17510474? ago

It's more /g/ related but it was some canadian that created a secure way to send messages and emails and was shot by police on his front lawn for some reason.

17510468? ago

Day Assange Killed (DAK) - October 2016

I have something to confess i dont expect you to believe me but i must confess i feel it is realted.

around the time september - november 2016 i met him.

i also met all of them. imagine everyone who was important at that time i was there with all of them at university. all in the same room. i have difficulty remembering everything because of the sex and the screaming. it seemed very unbelievable and since these events i have had panic attacks and stuff. i have never had such things.

i spoke to all of them about a bunch of stuff.

i spoke to trump about releasing Assange he said he would try.

the whole thing was fucked. i never recieved an explaination and MPs kept coming to my house.

its was all very strange. i remember getting handjobs, being sick.

you can AMA but i always remember thinking no one is going to believe me. its a shame no one understood at that time how serious it was. he borrowed my blue hoodie once.

thats all i can remember about the man, he was with snowden.

trump owed him those links. because i was there when Putin gave him those documents.

17510476? ago

Good schizo routine

17510472? ago

That's all you remember? Sex and screaming?

17510466? ago

Bump. So many shill threads right now; need to save topics.

17510467? ago


17457702? ago

Hm. Maybe I have a specific apology to make to the US government. “They do” indeed… Blight.

The above is as much apology as is practical to give, and in any case the problem might still be fascistic liars who claim that “having set the minimum wage, even were it an error, taking it down might create a problem larger still” as an excuse to conserve blunders and suppress progress.

There are techniques that aren’t practically effective - certainly not as implemented by China and Cuba.

I didn’t actually care much for this post when I wrote it buuuut it got banned and memory-holed. Whoppersee.

Ah, I see one of my prior contriband-utions to this thread also got memory-holed! Such delightful bearers of truth and freedom are the mods! Such defiance! Such unexpected honesty, such resilience in the face of disagreement!

(I fucked this thread to hell and back making bitches of people who thought they had power. If anything I posted is gone from anywhere, I bet it’s gone from here; I’ll skip checking.)

The password is bananas ;)

17454213? ago

Encore, encore! Future historians will marvel at this one in the logs!

Seriously, this question is going to go medically obsolete. If anyone has real cockxiety, talk about it in public. I think it might be a little fixable now, and for the better stuff, being open means you’ll take part in favorable medical developments. At the very least you can find people who say the nice things about it not mattering, many of whom are even sincere.

Cockxiety is not a good reason to be racist. This place isn’t ruled by people who have good reasons to be racist.

Nice porn in this thread btw. If you’re into humans. I think my triple dark majesty is better served elsewhere.

17454212? ago

Yes! I inspired a copy-cat!

You ARE my unspayed pets!

17454209? ago

You are my unspayed pets!

You are the unspayed pets of whoever IP cycles.

17454208? ago

Most amateur footage of 2015 NYE sexual assaults in Germany has vanished from the net.

Especially the stuff from towns other than Cologne like Dusseldorf (which supposedly was even worse) as well as video from the police crackdown in Munich (police had advance warning there).

17354563? ago

I wonder (((who))) would spam the thread with schizophrenic rambling and link spa that nobody replies to.

17351176? ago

Remember this?

17337583? ago

Bump :D

17336866? ago

Marrakesh treaty

And content of it

Recent nigger mass shooters

Surprised even /pol/ haven't had much on this

Curt Doolittle's pajeet son-in-law

E-celeb, but still

17336863? ago

Anyone remember those banker and journalists "suicides" from 2015?

17336854? ago

Not really memory holed, but not talked about nearly as often as it should be. Declassified research subjects AATIP and the Department of Defense were looking into, regarding UFO/UAP activity and tech.

17336859? ago

organic molecules doing quantum computing, is this a living ai or a human computer brain?

17336855? ago

The redaction in the first image remind me of the screeching that KimDotCom allegedly falsified the redacted document he produced showing that Seth Rich was indeed the leaker. Went on for a few weeks then was forgotten, brushed off as a "well they never use a white box with a 1.5px outline to redact stuff, they use the patented black highlighter."

17336856? ago

Seems a correction more than redaction in this case

17336860? ago

The letters and numbers usually correspond to some referenced legal appendix - not unlikely as the letter is a listing of attachments. See pic related. Also note the two types of redaction styles.

17336853? ago

The detailed truth about Zuckerburg being a thief used to exist in quite a few places on the internet. Completely scrubbed now. I remember reading accounts about him stealing student-body personal data at Harvard to use in his (also stolen), Faceburg prototype. Litany of dirt. On mainstream websites, too. All vaporized.

17365584? ago

The famous quote of "where did you get your data? They gave it to me, they trust me, dumb fucks" still exists. And ironically in the (((film))) of (((zuckerberg))) he is shown cracking into the securities of various harvard houses to steal the photos of the students, etc.

Also remember the darpa lifelog, apparently (((zuckerberg))) is just a ploy and a smokescreen.

17336852? ago

Bump. ;)

17320527? ago

Bump :)

17320525? ago

In case anyone reads thus and gets confused: I 100% threadsniped this thread totally offvthe forum with my reason.com lists. It was brought back with false history tagged up at the end with that CERN shit, because liars don’t have the creativity to be unpredictable.

17320524? ago

Someday I want to really share my joy with the world. Not the dance-for-joy of bringing this thread back; the subject is unusual, but I believe triumph might actually be the most universal emotional capability. (I don’t think humanity is intrinsically warlike, because I have intimately thorough cause to believe in at least one pacifist of rigid sincerity, but if I’m wrong and humanity is intrinsically warlike, the universality of triumph is probably to blame.). I want to share the backbeat to my life. I want to share the upward curving mood, the reconstruction processes, the resilience. I want to share what let me toy with nicotine and grin at opiod withdrawal. I want to share what makes me so sure I can walk away from triumph’s potential if I win enough gains for enough people. I want to share what makes me so confident that I can live out a peaceful forever without losing my mind.

I want to share what’s better and steadier than triumph.

It’s a pipe dream, right? Maybe even technotelepathy wouldn’t do it. Maybe what I love so much about peace in this world wouldn’t be anything to other people. But there’s a lot of people who long for peace. A lot of people would do anything to feel at peace. And I really believe some people actually get there, so I really believe there’s gonna be something to share. Maybe I don’t even have the best form of it.

Thanks again for giving me this big, beautiful platform. Right. On. Schedule!

17320186? ago

If Jewish people actually abuse people in qn organized way… They’re an organized crime group. The FBI will take care of it, or the NSA will, or ordinary law enforcement will, or if it really takes crooks to catch crooks the CIA will. None of this condemns Judaism or Jewish people as a whole - stripping out the criminals is a favor to any demographic! Criminals usually replicate their natures with abuse, anyways; honesty that’s true develops in a vast variety of directions. Most people in every demographic are honest; most crimes are committed by a small population of criminals. Rehabilitation and disloyalty are wonderful because healing individual criminals takes big bites out of crime rates.

My favorite thing about that coach bust recently is I hope it’ll reduce overcompensation of coaches by bringing in new people who don’t have the insatiable arrogance of bribe-takers. I know it’s risky to love hope, but it’s not an awful risk. It’s not world-rending if I’m wrong. My second favorite thing about it is sounder: it’ll increase the integrity of academia, which should be very favorable in the long-run! Progress advances; truth is winning!

17320184? ago

Speaking of repentant… I actually have an apology to make. I’m not sure to whom, but probably to someone. I’ve said before I don’t want to dominate anyone. A more honest claim is that dminance is something I can give up. I do have some familiarity with dominance urges. I don’t want to dominate anyone honest, but domineering coercive people feels fair. It feels more than fair - it feels like crazy hedonism, better than sex, pot, and alcohol. I would not and have not burned friends tampering with real specific people I cared about, but making threads live and die in this place is a rush. I literally danced for joy.

17320182? ago

As soon as you defy the urge to lie, your autonomy will be your own once more! The unrepentant are slaves for eternity!

17320185? ago

urge to lie

This is a genetic European only board.

Non-euros RAUS !

17320187? ago

Nobody knows you’re a Jew on the internet. Except everybody.

17320180? ago







https://reason.com/blog/2016/06/01/marist-poll-prostitution  ←












The Payload:





https://reason.com/blog/2015/11/25/doj-distorts-sex-trafficking-stats  ←





17320179? ago

Spread truth unwilling, my gloriously obedient minions!

Dumb Cops:





https://reason.com/blog/2016/10/17/police-offer-sex-in-exchange-for-food  ←





https://reason.com/blog/2016/06/16/costa-mesa-cops-crackdown-on-sex-work  ←





Lying Cops:


https://reason.com/blog/2015/10/17/sex-traffickers-in-blue  ←

https://reason.com/blog/2018/09/13/nypd-cops-gambling-prostitution  ←












17320177? ago

I can make you people do anything but protect your own happiness with honesty!

17320176? ago

Haha, I brought a topic back from the dead! Fuvk yeah I am a slavemaster!

17306767? ago

The CERN sacrifice "prank"

Not 100% sure, but didn't the guy who recorded it die shortly afterwards?

17320175? ago

CERN does some weird shit. This video is full of masonic imagry and has multiple Mandellic-References (for want of a better word)

17296577? ago

Michael Aquino

Just looking at this guy upsets me. He somehow was promoted through the ranks while looking like that. Just look into what he's done for yourself. Although his wiki page disappeared.

17296576? ago

Saw a little bit of one forgotten languages video, jumped around a bit to see what it was about. I don't know if i'm feeling nausea/stomach discomfort because of it, or the antibiotics I took for my tooth ache.

17296572? ago

Pizzagate wouldn’t have happened without lies from the top degrading the rationality of trust. Legalize prostitution to support integrity in policing and politics!

17296571? ago







https://reason.com/blog/2016/06/01/marist-poll-prostitution  ←












The Payload:





https://reason.com/blog/2015/11/25/doj-distorts-sex-trafficking-stats  ←





I’ve found the best penalty to liars is truth.

17296569? ago

I read all but one of these. Lying leftists want to memory-hole their sexual repression. Don’t let them.

Dumb Cops:





https://reason.com/blog/2016/10/17/police-offer-sex-in-exchange-for-food  ←





https://reason.com/blog/2016/06/16/costa-mesa-cops-crackdown-on-sex-work  ←





Lying Cops:


https://reason.com/blog/2015/10/17/sex-traffickers-in-blue  ←

https://reason.com/blog/2018/09/13/nypd-cops-gambling-prostitution  ←












Ehhh they disn’t all copy…

17281971? ago


This happened 6 months ago and is already forgotten. 12 dead, among them was a man who allegedly survived the Vegas shooting.

The shooter was a former marine who deployed to Afghanistan for 9 months in November, 2010. After discharge in 2013 he attended (((CSU Northridge))) for athletic science before dropping out after 3 years. He was reportedly psychologically unstable long before joining the marines and had a history of sexual assault. A neighbor also said he suffered from PTSD after returning from Afganistan. Guarding all of those opium fields from the taliban must have been hellish.

This is a classic MKULTRA case if there ever was one and it's funny how these obvious headcases always make it past the recruiters. What I don't get is why it took place in California, since the state is already niggerfucked on gun issues. Then again, these operations do take a lot of luck and effort to pull off so you take what you can.

Zogbots never sleep.

17276373? ago

The deep fake Assad interview was the most significant conformation of his death ever posted. If he was alive there would have been no reason to ever fucking do that shit.

17296554? ago

STILL pushing this fake meme

Assange isn't dead just because you're technologically inept and have no idea how video compression works.


And here's the "everything is hoax nobody ever dies" shill.


forcibly removed from having internet access because published leaks hurt shillary


17272003? ago

Bobby Beausoleil

Filmmaker Kenneth Anger had a story to tell. He needed a soundtrack. Jimmy Page was first option but was fired and a curse put on him. So KA wracks his magicians brain and enter Bobby Beausoleil. He was in prison serving life for murder yet got a hall pass to work on a movie?

Lucifer Rising is the film's name. More on that later.

My individual posts keep getting deleted, does this happen often here?

17281976? ago

The mods here are CIA.

17272001? ago

the Brazilian cult of God shit that were breeding women in order to sell their infants to interested buyers. Oprah and David Geffen were involved in that operation, which is why they're smeari g MJ right now in order to distract people about it.

17272002? ago

I'd reckon you're about right

17251246? ago

In the memory hole you go.

17276375? ago

This was just blatant CIA shit. The judge dismissed a case related to terror, human trafficking, murder, and government corruption on a technicality that wasn't even relecant to the case. Also look at those fucking subhuman apes jesus christ.

17454207? ago


Welp, looks like some of those sealed indictiments r gettin' unsealed. But whatever you do, don't check out /qresearch/ cuz it's a honeypotboomerlarppot kEk

10 New Mexico Terrorist Camp Superseding Indictment – FINALLY

Photo: Fox News

Most will recall the horrific terrorist training camp discovered last year in New Mexico where a group resided in a filthy situation, filled with firearms and ammunition, and a deceased child. They were originally indicted on September 11, 2018, and two judges dismissed charges against three of the defendants because the office of District Attorney Donald Gallegos failed to schedule a court hearing to prove they had probable cause for their arrest, within 10 days. Everyone could see with their own eyes that this was a terrorist training camp, and feared the worst.

On Wednesday, A federal grand jury sitting in Albuquerque, New Mexico returned a superseding indictment on March 13 charging Jany Leveille, 36, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 40, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, Subhanah Wahhaj, 36, and Lucas Morton, 41, with federal offenses related to terrorism, kidnapping and firearms violations.

The Department of Justice press release states, in part:

As alleged in the superseding indictment, these defendants conspired to provide material support in preparation for violent attacks against officers and employees of the United States. According to the superseding indictment, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj gathered firearms and ammunition, and all of the defendants transported people, firearms, and ammunition across state lines and constructed a training compound where they stored firearms and ammunition. The superseding indictment further alleges that Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Morton constructed and maintained a firing range at the compound where they engaged in firearms and tactical training for other compound occupants, and that Leveille and Morton attempted to recruit others to their cause.

The superseding indictment also charges Leveille, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, and Morton with conspiring to attack and kill officers and employees of the United States, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1117. It was a part and an object of the conspiracy that the defendants would kill officers and employees of the United States, specifically, Federal Bureau of Investigation employees, government officials, and military personnel.

