Astonisher667 ago


The sock puppet trolls have now created accounts that imitate me and AA.

They are:


As you can see, they are brand new accounts and have just attacked a board I help moderate. He will no doubt use the accounts to start shit here and everywhere else as I have already been attacked with several topics regarding me and AA.

Looks like the sore losers who couldn't force me or AA to agree with them while they kept attacking us, is now hell bent on making sure we won't be posting anything here or on voat because this has now become an insane war from him against us.

I wanted to alert this board to know since this was the one we mainly read and interacted with.

It looks as though however, this nasty draaaak troll is only here to cause anyone who follows Q or the topics thereof to feel unsafe on voat. He doesn't accept that some will challenge his attacks, so he does an antifa, and just gets more and more violent about it.

This latest tactic is the evidence of how insane this asshole really is. Neither me or AA deserved any of this. She simply didn't like the tone of an obviously mentally ill brat who just couldn't accept being insulted when he was himself, being insulting. But that the draaaak/kneo24 M.O.

I have refrained from posting much and I know that anything I say he will attack. I just wanted to give an alert to this happening.

Thank you for you time.

Astonisher667 ago

draaak is the owner of many accounts that just flooded another board and anyone who can't see how mentally sick he is, should open their eyes!

draaaak has been attacking many people in the past as was relayed to me and the target of his attacks which originally was AA.

He has been attacking us since last week and hasn't let up and is now flooding out board with accounts that look like mine and AA's. I hope people are seeing all of this and what he's doing. Please see the links I provided.

draaaak ago

Endless amusement. And here I thought dried old cat ladies served no function in society. For how long can you keep up this charade?

Astonisher667 ago

Look in the mirror, faggot. There's your answer.

As for cat ladies, not sure where you fucking get that other than your mother. One day when your life ends, you'll not have a single soul to troll. Little larpy with your "friends" of fellow fandom wankers.

draaaak ago

Careful now. Give me enough reason, and I may just end up trolling you from beyond the grave. That's what ghosts do, ya know.

PS: cat ladies don't have kids, that's why they have cats. Nice try though.

Astonisher667 ago

Barking up the wrong tree, faggot.

Seriously do you even live in the real world, gramps?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'm still banning more of his accounts.

I just can't stay awake much longer though, please if you stay up, please watch the group for me. He will flood it with his wrath and ugly attacks.

I will also alert our group owner on yahoogroups to let her know what's happening here. See if she needs me to remove any of her blog links from the group for which it was created for.

And now we know what the informant was saying was true...he intends to force us away from voat. I did leave for a while, but so many kind members here asked me to not be ran off. I just don't know if it's even worth it.

When Q suggested this place, I suspected all the D's would start amassing plans to target and harass anyone to this degree. Well, they have.

Please keep an eye on my group and you've been a real good friend Aston. I really appreciate what you've handled and I'm sorry you're going through all of this. Sorry for the owner of this board too since, she's been there, where we're at.

Astonisher667 ago

I will.

I stand with you, fellow patriot.

And remember from the movie;

The gunfire around us makes it hard to hear. But the human voice is different from other sounds. It can be heard over noises that bury everything else. Even when it's not shouting. Even when it's just a whisper. Even the lowest whisper can be heard - over armies... when it's telling the truth.

draaaak ago

When you jill off, do you put on a fake mustache and talk dirty to yourself in the mirror? Or is your mustache real?

draaaak ago

Having fun talking to yourself?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'm being targeted by a stalker with multiple accounts that is actively going through all my posts to down vote them because he wanted to get into a fight and when I called him out, he pulled out all his accounts to start downvoting me all over the place like he did before in his fascist attempt to censor me. He has also been posting threats at me and another user. He is actively doing all this crap while thinking he can just railroad me and whoever else stands up to him. He has also been attacking @Astonisher667 and @hamman365. He has also targted lauraingalls and one other. I have gotten private letters regarding his tactics and other info. Is there any way to contact the owner of voat to give him the info I have?

draaaak ago

I have gotten private letters regarding his tactics and other info.

