usmcProud1183 ago

New Q posts for today, when you get a moment can you update?

srayzie ago

It’s updated :)

SuckaFree ago

ALL of this is bad. Waaaay bad. What's got me pissed off the most is the revelation that my fellow brothers/sisters in the Military active/Veteran are being targeted by these asshats, through the mental health community, for possible [future] FF's. As if we DON'T have enough to deal with (demilitarization of our brains, reinserting into civilian sector, reconnecting with family/friends, finding stable employment, finding the healthcare needed for our various injuries/conditions, etc). It's almost like being checked into Hotel California: you can check out anytime you like, but you can't ever leave.

Kevinhames ago

@srayzie Why did you set up a rival Q sub to compete against the Q endorsed sub. You are trying to divide a movement that is on shaky ground now. Many are upset at lack of arrests and we don’t need infighting. Please delete this sub or legal actio. With be taken.

Shizy ago

You know what's on "shaky ground"? Trying to dox people and making comments that "flirting invites rape"!

You're a sockpuppet troll, and a bad one at that!

srayzie ago

We’ve been around for over a year. Q endorsed QRV as the Reddit Replacement You know all this trouble maker. You sound familiar with your legal talk.

We need to add this one to the list to watch...
@Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

This is the person who said this:

He's involved with the dox crew.


srayzie ago

I banned him for doxing threats

argosciv ago

Yep, just shit-tier bluster. No doubt connected to the concerted effort, but soooo not worth the time tracking this particular account.

They're trying to wear you out and waste time/cause clutter.

SuckaFree ago

Really?? Come one, man

bamadeplorable420 ago


bamadeplorable420 ago


auralsects ago

Lmao at PANIC IN DC literally every week XDDD

Trump is a crypto Jew pedophile

DickTick ago

If you don't think they've been panicking in DC since the election day was over in 2016 then you're a completely blind niggerfaggot as apposed to just a plain Jane regular ole' niggerfaggot

auralsects ago

if u cant see trump is bought and paid for by jews literally his entire life idk what u are, niggerfaggotkike doesn't even cut it

DickTick ago

And you're a niggerfaggot.

srayzie ago

Yes he is. I know the little retard.

stinkyfurbutz ago

Q POST 2657 in regards to Ted Cruz & his ILLEGAL surveillance.

Q says :"When will the public discover that Ted Cruz was also illegally SURV (pre_POTUS_R nomination)?"

Some in the 'Public' already know that TED CRUZ is/and has been under illegal surveillance since February 2014. The only way that Ted Cruz could be illegally surveilled in this manner is though the ILLEGAL NSA '3 Hops.; Since Q says that Ted Cruz's ILLEGAL surveillance began BEFORE (Pre-POTUS-R-Nomination)it is common sense that someone (American Citizen) who was illegally targeted through FISA/NSA (Whistle-blower) either called Ted Cruz on his G/congressional office phone/or emailed Ted Cruz privately February 2014, and that began the activation of Cruz's ILLEGAL surveillance by NSA's 3 HOPS. They would have looked through Ted Cruz's contacts and their contacts and their contacts. Hop Hop Hop Motherfuckers!

Anybody know Ted Cruz? Possibly someone should ask him if he was contacted by any whistle-blower via phone call or email on or around that time. This is EXACTLY how and the only way how he would fall into the NSA 3 Hop trap.

I bet people could keep these NSA tricksters real busy sending them on "Wild Goose" chases by emailing complete strangers all over the world, typing funny shit like HOP HOP HOP, or even just tapping the keyboard with nonsense and dumb shit like " 8y483roii432o409u 388966^%%%^@(*UOUfouf " and sending it to fake emails .. even funnier?? Send them through the gay Craigslist hooks ups. LMAO Now THAT would be funny! Ahhhhh. Sometimes I just crack myself up.

Ted Cruz is under NSA ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE! I hope he knows this! Too bad that he never returns phone calls. LOL

JhonP54 ago

U1 could very well refer to Uranium 1

DickTick ago

Of course it does, always has.

jamesjames ago

This is a biggie.

