ChiCom ago

Is this why we teach debauchery, Muslim expansionism, white hate, and tranny theories of morality to our children?

PacaGoat ago

That is what the Leftest teach. That and how to wack off your plumbing to be popular.

flatbush71 ago

I'm going to make a second post on this in an attempt on explaining the collateral damage of the event. 90 million U.S. was laundered thru Qatar and in turn 15 million in cash was transported to the West Bank by private auto and distributed to various groups. This would have never been possible without the information campaign.

That caused the Defense Minster to blow a gasket and resign. He was badly needed in the upcoming peace accords as he is instrumental in the settlers moment.

This is just one of the many benefits of the rogue disinformation operation.

flatbush71 ago

The whole thing from beginning to the end was a ruse. But here's the problem, so many people are uninformed it was successful. The American people have an attention span of all of about two minutes and anything over that and their brains goes into overload.

As soon as I received confirmed reports of the second aircraft on the ground for only 45 minutes and not being searched before takeoff, I many knew it was Bravo Sierra.

Here again, as warned you youngsters in the past, perception is powerful tool in the right hands. Any reassessment at this point is useless as nobody will read or believe it, their opinion are already formed.

Arrvee ago

Board memebers of the Qatar Foundation International

  • Sheik Jassim bin Abdulaziz al Thani - Chair
  • Khalid al Kuwari - Treasurer, VP
  • Patrick Theros - Secretary.
  • Edward Djerejian
  • Sandy Weill - Former CEO/chair of Citigroup
  • Vartan Gregorian

Board members of the Carnegie Corporation

  • Janet Robinson
  • Edward Djerejian .
  • Vartan Gregorian
  • Pedro Aspe
  • Lloyd Austin
  • Lionel Barber
  • Jared Cohon
  • John DeGioia
  • Tom Kean
  • Caroline Kennedy
  • Marcia McNutt
  • Stephen Oxman
  • Don Randel
  • Louise Richardson
  • Anne Tatlock
  • Ann Claire Williams
  • Judy Woodruff

Carnegie Corporation, which has continued to support Annenberg/CES reform over the years, now also provides heavy funding to the Council of Chief State School Officers for the creation and implementation of Common Core.

So, these same people who are such strong supporters of a Muslim Brotherhood Pal of Osama Bin Laden? They have run the American school system for the past decade.

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julzee2 ago

Not to forget it's been Bill Aires (weather underground) who has been writing our school history books for who knows how long as well. Communists & Muslims are teaching our Nation.

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PacaGoat ago

And...let that sink in! Great comment.