OMG I just got the hickups I laughed so hard. You are too much.

He has also been posting threats at me and another user.

Prove it. Cite one example of a threat. Do it. I dare you. You won't though, because there aren't any. You on the other hand think I should kill myself:

you should drink Dran-O and remove yourself from humans and animals

Real mature.

He has also been attacking @Astonisher667 and @hamman365. He has also targted lauraingalls and one other.

wtf are you babbling about? You are @Astonisher667. And how have I been attacking @hamman365 or @lauraingalls? I would never.. I only have eyes for you doll ;)

Astonisher667 ago

I don't swing your way faggot.

draaaak ago

So you're a dyke? That does help explain why you're so delusional.

Astonisher667 ago

If you can call a man a dyke. Look gramps, take your meds.

draaaak ago

Nice try, @AlphabeticalAnon, but you're not fooling anyone.

Astonisher667 ago

Whatever you say, gramps. Why don't you alert the owner then?

I know that AA already has, and I may do that too. You can't just harass people like you do and then try to turn it around on them what you do. That's why they call you psycho. I implore you to contact the owner of voat about whatever delusion you have. See how far that gets you. Meanwhile you can only downvote me up to a week. Too bad I don't post everyday so you can attempt to really abuse that dv feature. Like you do to other people around voat from what I have seen with my own eyes now thanks to someone who is monitoring you.

draaaak ago

Why don't you alert the owner then?

I know that AA already has, and I may do that too.

You are adorable. You must be new around here.

I implore you to contact the owner of voat about whatever delusion you have. See how far that gets you.

You mean, like, what you just claimed to have done?

from what I have seen with my own eyes now thanks to someone who is monitoring you.

LARP hard.

Astonisher667 ago

No I will contact the owner. Come to think of it. You act like you're to be feared but you're just sad really. You live your entire life on voat = no life.

draaaak ago

And like magic, as soon as I'm done replying to your other account's comment, I get to reply to yours. Hilarious. Wouldn't it be just perfect if, once I was done responding to you here, I had a comment from your alt, @AlphabeticalAnon, waiting for me? I can't wait! Fingers crossed!

Please, "contact the owner", make sure to post your exchange with Putt and ping me so I can laugh at you some more.

Astonisher667 ago

Or maybe we're online as you sit up to assail us. You already admitted to using socks. And have yet to prove your shit, gramps.

draaaak ago

Holy shit!!! I'm wearing 2 socks right now! Can you see me?... creepy.....

Ok, how many fingers am I holding up?

Astonisher667 ago

he's been running thru all my pages as well and downvoting like mad.

The dumbfuck even posted this:

He thinks we're the same "because" we mod the same board! The retard oozes off of this one.

draaaak ago

Having fun talking to yourself?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

We'll be censored by him and his alts unless the owner of voat can step in.

draaaak ago

Act like a multi account shill, get treated like a multi account shill.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

But you're the one who pops up out of nowhere and starts down voting people, multi account shill. You are a deranged psychopath. I know all about your tactics.

draaaak ago

Classic projection. You're a textbook case if I've ever seen one.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You project and then keep turning it around, psychopath stalker. How many accounts do you have? Well apparently enough to downvote someone over a hundred times. But I'm onto your tactics and methods now, Soros shill.

draaaak ago

I love it. You're switching between accounts to respond to my comments. I get a reply from @Astonisher667, and then like 3 minutes later, I get a reply from you. Then 3 minutes later I get a reply from @Astonisher667, and then 3 minutes later I get a reply from you. You are so gosh darn obvious, it's just so adorable.

How many accounts do you have?

I thought you had some special secret list of my accounts. How many accounts do you have?

apparently enough to downvote someone over a hundred times.