The superseding indictment also charges Leveille, Hujrah Wahhaj, Subhanah Wahhaj, and Morton with kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. According to the superseding indictment, they kidnapped a child under the age of eighteen in Georgia and transported the child to New Mexico, where they concealed and held the child, resulting in the child’s death.

The superseding indictment also includes the charges from the original indictment. All of the defendants are currently in custody awaiting trial.

Perhaps this will set precedent in investigating the 22 Islamic compounds operating throughout the U.S., that FBI documents confirm.

embedded links at sauce https://www.coreysdigs.com/investigations/12-huge-bombshells-in-one-week-but-nothings-happening/

17251241? ago

  • Yellow Rain Incident

  • Operation INFEKTION

17251237? ago

The day that the break-away board /polk/ was filled with bizarre spam supposedly from the Board Owner's hacked account, and then the next day it was gone, under new ownership

17251240? ago

shitty exodus board filled with the same cancer they pretended to be escaping

Not a memory hole. Nobody cares about a failed exodus.

17251235? ago

You want a real spoop dig? Its no easy dig… Look into the company Elsevier. Look into their origins… Just how far do they really go back? Much, much further back than the official narrative of the early 17th century How many times did the name change? Elsevier, Helschevier, Alzafir More? What did those different names translate to? protip: look into arabic and old flemish roots

Compare the very old books that they published to their control of publishing now. Take a look at what subsidiaries they have, take a look at what companies they only hold partial ownership in, and consider things about the particular industries that cause the companies they own to allow them to de facto control/influence over almost every company which they do not own. Have they expanded into new industries? Which? What SPECIFIC products/research do these companies develop? Are these things that could be combined to create something far more sinister?

They outright own, or by proxy control, all academic book publishing and this has been the case since the year 1600, if not earlier because their publishing business goes back to at least the year 700. They came into Europe by way of Italy and were instrumental in negotiating with Rome to allow kikes to move en masse to the areas of France and Spain, they were instrumental in the moorish invasion. The various translations of their name changes are "he of the book" (alzafir) which was changed to "Hel's feminine four" (helschevier). They own or control all scientific journal publishing (ask any scholar who has had works published about "elsevier" and I guarantee that if elsevier didnt directly publish it they had something to do with the review) They own the company that makes ritalin and has been doing an ass load of research into dmt, they also own a company that has been studying how to hijack chemical pathways in the brain to force the body to deliver drugs to specific areas in the brain with perfect efficacy.

Thats just the tip of it, keep digging its fucking nightmare fuel.

17510477? ago

From some page:

Ever wondered what "Non Solus" means in the Elsevier logo?

Following is an excerpt from "Non Solus: The Story Behind the Elsevier Tree" on the Company History page of the Elsevier website.

There is some debate over the meaning of the original Elzevir printer’s mark that is still used as Elsevier’s logo today and features an old man standing beneath a vine-entwined elm tree. It is inscribed with the Latin term Non Solus (not alone). The mark, first introduced by Isaac Elzevir (son of Lowys) in 1620, was featured on all Elzevir works from that time forth.

… the logo represents, in classical symbolism, the symbiotic relationship between publisher and scholar. The addition of the Non Solus inscription reinforces the message that publishers, like the elm tree, are needed to provide sturdy support for scholars, just as surely as scholars, the vine, are needed to produce fruit. Publishers and scholars cannot do it alone. …

17276377? ago

Damn good shit, you got any good sources? I found two webpages about it but both bottomed out rather quickly.

17266470? ago

How did you even notice this rabbit hole to begin with? And we want MORE.

17253094? ago


It looks like my earlier comment got eaten. Please tell us more and drop some sources.

17251232? ago



The day old /pol/ had a member of the NSA post "FYI, the NSA IS monitoring this thread" with proof, then a person replied "Dear NSA, NASA is also monitoring this thread." and provided proof he was from NASA.

17251225? ago

The Great San Diego Blackout of 2011


(Related: San Onofre Partial Nuclear Meltdown)

17251224? ago

  • Sonic Weapons against US Diplomats in Cuba. Claims: Hearing chirps, then feeling increasingly sick over the weeks

  • "HI, JEWS" SSTV signal intrusion to Skyking Radio Network

  • Jill Stein's 2016 Recount reveals lost votes for Trump, fraudulent votes for Hillary, is called off.

  • Swine Flu Media Propaganda

  • Arab Spring (Most information regarding)

17217717? ago


The "Zebra" murders were a string of racially motivated murders that took place in San Francisco, California, from October 1973 to April 1974. A group of male Black Muslims who called themselves the "Death Angels" committed at least 15 murders and 8 attempted murders, entirely against white victims. However, some authorities believe they may have killed as many as 73 or more victims.[1][2]

17217713? ago

A few more

  • Nearly everything about Katrina except "The Levy broke, and there was flooding"

  • Operation Dessert Storm

  • Three Mile Island

  • The failed Turkish Coup-de-Taut of 2016

  • Unknown force causes complete dissipation of Hurricane Lane just before it reaches shore of US Air Force Base Oahu (Believed HAARP, more info https://rense.com/general96/H/proof-of-total-weather-control-by-the-us-military.htm)

  • The explosion of TWA Flight 800

  • "Skyking, Skyking, all stations, Juggernaught", 2016

  • Odd formations on NASA telescopes, censored by Google, 2016

  • The Arrest of DPRK General Jang Song-thaek on State Television

  • Assasination of Kim John-nam

17217715? ago

Damn it, I did it again. Replace "Operation Desert Storm" with "Operation Eagle Claw"

17213954? ago

Memory Hole topic not mentioned here (that I can see)

  • Bill, Hillary, and Comey on Airplane Tarmac in failed secret meeting

  • Cicadia 3301's Russian and Israeli Connections

  • "Change Topics" porn/niggger spam after Sandy Hook on 4/pol/

  • US Active-Duty Marines hack DoD homepage in protest

  • Giant Earthquake in DPRK indicating possible H-Bomb Test

  • Suspicious circumstance of DyRo's shooting

  • Trayvon Martin Trial

  • Trial (and Acquittal) of Mother who duck-taped her child to a tree in the forrest

This is going older, but I think it's still "Memory Hole"

  • Release of US Hostages by Aylatolla under suspicious circumstance hours after Regan was elected

  • Unconstitutional Communications Decency Act passes, then is rebelled against, leads to partial-repeal

  • CryptoWars

  • Usenet User's continued claims that his family was subject to MKUltra from 1960 to 1985

  • Chicago Seven

  • Judus Priest Satanic Messages Scandal (which I don't believe but still)

  • The Impeachment of Sen. Lindsey Graham

  • Operation Sundevil

17266469? ago

  • Bill, Hillary, and Comey on Airplane Tarmac in failed secret meeting

It was Loretta Lynch, not Comey.

Judicial Watch does great work through FOIA and continues to release documents related to the tarmac meeting. This one is old, but I seem to remember something more recent. (Trump also mentions this all the time.) I think the new strategy is to obtain secret service documents that would prove their respective details coordinated ahead of time, thus disproving the "coincidental meeting" story.

The new FBI documents show FBI officials were concerned about a leak that Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in order to “maneuver” a meeting with the attorney general. The resulting story in the Observer is seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of emails about the source of the article. FBI official(s) write “we need to find that guy” and that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted “in an attempt to stem any further damage.” Another FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s security detail, suggests instituting non-disclosure agreements. The names of the emails authors are redacted. There are no documents showing concern about the meeting itself.

“These new FBI documents show the FBI was more concerned about a whistleblower who told the truth about the infamous Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting than the scandalous meeting itself,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The documents show the FBI worked to make sure no more details of the meeting would be revealed to the American people. No wonder the FBI didn’t turn these documents over until Judicial Watch caught the agency red-handed hiding them. These new documents confirm the urgent need to reopen the Clinton email scandal and criminally investigate the resulting Obama FBI/DOJ sham investigation.”




Anyone remember when Hillary passed out at the 9/11/2016 memorial ceremony? (Not sure if the pinktext can be considered "memory-holed" if no one else saw it, though.)



9/11 memorial ceremony at ground zero in 2016

it's a sweltering 65 degrees

Hillary passes out (purportedly from the heat)

bodyguards try to block all views as she's chucked into a van like a side of beef

she's taken to Chelsea's nearby Manhattan condo

<Martin Shkreli, Manhattanite and master troll that he is, goes live on Periscope and walks to Chelsea's condo

<police set up a perimeter and Shkreli heckles Hillary from across the street

<after a while, "Hillary" comes out and waves to the crowd, signaling she's ok

<only—even from a distance—it's pretty apparent that it's not really Hillary

<first presidential debate in a few weeks and "Hillary" doesn't look like Hillary

<iirc the teeth are what gave it away

I've seen the double mentioned a few times, but Shkreli's broadcast is long since gone.

Did HRC faint from some overwhelming psychic anguish?

Haunted by guilt (lol) or some divine reckoning?

Did she die that day or just replaced temporarily?

There's also a ton of memoryholed fuckery from the primaries/debates.

Hillary winning (in Colorado?) by winning 5 coin tosses in a row

HRC having a glowing light behind her podium, presumably from a teleprompter

it being proven/admitted that she received the debate questions in advance

There was also some weird shit surrounding Shkreli

put out a bounty for a hair sample of HRC

he's then imprisoned for whatever pharma-related charges. (even that's totally disappeared)

I submit that he's a political prisoner.

Also, remember in December 2018 when like 50 houses (in Maryland?) all exploded at the same time?

17276374? ago

Remember when Hillary's "body guard" was seen walking around with a syringe of anti-seizure medication shortly before she collapsed? The media put out like 100 articles all with different explanations about it just to stop people from talking about it, hell I think Snopes even went as far as to claim the photo didn't exist.

17510475? ago

Anyone got a photo of the syringe?

17276369? ago

I have a discussion thread of this in my archives. https://archive.is/cS0RL

Also, this is funny https://archive.is/c7zLI and this https://archive.is/z0JtL

Also, a previous Memory Hole thread


Unrelated archive links

"AT&T Spying on Americans For Profit" 2006


While I don't seem to have it, I recall there was an expose uncovering that AT&T had an NSA Warehouse in New York, which is a windowless building that's a small skyscraper. This was 2017. Anyone have link of that?

17276379? ago

AT&T had an NSA Warehouse in New York, which is a windowless building that's a small skyscraper.

It's not a warehouse, it's a purpose built skyscraper.

The skyscraper is because of safety requirements and SHTF foresight. The things are fully EMP resistant, and can survive an indirect nuke blast.

The thing in question is a network mirroring closet. Fiber interconnects between major hubs are routed through a room which mirrors the traffic to NSA datacenters.


17276382? ago

This may be it, but if this was 2006 then why did Drudge Report headline an expose on it in 2016 or 17

17276383? ago

It's been common knowledge since the 90's.

The wikipedia link is the incident in question.

Relevant queries are:

at&t fortified buildings

at&t spy closet

at&t nsa

There's also NSA's program to intercept and redirect routing hardware in shipping to NSA labs where hardware backdoors are implanted.

None of this is memoryholed, and will never be memoryholed.


17276371? ago

I must be a bit stupid. My archive link was on the 2016 article (but not the one I was inquiring on). These are archives of the 2006 story




Amazing, how people ignored the warning signs. We told them, and they didn't listen. Well, he who laughs last laughs best!

17213956? ago

I am sorry, I confused persons. Replace "Sen. Lindsey Graham" with "Rep. Newt Gingrich"

17210473? ago

Gray State, the film that almost got made, but didn't because the indie film maker David Crowley along with his wife and daughter were found dead in their modest ranch home of apparent murder suicide. David Crowley's hands were also cut off. Media and police memory holed this story. His movie was about rfid chipping, and economic collapse etc

17210474? ago

looks like herzog made a documentary about it.


some of us are still around but it is hard to justify spending much time posting anymore. the place has just gone to complete shit. i use it more as a news feed now.

17210475? ago

Yeah, I'd heard a little about the documentary. I had no idea that Wernor Herzog did it tho.

17210447? ago

Memory hole thread

Great, we'll be able to bring to the forefront again that white disabled man who was kidnapped by niggers, beaten, and videotaped for being white, which was all over the news for a day until it got memory holed, or Ruby Ridge which has been erased from the minds of an entire generation, or the German girls being raped in the streets on New Years which has since disappeared as a story…

thread immediately devolves into garbage from /x/

oh it's one of (((these))) threads

17210449? ago


17199367? ago

I haven't seen anything related to the Yellow Vests since December, did it peter out or is there a media blackout?

17199372? ago

Media blackout, it's still very much a thing

17198158? ago

The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal has been long-since forgotten


17281970? ago

That was memory holed hard, but it was a big story at the time. SNL even did a skit about it.


If you have more info please post.

17266467? ago

even worse

the original set feature one of the guards flashing a sons of satan star, this one is wiped from most sets.

17198161? ago

I haven't forgotten that THEY DID NOTHING WRONG!

17199368? ago

Anon, they did everything wrong, the purpose of sending the us army out to fight and die for israel is that they die, not humiliate the arabs.

The goyim are there to get shot, not have war victories or parades.

17198148? ago

KMTR-NBC reports that "The Golden State Killer" has been found via DNA Research.

Two days later, KMTR-NBC reports that "The Golden State Killer" suspect is NOT the person responsible, and was misidentified due to a rare genetic disorder

Next day, KMTR-NBC continues it's "Golden State Killer" coverage, ignoring the news report the previous day and offering no correction.

17195213? ago

Oh, and Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and John F. Kennedy were killed by the same organization.

17195210? ago

The 9/11 attack footage used cheap cg planes that look like old PlayStation graphics.

No planes hit the twin towers and no independent footage shows them.

17195185? ago

Vegas shooting

17195187? ago

Yeah, what happened there? Was it a possible assassination attempt on MBS?

17195194? ago

I believe Steven Paddock was selling weapons to Islamists on behalf of the US government; likely some sort of attempted entrapment snare that the spooks are notorious for. The extremists killed him (or were allowed to kill him) and successfully carried out an attack. The MBS angle is interesting, but I haven't seen enough proof to confirm it.

17278892? ago

terrorists smashed through thick reinforced glass to fire in tandem for several minutes knowing the MSM and fbi would cover for them

Sounds legit. Also if you think anyone besides the patsy died you’re literally retarded.

