Fatgirl9852 ago

Sometimes i wonder are people that evil then i turn the MSM and it hits me yes they are. So i trun off the t.v. better.WWG1WGA

srayzie ago

I know what you mean.

Fatgirl9852 ago

Just wondering are you really surprise about anything of late coming to light?? Concerning deep state,msm,or any other corruption. Seems like a bad movie but not really surprisingly. Just wondering maybe all that t.v. programming has left me a little cold emotionless.?

srayzie ago

Not surprised.

Just wondering maybe all that t.v. programming has left me a little cold emotionless.?

That’s their goal

Frc_001 ago

I'm not sure if Q sounds distraught or passionate

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Q Come Back! Please tell us we are now free from the psychos. Please write in some words about being free from them. Even a word like Link or High Rule.

sorosminion ago

Really? How many children have "died" at the hands of the EVIL CANNIBAL BABY EATING CABAL while "Q" and hero Trump idle away for the right moment to "expose" everything? LOL According to your idiotic "Q" reasoning, it must be THOUSANDS ( since every other person on earth is in THE CABAL).!!! So "Q" and Trump are guilty of HOW MANY MURDERS ( By your insane beliefs) by their inaction. Looking forward to YOUR IDIOTIC REPLIES!!! LOL

Djoc2000 ago

We should build the wall to protect all the immigrants from us fat americans.

flatbush71 ago

Transmitted at 06:00AM EST (11:00 AM Monday, ZULU )


srayzie ago

Transmitted from where?

flatbush71 ago

All I say it was sent out by someone highly trustworthy in the U.S. counterintelligence community.

SuckaFree ago

Say anything, do anything to promote the agenda. That's the D-Rat model. Anyone voting for them is an idiot

qanon1776 ago

Keep him and his family safe - guard him like millions of lives depend on him and this mission because they do. I believe God is on our side and prayer works but is this is such a Dangerous time, plan B is not an option because no one knows it and Patriots will not stand down if something should happen. WWG1WGA

feli00 ago

They are fumigating us every day and blocking the Sun. I do not know what they are talking about in this forum. Q is a larp of the CIA. The elite seeks to keep people subordinate until they can no longer offer resistance. Martial law does not it is for the druid council, the club of the 300, Kissinger, the secret government etc, it is for the people. Martial law comes in the agenda of the UN. Open your eyes


Lost me at "Q is a larp." LOL

Name another larp that has ever been relentlessly attacked in the Mainstream Swamp Media 24/7.

Have you ever bothered to ask yourself, What is so special about Q? What does the deep state/MSM understand about Q that makes it so important to BAN all websites that discuss his writings, to squash him and his support, round the clock, lest his words take hold among the populace?

Q is second in attacks only to President Trump. Try rubbing your remaining brain cells together to figure out why the deep state and MSM find Q sooooooo dangerous....and why you side with them.

"They are fumigating us every day and blocking the Sun."

I want some of what you're fumigating LOL

Don-Keyhote ago

what attacks are you referring to you delusional freak? "relentlessly" "around the clock" he says, jfc

feli00 ago

for you Q is a hero without a cape and for my Q just like Trump is false opposition and behind them are the Rotschilds and meanwhile the slavery continues, the chemtrails, fluorides and poisons in the same food


For you fluoride is a government conspiracy to poison our children, and the exhaust from airplanes that turns water vapor in the upper atmosphere into tiny ice crystals is "chemical poisoning" on an impossibly vast scale.

For me it's just toothpaste and condensation.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Just a bunch of old news, so what politicians lying? One day they agreed the next they don't? Both the Republicans and the Democrats do this daily. Q posts something and you all salivate at the mouths, this isn't any real news just more bullshit. If you haven't figured this out yet then you're all morons. Both parties don't care about you, so stop acting like one party does because they don't and in 2019 trump will be impeached or assassinated buckle up snowflake cult followers

Djoc2000 ago

Bonscottrocks007 speaks the truth!

jadedgentleman ago

The oldest news of all is you whining on here again.


Yyyyyyou get to fuck right off. All the way off.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Bwaaaahhhaaa yyyooouuuu are a fucking nut job...trump is impeached or assassinated take your pick it's going to happen

1Barefooter ago

MSM and the Democrats can never get this right. It's NOT a Trump Wall it is The Patriots Wall. smh

Quinceberry ago


Stonenchizel ago

Thanks @srayzie, I didn't even know Q dropped before I hit the sack last night....

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. Isn’t it nice to wake up to that?!

Stonenchizel ago

@srayzie It actually was, I live on west coast of USA and I woke up a little early to one of our cats climbing on the open window screen, so I clicked on my phone to see if any Q post, and booooom there it was, so yes I was happy to see to my surprise....You posted evidence of a new Q post , thanks again @srayzie

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Use it today...

derram ago

https://archive.fo/ZBAwK :

DON🇺🇸⭐️⭐️⭐️ on Twitter: "Hey @SenSchumer, Please address these views not only held by you publically, but by all past Presidents!

...Including Obama ~ “We were sent here to serve our Citezens, not our ambitions”

Build the Wall t.co/n5uoxpDnz7"

https://archive.fo/pBTMb :

Lisa Mei Crowley on Twitter: "New Q: They're such liars. They KNEW there was no chance what they were preaching had a prayer of ever passing. They've NEVER actually wanted a border OR immigration reform. @realDonaldTrump is exposing their lies. They're showing their TRUE colors now. t.co/7zgi1HTZpe… t.co/v5XACAiZhf"

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