Ya know, that can be done with one account. If I wanted to, I could technically administer about 12,900 voats every 24 hours with my account.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You tagged him, psycho stalker! Yeah yeah we all know how you do, you'll spend the rest of the day downvoting everything you can target with multiple accounts that you have and then just come off with some obvious psycho retort about how everyone loves you and downvotes those you target for you so you can have your ego stoked! But it's really that you have so many accounts to do that with. Like you did last time. Censorship is how you roll. Soros sore ass!

Astonisher667 ago

No switching here. The owners could tell I have not signed out for hours. But you're a delusional idiot. And yeah thanks for mentioning my username TWICE now. And you quoted the first target of your wrath, not me in that. So why not come at me, coward.

The owners, believe it or not, can also tell who stays signed in and who signs out. To my knowledge the other person you just started attacking out of nowhere, doesn't ever sign out. So much for your conspiracy theories, gramps.

Yeah I guessed as much. Abuse is just what you do. Like Hillary does. It's all about cheating with you.

draaaak ago

Awwwww, you broke the cycle! No fun at all :(

The owners could tell I have not signed out for hours.

So you log in with one account on your computer, and with your other account on your phone. It's not rocket science.

So why not come at me, coward.

How am I not already coming at you? You silly. Oh wait, was that a typo? Do you want me to come on you? Weird, but maybe. Got any pics?

The owners, believe it or not, can also tell who stays signed in and who signs out.

Putt is not going to tell you this.

Like Hillary does.

You're slipping, @AlphabeticalAnon ;)

If you're going to pretend to be two different people, you should really consider trying to actually act like two different people.

Astonisher667 ago

I don't use an iphone or internet on a phone and the owners can tell that too by simple browser OS check. But squeal like you do.

Never said @Putt would tell me anything, but he could just simply look and see that I have not signed out for hours. The other user you're attacking is someone else that you are stalking.

You're slipping @draaaaaaaak 1 thru 25.

If you're going to pretend to not abuse the site, maybe don't just pop up to attack someone who wasn't even saying anything to you? And then showing your censorship happy ass by abusing the dv feature? You see, that's what makes you obvious and the use of your sock army, obvious.

I have sent a letter to the owner. I have gave him links and everything to look into this with your shitshow here. And that is all I can do. The next step is to watch you and your alts try to delete me and the target of your wrath.

draaaak ago

I don't use an iphone or internet on a phone and the owners can tell that too by simple browser OS check.

This claim will never be confirmed by anyone with access to this information.

The other user you're attacking is someone else

lol no it's you. Stop lying.

You're slipping @draaaaaaaak 1 thru 25.

Wow, you linked to an account with absolutely no activity! Great detective work gumshoe! "1 thru 25"? Are you fucking retarded? I have u/draak - u/draaaaaaaak. That's 7 total accounts, but only one, u/draaaak, is active. NONE of the other 6 have had any usage. No commenting, no voating, nothing. I reserved these accounts a few months ago when confirmed shill TrumpNPC / @UltraRibbed started naming accounts after me. Here's the master list I made to track his activity. I made the extra 6 accounts so that he couldn't impersonate me.

OY VEY! I've been found out!! All my "socks" are out in the open now! What am I to do?? ...smh

Get a grip, faggot. I use one account, u/draaaak, and that's it.

Here's the full list, go see for yourself, the only account with any activity is the one I'm using now. I may have control of these accounts, but I don't use them. You're an absolute retard if you think this is the mark of a shill:

u/draaaak <--this is the account I use

There is a u/Drak, but that's not me. I wanted it when I made the other 6 listed above, but whoever made the account abandoned it long ago, so it's not available :(

I have sent a letter to the owner.

lol good for you. You are an idiot.

