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Shizy ago

Look who shows up suddenly after getting called out for being on his (((period))). A @MissleCopterFaggot alt still trying to dox Srayzie.

@MolochHunter @Srayzie

srayzie ago

Oh no @Shizy! They found out your name is Felicia! 👱🏿‍♀️

Kevinhames ago

You are such a flirt! Flirting invites rape. 👁

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

The typical shots aimed at women to piss them off do not bother me and @Shizy. The cunt that replied to you, @auralsects, has obsessed over us for over a year. We’re used to it. 🙄 Do you think we haven’t heard all this before?

Why don’t you guys go PM and have a circle jerk as you try to figure us out you dumb fucks?

Shizy ago

The typical shots aimed at women to piss them off do not bother me and @Shizy

Do you think they'll ever learn? 🤣

srayzie ago

Nope! They haven’t brought us down yet!

auralsects ago


these whores definitely deserve to be raped, but I must ask what your purpose is in shilling them @srayzie

if you are simply a rival Q-patriot, what is your dissatisfaction with their sub? the fact that it's totally swamped 24/7 w/ general politics posts that don't even mention Q?

if you think they are infiltrators then you clearly have no ability to read people. They have been known on v/pizzagate for 2 whole years as incredibly low-IQ cunt housewives from California.



srayzie ago

Have you guys ever seen donkey sign his posts with K.Y.S? He’s trying to figure out who this other shill is by asking him questions. Then he signs KYS.

Could that be some sort of code? Or shill company initials, and he’s letting the guy know?

The guy was too retarded to notice. 😂 He has to be a new hire.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Vindicator @Kevdude @Argosciv

Vindicator ago

He is insulting them. KYS = "kill yourself"

srayzie ago

Ohhhh haha. He feels that this is his territory now 😂

Shizy ago

It's so funny to see the donkey way of defending us 🤣!

srayzie ago

I know! I almost felt his love for a moment 😂

Vindicator ago

Well...though Donkey definitely has some fucked up hangups about women, his ongoing presence despite zero respect or positive personal impact would argue that he has a real horse in the race we are all trying to see through to the end. Otherwise he wouldn't work so hard to maintain multiple known accounts so he can stay involved.


He would literally be the most failed shill in history if that is why he's here.

Which means he is probably still here because he himself is victim or very close to one. ...Which would also explain the extreme rage.


srayzie ago

I think he actually does his shill job well. It doesn’t matter if he’s making good posts. The shit he pulls slides forums.

srayzie ago

What is KYS?

srayzie ago

😂 Thanks Donkey. Are you marking your territory? This one must not be from your shill team.

@Shizy @Argosciv @Vindicator @Kevdude @MolochHunter

auralsects ago

lol remember that other dumb slut "wait I thought donkey is a shill, why did he post Q's lead six months ago, so confused" XD

i'm just a man who's sick of kikes, one of so many.

im definitely the best poster in v/pizzagate history.

whereas you cant even answer those questions about your sub.

why would anyone shill you when THE ENTIRE POINT OF Q IS IT'S ALL DONE LOL

it's not like they're stopping you from red-pilling NEW people here, which is your only task, correct?

srayzie ago

remember that other dumb slut "wait I thought donkey is a shill, why did he post Q's lead six months ago, so confused" XD

Wrong 😂

im definitely the best poster in v/pizzagate history.

Let’s ask the lead pizzagate mod who’s known you as long as I have.... @Vindicator is this fool the best poster on pizzagate? 🤣

Vindicator ago

I've only seen one or two quality posts from Donkey. The problem with him is that by making a million alts and spewing rage and vitriol from them, he has undermined himself so much that no one listens to what he has to say.

He also pissed most users off by spewing his venom in the comments of their threads, making it impossible for them to share the link with normies. That is probably the best argument that he is an enemy of pizzagate.

If he were one of the greatest researchers, he wouldn't have to be saying it over and over. All you'd have to do is look at his submission history (not to mention it would be common knowledge).

Donkey may have valuable stuff to contribute from his own experience. Unfortunately, he is so ODD and warped with rage (rap music influence, maybe?) that he neuters himself.

auralsects ago

oh for kike-shills im obviously the WORST poster

@Kevinhames I don't have srayzies dox but I have Shizy's

Shizy ago

Fail @auralsects!

I'm blonde! 🤣😂🤣😂


srayzie ago

Oh gosh. Don’t t lol him your blonde
🤣🤛🏻 Ann Coulter is blonde. Now he’s gonna looooove you 🤭

Shizy ago

Donkey won't ever admit it, but he is madly in love with both of us 😍😘!

srayzie ago

But we’ll never be as good as Ann Coulter in his eyes!

Shizy ago

That's right! 🤣🤣I forgot about his first love! ❤️

MolochHunter ago

@auralsects just because you've been anally raped doesnt mean its fair or right to say that @Srayzie and @Shizy deserve to be raped

what you SHOULD do instead is confront your anal rapist and explain to them why it hurts your feels so much that you were anally raped.

Kevinhames ago

Do you know their names. Who is @srayzie?

srayzie ago

My name is Srayzie

auralsects ago

what impudence is this? you inquire of me before answer my own?

Kevinhames ago

Yes. Yes I do.

auralsects ago

tell me why you even care tho.

what would be different if you led the sub instead?

it's not like v/pizzagate where the shill mods suppressed actual leads.

Q 'research' is all redundant to The Plan.

I just watched that faggot Praying Medic get over $1000 of donations in 27 minutes of reading headlines.

is that what this is about

srayzie ago

The pizzagate shill can’t figure out what the hell this shill is doing. Hilarious.

Donkey, they suck. Do you think their new hires?


heygeorge ago

just watched that faggot Praying Medic get over $1000 of donations in 27 minutes of reading headlines.

is that what this is about

Clearly this has been part of the ‘Q movement’ for some time. It’s no coincidence that the people getting attacked continually are the ones calling out merchants.

srayzie ago

It’s no coincidence that the people getting attacked continually are the ones calling out merchants.

What do you mean by that?

heygeorge ago

Calling out bottom feeders like @neonrevolt seems to have caused a lot of people to be attacked.

srayzie ago

Oh i know!