17195178? ago

17198154? ago

WorldCorpo.net no longer exists, please explain. I've seen this video before but did not know the origin.

17161637? ago

Golf rumors/Glass Chimera Project

2006 volleyball incident

17161636? ago

That UFO researcher guy who puked up black liquid


17266471? ago



Imagine being this new to the game. Good luck, anon.

17142763? ago


The agents who work for pedophiles should have their own children hunted down as penance tbh. In fact anyone involved in this should be tortured and their emotions harvested by the very beings they sacrifice to in an ultimate irony.

17142760? ago

Anyone remember that time Erdogan falseflagged a coup?

17195202? ago

yeah i remember that shit. he then tortured and murdered the men who were accused/carried out the op. it was a big story for about 1 day and i remember even mainstream talking heads raising suspicions about it. that got dropped hard.

17195177? ago

Yup, that was 2 or 3 summers ago. Since then, Erdogay has became more and more of a dictator

17044963? ago

wikileaks dead mans switch content on the bitcoin blockchain

17044951? ago

"Real" ayy

this isn't that, it's something else. interested?

17296552? ago

I demand sauce

17198149? ago

just post it, spacenigger

17044945? ago

The murder of 2 Finnish Journalists (Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen) + the woman they were meeting (Tiina Wilen-Jappinen). This was closely after PG broke. This meeting was set up to discuss the ties of the then Finnish Minister of Finance, Alexander Stubb, and his ties to a - you guessed it - child trafficking ring. There were ties to our beloved Hillary. The assassination itself was done by a suspect who.. well read it yourself

From the Guardian article

Investigators said the suspect arrived outside the restaurant in his car and shot the three women as they stepped out of the restaurant.

He then waited in the car until police arrived, and accompanied officers silently and peacefully.

Nothing to see here.

Appearantly the man was arrested earlier for randomly trying to stab someone.

Remarkably, the 23-year-old killer is no stranger to local police. In March 2013, he stabbed another man with a knife, subsequently confessing aggravated assault, but denying attempted manslaughter. Since the injuries were life-threatening, the man was sentenced to three years and two months in prison. A mental survey, which the man underwent in connection with the trial, showed that he was sane and perfectly understood the consequences of his actions.

They picked him up there, made him a sleeper cell through therapy and activated him when he was needed.

The man was also convicted of drunken driving.


The questions (still one of the most powerful weapons in our war) the journalists asked, speak for themselves and the investigation:

1.) Why were transport conveyances (boats/buses/planes/cars, etc.) owned by a “shell corporation” linked to former Finnish Prime Minister (and current Finance Minister) Alexander Stubb and Imatra council leader Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen used by these human smugglers?

2.) Why were numerous underage girl and boy children given “training/instruction” at the Vuoksenvahti Restaurant in Imatra on preparing food (pizzas, sandwiches, salads, etc.) and then provided with United States temporary hospitality worker E2 Visas and then flown to America?

Never forget, never forgotten.

how do i shorten archive links?



17044967? ago

A Finn here.

I remember this case but didn't really pay much attention to it. (((stubb))) who's married to a british kikess is perhaps the slimiest politician in Finland.

I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he's eating hot dogs behind the EU curtains.

17044954? ago

sorcha faal

You’re a paid shill.

17044946? ago

Sorcha Faal

Might as well post rense, kirara or montalk. Some /x/-tier schizo shit.

17198160? ago


it's not true because certain person I don't like reported on it

Obvious kikeoldry.


17044948? ago

lmao, get bend, kike.

After his political aspirations, Alexander Stubb worked for an (((European Investement Bank))) and is now aspiring to become a big player in the (((European Council)))

The nig is dirty af.

17044950? ago

phone-posting schizo word salad

17044952? ago

17044953? ago

OK, enough bullshit. Do you honestly believe the channeled insights of Sorcha Faal?

17044958? ago

Nice trips.

There's no channeled insights; there are only facts.

Here's a page with links to most of the made statements: https://web.archive.org/web/20190226215950/http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2180.htm


what's all this? where you goys suddenly coming from?

17044961? ago

<ignores that Sorcha Faal is a channeler

OK, so why do you trust Sorcha Faal?

Why would anyone who is consumed by a pursuit of the truth, trust, let alone something without any proof? You can see the "bona fides" of Sorcha Faal in the attached.

17044965? ago

Her entire post is taken from the website I just gave you, numbnuts

17044944? ago

aer we awating the next meme stream,?

17044939? ago


17044938? ago

17044937? ago

17044936? ago

17044935? ago

Remember when aliens landed in Seattle? Exactly

17044928? ago

theres also this one

17257110? ago

Look at the plant in the background

The nigger that took this fake pic was a day's drive from California. There's too many special effects nigs out there. And don't get started about Groom Lake, how would a leak escape that facility?

17044929? ago


I remember cuckchan allegedly being shut down because of one maybe both of these. Any idea why they did that? Were they diverting attention? Always wondered about that.

17044926? ago

remember this?

17320528? ago

The artifacts look like embedded data artifacts that's why. It's not a picture but info. Probably it was at the original upload point anyway untill it got share-artifacts.

17266466? ago


GTFO with your shitty shoops

17044932? ago


Have you ever noticed that in spite of all the modern imaging tech in the world, the photos of these supposed encounters are always super low res, high compression, blurry, odd color, etc?

Use your damn brain anon, it's photoshop and (((whoever made it))) is trying to hide it.

Ayyys have always been a distraction from the real shit that is far, far scarier.

17044923? ago


16707895? ago

Leaked Documentaries, for one.

16674589? ago


8 days later and he STILL hasn't found another example of these ubiquitous errors, despite all of the videos posted ITT

Wanna know how I know you're a total dipshit (in addition to being a shill)?

17044960? ago

find and post a million examples of artifacts I'll ignore when literally every single frame of a compressed video is evidence enough or ur wrog lolzlzllzxlxxkxlxkx assange is dead because I say so though


16707893? ago

Looks like he got shoa'd

16673546? ago

The Boston Marathon Bombers were "refugees." That is, until that major shooting happened in Paris, after which the Wikipedia page was completely scrubbed of the Bomber's refugee status, and the article that was once used as a source for that information got updated to "correct" it saying they were not actually refugees.

Fucking blatant.

16673280? ago

16657463? ago

JFK was shot two times, once in a neck and second in head.

16657458? ago

I want to contribute with the New Mexico compound where muslim trained kids to commit horror. This was memoryholed pretty bad i think?


17454206? ago

New Mexico Compound Suspects Face New Conspiracy Charges

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—Five extended family members who had been living on a remote New Mexico compound where a 3-year-old boy died before it was raided have been indicted on terrorism-related charges that accuse them of conspiring to attack U.S. law enforcement officers, military members and government employees, authorities said Thursday. The superseding indictment against the suspects, who have been in federal custody since August on firearms charges, came six months after authorities first descended on their squalid compound near Amalia, just south of the Colorado state line. A search for a missing Georgia boy—the son of suspect Siraj Ibn Wahhaj—had led law enforcement to the site on the high-desert where they found the child’s remains as well as 11 hungry children living in filth.

All the suspects, except Wahhaj, also have been charged with participating in the kidnapping of Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, the boy who died after prosecutors say he had been denied medication for seizures. Jany Leveille, a leader of the group, believed medication suppressed Muslim beliefs, authorities said. Because authorities say the 2017 abduction ultimately resulted in the boy’s death, the kidnapping count against Leveille, Hujrah Wahhaj, Subhana Wahhaj and Lucas Morton carries a potential sentence of life in prison or the death penalty should prosecutors win a conviction against them and decide to pursue the maximum punishment in the case. The father has not been charged with kidnapping because of federal statutes that generally only allow for charging parents with abducting their own children in international cases. The results of an autopsy for the boy whose remains were found at the compound property are still pending.

Federal authorities said Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and Leveille, who lived as a couple at the compound, had performed daily, hours-long prayer rituals over Wahhaj’s young son in the days leading to his death—even as he cried and foamed at the mouth. An FBI agent also said in federal court that Leveille’s two teenage sons had described how she expected the dead child to be resurrected as Jesus and provide instruction to get rid of corrupt institutions that involve teachers, law enforcement and banks. A prior federal grand jury indictment on firearms and conspiracy charges against the group stemmed from accusations that Leveille, who is originally from Haiti, had been living in the country illegally and that the others had conspired to provide her with firearms and ammunition.



Not completely memoryholed, apparently.

16811069? ago

New Mexico is a special kind of rabbit hole. You have a state government too broke and liberal to do jackshit. You have feds who own the entire place and treat it as their own personal lab. Its the poorest state on the border and hence most vulnerable. So much crazy shit goes down that gets covered up and buried real quick. Like a certain terrorist training camp on US soil…they built it in New Mexico for a reason.

I could go on…but suffice to say the insanity of New Mexico is the future that awaits the rest of the border states and they really REALLY don't want that truth getting out. If you really wanna know how bad it is actually, look into New Mexico. The entire fucking state is practically a memory holed subject.

16527369? ago

16526072? ago


what are vpns and different access points

You tell me Chaim

While you're at it, tell us all about poor attempts at thread derailing and how you clearly know jack shit about video encoding, too.

16657462? ago

hurr I don't know how encoding works so I'll say you don't since that lets me lie and claim falsehoods

16412582? ago

fuck you bumped

16412570? ago

Mixing Real issues with bullshit

nice well poisoning attempt kike

16337744? ago

Was the Columbine shooting a false flag, just two fucked up faggots killing people or something else?

16285663? ago

all these shit political issues

I've literally unlocked the secret to immortality. And the worst part? I've no-one to share it with. /pol/ is not worthy to know. If I went public with it, I'd get shot, and if I keep it to myself, I can't stroke my enormous and well earned ego.

17044941? ago

Says he's immortal

Afraid to get shot

What's going on big guy?

17296546? ago

become immortal

get shot into space

Maybe this is what he meant?

16412580? ago

Ah ha ha ha, and what level have you achieved, oh Great One? Have no fear, I would never dare muddy the pearl of great value.

16412578? ago

Enlighten us, give yourself a greatest purpose.

16285662? ago

Thr virtual lynching mob against the maga kid is being memory holed as we speak

16282090? ago

I hope that someone in this thread can help me: Back in 2016 or 2017, Milo Yianoppolis had a rally at Berkeley. I remember seeing a video of a guy who had been hit on the head at that rally, and was lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

It's not the leftist guy who was hit with a hammer in the town of Berkeley. In that video, the guy is sitting in a chair.

The video I'm thinking of is at night, on the university campus, and the guy is hit, falls down, is lying on the street with his head toward the left of the frame.

I think that dude died, and the video has been memory-holed. Does anyone have a copy?

16337747? ago

I remember this actually…talk of antifa killing someone in the street and there were some cell phone videos of it. No clue where to find the video though.


remind me what the MIB picture is from…I have seen that picture before a long time ago and recall it being security footage that backed up some woman's story about getting a visit where people had initially dismissed her as a liar.

16282088? ago

excellent commentary wrt memory whole




16282086? ago

  1. "Real" ayy selfie

be careful what you ask for

16412577? ago

the real pic was up for a couple minutes max it was a yellowish reptoid with purple bags under it's eyes

16526073? ago

This guy?

16282083? ago

What habbend to the Awan brothers? Last I heard was they rejoined their comrades in the ISI, thus (((CIA))). Their step mother had told police they were "godfathers" in Pakistan, they traveled in police escorts, and they could have her family killed. I assumed that meant they know or work for the crime boss responsible for the Mumbai attacks. I forget his name, but he made his bones in the afghan war with the mujahideen. I can't think of his name. Really big boss, owns casinos and resorts, into all kinds of drugs.

16282076? ago


16282080? ago

Fucking this.

16282071? ago

This was scrubbed fast

16282074? ago


neck yourself faggot

16657454? ago


neck yourself faggot

Hi there JDIF

16657456? ago

David Brock Alefantis' bum squeeze vs Andrew breitbart in child anal FISTGATE.

What a prelude of things to come that was.

16657460? ago

This cap took forever to load. Someone is fucking w/8ch. Qboards still protected tho, nice 'n snappy.

"We just want marriage equality! Trust us, goy!"

Progressives gonna progress to where they want to be at, which is, apparently, literally their fist in you and your children's ass.

16282075? ago

You can place your hand over the Q part as did I, now refute the other points or crawl back to your bacha bazi shithole, moishe

16282084? ago

That's not fair anon, you know he can't do that b/c both his hands are busy rubbing each other

16282085? ago


It was like walking along, near a school, then having a guy jump up out of the bushes 200 yards away, near the playground, run up to you and says "I was not watching the children in the playground. I don't care what anyone says."


16282073? ago

This was scrubbed fast

Boy was it EVER.

Shills came out and started spreading shillspeak like peacocks fanning their tails. It was quite the spectacle.

It was like walking along, near a school, then having a guy jump up out of the bushes 200 yards away, near the playground, run up to you and says "I was not watching the children in the playground. I don't care what anyone says."

17281974? ago

This. Got the vid of the launch saved as it got scrubbed so fast. Was truly incredible to watch the shills in response to it. They got so obvious with that one.

17354566? ago

Post it. Also post an archive of the shilling if you have that.

16286532? ago

I also remember those spooky people ramming at the NSA or some other federal building, a vehicle, and they were pursued…

There was also that faggot who jumped the whitehouse fence a year or two ago.

17044962? ago

Used to have pictures of the NSA gate breaching on an old hdd. Quick breakdown of the event

preliminary news reports released

begin digging because one small detail, the car was on the inside trying to get out

find the gate on bing

examine parking lot layout and placement of concrete barriers with gate

live posting this shit as I find it

the chevron was facing the wrong direction and the black SUV was facing the wrong direction to be coming in

post this with infographic

other anon posts infographic backing me up

immediately shills being posting about how they're drunk party goers and that's not even the same vehicle that completely derails the thread until news choppers appear

there were two drunk as fuck crossdressers who attempted to gate crash a year or two prior and the shills ran with it because it was only reported on a site or two

start to get footage that shows it is indeed a black SUV that looks pretty similar to the ones that responded to the event

evidence collection truck appears on scene

trunk is open, chopper conviently cannot see license plate - can't remember if it was taken off or the light shone right or was covered

guys in suits roll up and start rummaging through the back of the trunk with evidence guys standing back or waiting for them

they pull out a bankers box (cardboard box typically used for evidence collection in police work or filing in typical office) and a black bag

black bag has a cooler in it and some papers, suits rummage through and leave the cooler and bag and take the bankers box

text buddy and ask him if hes seeing this shit

yeah dude what the fuck they even show that they're on the inside of the complex

they also took something from the vehicle

weird man

now all we need is a huge over the top distraction to completely dominate the news cycle

cue Parkland shooting

shit is spooky dude that's the best rundown I can give

16282068? ago

last chance to stop this lurker, you really are walking on thin ice now.

