then showing your censorship happy ass by abusing the dv feature? You see, that's what makes you obvious and the use of your sock army, obvious.

I have sent a letter to the owner. I have gave him links and everything to look into this with your shitshow here. And that is all I can do. The next step is to watch you and your alts try to delete me and the target of your wrath.

draaaak ago

I don't use an iphone or internet on a phone and the owners can tell that too by simple browser OS check.

This claim will never be confirmed by anyone with access to this information.

The other user you're attacking is someone else

lol no it's you. Stop lying.

You're slipping @draaaaaaaak 1 thru 25.

Wow, you linked to an account with absolutely no activity! Great detective work gumshoe! "1 thru 25"? Are you fucking retarded? I have u/draak - u/draaaaaaaak. That's 7 total accounts, but only one, u/draaaak, is active. NONE of the other 6 have had any usage. No commenting, no voating, nothing. I reserved these accounts a few months ago when confirmed shill TrumpNPC / @UltraRibbed started naming accounts after me. Here's the master list I made to track his activity. I made the extra 6 accounts so that he couldn't impersonate me.

OY VEY! I've been found out!! All my "socks" are out in the open now! What am I to do?? ...smh

Get a grip, faggot. I use one account, u/draaaak, and that's it.

Here's the full list, go see for yourself, the only account with any activity is the one I'm using now. I may have control of these accounts, but I don't use them. You're an absolute retard if you think this is the mark of a shill:

u/draaaak <--this is the account I use

There is a u/Drak, but that's not me. I wanted it when I made the other 6 listed above, but whoever made the account abandoned it long ago, so it's not available :(

I have sent a letter to the owner.

lol good for you. You are an idiot.