Morgie ago

SOROS ARRESTED ON 3D. Says Before Its News, now on several YT Q videos. "Global Alliance" took his hideaway home in Switzerland, arresting him before he could take cyanide capsule. Team got intel from local authorities on his whereabouts. Intel also 'provided' by Obama in GITMO.

yellowoodneepuks ago

Dems supporting border rape trees? Search BORDER RAPE TREES and see first hand what is happening daily on our leaky border(last I counted were nine pages of 6-8 articles). Dems and decent people should be ashamed of what we are enabling at the border. What is happening is sick. THE WALL- THIS IS THE PRIORITY- The gov't shut down pale's in comparison for moral and ethical action.

corruption-usa ago

The NSA-Assange Q code convo around #pizzagate and the culprits behind Assange's captivity confirms this is a white hat operation to roll out the hidden information about the elite, so people get pissed off and stand up these tyrants.

These messages from 2016 include Q codes that link to books, from several to a dozen, with titles and subject matter that describe the hidden war.

To validate the importance of what the Q codes describe, additional books are included to wake up as to the "signs and wonders" of our true history. This is where it gets much more exciting beyond the political...

The big takeaways were that Noah's Ark is real, and still where Noah left it, to this day, and that the legendary signer named Paul McCartney is not exactly who we think he is -- the real Paul is dead, the music industry is a giant Cabal farce to ply our minds with satanism.

The Cabal are the gaslighters of all time.

PooperPoops ago

I think I stumbled across something:

Remember the post Morning son brings the light Q made? He now said lights on. so I checked news on the sun. the press has been pushing the same story for a week now! same pictures and words almost identical! many of the same story like usual. They are all about "The dying son" "the mourning sun brings the light"' similar right? the best thing is the articles are some almost incoherent it's all code! i think:)

see below links:

quidproque ago


yellowoodneepuks ago

Need Intel on this: The Real RaNon @TheRealRaNon Following Following @TheRealRaNon More DS WB president quits suddenly. A position the DS cannot be without.... "What is up is down"....Nothing is happening?

qarmy #rarmy @realDonaldTrump #WWG1WWGA

srayzie ago

Didn’t his account go away for a while? Is the one that some thought was JFK?

@MolochHunter isn’t this the guy you like?

MolochHunter ago


i got excited about it for a while, but it turns out that twitter account is a FRAUD

its owned by some guy called Ray Parrish - an ex Bernie supporting greens candidate who is profiting off the name Vincent Fusca

the evidence exposing him was comprehnsive and incontrovertible (way back maching digs exposed it)

MuckeyDuck ago

Seems like I remember you saying that you rolled Notables off into an Archive. Could you make a NOTABLES ARCHIVE link off of this page? (If you agree that this would help)

srayzie ago

You would just archive each post. Do you mean off of the link I put up there of yours?

stinkyfurbutz ago

This petition was just sent to me! It needs to be moved around the internet Asap & signed! Let's get HRC's head rolling and show her that the POWER OF THE PEOPLE WILL PREVAIL! After 150 people have signed this, this petition will appear for everyone to see & sign on the White House petition site!

The investigation of Hillary R. Clinton for Destruction of Evidence & The Clinton Foundation's treasonous & illegal acts Created by J.H. on January 06, 2019

The rule of Law MUST be the same for every citizen of the United States of America. Congress MUST properly & immediately investigate the severe violations & crimes against the United States of America (TREASONOUS ACTS) by Hillary Clinton; destruction of subpoena evidence (cell phones/private servers) obstruction of Justice, Pay for play, Dereliction of duty, Improper, unethical, & unlawful acts against the citizens of the U.S.A, the use of OUR tax dollars for illegal and unlawful acts, Crimes against humanity, Sedition, violations of the Constitution, & the manipulation, intimidation and the conspiracy to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America, and its duly elected government. ( DOJ, FBI, CIA & FISA court.)We DEMAND that these serious crimes be addressed IMMEDIATELY!

stinkyfurbutz ago

ONLY 208 Patriots have signed this. How badly do we want HRC investigated?????

Sad part of this? Judicial Watch is being blocked by these treasonous people inside our government & POTUS is being blocked. We have the power to get a MILLION signatures that POTUS can hand to CONGRESS & say, "The People are pretty pissed."