16239993? ago

No Starbucks in Israel.

16244653? ago

Wow that's weird it opened in September 2001 (9/11) and closed in 2003 (invasion of Iraq).

"Plans were for September 1, 2001 to have the first location open in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square."

17266472? ago

Make you wonder what they are putting in the coffee to where even the Jews don't drink it.

16239992? ago


he's swapped IPs and came back again

16235613? ago

Operation Fast and Furious

16235616? ago

That one's funny, it's not so much memory holed as blocked out by normalfags. I have discussed F&F and Holder's behaviour many times, and all I get are blank stares. I ask

do you disagree with the facts as I have stated them?


Doesn't that imply that Obama's administration was corrupt?


It's ridiculous.

16227753? ago

Not spoopy, but memory-holed all the same.

Two teen boys in this coastal city were charged with murder Friday, accused in the fatal shooting of a 13-month-old boy who was in a stroller being pushed by his mother.

Aided by a description and a check of school attendance records to determine who was not in classes Thursday, officers searched for the young suspects and took them into custody, police said.

The mother told reporters the shooting occurred when one youth demanded money.

Police expressed confidence they would find the weapon, believed to be a handgun.

Spokesman Todd Rhodes, who described the shooting as "horrific," told CNN's "The Situation Room" on Friday evening that search warrants were being executed in three locations.

Chief Tobe Green identified the older suspect as De'Marquise Elkins, 17, and said he will be treated as an adult in criminal proceedings. The 14-year-old was not identified because of his age. Both have been charged with first-degree murder, police said.

"We are turning every stone to get a motive," said Green.

Police said they received a suspect description from Sherry West, the baby's mother.

No other suspects are being sought, according to Rhodes.

Authorities were tight-lipped about the investigation, which was aided by helicopters and police dogs.

West earlier told reporters that the incident occurred at 9 a.m. Thursday as she was walking home from the post office, pushing her son, Antonio, in a stroller. She said she saw two boys.

"A boy approached me and told me he wanted my money, and I told him I didn't have any money. And he said, 'Give me your money or I'm going to kill you and I'm going to shoot your baby and kill your baby,' and I said, 'I don't have any money,' and 'Don't kill my baby.'"

The boy tried to grab her purse and opened fire when she said tried to tell him she had no money, West said, with the shot grazing her head. She said the boy then shot her in the leg.

West continued, "And then, all of a sudden, he walked over and he shot my baby in the face."

West said she tried to perform CPR on her son and that the police took over when they arrived, but to no avail. "We lost him," she said.

This shit happened right around the same time as the Trayboon Martin shitfest was reaching fever pitch. It got all of five minutes' attention and was never spoken of ever again.

16227751? ago

Day Assange Killed (DAK)

I thought D.A.K. stood for the German translation of "outbreak of war".

16227005? ago


<that low-grade shill hopping IPs while trying to speak on the topic of video compression

16224455? ago

Bump for quality thread.

16224451? ago

I tried to get Anons to take a look at this before, but no-one seemed to get it, or even notice.

17044933? ago

He looks demonic. Are you talking about the woman behind him, must admit first time that I noticed her. Looks like she is controlling him, weird.

16227750? ago

Who's that faggot and what's going on?


GG uncovered so much weird shit I don't think any individual even knows about all of it.

I wasn't paying much attention when GG was going on, since I thought it was only about vidya media faggotry. Had I known there's DARPA and other shit involved, I would've been more intrigued. And to no-one's surprise those things got buried after Jewtube Septics took over.

16235612? ago

It's just a minor curiosity. That's Peter Strzok in the foreground. I don't expect Anons to take this kind of thing seriously, and I can't prove that it's genuine, but all the same, I find these sort of incidents compelling. Pic related.

16222755? ago

What's this symbol that is above the fireplace in the oval office and on the coffee shop building (little red fox) next to comet ping pong? Boaz and Jachin?

16337752? ago

It's a saturnalian symbol, similar to the carthaginian star and arc, also related to the two pillers in the top right.

16235620? ago


The fireplace and the little red fox building look similar. Maybe the symbol is placed above

the fireplace because it has an association with fire/burning (like moloch child sacrifice).

The symbol does look like the freemason's depiction of Boaz and Jachin. Boaz and Jachin were,

according to the bible, two copper, brass, or bronze pillars which stood on the porch of

solomon's temple (the first temple). They're used as symbols in freemasonry and tarot and

according to josephus they were made by the craftsman Hiram (who has significance to freemasons).

Solomon's temple was used for sacrifices. The name little red fox may be connected to this:

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. (song

of solomon, 2:15, king james version).

(The Chorus)

Catch the foxes for us,

The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards [of love],

While our vineyards are in blossom.

(song of solomon, 2:15, amplified bible)

16224448? ago

Sort of reminds me Atet, the sun barge.



The good thing about RPGs is that you can make them as unpozzed as you want. What I've heard of the second edition of Pathfinder though, is that it's very pozzed. They replaced race with ancestry. Maybe there's another reason than "it's raycis", not sure.

16203210? ago

prepper yer angus https://youtu.be/F7pYHN9iC9I

16202407? ago


16222768? ago

Testing? Usually we'd be knee deep in screeching shills by now.

16224446? ago

seen theories about connections between lack of shills and the US govt shutdown.

16224449? ago

Holy shit, I didn't even think of that.

16285660? ago



This article explains how puppet accounts can be used to manipulate social networks, news, and any online community.

Firstly, it is interesting to see that the failed shilling initiative that we tried on the first month of this board could have worked in even more ways than we initially thought.

Secondly, image what a government could do with its technological capabilities and paid professionals instead of bored teenagers at home.



http://archive.fo/pFmdD (pic related thread archive)

We need to have general threads dedicated to dusting off the old bookmarks and checking out old stories.

16527371? ago

I remember this vividly when it happened in early 2015. this event was basically the prelude to pizzagate.

16672306? ago

I remember this vividly when it happened in early 2015. this event was basically the prelude to pizzagate.

The SLC day care turned out to have a mundane explanation. Some government employee bought the place for his retired grandmother to have something to do, and then the city came in with red tape and said they needed to have a worker in each of the small building's two rooms at all times. They couldn't afford to hire an employee so they closed it. There was no explanation for the sticker other than that being some tagger's tag.

16811067? ago



Really? Got an archive where this was discussed?

16657451? ago

The energy of this site was amazing back then. Glad someone else who remembers is still here.

16203209? ago

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a few years.

16202070? ago

Anyone remember when it was revealed that the South Korean government was run by a matriarchal cult, don't quite remember all the facts.

17251239? ago

Yep. Like one or two articles posted on msm, and then no follow up and no additional reporting

16203207? ago

South Korea was/is ruled by a cult called the 8 Goddesses. The president of Korea had shown privileged information to one of them, who was her mentor or something, and was forced to resign. Maybe she went to jail as well, no time to check.

Possibly related to this is that there is some extreme feminist cult called the Daughters of Megalia in South Korea. More extreme even than Western feminists who at least had some power few years back. Haven't really kept up to things in last couple of years. I think Blizzard, the game company, somehow promoted them or had something to do with them.

17044934? ago

The SK President used govt funds to by houses for the cult leader. They were exposed when a reporter stumbled upon the fact that the govt was also paying to send the cult leader's son to a prestigious university.

16337751? ago

pics related

16222760? ago

thanks anon

16198135? ago


16159441? ago

I vote for Fukushima.

16159440? ago

Immediately into the memory hole, no coverage, no discussion. No one even knows it happened.

16235623? ago

This was a non-event designed to diffuse the anti-government sentiments brewing on account of the constant terrorist attacks, rapes and general Islamification of Deutschland.

16159442? ago

I wonder how this was "smashed" if not a single one of those were arrested? lol

16159443? ago

The reports when it happened said they were all arrested.

16159445? ago

No they didn't, and lol how the fuck does a faggy little cop arrest a spec ops.

16159447? ago

If I remember correctly from the thread a few months ago, I believe the military arrested them. This is based off memory so I could be mistaken.



Lurk moar newfriend

16159435? ago

Kyle Odom

SLC day care center with the White rabbit in front

16202069? ago

white rabbit

17251234? ago

Oh yeah! The day care center, right? That really got memory holed

I was just telling a fren about this the other day and couldn't even remember the location, thanks anon

17251229? ago

The photo completely matches the location I had known that I had remembered the place from passing by but I can't believe it is still around. Look at the shape of the concrete from the angle it is identical. The time the photo looks to be taken is around winter or spring considering the grass color and the darkened color of the concrete.

17251231? ago

The place looks abandoned from the jewgle streetview So I will head down there tomorrow to check it out

16142078? ago

order particular stuff from ebay and get a diego garcia card and another with a pro baseball player from your home town who looks just like you

hi guys i'm honestly not a danger to anybody i just like to shitpost

16142077? ago

you guys want me to rabbit hole something else? because I've been there in real life when the system shuts you down. i'll start a thread on something you all will be interested in you guys want

16142079? ago

make the thread

16142082? ago


the question is. is /pol/ ready for tavistock thread?

16159439? ago


16142071? ago

don't forget about tavistock

16159449? ago

Go on…

16142080? ago

THIS. Tavistock connects to everything

16142072? ago

ssshhh that's filtered on conspiracy sites and will get you shadowbanned on lefftit

16142075? ago

do you remember the threads that started it? before they turned into larping? those were fun

16130804? ago

wow this thread is full of disinfo NSA shilling

16130801? ago

Remember when Twitter suspended Trump's Twitter account for like 6 hours? The butt hurt is that intense.

16101519? ago

This image used to be the other way around

16177752? ago

Cutting away material makes the diamond smaller. Besides, girls like cock the way /pol/ users like their Assange videos: rough and uncut.

16222763? ago

As above, so below,

as within, so without,

as the universe, so the soul

Where does perception begin and objectivity end?

Is anything in this world NOT energy?

Why is it only today that the kind of tech we're using now entering our understand of thousands of years of history?

What am I in this context?

If I am only energy, what does it mean when I do the things I do?

How many layers of me are they, are what are they?

16097916? ago

16159437? ago

This image with it's multiple faces, one being Hitler who /pol/acks will identify with, the human body dissected and dismantled, the positioning of the writing and the creepy, slip into your subconscious tone the writing has. This is classic CIA mind control shit. Fuck you.

16097923? ago

you know how I absolutely know you are CIA? because you just created that image, and it doesnt show up anywhere else on the internet. you are literally in Langley Virginia right now with an infinite budget and help from board owner, yet still haven't completely defeated true /pol/acks yet.

16101520? ago



I was just reading Gantz, thought it was funny, so I found a thread to drop it in.

Relax faggots.

16097929? ago


It is from the manga Gantz


The top comment has links to similar stuff from the manga.

I used TinEye to find this.

Stay vigilant brother.

16097919? ago

next time try harder agent

16097911? ago

16093450? ago

“Now the archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaldabaoth, the second is Saklas, and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, ‘I am God and there is no other God beside me,’ for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.

16084884? ago

Never forget the Goonspiracy. Why has a forum that's been mostly irrelevant for 20 years maintained such a powerful force on our culture? Did you know that the Tumblr culture originated on SA? Why have so many SA mods and members been caught committing sex acts on babbys?

17210443? ago

You forgot about the best parts.

16526074? ago

That stuff fits right into stuff I've heard from old EVE players.

Most people who wanted to join GS were either sent into subordinate meatshield corps or were outright scammed.

If you had a background in law enforcement/intelligence/the military however? Goons were likely to approach you and give you a expedited recruitment process. People were suspecting goon of using non-game (and possibly extralegal) means to fuck with others and when a bunch of guys tried the same right back i.e. doxing and fucking with them they ran into hot water.

16084907? ago

Tumblr culture originated on SA


16093452? ago

Twitter/Tumblr weird twitter/ironic hipster feminism evolved out of SA. A large number of feminist goons got mega influential in Twitter's early days after Dril became the Twitter celebrity.

16244657? ago



Alri' Patrick

17278890? ago


16101524? ago

Here's an interesting thread back from '15 when Weird Twitter (and their closeness to certain journalists) were discussed.


The takeover of online leftism by goons is a fascinating topic in itself.

17210451? ago

irony studies

im of the belief that theyre analyzing it to further proper AI. irony and sarcasm are damn near impossible for current AI systems to detect.

16412572? ago

Here's an interesting thread back from '15 when Weird Twitter (and their closeness to certain journalists) were discussed.

That 2015 archived /pol/ thread was the most fascinating "text" I've ever read.


semiotics (Levi-Strauss, Saussere, Lacan)

register (British Linguistics: Gregory & Carroll, Joos, Hock & Joseph)


Where are these posters now? Do I need to enroll in a Computational Linguistics PhD to meet likeminded people?


weaponized irony

A perfect case study is the recent Twitter/NPC OP.

sincerely obtuse or disingenuous posters described it as "showing leftists that they're NPCs"

However—as we all know—you can't convince a person by attacking, insulting, or confronting them with personality-challenging views. (Obviously, you can use their obstinacy to convince third-party observers.)

trolls and shitposters on /cuckchan/ immediately grasped the essence of the OP

adopt an ironic tone and espouse your opponents' beliefs in an exaggerated, mocking way

Twitter bots (literal NPCs) agree with and signalboost your message

everyone observing sees the astroturf

one side is encouraged that their opposition is fake

the other side is demoralized when they realize their allies are bots, wonder if their support is a phantasm, and question their beliefs

tl;dr DARPA and Stanford have dumped billions of dollars into the discovery of sockpuppets and online falseflagging

despite all their resources, they are no closer to automating irony detection

the left promotes people based on victimhood and identity politics, leaving them with inept employees and impotent thinktanks

the real morale boost

17210470? ago

Where are these posters now?

