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16084447? ago

In the beginnings of Gamergate we learned that those "Social Justice" assholes were not merely leftists, they were were on record supporting Osama bin Laden. Hardly anyone talked about it after the first month, although a few people did dig into it.

>>>/gamergatehq/330332 is the most active thread with one post every few months

The Washington Post has since dropped the mask and gone full Allahu Ackbar.

The corruption went "straight to the top" as Wikileaks said. (A Muslim controls the Vatican pedo ring) (… and controls Ari Emanuel and Hollywood and his brother Rahm Emanuel) (Qatar controls the school system)

16227006? ago

GG uncovered so much weird shit I don't think any individual even knows about all of it.


making excuses for laziness

I'm hoping that's just for cover, but as we all know, action is purely hypothetical and always pranks in Minecraft.




It would only get shoahed for being legitimate, obviously.

16084576? ago

Reddit made gamergate into gamergoiym, I remember in the beginning there were two autists from half/pol/ who migrated on /v/ and gghqs to help the digging but the redditors that followed were more interested in the vidya and the "fight" than in the intel.

16084615? ago

A lot of us started to see the (((bigger picture))) after a few months, I know I certainly did. GG brought me to the JQ.

16222757? ago

pretty much all forms of gaming other than vidya are even more pozzed.

tabletop RPGS


hobby boardgames

pozzed types are infiltrating pinball. PAPA is thoroughly converged though most are keeping it on the DL, but elizabeth cromwell I know for a fact is both a hardcore feminist and an SA goon. Tim Sexton ("Timballs"), one of Stern's new hires, posted anti gamergate shit on twitter, and i think even retweeted people like Zoe Quinn. a dude got #MeTooed at Pinburgh 2016 by a woman who looks exactly like evey stereotype of the fat man hating feminist, and this chick was also a BLM/Antifa member.

but they've been real careful about going full poz - right now its mostly talk about how pinball needs to be more "inclusive" and whining about how scanitly clad women in the art isn't, but I expect it to get worse

16084736? ago

This gives me an idea: what are some hobbies that are getting increasingly poz'd? We could have a gemergoiym like second wind movement.

16084543? ago

In the video, he is also spotted launching a shoulder-fired missile. He then chants, “Allah is the greatest. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse the Jews. Victory to Islam.”

Hamas is fighting or trying and failing to fight Israel, and the Houthis are fighting the Saudi Arab Jews. Are we supposed to be against this?

16084616? ago



Hiram Abiff. Masons i.e. controlled kiked opposition.

Hezbollah, on the other hand…

16168909? ago

Hezbollah are also Semitic scum, they are just another form of kikes. The Islam vs. Jew blood feud is a Semitic fag war because Muslims copied their Jew cousins. Stop shilling this based Hezbollah bullshit. They would kill every white man they could. Why has Hezbollah never attacked Israel? Same reason as ISIS.

16088126? ago

Hezbollah, on the other hand…  

Controlled by Iran. Literally the forward Iranian army, raised locally in any country that they are trying to conquer. Iran was founded by the Palestinians.

16084452? ago

Good, more reason for me to hate Josh and the (((Armenian))).