gogogogostop ago

Am I going to be called an intimidater or a shill for speaking my mind about this sort of mod attacks on others?

Jewed ago

The sad thing is that the impostors have just as much credibility.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

For fucksakes they can't even stop STALKING over here for a second! I hope that Talking Shit troll is really downing a truckload of pills so he can kill himself for my entertainment.

srayzie ago

I hope that Talking Shit troll is really downing a truckload of pills so he can kill himself for my entertainment.

There you go. Youโ€™re becoming a goat ๐Ÿ˜‚

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I know right?

Lord knows I've used "nigger" enough, too.

srayzie ago


FreedBy45 ago

Thank you srayzie - for all you do!

BulletMagnet879 ago

Trolling trolls is a beautiful thing.

DickTick ago

It really makes jackoff and neon look like desperate cum guzzlers.

MadWorld ago

Something to watch out for, make sure you spell out the usernames correctly, when sending private messages. There is a chance that your browser might autocorrect the form field.

Fateswebb ago

Good think for the little M next to the names. It's a lame strategy..

srayzie ago

Thatโ€™s what I thought. But i donโ€™t think it shows up if your css setting is off. It also wonโ€™t show on other subs. Only GA.

Fateswebb ago

Oh I knew about the other subs but didn't realize the css off one. Does it just show a little me there or nothing. We can test that...

MadWorld ago

I think it will show up as [S, M] in this case, S for submitter, M for moderator.

Quantumdog ago

anyone else not give a shit? i'm here about Q. i'm accustomed to shills playing good cop and bad cop and making a big stupid distraction that's utterly meaningless. shit. i'm a reddit veteran..ive seen enough of this to yawn about it and move on.

Fateswebb ago

I exposed this shill, who poses as an anti semite on here.. just like the psyop on gab.ai but the funny thing is he won't admit that that was a FLASE flag shooting at that the mossad was in on 9/11... A rabid Jew hater on a conspiracy forum that won't admit those things? Clearly a shill.... Just like the synagogue shooter Patsy dude..


wokeasfook ago


Here is another to add to the list. You can tell by how incredibly dumb it is.

srayzie ago

Thank you.

vivalad ago

no one was fooled. they just look sad & desperate, much like their sub

Shizy ago

Fake user @srayzie1 is @jackposobiec1.

srayzie ago

Yes! I should put that

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Remember I found another imitation user @sraysie (with an S)

It was about 3 minutes old when I found it...

Still unused

srayzie ago

Thank you UBA!

MolochHunter ago

I say when the Military Tribunals roll out, we approach the FBI to investigate the identities of who is behind these attacks, and who their sponsors are

minions can go to Gitmo along with the traitor puppet masters

MDS0341 ago

Come find me you liberal poosies, if you want to meet a true alpha!

Iโ€™m protected, please please please test that

Blacksmith21 ago

There won't be enough room in detention centers for all of the little peon canon fodder (shills).

NSA should just give us the dox list when they're ready, and let us take care of them.

auralsects ago

Oh my god you are actually lost in your own fantasies. Youre a fucking grown man dude! I legit feel sorry for you and your family, this isnt even funny anymore.

wokeasfook ago

This would be a dream come true. Especially anyone who is receiving money to shill.

I don't really want the harmless retarded simpletons who have been utilized as useful idiots getting rounded up. Otherwise the line could get very blurry.

But anyone who knowingly took part on the side of evil needs punishment.

MolochHunter ago

I'm happy to leave it to the authorities to determine what constitutes Sedition. But I will be referring them to the evidence here by which the Shills must be aware that Q is speaking on behalf of Military Intelligence in defence of the criminal and unconstitutional attacks on the duly elected POTUS. This isn't farcebook. People here know the premise upon which we convene

AlphabeticalAnon ago

It'll be sooo warm and cozy to see the shills all having their asses handed to them in real time. Ooooh I get a nice picture of what their little rat bastard faces will be looking like. All snarled and corked.

ArcAngel ago

i say we do it ourselevs & a team of local supporters pay em a visit.

srayzie ago

Word ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

skrazie ago

Why would anyone do such a thing?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


Windy tonight...

srayzie ago

Thank you DickTick!

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Thank you for your help @DickTick! I took care of it @srayzie.

srayzie ago

Thank you Shizy!