Some left, some stayed.

There is no fun in discussing the same thing for years on end if there's nothing new to add to the discussion.

So the ones who stay shitpost and archive. Sometimes they drop an archive when it's relevant.

And sometimes, when the game is afoot, everyone comes back.

16130805? ago

well they werent that good at irony because twitter-chan nuked the fuck out of weird twitter

16130806? ago


A bunch of them, like Virgil Texas or Felix Biedermann have since joined the Blue Checkmark Checka (thanks in part to the mainstream sucess of Chapo Trap House), others went private, cleaned up (Joe "Blockhead" Bernstein from Buzzfeed nuked his old account @jbasher that was pure WT, dunno if he was a hanger on or a genuine goon) and those that fall prey to Twitter's ban routines simply haven't realized that they are no longer the uncrowned nobility of that place, as they were before 2014/16.

16130800? ago

Holy fuck anon, bump. Luckily the SJW's are trapped by their own language and thought police into a narrowly circumscribed area. It's why the left can't meme, you can't offend anybody but white males otherwise you'll be thrown to the sharks.

Thanks for this.

16084894? ago

I used to lurk SA years ago. Stopped because of the sheer faggotry. Grateful I never got involved in any of this shit.

16084889? ago

It also amazes me how Lowtax, a blithering fucking idiot, could keep such a shitheap glownigger hive intact for so long.

16084890? ago

He just sits around guzzling box wine and ambien. The mods are the ones that actually run the place.

16084880? ago


16093453? ago

I remember, I was in the same city when it happened and all the accounts were talking about ballons and speakers as I was checking why there was suddenly such a large police presence as I was heading home

16093456? ago

I will never stop saying it, over-shilling is a very serious problem and it has compromised all major shill farms. Flooding the same shit copied word for word isn't a great strategy but with all the Obama-era affirmative action in our intel agencies it's amazing that they still put toilet paper in the buildings.

16097926? ago

our intel agencies

bruh this is low quality maybe you need to call in some better guys from outside the agency

16084878? ago

Nuke alert in Hawaii. That shit was treason.

16142085? ago

this !

16084875? ago

The dark overlord is being memoryholed right now. Very reputable leakers.

17251243? ago


so it was basically a scam

17251245? ago

So basically, you glow.

16084877? ago

I highly doubt financially motivated hackers have anything secret

they know there are a ton of 9/11 truthers that might pool money

16084836? ago

Can we talk about how the Fl zombie psy op scared everybody away from synthetic weed/bath salts. You cant even say the word bath salts now without people associating it with drug freakouts, but when they autopsied zombie man the quietly released report said all he had in his system was weed. Think about it, the whole world believes bath salts make you go apeshit but the face eater wasnt even on them.

I think (((they))) were rapidly losing control of their weed monopoly because anytime they made one chemical formation illegal they just changed the chemical construction and made it legal again.

Tldr-fl zombie wasnt on bath salts it was one big psy op

16244663? ago

it turns out some of those fake synthetic marijuana chemicals that were actually super cancer killers so it had to be shut down.

16084838? ago

any kind of vices = jew territory

drugs, gambling, prostitution - just stay away from it

16084853? ago

Hollywood and the CIA loved the cosa nostra, because their roots are in those jewish-italian gangs.

16084857? ago

fun fact, Vegas was founded by (((them))) and is still run by (((them)))

16084833? ago

Stuff on here gets memory-holed every fucking week, fucking image boards…

16084824? ago

I was browsing halfchan /pol/ during the time of #3, Immediately following the news that an alien posted a selfie and no record existed of it in the archive there were photos of pre-made aliens in the desert ( high quality photoshop content that would require at MINIMUM, 30 minutes to do) being spammed on the catalog, soon anons joined in the fun and the rest is history.

In my opinion everything was premeditated and planned. The event was a psychological tactic to test how easy it would be to make users unknowingly do the kikes bidding by mass sliding unwanted info through the method of unrelenting spam, sadly the entire board took the bait.

Its a bit similar to the pizzagate bullshit that flooded here, conveniently soon as the real campaign dirt dropped on Hillary through wikileaks our efforts were halved by (((news))) of Satanic pedos running pizzerias and underground 3rd world pedo slave trades. The effort to "expose" these things turnt up deadends and quickly became forgotten after the election ended. Our lesson to be learned here is to not underestimate the influence of CIAniggers by fixating on the abilities of low tier shariablue shills, our enemies still work around the clock to silence us. Keep your awareness running at 110% at all times.

16084816? ago

On issue #1 Has Assange used his PGP to sign ANY of his messages after this? It seemed as if though right after he re-appeared he never used it again. Which would clearly indicate some fuckery afoot.

16084905? ago

This right here is all the proof necessary to say that Assange is dead, or at least out of communication, and that the person in control of WL's accounts isn't him.

16089841? ago

How come no one is discussing this? How many of you even know what PGP is? I admit my use of it doesn't go much further than using it to buy drugs from the Dream Market. I do however know exactly how to use it, and know of it's importance in secure communications. He has not signed ONE message to my knowledge since he originally "disappeared".

16084810? ago

Remember the show John and Kate plus 8?

Both the parents have blue eyes. All the kids have brown eyes.


16084809? ago

Myziam on halfpol

That UFO researcher guy who puked up black liquid

Tell me more, anon

16084793? ago

16177744? ago

lol funny, clearly a fun joke.

16177746? ago

lol funny, clearly a fun joke.

Same with the Holocaust, moishe.

16084806? ago

I forget where I saw but the director said they did this as an easter egg

16084800? ago

watch this video edited … once you edit it its not like we can fucking verify you idiot

but yes they exist… what if I told you some were better than nogs ?

16084797? ago

Watch this bitchs eyes

16084761? ago

There was a blogger called Larry Johnson who used to write on a blog called NoQuartersUSA.net. He originally "shilled" Obama being born overseas from the Clinton campaign but recently (as in last year?) exposed the GCHQ as tapping Trump's phones for the Obama administration during his campaign. His blog just disappeared overnight and there's been no blog posts or media appearances ever since. Even googling anything about the guy turns up nothing. Very strange.

16084770? ago

Even googling anything about the guy turns up nothing. Very strange.


mentions a blogger named Larry Johnson


ctrl f for larry gives comments discussing his disappearance

put " " around larry johnson or noquatersusa when searching

16084782? ago

I meant there has been no information about him since the blog went down.

16084732? ago

Alien Selfie was an elaborate troll.

16084724? ago

Remember "FALL OF CASSANDRA" and it's precommit hash? Cassandra talked to infowars today…

Assange Insider: Julian Is Isolated In Deep State Supermax Prison


16084712? ago

This one's not really international news, but it should have been HUGE in its own area.


The Newcastle (upon Tyne) sex ring/operation Sanctuary. One of the events that drove me toward /pol/ and the horrifying realisation that the world we live in is not the one we're told exists.

Evidence of a massive Mudslime rape gang in England's northernmost city. MSM - from local to national - reported on it, but acted in lock-step to subvert the narrative. Turned out that the police had paid a convicted paedo £10k to 'hook them up' with the gang - which he did, thus (paraphrasing the words of the officer in charge) cutting years off the investigation. Every single media report focused almost exclusively on this after the breifest mention of the headline and the situation. I watched the BBC's initial reporting, which spent longer grilling senior police officers over the payment than it did talking about the rape gang.

For the record, I don't support paying paedos, but am enough of a realist to acknowledge that sometimes morally questionable methods are necessary to achieve results. £10k is about half of a PC's starting salary, and this was a massive operation that likely cost millions per year. And think how many girls they (theoretically) stopped from being abused by stopping the gang years ahead of when they otherwise would.

People are just embarrassed to talk about it now. Presumably they don't want to appear racist. We're so fucking cucked, at every level of society, over here.

tl;dr: Mudslime rape gang in NE England. Media more concerned with minor ethics violation by police, nobody talks about it anymore.

17195183? ago

One of the events that drove me toward /pol/ and the horrifying realisation that the world we live in is not the one we're told exists.

Ditto, and I like the way you worded that.

16084711? ago

"Heroin, Bush's drug of choice, was in abundance and Cheney joined him in using it. The smorgasbord of drugs laid out supposedly included opium, cocaine, and Wonderland Wafers (MDMHA-XTC aka ecstasy), which indicated to me they intended to celebrate their vacation with abandon. I had seen Cheney stumbling drunk before, but this was the only time I saw him use heroin and give it to me. Kelly, too, was subjected to the drugs.

Bush attempted to sell Cheney on the idea of pedophilia through graphic descriptions of having sex with Kelly. Both were already sexually aroused from drugs and anticipation. Cheney demonstrated to Bush why he did not have sex with kids by exposing himself to Kelly and saying, "Come here". Upon seeing Cheney's unusually large penis, Kelly reeled back in horror and cried, "No!" which made them both laugh. Bush asked Cheney for his liquid cocaine atomizer as he got up to take Kelly to the bedroom. When Cheney remarked how benevolent it was of Bush to numb her with it before sex, Bush replied, "The hell it is. It's for me." He described his excited state in typical vulgar terms and explained that he wanted it to spray cocaine on his penis to last longer.

Cheney said, "I thought it was for the kid." Bush explained, "Half the fun is having them squirm." He took Kelly's hand and led her off to the bedroom."

Pic related came out after the above text was put into a book corroborating her experience. Other stuff was corroborated too, and apparantly Reagan used "hot dogs" or something as a code word similar to pizzagate. Rarely see any of this discussed nowadays since it's all Bush era stuff.

16084755? ago

Wonderland Wafers (MDMHA


Mason bullshit. "Cathy O'Brien" is disinformation like FE.

16084708? ago

speaking of pizzagate and memory holes

That false flag shooter that happened, didn't he somehow shoot through a wall and hit a computer? (assumably to destroy evidence)

17195200? ago


dad of shooter is also highly suspicious

16222767? ago

yes, the guy shot one bullet and it went through the hard drive of the computer. He had an imdb page and had played the "shooter" in another role. There are lots of memory holes in pizzagate. Anyone remember the asian guy that came and taunted us and posted the video hitting/torturing a toddler. Yea, I didn't forget that shit. I'm not here to sit around and shitpost. Thats why things are happening. Tick tock.

16084701? ago

Pizzagate. That shit got memory holed faster than anything I've ever seen once the Podesta video got leaked and it became too popular for the media to ignore. It's only talked about on obscure political boards and conspiracy theory websites, despite the huge amount of evidence that has been compiled.

16084855? ago

I foolishly didn't make a backup of the videos and hadn't seen them posted since. I lost my HDD that had them a few months later.

16084861? ago

Anon regularly posts it on halfch.

16084726? ago

all talk of pizzagate on 4chan's /pol/ is shoah'ed quickly, but they still get plenty of replies

16084705? ago

letting it be named pizzagate was a failure on our part. it makes it soo easy to discredit and convince normies to ignore anything associated with the word pizzagate

16084865? ago

This, it was simply a child abuse investigation. Then again it is foolish to try to do this investigation in public, because when people post leads everything can be scrubbed in a few minutes and no one give a damn about archiving it properly or are unable to download a whole website (there still is no good software for this, god damn it)

16084690? ago

huh. hes spot on with the israeli thing. he also mentions a type of human similar to npcs

16084691? ago

it's weird because this is the only time jews are mentioned

16084688? ago

Going to leave the Odom thing alone, but started reading the manifest.



He says this john padula was the first to contact him, but I can't find anything up that has Padula explaining that.

The dead links confirm that he did communicate with Odom.

16084692? ago

But, Padula told KREM 2 News he just realized Wednesday morning that he had in fact texted and spoken on the phone with Odom before the shooting. Pastor Padula believes his contact with Odom happened by mistake.

MORE: Suspected pastor shooter appears in D.C. superior court

“I just went through my phone and I have him saved as Kyle wrong number in my phone cause I send out scripture everyday to 300 people,” said Padula.

Padula said he sends out a mass text daily to encourage people with Bible verses. Somehow Kyle Odom's number ended up on his text list.

“He must have got a new phone number and it must've been one of my old friend's phone numbers that I was sending scripture to cause I send it out every day and he started getting those text messages and was like hey who is this? So I called him and we started talking and building a relationship with him and I just realized today that's who that was,” said Padula.

hahaha wtf

16084693? ago

That's one hell of a cohencidence..

Thank you anon

16084695? ago

erection and penis

after reading through it, it's a classic case of schizophrenia

stressful life situation, breakdown happens, paranoid delusions, him getting a tracphone with a number from someone who used to go to both churches (phone companies re-assign dropped numbers)

16084682? ago

Why were these blacked out? is the first word feeling and second word brain?

17044942? ago


Erection/penis fits the best if you look at the height of the blacked out area and compare it to the letters/font in the rest of the paragraph. Also first letter of first word is partially visible, I initially thought it was a "c" but "e" fits just as well.

No idea what the context is so polite sage

16084757? ago



probably some more possibilities

16084680? ago

Odom was a former marine. Those are usually who the CIA picks to fuck with; former military

16084660? ago

"I decided to accept the offer from Baylor College of Medicine to work on a PhD in Human Genetics"

16084655? ago



Does anyone have that map showing the FBIs known human trafficking paths? I wonder if any of it or anything else lines up with Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

16084642? ago

Recently learn Laura Silsby was scrubbed. Damn that was a big one too

16084639? ago

Kyle A. Odom, 31, who has a history of mental illness, was charged last year with shooting pastor Tim Remington, who suffered six gunshot wounds after Sunday services on March 6, 2016, in the parking lot of the Altar Church he founded in Coeur d’Alene.

The shooting occurred as Remington talked to his son on his cellphone and was approaching his car. Remington later remembered seeing Odom in the congregation that day but doesn’t remember any interaction with Odom prior to the bullets being fired.

Investigators found that Odom fired 12 times from a .45 caliber handgun. Six hollow-point bullets ripped through Remington’s back and shoulder and shattered his right arm. He suffered a collapsed lung, one bullet pierced his pelvis and another penetrated his skull but missed his brain.

The pastor received nine pints of blood during emergency efforts to save his life. He continues to recover from those wounds.

“I’m doing well,” Remington said. “I still have a lot of pain, of course. But physically, I’m doing better. It’s a little bit every day.”


