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MissleCopterStoped ago

I eventually tried him out as a mod. However, his personality immediately changed, he let the power go to his head.

In the type-o-negative thread about NeonRevolt you posted above ,there is a screenshot me asking RonaldSwansong asking how resign from being a mod on Reddit, you know, cause that is what power control freaks do.😂😂

Oh yeah, where are the screen shots of my mod actions taken if I let this “power” go to my head? What, no evidence of that?

My personality changed because it was the childish non-stop drama you mods constantly created for 2 days straight, and especially the non-support that I got from you.

He went and hit resign so it would appear that he made the decision to quit.

Why does it matter who hit the resign button first? How is this an issue, I mean who cares right? You must be really salty because you didn’t get the opportunity to press the eject button on my behalf first? Talk about a power trip.

Additionally, I resigned because I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with your immature childish non-stop drama, that is actually occurring right now while you sit there breaking your own forum rules using a post to complain about another user. Wait you forgot?

Please allow me pull the rule for you:

No submitting posts about other users.** Posts need to be Q related. Not for attacking other users.

Great job srayzie as you are about to prove my point very shortly.

I kept my eyes on him to see if he was going to start pulling his crap again. That didn’t take long.

Oh really? What didn’t take long?

After causing drama and attacking my mod @MolochHunter all night.

Whoa, you can stop right there traitor.

I reported a user that was making salacious claims about Barrack Obama having a microchip inserted in his body, and the other Deep State players having GPS and eavesdropping chips inserted as well.

Don’t remember? Allow me refresh your memory!

So you are give the last comment I made, but not tell everyone what the situation was about? Shame on you!

As seen from the screenshot above, the OP who has a long-standing reputation to post dis-info and fake news and other emotional the sky is falling posts. In fact, people were calling this person out on it and even today people complained about it on a post today.

My post asking asking for sources to godsangell’s claims.

[–] MissleCopterStoped 2 points (+2|-0) 1.5 days ago  Where is the sauce for Hussein getting chipped in? Where is the sauce for other DS players having kill switches and listening devices implanted in them? @GODSANGELL IS A TRAITOR SHILL AND AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE AND THIS MOVEMENT, REPORTING YOUR POST LOW QUALITY BECAUSE YOU JUST MAKE SHIT UP AS YOU GO ALONG!

[–] MissleCopterStoped 1 points (+3|-2) 6 days ago 

I want to thank you very much for speaking up on this thread. I almost forwarded the image to my mom, who is slowly coming around. She doesn't need this speculation, you're right.

That was the motivation for reporting OP.

Hey @GodsAngell, do you see what almost happened here? This is a textbook example of why you shouldn't post irresponsibility? Imagine if @Q-sent-me had actually forwarded this and their mother started to research it.



@Srayzie, @MolochHunter, @Shizy

I then immediately reported them for it and pinged the mods about it. Srayzie at least flared the post as dis-info.

This post clearly broke the rules they have in place.

Forum Rules

“For example, if you’re going to post a theory, give a detailed explanation of how you reached that theory. Such as explaining how you can back up the theory with what is already known or referencing things Q or trump have said.

Has President Trump or Q addressed microchips being inserted into our bodies or the bodies of the enemy?

If yes, source Q and/or President Trump then.

Then moloch tried justifying her claims although it broke forum rules.

MolochHunter 1 points (+2|-1) 6 days ago  There's a big difference between being a traitor and being credulous. @GodsAngell may have a terrible case of confirmation bias at times, but it's not the role of us mods to censor that.

Shizy said this: I see this happening a lot to @godsangell so either they need to take a hint and better source their posts, or expect an increase in being accused of deliberately spreading fake news.

Think Mirror - Q


Molochhunter said this:

no-one has proven that OP knew for a fact that what he was posting is fake news

flame the OP as much as you like for sloppy work, but we don't censor that shit - and the nature of Q's posts is cryptic and so this sub must allow for wide array of speculation.

Oh I get it, this person gets a pass for being ignorant while these bullshit claims get to stay on the board although it is breaking rule 1.

[–] MissleCopterStoped -1 points (+0|-1) 6 days ago  Its not sloppy work Moloch, it’s sourcing the gosh darn claims....................

Why have rules if you are not going to enforce them?

[–] MolochHunter 0 points (+1|-1) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago) can you kindly advise me which Rule # you think this breaches so that i can re-educate you

[–] MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago) Rule number 1 Go for it, explain it to me.

Moloch Threat #1:

you've pissed me off. Consider me suspect of any future posts of yours. I'm going to scrutinise them for bad-faith mischief. I'm drawing a bead on you, motherfucker. Congratulations.

[–] MolochHunter 4 points (+5|-1) 6 days ago  you're the cunt that keeps coming at me insisting i have some obligtion to delete this thread

MissleCopterStoped -4 points (+0|-4) 6 days ago  I never once asked you to delete the thread did I? If yes, please show me where I said that

MolochHunter 3 points (+4|-1) 6 days ago  (edited 6 days ago)

oh, my apologies, correction - you said the OP should be banned from this sub, and called us mods in to effect that, and then got all pissy when we refused to do that for you so fuck you

Why is he getting so mad?

–] MolochHunter 3 points (+4|-1) 6 days ago  and so did the OP. and we dont even delete all posts that DONT provide a link, you're here on G.A. in Bad Faith. I'm onto you, now, niggerfaggot

MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job.

Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem."

Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life.

Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job.

MissleCopterStoped -2 points (+0|-2) 6 days ago  Don't call me names when you cannot do your fucking simple ass job.

