stinkyfurbutz ago

Q Post 2641 is probably the most concerning to me. (2768 = Kulp)

argosciv ago


Identifying the watch model:

Voat78 ago

Re Q 2647 We are supposed to search if anyone in the Trump adminstration is wearing that watch. Possibly Trump himself? I couldn't find any recent pictures, maybe someone else can?

DickTick ago

I can't find any instances with Donald J Trump wearing an IWC watch, but it is most certainly the exact model and favorite watch of Justin Trudeau... Not sure what to make of it, but that's what I have found so far

Lauraingalls ago

I watched that video again that Q put up about President Trump, and when I listened to every single word I started thinking about how President Trump learned all about the corruption in the world. That video is from October 2016 and he seems to know all about the horrible stuff that has been going on for a very long time. How much did he see himself, being a man of power, and being around corrupt people all his life, and how much did someone else fill him in on? It makes me very grateful he won. I'm glad Q is there too, helping and being there for us. Q and President Trump really bring me happiness, knowing how much they are on OUR side. I can't thank them enough for caring about us. I feel Q's strenght in his words and I like that feeling.

srayzie ago

That will go down in history as one of the best speeches ever made.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

How many times have you listened to it?

me: 5 times

srayzie ago

Probably about the same.

Lauraingalls ago

As far as I know every time Q put it up. It does cheer me up after seeing everything the Deep State is doing.

srayzie ago

It should! A ton has been happening behind the scenes to set the stage.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes President Trump is very articulate and sounds intelligent. Great speech.

singlebrain1 ago

Q has been posting quite a bit and there are virtually no posts on this sub to urge discussion. What gives?

caprica777 ago

Q was away for a bit so I guess a lot of people are also taking a break whilst activity has been low. That’s my guess anyway.

srayzie ago

It’s at the top. The 3rd sticky down...

singlebrain1 ago

got it

CovfefeFan ago

Q said, "📁 Listen again, carefully." So, I did. I still get chills! I still tear up! God, I love being a recruit in the Q ARMY! I love my president!

srayzie ago

I looooove that speech

DerivaUK ago

I watch it whenever my faith drops a bit!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

"I'm doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel so strongly that its my turn to give back to the country that I love. I'm doing this for the people and for the movement. And we will take back this country for you. And we will make America Great again"

A lot of politicians have made inspiring statements. But when you look at you know Trump, unlike the others, is the real deal. Disappointing others can't see this. But the video gets me every time at the end

srayzie ago

I totally agree

CovfefeFan ago

me as well

MolochHunter ago

2649 is now up, too Srayz

he's talking about how he showed the military would fund the wall back in march 2018

MolochHunter ago

Maggie Haberman - you been TOLD !


contigo69 ago

Q is a fraud and will be until something truly is completed. All the posts mean nothing until real actions are taken. We all know the saying all bark no bite, well if Q keeps dogging us it will backfire too many people are going insane trying to defend him, yet day by day things get worse not better. Now in 2 or 3 months when nothing has happened how can this movement continue to grow as it already has decreased and many have walked away don't believe me? Then you're that niave

BCKeeper ago

I did not write this, but for you I will tell you what has been happening. I will do the work your to lazy to do even though I already know you don’t care and will once again go back to nothings happening!

FBI personnel removal

DOJ personnel removal

C_A personnel removal

State personnel removal

WH personnel removal

House personnel removal

Senate personnel removal

over 4500 Chair/CEO/VP removal

67,500 sealed indictments resignations of Congress. termination of senior FBI…. termination of senior DOJ.... James Comey, Director – FIRED Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director - FIRED Jim Rybicki, Chief of Staff and Senior Counselor – FIRED James Baker, General Counsel – FIRED Bill Priestap, Director of Counterintelligence (Strzok’s boss) – Cooperating witness [power removed] Peter Strzok, Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence – FIRED Lisa Page, Office of General Counsel – FIRED/FORCED Mike Kortan, Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to Comey – FIRED Michael Steinbach - John Glacalone - Randy Coleman - Trisha Anderson - Kevin Clinesmith - Tashina Gauhar - Sally Moyer - DEPARTMENT OF "JUSTICE" David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SEC - HRC email invest] - FIRED/FORCE John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General - FIRED Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division - FIRED/FORCED Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x - cooperating witness [power removed] - TERMINATION IMMINENT Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein - FIRED/FORCED But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are so many FBI & DOJ senior officials being FIRED and/or REMOVED from their respective positions of power? But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs, members of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence? Example: Pre_POTUS did the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics? Not seeking re-election. [Senate] Bob Corker - Republican Jeff Flake - Republican Orrin Hatch - Republican No Name - Republican [Departure Soon] [House] Bill Shuster - Republican Bob Goodlatte - Republican Carol Shea-Porter - Democrat Charles W. Dent - Republican Darrell Issa - Republican Dave Reichert - Republican David Trott - Republican Dennis Ross - Republican Edward Royce - Republican Elizabeth Esty - Democrat Frank LoBiondo - Republican Gene Green - Democrat Gregg Harper - Republican Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Republican Jeb Hensarling - Republican Jim Bridenstine - Republican Joe Barton - Republican John Delaney - Democrat John J. Duncan, Jr. - Republican Lamar Smith - Republican Luis V. Gutierrez - Democrat Lynn Jenkins - Republican Niki Tsongas - Democrat Paul Ryan - Republican Rick Nolan - Democrat Robert Brady - Democrat Rodney Frelinghuysen - Republican Ruben J. Kihuen - Democrat Ryan Costello - Republican Sam Johnson - Republican Sandy Levin - Democrat Ted Poe - Republican Thomas Rooney - Republican Trey Gowdy - Republican [Resigned] Al Franken - Democratic U.S. Senate Blake Farenthold - Republican U.S. House Jason Chaffetz - Republican U.S. House John Conyers, Jr. - Democrat U.S. House Louise Slaughter - Democrat U.S. House Patrick Meehan - Republican U.S. House Patrick J. Tiberi - Republican U.S. House Thad Cochran - Republican U.S. Senate Tim Murphy - Republican U.S. House Trent Franks - Republican U.S. House Xavier Becerra - Democrat Attorney General of California But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are human trafficking arrests SURGING? It's all just a CONSPIRACY. Nothing To See Here. Nothing is happening. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA...kek Go back to sleep, we will let you know when it is over!