Not many people are actively doing anything. They won't even take the time to simply sign a petition that takes less then one minute. That is very APATHETIC & Disturbing.

Memes about HRC's Treason do not move the Deep State. They are laughing at us and they probably can't believe that they can do this to us and nobody does nothing but make some dumb memes. What a way to keep the public sitting on their hands. Strangely, if this would have happened to any other country but U.S.A., the people would have gone crazy and demanded the investigation! (They may have dragged them out in the streets too.)

U.S.A citizens? Nothing. They just sit and wait and make memes. Memes don't make anybody afraid, nor do they move the corrupted ones to do anything!


If you have time... Please sign the petition and pass it around. HRC will be going in next week. It would be awesome to give POTUS something to work with when he speaks to Congress! We MUST do something!

srayzie ago

You should make a post and we’ll flair it. Ping me

stinkyfurbutz ago

I can't make a post. It won't allow me. I also got some issues with my technology going on.....

gogogogostop ago

I could give a fuck about asshole mods.

srayzie ago

Then don’t come here. MissleCopterStoped deleted his account 30 min. Are you one of his butt hurt sock puppets? Go to QRV

StarrAnon ago

Standing ovation on this character Srayzie!

Great job creating controlled opposition gogogogostop and then get switch accounts or the term you use, “sock puppets” to “argue” with them.

Next time to make it more authentic by actually “investigating them” which you have not that makes all this look artificial and fake because once you see through the bullshit, then it becomes a 1960’s Godzilla movie with all the strings controlling it by the audience you are performing for.

I would say the same comment to MH, but I know you run that account too, as well as Shitzy and all the other sock puppets you have.

gogogogostop ago

there is no debate. there is no doubt. @gogogogostop you are on Team Shill for posting this, and will be treated as such until you cease visiting these parts

This is the sort of treatment the mods give newbies or anyone else for speaking freely.

Enjoy the subverse!!!

MolochHunter ago

that's right, motherfucker, thats the treatment i will give everyone and anyone who makes excuses for sock puppetry like you do

and you can tell as maaaaaaaaaaaany people about that as you like

gogogogostop ago

pee pee poo poo. caca.

MudPuddlePie ago

Tiffany FitzHenry ‏

@Tiff_FitzHenry Follow Follow @Tiff_FitzHenry More CONFIRMED: A bill was sponsored in Congress yesterday to repeal the income tax and abolish the IRS (in essence destroy the FED) in favor of a simple state-administered sales tax. I’ve reached out to my state @RepRobWoodall who cosponsored the bill for further details. Will update

MudPuddlePie ago

I just read that a bill was sponsored in Congress to repeal the income tax and abolish the IRS. Twatter lady said she contacted her Rep who co-sponsored the bill and confirmed. I'd post link but I'm a tard. Can anyone confirm?

ItsABirdItsAPlane ago

Wasn't something supposed to happen after Jan 1st, since the military tribunal executive order has gone into effect? Now what are we waiting on?

broken_world ago

Can someone answer this question?

I was able to determine that the "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" pdf that is posted on the CIA website is actually just a part of all the documents found in Bin Laden's compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan. Here is a link to the document on the CIA site.

If you simply alter the URL you can easily see the parent directory in the document url which takes you here.

So this document is simply a part of a massive document upload the CIA did of everything they found in that compound. It's a massive amount of documents, videos, and other files that have been gradually being released since 2015.

Why doesn't anyone talk about this?

Djoc2000 ago

Because they are scared and unwilling to think for themselves....

srayzie ago

I don’t know. Pretty interesting tho.

broken_world ago

Thank you for responding. On the forum I've been completely flamed for posting this question. I now have -17 CCP as a result of asking this question. Why is that? I had hoped that this would be an environment for open discussion but it appears there is a cult like mentality here that doesn't want anything with the Q narrative questioned. That should be concerning to everyone. I didn't attack anyone. I just asked a question. The setup of VOAT makes it impossible to ask questions since those that don't want to hear it can simply vote you into oblivion as a result. So can you help with this question? Why is this so threatening? Why is there no explanation? I want answers and am trying to logically determine the validity of the Q story. If you can't openly discuss it then it will never have validity. We have to be able to have these discussions. Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks again for your response.

stinkyfurbutz ago

Here is a link that the sold out media has never covered in a decade. The corrupted DOJ, FBI, CIA has never addressed this either. (apparently nobody has helped.) Is this person even alive?