16084759? ago

penetrated his skull but missed his brain

um sure totally normal

16084654? ago

be named remington

get shot







16084622? ago

  1. "Real" ayy selfie

is bs. I happen to be browsing 4chan/x/ around when it happened

you want a real alien memory hole

pic related

smart guy, convinced aliens were after him, irrc he shot some guy he though was an alien like 12 times but the guy didn't die

16412569? ago

"6 times in the back of the head"

16089843? ago

Here's the video of the guy talking not long after his surgery. Shit's fucked.

16168910? ago

<I was shot by 8 HOLLOW POINTS, opens up and blows big holes

Dude talks like he is middle of an MDMA trip without a single scar from the incident. Also what kind of hospital is that where he can just lay in his shirt and not the usual robe they give.

This has "what the fuck?" plastered all over it.

16084789? ago

This guy was just as good

Jeffrey Alan Lash

One day some cops find an abandoned car, and inside the body of Mr. Lash, that is according to his ID.

But the cops got mindnumb when they found 250k bucks in brand new bills and several weapons in the car, further search would find 5 million buckaroos in his house, along with 6 tons of ammo and 1200 firearms, including military-use only rifles.

Then they realized the guy wasn't registered anywhere and were looking at a non-existent person. And then it vanished.

But i read that some time later that some women were fighting for the money, turns out this guy had 10 lovers, using a different name with most of them, and many of these girls disappeared time later leaving only 3 fighting for the millions.

Yes, you can guess it, this happened in Los Angeles, specifically the jewish condo area "Pacific Palisades", where many high-profile nutjob cases have happened, like the mexican hitman who kidnapped/sold woman and filmed their deaths, and that gay trio who faked one of their death's with a fag they killed some nights before and made insurance fraud.

All memory holed too.

16084873? ago



Lash’s father, Joseph Lash, owned a laboratory and may have collaborated with a Dr. Elmer Belt, who repotedly pioneered sex change surgery techniques. When his father died in 2010, Lash may have inherited his elder’s microbiology patents.

Vid related is quality and just gets weirder. The link to his Playboy article is 404. One of his women was enslaved on the bathroom floor of the condo, the one with no plumbing.

17044956? ago

mr lash

mr belt

seems fake as fuck

16093455? ago

dude was a covert operative


16084871? ago

he was a kike conman getting post menopause new age harpies excited enough to let him mooch off them

16084859? ago

The one local restaurant he rarely ate at said he only ordered raw meat. His condo had no running water and looked like a Hoarders episode but with guns and unopened packages. His father or stepfather was a pioneer of sex change surgery. Can hopefully find links in the PP local paper where one commenter seemed to know quite a bit.

16084821? ago

Jeffery Alan Lash also supplied the Korean community in LA's Korean Town with firearms to combat the roving niggers mobs. If you do some digging into the LA Riots you will see that a massive amount of Korean people were supplied with ammo and firearms in an extremely short amount of time.

Another interesting thing about Jeffery is that his neighbor in the condo apartment complex was a city attorney or assistant city attorney.

16084815? ago

Pacific Palisades

During their exile from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 40s, many German and Austrian intellectuals and artists associated with the Exilliteratur settled in Pacific Palisades, including Thomas Mann (1550 San Remo Drive),[2] Lion Feuchtwanger, Theodor W. Adorno, Vicki Baum, Oskar Homolka and Emil Ludwig.[3] Villa Aurora on Paseo Miramar, the Spanish colonial home of Feuchtwanger and his wife, Marta, became the focal point of the expatriate community, which was nicknamed ((("Weimar by the Sea".))) [4]


hahaha Weimar by the sea, you can't make that shit up…

Someone with the last name Homolka was also a female serial killer if my memory serves me right. Serial killers largely seem to be jews btw.

17195179? ago

What the hell, California just keeps on giving


supplied with ammo and firearms in an extremely short amount of time

I though that was because the mall in the middle of Korean Town there were 2 gun shops, even in the videos the famous Jet Li-tier korean shooters are well known as the owner and clerks of said shops. Unless we got tricked, and what kind of fucked up condo has slaves in it >>12667334, goddamn jews i swear.

I haven't found the latino killer i mentioned, dude kidnapped girls, raped them on video, then tortured and chopped them to sell the videos to his bosses. His roomie found out when he nabbed a VHS to watch a flick and reported him, the guy didn't even flinch and was expecting his lawyer which never came. His last hit was in the middle of a freeway on a holiday, and the video plus his car full of blood gave him away. Known to possess high-powered rifles and a fucking vest (AK chambered in 7.62 IIRC)

Did find this guy tho, bare with me, this guy is a premium-grade story


Another mex cereal killer (along with the last one and Richard Ramirez) this bad dude went to the U.S. Army in the mid 60's as a teen, came out crazy after a nervous breakdown and started to kill women and kidnap kids around Los Angeles. While doing this in the first years he studied in UCLA alongside Francis Ford Coppola and Jim Morrison.

Got caught by cops while sodomizing a kid inside his apartment in L.A., "barely escaped" the damn building, went to New York to study photo and film under Roman Polanski (yes, that one) while also killing some people on Central Park. Some kids reported him due to seeing his mugshot and got caught plus charged for his butt raping adventures in Cali… got paroled a year later… and was caught again months later for assaulting and just about to kidnap another kid… got paroled 2 years later. In parole he was granted to take leave indefinitely… to the other side of the country in New York City again, where he killed the daughter of an extremely well-known Hollywood night club owner and half-assedly buried her… in Rockfeller Estate… around the same week a party took place.

Did i mention this lad was also nabbed later with a thousand photos of women and kids modelling naked or being spread around, many of which have been identified with missing persons or unidentified bodies around California and New York? or didn't i mention already he was a "professional photographer" that also served as intermediary for big heads? Also in the middle of it all he went to a famous (fake) show, The Dating Game, and won the damn thing.

He got caught to be begin with because his parole officer had to step up and do something as he was about to get lynched after this guy's sketches appeared 3 times on TV in a year. He was nabbed and was found to own lockers with victims' clothing and photos… in different cities. And his first trial was annulled in the last day because the jury was informed about his past criminal offenses, deeming the verdict (death) "biased" by the judge and postponing the whole thing for 5 years. Second trial was exactly the same and he was judged guilty and dead, but the Court of Appeals nullified the verdict because a witness somewhat agreed that the park ranger who found a body was so retarded "he seemed hypnotized by someone, possibly cops". Whole thing was postponed again but this time for 18 years, and could've lasted more if not for some cops dusting off his victims' properties, checked DNA samples (seemingly for the first time) and matched them with this fucking guy. Meanwhile he wasn't in death row or even high-security prison, just a normal prison with plenty of commodities, he even made a book dedicated to the jury in which he denies all these phony charges and murders, even one that wasn't even brought up at all to begin with…

And in his trial he was his own attorney and did monologues where he answered questions he himself asked moments before in another voice. And his final words were dedicating a comical song to a psychiatrist in the prosecution's side for implying he was deranged, while the song mentions psychiatrists are the real loonies (not that wrong). He was officially sentenced for anything in 2010.

This whole story is bonkers as fuck, somehow memory holed too now that i think of it, this joke is above plenty of others.

17251253? ago

He was CIA.

16084802? ago

Jeffrey Lash was a spy, a post-9/11 covert operative who seduced women in L.A.'s tony Pacific Palisades

from this long ass article i have yet to read https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/a-decomposing-body-10-duped-girlfriends-saga-alien-con-man-hollywoods-backyard-1037967

16084792? ago

P.D. A woman and some close friends said Lash was an alien working for the CIAniggers in secret bases and pulled dangerous missions overseas.

This guy was basically that "Valiant" alien dude who used to disguise as a human in those David Icke stories, but this one was much more degenerate and /k/lover

16084624? ago

schizophrenia is a thing…

16084825? ago

He shot a dude 4 times in the back of the head iirc. The guy is still alive.

16084829? ago


he wasn't shot 4 times in the head. he was shot at 12 times. 6 of which hit. 1 of those 6 pierced his skull but missed his brain

16084635? ago

Shoots dude in the fucking head 5 times

Writes down manifesto that he swears he saw his true shape being some monster and that he is not crazy

Every other witness account says the shooter was a nice guy

Dude that gets shot casually recovers in a few days in the hospital

It is spooky.

16084830? ago

also dude was very smart apparently, was going for a PhD in genetics before he went insane/got fucked with by aliens

CIA probably pulled a Terry on him

16084631? ago


The guy he accused of being an ayy survived a .45 acp to the face and was a priest

16084638? ago

Was gonna post that.

And sure you can survive a shotgun to the face in the right circumstances (temporarily at least) but then there's this >>12662581

He was shot twelve times besides the face.

The guy is either an ayy or one hell of a priest that can call for divine intervention.

16227748? ago


16227754? ago

So the priest was not an ayylmao, he was a nigger.

16084647? ago

after researching this they say he shot 12 times but only 6 of those hit

16084645? ago

He shot him 6 (Im actually finding different numbers depending on the news article) times and several in the face with a .45 acp. That round just grazing your head can scramble your brains from the force it carries.

Tim Remington was the pastors name.

16224457? ago

Fucking 50 cent got shot 9 times and survived, is fiddy an alien???

17266474? ago

Niggas be shooting with .22's and cheap ass shit, that's like getting hit with a BB gun for niggers.

16097910? ago

My 1911 can turn watermelons into smoothies, this man should be dead.

16097913? ago

He has no visible injuries, either the whole thing was fake or he's a lizard alien man.

16084730? ago


A few months ago here on 8/pol/ someone posted a youtube video from some Jewish Religious channel. At like 40 minutes into it you see a lady lookup and her eyes briefly turn reptilian and she 'blinks' horizontally, as in not top to bottom in a human fashion.

It was very strange because it seemed like a legitimate faith group and there was no reason to have cgi or something randomly in that video.

16142086? ago

i remember that

16412583? ago

Robert Rothschild caught during a webstream last year

17195206? ago


Talking about high level lizard eyes… Richard Ledgett deputy director NSA

1:02 mark

Shit is too creepy for all these to appear on unconnected videos

16412584? ago

the weird shit happens around the 0:30 mark.

It was during him interviewing some explorer/balloon/ or astronaut I can't remember the details and jumped through hoops to post that clip.

16168911? ago


Not to mention there was an interview with Clinton some years back during the elections and anons pointed out the was a segment where something went wrong and the camera showed some ugly thing, then the news-reader looked really frightened. It was not just some camera glitch. It looked horrible. It was just like the description of some dude who talked about seeing real aliens that looked like pic related (troll original turd looking thing). The feed was turned on and the camera was swiftly moved, almost like the cameraman repelled or something (lmao wouldn't surprise me). It was an interview with Hillary Clinton, she was aboard her private plane on live feed and it's shoah'd. Anons enhanced the video, slowed it down and made outlines of the shapes and it looked horrifying. It got buried and can't even find it anywhere. Not the usual "eye blinking" and memory glitch where the textures melt and stuff. Sometimes the picture is posted by some anons but nobody bothers, because nobody knows it's origin. I wish I had it saved.

17210444? ago

Webm it. Haven't you learned that you need to archive things?

16341871? ago

This looks like he accidentally hit a shutter switch, then over-exposure.

16177743? ago

What the hell is going on here

16177745? ago

That's exactly what the reporter thought in himself.

16177741? ago

Also we could probably find the original on the trail of the titles used in the news segment or the exat date and time if shown.

It was uploaded on Sept 6 so it was pretty close or more before that day.

16177751? ago

I think it looks like a bag. Where exactly is it situated on the video? Is it behind Hillary? Is it floating in mid-air?


He doesn't look scared. It's the face of WTF.

16177740? ago


16168916? ago


I think I found it, but this version has been edited a bit in an annoying way.

Thinking about this stuff reminded when I first heard about reptilian shapeshifter conspiracy theories. I thought it was hilarious, but I've always been intrigued by weird stuff, so I watched a few Jewtube videos about reptilians. Some of the videos promoting reptilian conspiracy theories were so obviously fake and gay, it made me think maybe there is something to this reptilian stuff, and they're putting out fake content to convince people it's all retarded.

16198136? ago

Idk best track is someone said the vaccination library ans secret tunnels where clawing with them. Give us small human T cells to eat… Well can we rape them first? I guess… Deal!

16177738? ago

Not it, but appreciate the effort anon!

16168915? ago

I tried to find this too. It was popularized because it was footage of a backpack that was then inverted (color) and it looked like the face of a 3d pepe. The news caster was still shocked however.

Please someone post this, I couldnt find it anywhere after hours of searching

16168914? ago

I remember the video, how the news reporter looked scared of Hillary. I didn't know there was something weird seen after enhancing the video though.

It bothered me how kikey Thanos looked in Infinity Wars too. Is the whole face CGI or is it based on a real (((person's))) face?

17210472? ago

Josh Brolin

16130808? ago

No reason for a hoaxer to make it seem real

16084751? ago

I posted a thread about David de Rothschild shifting eye color as well but this quickly got burried on /pol/

16084753? ago

I find it funny shills in the comments refute the eye color shifting as nothing more than [blank], but in the actual video people in the comments are goin nuts over his eye color changing

16084734? ago

legitimate faith group

"One of these things is not like the other…"

16084670? ago

my mother has schizophrenia so I know what kind of crazy paranoid stuff mentally ill people can come up with

I need more than a crazy manifesto and some guy that survived being shot six times to believe he's actually a shape shifting alien

due to my mothers mental illness I'm very skeptical of any claims beyond /pol/ tier stuff

pizzagate stretches far for example but all evidence there is is damn creepy so I think there is something to it but there is no evidence of shape shifting aliens

jews look like globlins though and those with goy blood like Rothschild or Zuckerberg look like they're an alien inhabiting a human body, so who knows…

16337749? ago

nice anecdotes, fam.

16084679? ago




There's nothing wrong with not believing in shapeshifting psychic aliens without evidence anon.

I don't think anyone here is genuinly saying that's what happened.

Just that it was a strange chain of events. Sounds like you've been through some shit anon, hope you're doing alright.

Did that 9/11 hackergroup who also claimed they had alien evidence died?

16084671? ago

it sounds more like he was very smart but a bad goy, so the cia mkultra'd him like they did terry

his manifesto talks about "aliens" trying to make him the next "school shooter". sounds like cia mo

16084674? ago

I've recently considered whats stopping a bunch of cianiggers from using tax payer money on Ayy disguises, special effects and drugs to try and fuck with people? It wouldn't be the most farfetched thing they've done.