DQBlizzard1 ago

Great recap. Yep, nothing is happening. Nothing at all.

CovfefeFan ago


blocksof ago

Each to their own, the crumbs is for interested people to research and come up with their own conclusion. some may declare him a larp, some might find the crumbs lead to other paths. The thing is Q is doing what he wanted us to do research and question what we know.

Lauraingalls ago

Q's BACK. Hurrah!!! Now I have to slowly read everything and try to figure out what it all means. THANKS Q.

SchlongKeyhote ago

he says you should fuck niggers for #MAGA

TheKid69 ago

it doesn't mean shit just like the last 6 months. everyone still walking around free and enjoying life as an elite. just like the memo declas and the other documents that demand to be released and a year later ...................................................nothing. wake up and smell the coffee, trump had great intentions but the have him by the balls some how and he is on a chain now.

DickTick ago

Aanndd another person who obviously doesn't know shit about arresting or prosecuting shit, especially after what will end up being one of the biggest cases/investigations in human history so far.... Sigh...

BCKeeper ago

My post above is required reading for you Kid.

MudPuddlePie ago

Does anybody get the sense that we are supposed to be doing some "yellow vesting?"

DickTick ago

Sure, if your goal is to go to prison, ultimately hurt the president, also any chances of a second term, and this entire movement that will most certainly get blamed.

MudPuddlePie ago

Not my goal...just thought might be a suggestion about peaceful yellow vest protesting, proving to the other sheeple half that there were normal, legit people, a whole lot of them, showing their discontent with what is happening...and supporting POTUS and his policies. More of a visual thing...

usmcProud1183 ago

At some point in time action will have to happen. Just posting and complaining does very little and if we truly support our principles and our values then hitting the streets in unison will send a stronger message. Antifa is funded BLM are funded unfortunately we are not, but if done correctly and using the platforms we have I'm sure sending out a day of protest could happen. We need to let our congressman and congresswoman know what's going to happen and just do a civil walkout, wherever you are stop what your doing pull over walk out of your work place and stand up for yourself to support this movement and our president

MudPuddlePie ago

Wouldn't that be something? If everyone just walked out. Or did not pay taxes. We really do have the power, if only we would take it.

bamadeplorable420 ago


bamadeplorable420 ago


mrGaudi ago

Can someone help me understand "EO Active" ?

singlebrain1 ago

Executive Order from last year

TemplarKnight33 ago

I'm glad Q is back!

AlphabeticalAnon ago

What was the Trump tweet he mentioned? What did it say?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thanks CovfefeFan!

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome

feli00 ago

Q Cabal talks about talking to you and does not say anything and meanwhile the lineages that are his masters there are still with the chemtrails, the fluoride, the money slavery, the pedovores, the Hillary, the Soros, the Queen and her fucking mother

CalAnon805 ago

My anxiety just went down a notch! The Team is intact! I'm so thankful! So much work to do for MAGA! God Bless the team of hopeful Americans and Patriots worldwide. Shills be damned! I'd rather have optimism and hope!!

feli00 ago

you go happy to the slaughterhouse of the new world order

Kirbyrambo ago

Q says what if.... I say what if nothing ever happens?????

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Then grab your rifles!

pby1000 ago

About damned time... I am tired of Freddy and Toots.

singlebrain1 ago

So DECLAS and stealth bomber. Who is the stealth bomber?

brit_yuvall ago


SFLB ago

Well, he'd better deploy the stealth bomber soon... he has 151 days left in which to unbox Whitaker... and Mueller just got his grand jury approved through May 2019.

KarlKastner ago

Don't assume Mueller's Grand Jury is a bad thing. Food for thought...

singlebrain1 ago

That was my guess as well although I prefer to think of him as Patton to the DS Montgomery.

brit_yuvall ago

imagine a stealth Patton...lethal

singlebrain1 ago

Nice visual

cholofrost2 ago

Drop 2644 refers back to Drop 489. I think there have been several other instances of events happening nearly one year after a related drop.

brit_yuvall ago

nearly one year after a related this case "2 days ahead of schedule"

strangejael ago

Post 2643 referred to Post 2510 but it was 2511!!!!!??????