This link is a 'whistle-blower (10 years seeking help) who goes by the name "Ghost" (strangely Q post speaks about "Ghost" in Post on Apr 28 2018, and Jun 12 2018. Is this the "Ghost?" Q is speaking about?) Whistle-blower (US citizen) speaks about the corruption of DOJ, CIA, FBI, News media, FISA. Speaks about Nazi's, G infiltration, the 4th Reich,spooks, mercenaries, death threats, Vatican connection, Edward Snowden, and even strangely says things like (Tick-Tock, Glorious, speaks about the devil Darkness vs Light. The weird thing? The whistle-blower has been around for almost 10 years before Q) Looks like this persons twitter was suspended, as well as Facebook. I have read all 16 chapters (including documentation for detectives/investigators chapter 14-15-16) and it is the same truth of what Q is speaking about. WTF!!!!!!??????? Even stranger, this whistle-blower speaks about chapter #17 "Glorious Day! JUSTICE!"

MolochHunter ago

really? What are the odds of 2 people sharing a house, independently both on the same sub on Voat, unaware of each others activity ?

JackPosobiec1 ago

If Q were posting on Voat, he would have the most downvotes in the history of the board. I just owned Q.

JackPosobiec1 ago

@shizy Nice try... won’t respond in twitter. Not taking bait. The other biyatch tried and failed. Where are my nudes?

Shizy ago

Of corse you won't reply silly 😆! But the REAL Jack will!

I mean, he doesnt want people to think he's soliciting people for nudes on voat when he's a respectable family man with a public presence.

JackPosobiec1 ago

I would like to be a mod now. I think I’ve earned it and proven I can help. Can you make me a mod. Thank you!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


srayzie ago

👉🏻 Answer 👈🏻

JackPosobiec1 ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


srayzie ago

Free speech

JackPosobiec1 ago

Kill yourself faggot.

You’ve just been doxed honey. Never put your real pic on Twitter.

heygeorge ago

Thank you.

I found this part of your comment mildly confusing:

This is interesting...

This is who Neon Revolt keeps talking about on his blog posts and his Gab posts. He keeps arguing with him.

srayzie ago

It’s a link. The guy he’s talking to is who Neon Revolt is always arguing with.

argosciv ago

Putt may not get the ping, but I'm guessing he's got enough notifs of this fuckery by now lol.

srayzie ago

I sent Putt a PM too

srayzie ago

If I were doxed, someone would have told me Jack Off.

srayzie ago

Where have I been doxed? 🤔

JackPosobiec1 ago’s in trumps feed so it’s got plenty of visibility. Go to his latest post and look.

srayzie ago

You can give me a link. I’m not going to search thru thousands of tweets. You’re obviously lying.

Crensch ago

What I like is that you just gave evidence you committed what is a crime in many jurisdictions. Are you retarded?

@srayzie @shizy @kevdude @puttitout @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Well, Jack Posobiec wore a Navy uniform with the flag sewn on backwards, so probably!!

srayzie ago

He’s not the real Jack Posobiec

Shizy ago

"Doesn't exist"

srayzie ago

I got it archived

Shizy ago

Why didn't he use his @JackPosobiec twitter handle to post that? What a punk. He went from lame but mildly amusing, to totally fucked up!

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

I wasn’t doxxed. You are trying to get me doxxed. You feel that threatened by me?

Look who’s trying to dox me. He made a brand new account to do so...

