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Kevinhames ago

@srayzie Why did you set up a rival Q sub to compete against the Q endorsed sub. You are trying to divide a movement that is on shaky ground now. Many are upset at lack of arrests and we don’t need infighting. Please delete this sub or legal actio. With be taken.

srayzie ago

We’ve been around for over a year. Q endorsed QRV as the Reddit Replacement You know all this trouble maker. You sound familiar with your legal talk.

We need to add this one to the list to watch...
@Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

This is the person who said this:

He's involved with the dox crew.


srayzie ago

I banned him for doxing threats

argosciv ago

Yep, just shit-tier bluster. No doubt connected to the concerted effort, but soooo not worth the time tracking this particular account.

They're trying to wear you out and waste time/cause clutter.