“I may declare a national emergency dependent on what’s going to happen on the next few days.”

We know this has been oft discussed and the various wherefores and whys speculated about, but to see POTUS tweet it like this is very important.

Things seem to be quickening at last.

Even the most myopic maga miserables and negative Nancys can see the quickening occurring lately!

BUT......... What circumstances would bring POTUS to call the national Emergency?

AND... Think about what happens IMMEDIATELY when he does.

A biggie indeed. Agreed?

srayzie ago

Yeah. We should be prepared

usmcProud1183 ago

Looked up new senators just confirmed abigail spanberger was a former CIA operative I'm thinking that's who Q was referring too? Anyone else think this could be the person?

scoripowarrior ago

She defeated Dave Bratt so she is a new congresswoman, fortunately, not a senator.

usmcProud1183 ago

In today's posts Q mentions ex CIA member AS? Why is this important?

Karmytrumpateer ago

Because Adam Schiff gave an interview on Friday saying the following: "Schiff said, “There are days when I feel I’m on a ship and the rivets are popping off, and we’re taking on water, and I’m despairing about what’s happening to the ship of state. But then I realize we are still afloat, and we will get through this. Now, where it ends, I don’t know. I presume it ends with Donald Trump being voted out of office. But Bob Mueller will have a lot to say about that. We shouldn’t prejudge what he concludes or the evidence that he’s gathered.”

new4now ago

Snowdon worked for CIA too

Karmytrumpateer ago

But Q said AS not ES.

bamadeplorable420 ago

ABIGAIL US senator.

scoripowarrior ago

Yes, Adam Schiff is an asset, and Eric Snowden worked for the CIA and went undercover to work at the NSA to spy on the NSA. I think I have that right. If not, somebody correct me, please.

Truther65 ago

Adam Schiff, congress.

new4now ago

Q also asked where Snowdon worked before NSA

it is Dell and the CIA

Blacksmith21 ago

Look who just got up from their nap ; )

hangry ago

So, you have a lot of links there. Which are the actual posts by the fictional Q?

srayzie ago

In the screenshots. If you want to follow the links, you go to and follow those

AlphabeticalAnon ago

You're fictional.

DickTick ago

And you're a niggerfaggot... Probably a kike as well.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I know but there are obvious trolls and shills here. One has been harassing me over something it knows nothing about and there's a shill on RMN being a complete cunt to everyone. Drain the Swami! All Swampies, I swear.

DickTick ago

Truce over. Fuck you hangry.. go eat a fucking Snickers, you're a dick when you're hungry.

hangry ago

You're such a cute two-month member with one submission post! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

DickTick ago

Heh, yea.. a two month member. You got it buddy.

MudPuddlePie ago

You haven't been here all that long either....just sayin...

hangry ago

Longer than you, you pretty Qtard, you.

MudPuddlePie ago

And that means what? You get to be a nasty person because you were here longer? smh...

hangry ago

4 months! with 1 submission!!! fuck off you raw-assed newfag

DickTick ago

The only niggerfaggot jewdog here is yourself, wasting your time here on something you're sure is fictional. You are a disgrace to your daughter, go do something with your life as opposed to how many hours a day you waste on something you consider to be completely false.

MudPuddlePie ago

LOL...who cares? Take your meds...or eat a snickers.

hangry ago

Awww, you thought there was a cute!

derram ago :

'A constitutional crisis': the CIA turns on the Senate | US news | The Guardian :

Inquiry by C.I.A. Affirms It Spied on Senate Panel - The New York Times :

Breaking911 on Twitter: "PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I may declare a national emergency dependent on what’s going to happen on the next few days.”" :

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter: "New Q. No wonder [they] are trying to keep her on SCOTUS as long as possible. She wrote that the Mann Act (punishes those who engage in interstate sex traffic of women & girls) is “offensive.” Such acts should be considered “within the zone of privacy.” 🤬…"

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