@Vindicator @Think- @Shizy @MolochHunter @Crensch

MolochHunter ago

@Srayzie I think this warrants banning @JackPosobiec1 from this sub

no second chance with shit like this

srayzie ago


MolochHunter ago

I also recommend asking Puttitout if there are any alts to this IP address and banning them too.

srayzie ago

Thank you

srayzie ago

I agree

Ttboy ago

Try to see if any other twitter accounts are sending you pics out. I’m pretty sure there are and he is tagging you🤭

srayzie ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter

He made a new account here

Ttboy ago

Think mirror.

Some people don’t like to be called a fag and told to commit suicide.

srayzie ago

Then stop trying to dox me

Ttboy ago

Take down the faggot post and I promise you will never hear from me again. No twitter, not here.

srayzie ago

Done. Now leave me alone for good.

argosciv ago

Hope you're archiving, pathetic fucker deleted all their comments.

Who was it that said their thing is to delete/edit comments after getting a response, in order to make people look foolish?

srayzie ago

He told me if I deleted the faggot comment he would leave me alone here and on Twitter. I did and he deleted.

MolochHunter ago

and here

ban this fag too

JackPosobiec1 ago

Just take down faggot posts. Reasonable request.

srayzie ago

What happens to your Twitter account Jack Off?

@Shizy @Kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch MolochHunter

argosciv ago

You missed an @, pinging @MolochHunter for ya.

srayzie ago

You’re so awesome!! Thank you for the archived links!

argosciv ago


Fucker's twatter is now tagged as "temporarily restricted" too ;)

srayzie ago

I know. I contacted them

srayzie ago

Why? So you can continue to just keep making post every time I argue with you? I’m not going to play a back and forth game with you.

Shizy ago

What a total faggot!

srayzie ago

He did it again...

Shizy ago

Looks like that little bitch deleted all his comments.

Just for the record, the little bitch is that fake, @JackPosobiec1

srayzie ago

He said he’s gonna put it back up. Fucker wants to play games. I’m going to deal with this guy.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Feee speech right? Take down the kill yourself faggot and I’ll take it down. Otherwise, i will make many many more. This isn’t a game.

Vindicator ago

Feee speech right?

Well, that was an interesting Freudian slip. You definitely picked the right username.

srayzie ago

That’s not free speech by the way. I deleted it you little baby. Now you go delete yours.

You’re right, this isn’t a game. So don’t act like a faggot and I won’t have to post that you’re a faggot again.

JackPosobiec1 ago

I just deleted but will now put it back up. Don’t use that word. I’ve never insulted you.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. You’re putting it back up? Go for it. You want to play?

argosciv ago

All deleted(or otherwise sporadically available), however, i have a gift for you...

Didn't get to archive this one in time, however, here's a screenshot so you can see who they tweeted it in reply to:

Then there's this:

I also grabbed this as it contains an admission of having control over the posting/deletion of said tweets via that twitter account:

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @PuttItOut @Shizy

srayzie ago

Ok that’s a deal

srayzie ago

See parent...

@Kevdude @PuttItOut

JackPosobiec1 ago

@srayzie Do you think jfk jr is still alive

srayzie ago


JackPosobiec1 ago

Who do consider leaders of the Q movement? Would you say these people Liz crokin Lisa Crowley Praying medic Stormisuponus Robot Interiors Yourself Bill Mitchell Brenden Dilley

Would you add anyone?

srayzie ago

Nobody is a leader. That’s where we messed up with Jerome Corsi. Some people are very valuable and have proven to be critical thinkers and share great content. Lisamei62, Praying Medic and InTheMatrixxx to name a few.

JackPosobiec1 ago

@srayzie This is how you look to outsiders. Utterly rediculous. 🤣

Shizy ago

At least @srayzie can spell correctly when she's trying to insult someone 😂🖕🏻

JackPosobiec1 ago

Please send nudes to my bumble account.

srayzie ago

Of who? My husband?