Look at all the other people who asked for sources on this thread retard, I am not the only one asking for sources or "being the problem."

Just because you are a mod, don't think I am impressed with your stupid 16 year old threats, and the only people who threatened like online is the fucking pussy in real life. Get over your Mr. Badass of the internet, ego and do your fucking job

**It goes on and on if one wants to dig more, but in the end you allowing someone to break the rules, and this person constantly posts fake news, and dis-info, yet you all allow it to happen so you guys are traitors to our country, because at the end of the day, you are basically acting like the Enemy of the People, Fake News.

This is my final response to your kiddy drama, next response I make will be to Justin Chastain and Atif Colo.

srayzie ago

Oh yeah, where are the screen shots of my mod actions taken if I let this “power” go to my head? What, no evidence of that?

I stopped you from using mod powers dip shit.

I didn’t break my own rules. I’m simply pointing out that our Q community is being I filtrate. Your name is one of several.

You talk about our drama. You’re the one always flipping out. 😂 Lay off the caffeine. You didn’t even deny that you are BuilderAnon or thisistotallynotme. I know of others too.

Shareblue should fire you because you suck.

MissleCopterStoped ago

That is the fucking dumbest thing you said.

Once a person is a mod they get mod powers you retarded idiot, and if no believes me outside of these shill mods, make a sub and see for yourself.

What a lame ass excuse for not having evidence of me on a power trip. That was a really feeble attempt on your part.

MolochHunter ago


you couldn't eject me

here you are admitting you are, or were , Type-o-negative

so for the ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, would you care to explain to the court of public opinion why you did not maintain the user v/type-o-neg , and work to redeem yourself in an honest manner to your fellow voat colleagues and supposed patriot allies, rather than resorting to an alternative user profile ?

because in a subverse in which disinformation flies thick and fast, INTEGRITY is paramount, I'm sure you'd agree

MissleCopterStoped ago

OMG! How fucking many times are you going to answer the same question?

My answer is there fucktard..Gosh, you are so fucking slow. Try to catch up!

MolochHunter ago

lol - you posted a link to another place where you EVADED answering the question

So I'll ask again

why you did not maintain the user v / type-o-negative , and work to redeem yourself in an honest manner to your fellow voat colleagues and supposed patriot allies, rather than resorting to an alternative user profile ?

57005-177 ago

Damn, you are the slowest retard ever. Do you think you will ever catch-up?

Still cannot believe you are a mod, you are as dumb as box of rocks. Stop replying to me if you cant be on the same page as everyone else.

Shizy ago

Damn, you are the slowest retard ever. Do you think you will ever catch-up?

Says the retard MissleCopterStoped from his alt that we've all known about. It's been a real hoot watching you talk to yourself with this alt dumb fuck!

Crensch ago

Stop replying to me if you cant be on the same page as everyone else.

MolochHunter ago

😂😂😂 forget which Alt you were logged into @57005-177 ? er , @MissleCopterStoped , er etc etc

@Srayie @Shizy @Crensch @Argosciv @Vindicator

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually 5500177 is onto to something there, you are not very bright, and box of rocks is quite fitting for your intelligence level which is flat lined at best.

MolochHunter ago

really. 5500177 says 'stop replying to me'

I dont recall if i have EVER reponded to a 5500177 comment, please find and enlighten me so as to cast shadow of doubt on my 'outrageous' insinuation that you forgot which sock or anus your hand was showed up at the time of writing

MissleCopterStoped ago

Actually he PM’d me, apparently you are harassing them through PMs accusing them of being me. I told them they should report you!

MissleCopterStoped ago

What are you talking about?

Shizy ago

You talk tough, but then threaten to call attorney's 🤣😂🤣🖕🏻

MolochHunter ago

why dont you call in your gang of 100 to help ? Oh - thats right - its all ONE PERSON

Chrencsh ago

Dont let these shills get you down, the best part is we are winning!

MissleCopterStoped ago

see god damn parent.

Not very Christian of you to take God’s name in vain.

Just say see parent, and downvote away, dont get all triggered about it.

MolochHunter ago

riiiight. you're a good lil Christian boy

I remember clearly in the Bible Jesus sayeth "And LO! They who shalt useth Sock Puppets are Like unto me, and shall be Exalted"

you're such a wanker

srayzie ago

These people have got no life. lol. I don't think I need to ban yours since you're not a mod on this sub. I didn't want them tricking anyone into something because they thought it was our mod.

MolochHunter ago

i say we make it @Crensch 's call whether we ban the doppleganger

Crensch ago

I believe @srayzie hit the nail on the head there. We all seem to have been pushed into formation as a group of shill hunters against these fuckbags. I, personally, have no issue with the doppelgänger, but it WOULD look bad if someone mistook them for me since we work together.

Might cause more problems and hurt y'all to have so much extra confusion going on for the normies.

MolochHunter ago

i just wanna pay my respects to a man who bothers to put the dots above the ä in doppelgänger

but Shizy and i have settled on the term 'Sockllganger'

srayzie ago

I removed the one imitating Crensch since he's a mod that we work closely with. I made a new rule, so you will see that option if you guys need to ban someone for imitating one of us.

@MolochHunter @Shizy

Shizy ago

Good move.

argosciv ago

Wait a minute...

Wasn't there someone else who used to pull this impersonation crap once upon a time?

cc: @Crensch, @srayzie, @Vindicator, @kevdude, @PeaceSeeker

Vindicator ago

Yep. ArmySeer (aka Amalek).

argosciv ago


I think I've seen that username around somewhere in the past few days of digging, now that you mention.

Crensch ago