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hamman365 ago

just gearing up for the 2020 election cycle. One Narrative to rule them all, One Narrative to find them, One Narrative to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them. In the land of Mordor where shadows lie.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Wow I got down voted for just saying I loved the refernce! Sore Ass troll shill still having his little meltdown!

hamman365 ago

who is the sore ass that downvoted you

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I'll send you his username, but he's got others. He's also from another forum where he is equally a sore ass.

draaaak ago

Still talking about me behind my back? And I'm the sore ass.. lol I hope you didn't spend all your money on wine this week and still have some left over for your 17 cats' Fancy Feast. Kitties get hungry too.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Oh there's the TROLL SHILL ASSHOLE! Actually I referred to your other account psycho stalker! So you're STILL stalking me? That figures! This time it won't be easy to silence me you fucking psycho! I know that's what you want to do since I enrage you sooo much! I still agree with James Woods' opinion against yours and there's nothing you can do but scream! But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place! I don't have to do it behind your back I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!

And I don't drink but you should drink Dran-O and remove yourself from humans and animals. You are a sick sadistic motherfucker!

draaaak ago

Wow, you're still a total whackjob delusional cunt.

and there's nothing you can do but scream!

...but, you're the one that's screaming. I mean, look at the things you're saying:

Actually I referred to your other account psycho stalker!
That figures!
This time it won't be easy to silence me you fucking psycho!
I know that's what you want to do since I enrage you sooo much! and there's nothing you can do but scream!
But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place!
I don't have to do it behind your back I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!
You are a sick sadistic motherfucker!
take a look at who is back to attacking!
I just banned his other sock accounts!

All of those sentences, which is most of your comment, end with an exclamation point. The only person here who is screaming, is you. And you accuse me of projection.. lmao. You see, this is why I call you delusional. This is what delusion is.

But yeah I will be sure to talk about you all over the place! ...I will openly talk about your psycho ass everywhere!

Be my guest :) Just, ffs, spell my name properly, and learn to ping, it's the polite thing to do. Like this: @AlphabeticalAnon is a stupid, loony, wino cunt. See how easy that is?

What's my "other account"? Which accounts did you ban? I only use this one account lol... You banned me from v/Obscurity (such an appropriate name for your subverse btw.. so obscure, I'd never even heard of it), but, you also banned a bunch of other users thinking they were me? Fucking priceless. Ya know, for someone who bitches endlessly about how unfair it is to censor other users, you sure seem quick to censor me, and people you mistakenly think are me, from your precious subverses. Isn't that a little hypocritical?

You should know, that when you block someone on voat, it only removes them from your field of view. The blocked user can still see all of your comments and posts, they can voat on them, respond to them, and they can talk endless shit about you without you ever knowing. Blocking users is fairly retarded, but then, I guess that would suit you well ;)

He's a deranged HRC screamer who is still attacking anyone who reminds him that she lost.

Yeah, this is the delusional part right here. Can you find one comment I've ever made, over the past 3.7 years that I've been here, that would even slightly suggest that I ever, even for a microsecond, supported HRC? Can you? If you try, you'll be wasting your time, but you're welcome to waste you time, seems like something you're into.

I don't get it.. is @srayzie supposed to give a shit about any of this? You're really losing it. Don't stop though, I think it's hilarious XD

And I don't drink but you should drink Dran-O and remove yourself from humans and animals.

Did you just promote violence? Does encouraging self harm and suicide qualify as promoting violence? Maybe the mods should take a look at you instead of me, because that might be a subverse rules violation right there. Just sayin.