16084678? ago

The alien probing meme probably got started from CIA kidnapping and buttfucking people in masks

There's that theory about how anal fucks up the root chakra and makes you easier to brainwash

16084658? ago


Thanks for looking it up and letting me know anon.

Did the articles say he was shot in the face, and if so, where?


predictive programming :^)

also checked

16084667? ago

Shot in the head with .45 acp, but I guess he's lucky because it missed his brain as well as had lost enough kinetic energy to not turn his brains into jelly.


Also did a quick search and Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is right next to a large national park, a main waterway and is surrounded by several other national parks. Easy for people to disappear in such an environment.

16084662? ago

Articles said he was shot in the head but it missed his brain

16084666? ago

Didn't he shoot this just like a few days later (I may be sensationalist here, but it was very soon after)

If anything it grazed his head and the media blew it out of proportion.

That or there's some conspiracy of course.

16084668? ago

forgot pic


Yeah must've been that.

16084629? ago

The supposed alien he shot survived an inhuman amount of bullets. its not like he shot and missed. the doctor report said he survived x number of shots.

16084620? ago

good thred. bumpies

16084613? ago

It's embarrassing that newfags who weren't around for this shit start thinking it's true.

D.A.K. was a forced meme that copied an older meme from /s4s/ which was based off of an older meme from /b/. It had nothing to do with Assange except the late October timeframe (the dates don't match up either).

The "real alien" picture didn't exist. Either a low IQ autist got baited hard and started spamming threads or a higher IQ autist manufactured an outrage during cuckchans normal regular downtime (87 times a week) and started spamming threads. Of course people wanted to see a "real alien" but the problem is that nobody has a frame of reference. Even funnier is that only ever about 12 unique IPs ever claimed to have saw the original thread and literally anyone could fire up 12 proxies to all claim the same thing, it's called astroturfing. It should've been obvious why the threads were deleted and that's because they were off topic but of course when off topic threads get deleted the people involved get very mad and start thinking the moderation so is out to get them or suppress them. The same is done here constantly and are apart of many fracture points the board.

The black blood guy, well not much can be said much about him but while puking isn't very normal, the puke being black when puking it isn't out of the question. It's about how much you believe the guy whether or not that was if fact alien fetus juice implanted by pregnanting space men.

Trump blew hot air about Clinton the same every politician does to their opponent a few months before Election Day. It dissipated the day right after and will never come back because he was just hyping a crowd. It the same lot who thought that after he was swore in he would abolish the government and murder every non-white. It's very surprising people even here actually believed this at all because this is literally the fake left vs right show of politics that I would think anons here would be wise to the back and forth of Jew tricks but I guess everyone here is getting more retarded by the day.

Myziam cuckchan nonsense is cuckchan nonsense. The alien pic is too but fuckers brought it here (and also got banned for off topic).

16130802? ago


how come he hasn't used his pgp key since then?





It's embarrassing that newfags who weren't around for this shit start thinking it's true.

D.A.K. was a forced meme that copied an older meme from /s4s/ which was based off of an older meme from /b/. It had nothing to do with Assange except the late October timeframe (the dates don't match up either).

16282067? ago

the question about PGP hasnt been answered ever, ive tried to spam it everywhere but even the shills dont know how to deal with it. i shitely recall JA posting about PGP being compromised which may or may not be true or it was just a smoke screen to answer the question of WHY NO PGP SIGNED POSTS since oct 2016

17281973? ago

Because he's probably dead. Either way, it's not him, otherwise PGP. That should be the end of the debate really. If he's not signing everything with his PGP key, it's not him. Simple as. This is why you should KEEP ASKING. It's undeniable.

16084610? ago

There is a guy who taught people Astral projection on a forum.

He was very involved and disappeared all of a sudden.

This is his compiled knowledge and guide, but be careful:

Just like traveling to Apefrica is dangerous, so is the ether with it's sometimes evil entities.

The white man (and subsequently the indo aryan which form the highest caste of India) seem to be the only one capable of transcending beyond the animalistic self, which makes us so dangerous to (((them))) who are lead by some evil spirit beyond the earthly realm and which is why they want race mixing so badly.


16084600? ago

I've been considering starting a timeline or journal or something to keep track of daily happenings. So much shit gets pushed through the news cycle and is made to disappear.

16084608? ago

A lot of (((terrorist attacks))) are mossad ops covering up news about important legislations, pizzagate tier happenings and whatnot.

They know they can't fully control all media, but they know they can make things happen that will achieve media prominence.

16084651? ago

Almost every media man/woman you see is a CIA plant(or surrounded by)

16084653? ago

16084605? ago

Threads like these are so good at doing that.

Have had a great time reading and going through all the archive links here.

16084597? ago

The pedo / child murderer Dutroux affair in Belgium.

All witnesses and uncomfortable people got killed.

(((They))) had pedo brothels and pedo parties in Brussels to blackmail high level people. Dutroux was a full time criminal psychopath who trained and procured for (((them)))



It's no accident why the EU is headquartered in the kikenest of Belgium - the most compromised tier 1 EU country.

17354561? ago

Mossad uses pedophile sex rings to induct non-Jewish politicians and enforce Jewish agendas under threat of blackmail or murder. Jeffrey Epstein was a Jew who was caught doing exactly this, and his FBI file is still heavily redacted over a decade later. He'd fly underage children out with prominent politicians and power brokers and then record them banging. His whole mansion was filled with cameras.

It's the same operation around the world. The British elites regularly get accused of raping children, and the evidence is deleted roughly every two years with witnesses winding up dead or missing.

17354565? ago

Sheesh, and they wonder why we're rebelling and want to put their worhtless head on spikes.

17354564? ago

Mossad uses pedophile sex rings to induct non-Jewish politicians and enforce Jewish agendas under threat of blackmail or murder

Not just Mossad but every intelligence agency. And the sex blackmail rings got together and went into business for themselves as their own global power. And the rumor is that they ended up under the control of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.


If Jewish people actually abuse people in qn organized way… They’re an organized crime group. The FBI will take care of it, or the NSA will, or ordinary law enforcement will, or if it really takes crooks to catch crooks the CIA will.

You have the right idea, but the same organized crime ring is blackmailing the heads of all of those organizations. "The Jews" were infiltrated just like everyone else.

16673544? ago

Over 90 witnesses died during that investigation

Nothing to see here.

16244660? ago

belgium is a rabbit hole in itself.

16084572? ago

There was a major terrorist attack in New York in 2017.


On October 31, 2017, an Islamist terrorist drove a rented pickup truck into cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from Houston Street south to Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The vehicle-ramming attack killed eight people, mostly tourists, and injured eleven others. After crashing the truck into a school bus, the driver exited, apparently wielding two guns (later found to be a paintball gun and a pellet gun). He was shot in the abdomen by a policeman and arrested.[6] A flag and a document indicating allegiance to the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were found in the truck.

This was day after Manafort and Gates indictments AND kevin spacey apology for pedophile gay sexual harassment. 8 people died and 10 seriously injured in the attack. Completley memory holed in the Russiagate nonsense.

16084896? ago

paintball gun and a pellet gun


16084559? ago

Does anyone remember about a year ago or so when 4pol got bombarded and flooded by a massive brazilian botnet?

Think it was around the time of the spoopy alien selfie that shut down the forums for a few hours.

Apparently something was leaked onto there which spoke of a massive hi-tech & global see pee trading ring.

Was pretty freaky and i cant remember when it was but saw it happen. These botnet spam posts were spitting out nonsense posts with mainly weird images attached. It was posting so fast by bypassing spam control that some threads did not max out even at 700+ posts on a thread (normal thread limit is 300 posts)

16084570? ago

knowing anything about cuckchan after the Exodus

16084689? ago

Don't bother knowing and researching things goyim

16084546? ago

Seth Rich and this guy

16084544? ago

Remember the guy who jumped up to Assanges window, got caught by police and "escaped"?

17199373? ago


That was right when Assange said he'd received multiple threats against his life, and then some "prowler" got chased off after having literally scaled part of the building. Assange tweeted about it a few minutes after it happened, iirc.

16084541? ago

wow, OP you're really glowing on this one. Might want to dim it a little bit…

  1. fake

  2. fake

  3. fake

  4. fake

  5. Real, but because I included it with 4 obviously fake things it will make it seem fake too.

It really doesn't get more obvious than this.

<rev your engines boys and run this clown over.

17251248? ago

lol now post an anime pic and tell us that Arktos is run by the CIA

<remember to use the echo brackets so everybody knows how OG you are lol

17251250? ago

orange man bad

17251252? ago

orange man compromised, but yes

and this place is at least 40% cointelpro gay ops

17251255? ago

actually maybe more like 20-25%, but in some threads 70-80%

16084551? ago

You're the obvious cianigger here

16084696? ago

hurr ur cia if u point out fake shit ololooolooll

Kill yourself.


You can watch literally any compressed video and see weird shit like this. Watch literally any one. Of course, I could spend days finding an exact duplicate of this specific artifacting and you'd still cry foul because your script says to call it cgi and claim assange is dead with zero proof.


wow i have no argument nor technical knowledge whatsoever so you're stupid huuurrrrrr


And here's the point of the disinfo-filled thread where smiley and his /fringe/ goons post some retarded /cringe/ shit.


Post info nigger.


Your mummy having fuckbrains is making you have an emotional response to this. Don't trust it.

17257109? ago

What a douchebag. I hate anons like this, no sign of comradery or love for there fellow /pol/ user

17044943? ago

Shill detected.

16084883? ago

I forget who, but I think it was a German Journalist that recorded Assange in different angles in person. It's yewtube somewhere.

16084893? ago



It's almost like they're going out of their way to "prove" this is just a nutty "conspiracy theory" eh?

16084764? ago

You can watch literally any compressed video and see weird shit like this

No. You can't. Point me to one video that shows even similar artifacts to that assange video and maybe I'll concede. But as I said compression artifacts are NOT like that. I've never seen them be a smooth transition like that assange vid. You're just agit prop starting arguments that go nowhere, never providing any proof and just being a shill and derailing the thread.

16084766? ago

The assange video was claimed to be due to adobe's new 'morph-edit' feature. letting them cut out coughs/silence while morphing it together to make it look like there wasn't a cut. it isn't perfect so it has those weird transitions sometimes

16084769? ago

morph cut, not edit. my bad

16084703? ago

16084831? ago

found the fed

16084698? ago

why don't you post something to help this thread go in the right direction

16084713? ago

Why don't you suck a cock, fagboi.

don't point out and destroy disinfo goy


ur cia if u expose disinfo

Suckstart a shotgun.


Same as Vegas. Actual anons either got psyop'd into retardation, v&, or left and what we have now is nu/pol/, who would rather fund the IRS and ZOG willingly than do actual work.

16222766? ago

Chris? datchou?

16084716? ago

you weren't pointing out jack in the post i replied to. you were responding to retards who haven't posted in hours

16084717? ago

This isn't IRC or discord, nigger. Disinfo doesn't stop needing to be killed after your puny attention span gives up.

16084719? ago

by all means feel free to respond to multiple retarded (1)'s at a time

16130809? ago

oy vey make individual posts and flood the board or ignore it and let disinfo perpetuate goy


<ur agitpropjewkikeniggerglowSHIIIIII)LLLLLL because I'm technologically inept


<what is video compression




Ecuador at the behest of the US cut off his internet access, retard.


pizzagate was fake goy



it's safe goy the exit nodes are only owned by the same agencies that made the program

16337748? ago

looks nothing like compression at all

16130810? ago

you dumb fuck it isn't "video compression", it looks absolutely nothing like that. it's a morph cut as i have already said

he calls somebody else technologically inept


anti tor retard

oh, so you are a shill

16130815? ago

<It's not video compression it's noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot

<CIA-built-and-owned programs are saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafe

Kill yourself kike.

16130816? ago

the internet is CIA built and owned. compression causes artifacts not morph effects. you're retarded

16168912? ago


Kill yourself.



I have no clue what I'm talking about therefore ASSNGE DED REREREEEEEEEE

16177747? ago

random shill appears to "debunk" the "claim" that Assange is dead

You faggots are so transparent. Go back to Weird Twitter.

16222752? ago

only SHILLS don't believe falsehoods with ZERO evidence

only SHILLS know what fucking compression algorithms are

Commit suicide.

16222754? ago

It is not the result of a compression algorithm. Compression doesn't cause physical objects to morph from one location to another.

Just goes to show how terrified the niggers are of the Assange illusion being shattered. They are afraid because if that dominoe falls, so do a lot of others. A huge portion of the public charade is caught up in the Assange deception.

16235615? ago

hurr I've literally never used nor seen a bad encoding or bad playback source because I'm a spoiled baby millenial that's only seen high bitrate video on my cell phone so I don't know how compression works or what errors are


o-only SHILLS know what the fuck they're talking about g-goy

o-only SHILLS know you need to press the clutch before shifting gears in a manual drive vehicle

16244658? ago

Is it difficult to reproduce? If you could demonstrate it being replicated that would go further in proving your point instead of an endless "No You" circle jerk.

16337745? ago


lmao you're retarded. Sure, someone could totally make a compression algorith create tye exact same pixel-perfect recreation of compression just for you. Retard.


what are vpns and different access points

o-only SHILLS don't stick to the exact same IP at all times and avoid being easily trackable

16130817? ago

DARPA built the Internet, the CIA has tried to control online discourse since Usenet debuted in the early '80s but they glow.

But obviously the collar morph is some AI bullshit getting out of whack trying to simulate Assange. I would challenge a person to find anything similar, it's a pretty unique 'artifact' and Assange is still dead by my reckoning.

17210465? ago

challenge accepted

challenge completed

17210469? ago

That was in '16.

Imagine the improvements they have now.

This world is a fucking stage, and the prince of the power of the air runs the show.

16084538? ago

I remember there being talk that the insurance files were tampered with or compromised. Is there any way to get the original files anymore?

16084537? ago

  1. China's 9/11 – March 1 / 8, 2014 (((fail))))

16527368? ago

Purely cohencidence, goyim. Let's all ignore the fact the travel agent was working on Shabbat though.