JackPosobiec1 ago

I highly encourage you to follow Mikaela here. She is a good Q researcher. @shizy

srayzie ago

How do you know? You don’t like Q

JackPosobiec1 ago

Q and Q followers are entertaining to me. My fav is Stormisuponus. Right now, he thinks there is an underground bunker underneath Arlington cemetery😂 where the cabal hangs out. If you take a step back, you would be able to see the entertainment value of Q. It really is funny.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Hey Jockie Peepee

Why is your user name an anagram of

Basic Jock Pee ?

JackPosobiec1 ago

Why don’t people understand that Q is a Larp. Instead you just make lame excuses for why the mass arrests and martial law haven’t happened.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

Do you understand how absurd you sound ?

I noticed you don't have many friends....

Funny that... 😂😂😂😂😂😂

MuckeyDuck ago

@srayzie I love this idea that will effectively sub-sticky like really significant post, but may I ask you if there is some way for you to provide Update tag or Revision number or something to indicate new content added.

Also, would it help to date entries. What I'm thinking is if there was a classification system or legend to bring focus to Hot, Warm, Cool info.

I know that the The Mod Squad is busy so hope I'm not wasting your time with suggestion.

Q-sent-me ago

Love the idea! Just update the title to have the beginning be, e.g., "Updated 2018-12-13: NOTABLE POSTS [...]"

MuckeyDuck ago

LOL was that "Will be updated frequently!" always there? I guess I am having a Forest for the trees episode.

Q-sent-me ago

I edited immediately after writing, to include the full post (I had had "[...]" initially). I have always seen it in the title, myself.

MuckeyDuck ago

What ever works is good with me. Thanks

MuckeyDuck ago

Media not covering lot of these arrest:

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein & Other Law Enforcement Officials to Announce Enforcement Efforts to Target Actors Behind Widespread Ransomware Campaign Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein Announces Two Iranian Men Indicted for Deploying Ransomware to Extort Hospitals, Municipalities, and Public Institutions, Causing Over $30 Million in Losses Watch Video 1 2 3 4 Pause Quick Links

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Fourth Defendant Sentenced For Role in Atlanta-Based Mexican Sex Trafficking Ring Monday, January 7, 2019

Five Members of Mexican Sex Trafficking Organization Sentenced to Prison Monday, January 7, 2019

Suzo ago

The cops observed the dude through his webcam!

srayzie ago

You should make a post showing these!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

No new post updates for today?

MudPuddlePie ago

Please read...goes hand in glove, but deeper. Q said the truth would put 99% in the hospital.

Tangent-love ago

Thank you great read.

MudPuddlePie ago


Djoc2000 ago

Q is an idiot. It's always wait and see but his crap is just false. Stop being a sheep and think for yourself..

MudPuddlePie ago


Trfsrfr ago

Thank you for this! This is tying some major loose-ends I've floating around for years now. Q was right - this is bigger than we can imagine. Not all the way through it yet, and so far am familiar with much of it, so I wont be visiting any hospital anytime soon over it :-) But normies...yeah, I can see that happening.

MudPuddlePie ago

I made a post linking this article but it didn't seem to get much traction. Crazy rabbit hole... Happy New Year!

1southrising ago

I know this is fiction but it does speak to the lengths people will go to avoid understanding that we live in an unpredictable chaotic world. I’ll stick with my own faith and beliefs to get me through. It takes a lot more faith than I need to believe in Christ to ascribe any truth to this. One point I’d make to Q believers is that when Q was asked about “extra-terrans” his response was “consider the vastness of space.” The meaning is clear if you look at real science not sci-fi. I don’t think the average person has a concept of space-time. In pop culture and sci-fiction it is constantly misrepresented or unproven theories are used as fact in order to entertain.

Entertainment is entertaining but it’s not meant to replace reality.

MudPuddlePie ago

You "know" this is fiction? Might want to do some more digging. Not trying to be a jerk.

MuckeyDuck ago

What, no Pianos just Organs?

Q-sent-me ago

I can't tuna fish.