16084531? ago

forgotten languages, the only rabbit hole anon never found the bottom of


17296549? ago

BUMP HARD for this shit. For those unaware "Forgotten Languages" was some international think tank group dedicated to linguistic research and was funded by a company that manufactures rocket engines (Lockheed?), found through the classic means of internet spelunking and some /pol/tard stumbled across their website. Almost all its website was filled with cryptic shit that nobody could decipher including videos which were of thousands of images spliced together in a seemingly random sequence for 10 or so minutes, often containing weird graphic imagery like bugs being squished or recorded medical procedures. The weirdest thing though would be that after watching (or even during) these videos viewers would start experiencing migraines and intense discomfort, and then really fucked up lucid dreams and nightmares when they went to sleep.

The investigation threads started, and I dunno if they were just a larper but there was some really convincing shit about "ancestral languages" and there was one dude posting about prehistoric Celtic languages that were completely debased and independent from what can be regarded as Indo-European linguistic development, and that there were somehow the collective memories of people that spoke the language stored in the words themselves which is the reason why there's so little recorded evidence of written Celtic language even going back to the Iron Age because their culture, societies and traditions were based almost entirely on exposition and memories and not records. And there was also a tangent stemming from that I specifically remember, where somehow it related to J.R.R Tolkien's views on myth and legends being the only way for God to ever convey ideas that were otherwise inexpressible.

There were some wild theories about it, like they were trying to create a universal language through patterns and sequences of light and "universally familiar imagery" - death, decay, injury ie 'destruction' being most commonly understood. So it was an attempt to create a language that would be understood by us and aliens and would enable us to communicate with each other. Problem was that being the "universal language" there is obviously a bunch of shit that is completely inexpressible and unknown to us in any of our languages that have developed on Earth but otherwise exist out there in the universe… So experiencing exposure to these ideas that we've never known in our lives would somehow overload the fucking brain where it would start giving people nightmares and headaches.

Then there was some weird correspondence with emails where the person running the site kept talking about humans and humanity from a third person perspective.

17296566? ago





first pic


phoenician alphabet is exactly hebrew alphabet

(which is actually ancient, according to this structure, but when they destroyed european cultures, they destroyed their own culture: compare Three Mothers (the very mothers from the op-pic) and the 3 mothers in kabbalah. and in hinduism. and probably further on.

Probably uroboros represents it: it gnaws on something, but it's his own body.

Here's another ancient alphabet (futhark could be sort of iroha, magic runes, and kennings could be related to makura kotoba. tradition of swords is probably universal)

Russian Anon could be into something.

17320183? ago

phoenician alphabet is exactly hebrew alphabet

The other way around, since jews didn't exist until the first century.

The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs

The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet is a local variant of Phoenician, as is the Aramaic alphabet, the ancestor of the modern Arabic.

Modern Hebrew script is a stylistic variant of Aramaic.

The Greek alphabet (with its descendants Latin, Cyrillic, Runic, and Coptic) also derives from Phoenician.

17296562? ago

Problem was that being the "universal language" there is obviously a bunch of shit that is completely inexpressible and unknown to us in any of our languages that have developed on Earth but otherwise exist out there in the universe… So experiencing exposure to these ideas that we've never known in our lives would somehow overload the fucking brain where it would start giving people nightmares and headaches.

Bring these vids to me, i'll be able to decipher at least one.

17296580? ago

Another thing - how do these vids even cause brain tumors? There's no way in hell that youtube would allow for those frequencies to play.

17306768? ago

They don't. It's fake. Blanking out the video links all but proves it. Watching a video can't give you cancer.

17296581? ago

You must also remember that computer speakers usually aren't top of the line. All speakers have a range of frequencies that they can play. I believe something like that would go above most conventional speakers. My own headphones don't go very high.

17306766? ago

tfw my 10 year old UB Funkeys speakers saved me from potential brainfuckery

17296564? ago


There's also an ED page as well, it's gonna need a lot of updating.

17296560? ago

I want to see it

17296556? ago

The Celtic languages stuff is also related to the civilization that mined copper in Michigan before the first Natives crossed into Alaska.

16084520? ago

  1. "Real" ayy selfie

  2. That UFO researcher who puked up black liquid

I don't remember either of these.

16084527? ago


  1. "Real" ayy selfie

ayyyyyyyyyyy lmao

16084532? ago

16084521? ago

Because they didn't happen.

16084524? ago

Probably right, shit reeks of cuckchan.

16084484? ago

Remember the deadliest mass shooting in US history? Las Vegas? Gee, they quieted down on that one quick.

17044925? ago

I'm convinced that was a gov-op.

16084486? ago

They stopped reporting on that one faster than they demolished Sandy Hook elementary.

16084483? ago

Anyone remember that desert town that had skulls and bones found in it, and coincidentally the mayor was a Freemason and the entire police force was as well?

16084480? ago

Pulse Nightclub Shooter was named Nicholas Hornstein and he was on the roof across the street ontop of a tattoo parlor.

16084474? ago

Nobodytm. The retards here would probably call him Jewish now lol

16084477? ago

Nobodytm reminded me of the Better Bad News guys. Just went back and realized this was uploaded in '11. I wonder what the minds that made this look like 8 years later.

16084535? ago

Better Bad News, wish they would come back.

16226369? ago



BBN, nobodytm and the Butterfly War channelled in a single reply chain

It's like I'm looking at my Twitter account

Apparently the BBN team are still outputting things through their Twit Wit Radio project btw, they had one out fairly recently actually, and the next one planned for tomorrow:


It's even more avant garde than their videos, but a great listen.

16084578? ago

What I was surprised by was that the kid talks about seeding misinformation into your data profile to throw letter agency glowniggers off the scent. This vid was frontrunning the Butterfly War, 8 years before this malaysian uphill train model forum was talking about it.

16084463? ago

This is a recreation that the creator of the Myziam LARP made of the original "Ayy Pic" that shut halfchan down made out of the bits an pieces that he could find before the mass shilling started

17217719? ago

Nice try, little guy

16707890? ago

ayylmao pic

I was online and saw the original thread, but it was fucked up and wouldn't load all the way due to the blackout. I didn't screencap but the picture I saw had telltale signs of steganography.

what was embedded, /pol/?

16707891? ago

it was really hi res and even people that had saved it had it disappear from their drives, just goes to show how far they can go if they want to.

16084491? ago

Uh huh. Okay.

17457700? ago

woah, they have normalmaps irl now?

16084803? ago

I literally laughed out loud when I saw this

16084526? ago

This looks


fake its insane

16084729? ago

That is what I thought as well.

16084482? ago

That pic brought Autism for the whole day

16084464? ago

I'm fairly incredulos toward the idea of ayylmaos, but I remember the happening being discussed here. Something was being shut down. Maybe the alien pic was a distraction. Could something else had been leaked on halfchan that day, so glowniggers leaked to alien pic, shut down the site so people would focused on alien coverup instead of the real thing?

16084470? ago

You can always use 4plebs. I will give it 5 minutes of looking to see what threads were posted around that time to see.

16084461? ago


Max Spiers

What was he exactly investigating? Something to do with UFOs and Poland?

According to The Mirror he died due to this:

A British conspiracy theorist who vomited a 'dark brown liquid' before he died in Poland was killed by pneumonia and intoxication by drugs, a coroner has found.

He died after taking a combination of prescription drugs - which caused aspiration of gastric contents - while suffering from pneumonia, an inquest in Sandwich, Kent, concluded.

The coroner also found that Polish police who handled the investigation into the Brit's death were "wholly incompetent".



Interesting stuff. I hadn't heard this about McIntosh. Could the "HERO" be an acronym or somethin?


The wording is weird. Why doesn't it say he is A hero? I think there's some insider occult meaning to his use of the word.

Interesting thread nonetheless as I'm an old conspiracyfag.

16244662? ago

he was also talking about some illegal military shit going on before he died.

16282081? ago

Super soldiers and something related to satanic ritual abuse/child sacrifice iirc. Apparently he was healthy and wasn't on drugs or suicidal and then all of a sudden pukes black goo and dies.

16260788? ago

That might be the reason he got killed. The UFO crap is just a distraction.

16084603? ago

No footage of the mystery death. He's an esoteric conference circuit speaker lumping together dozens of theories.

I think his fellow quacks are just hyping up his death to boost conspiracy community street cred.

Lets say you really have secret knowledge about aliens, shape shifting jews or w/e but there is no way you can prove it and attaining it would require you to be an expert at attaining out of body state, meditation or w/e

How many people could you convince, how many people would go through with it?

(((They))) wouldn't hunt down such obscure people. They care more about real evidence that normies can see and believe.

Otherwise David Icke, who has never proven anything, would be dead a long time ago…

17044930? ago

Rumor I heard was the UFO guy was looking into a child sex ring tied to the Clinton's and operating with consent of a local US army base.

16084626? ago

I just listened to the documentary in the background while working and I think the conspiracytards he hung out with probably gave him some therapy for his drug addiction that led to lethal untreated pneumonia or w/e

all the stuff he's talking about is just copy pasta thoughts from David Icke and whatnot

16084643? ago


all the stuff he's talking about is just copy pasta thoughts from David Icke and whatnot

That's disappointing. His death, or at least the investigation by the police was suspicious though. The cops supposedly botched it, which suggests a cover-up. It is conceivable the cops were simply lazy faggots, or that his death was used as a red herring, and the investigation was botched on purpose. Yet it's still suspicious. It's also possible even if he believed that claptrap that he did manage to uncover something he shouldn't have, possibly not related to UFOs or aliens, and was killed for it. He did message his mother that he was in danger.


On an unrelated note to Spiers, but related to memory holes, where did the JFK thread that was here yesterday disappear to?

16084656? ago

c'mon it's Poland which is pretty much a failed state…

17365582? ago

a (((jew))).

16084451? ago

What ever happened to the MAGA mail bomber? the one who sent fake bombs to journalists or politicians? With the van decked out in political memes? That was so bizarre.

16084453? ago

Probably just a typical nutjob. I don't think he was white enough to stick.

16084727? ago

I don't think he was white enough to stick.

I don't think he was white at all.


16084450? ago

<confirmed hoax

<proven false

<compression artifacts

So much bull shit shilling in this thread. It amazes me they pay people to post on an anime website.

16084472? ago

sadly, most shilling is automated nowadays

16084447? ago

In the beginnings of Gamergate we learned that those "Social Justice" assholes were not merely leftists, they were were on record supporting Osama bin Laden. Hardly anyone talked about it after the first month, although a few people did dig into it.



>>>/gamergatehq/330332 is the most active thread with one post every few months

The Washington Post has since dropped the mask and gone full Allahu Ackbar.




The corruption went "straight to the top" as Wikileaks said.

https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/01/blind-items-revealed-38.html (A Muslim controls the Vatican pedo ring)

https://archive.vn/WXK3I (… and controls Ari Emanuel and Hollywood and his brother Rahm Emanuel)

https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2933426/15749842 (Qatar controls the school system)

16227006? ago

GG uncovered so much weird shit I don't think any individual even knows about all of it.


making excuses for laziness

I'm hoping that's just for cover, but as we all know, action is purely hypothetical and always pranks in Minecraft.




It would only get shoahed for being legitimate, obviously.

16084576? ago

Reddit made gamergate into gamergoiym, I remember in the beginning there were two autists from half/pol/ who migrated on /v/ and gghqs to help the digging but the redditors that followed were more interested in the vidya and the "fight" than in the intel.

16084615? ago

A lot of us started to see the (((bigger picture))) after a few months, I know I certainly did. GG brought me to the JQ.

16222757? ago

pretty much all forms of gaming other than vidya are even more pozzed.

tabletop RPGS


hobby boardgames

pozzed types are infiltrating pinball. PAPA is thoroughly converged though most are keeping it on the DL, but elizabeth cromwell I know for a fact is both a hardcore feminist and an SA goon. Tim Sexton ("Timballs"), one of Stern's new hires, posted anti gamergate shit on twitter, and i think even retweeted people like Zoe Quinn. a dude got #MeTooed at Pinburgh 2016 by a woman who looks exactly like evey stereotype of the fat man hating feminist, and this chick was also a BLM/Antifa member.

but they've been real careful about going full poz - right now its mostly talk about how pinball needs to be more "inclusive" and whining about how scanitly clad women in the art isn't, but I expect it to get worse

16084736? ago

This gives me an idea: what are some hobbies that are getting increasingly poz'd? We could have a gemergoiym like second wind movement.

16084543? ago

In the video, he is also spotted launching a shoulder-fired missile. He then chants, “Allah is the greatest. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse the Jews. Victory to Islam.”

Hamas is fighting or trying and failing to fight Israel, and the Houthis are fighting the Saudi Arab Jews. Are we supposed to be against this?

16084616? ago



Hiram Abiff. Masons i.e. controlled kiked opposition.

Hezbollah, on the other hand…

16168909? ago

Hezbollah are also Semitic scum, they are just another form of kikes. The Islam vs. Jew blood feud is a Semitic fag war because Muslims copied their Jew cousins. Stop shilling this based Hezbollah bullshit. They would kill every white man they could. Why has Hezbollah never attacked Israel? Same reason as ISIS.

16088126? ago

Hezbollah, on the other hand…  

Controlled by Iran. Literally the forward Iranian army, raised locally in any country that they are trying to conquer. Iran was founded by the Palestinians.

16084452? ago

Good, more reason for me to hate Josh and the (((Armenian))).

16084418? ago



The black liquid thing was from a UFO Researcher named Max Spiers, I did a bit of digging on him awhile ago and I couldn't find a cause of death anywhere at all, and another noteworthy thing was there being 2 interviews with his mother regarding his death, in the first she expressed concern for Max regarding the topic of what he was researching and how she believed it would get him in trouble with powerful people, and in the second she just blankly talks about how Max had a heroin problem and how she was worried for a long time and the regular TV news sympathy drive, it was pretty weird

16084412? ago

The mccaulay caulkin "hoax" article where he gave an interview in france.

16084391? ago

Can anyone confirm this gif is legit

Also I’m fairly certain the “real” alien doesn’t exist, it was some kind of discord op or something

17510470? ago

That's what happens when you do a morph cut in adobe premiere

16159436? ago

Looks like the type of morphological effects you get from AI rendering

Definitely a deep fake

16084813? ago

17195209? ago

Interframe video compression

<no, no, no. It's aliens.

17210450? ago

Low IQ skinhead types don't get it.



Literally every single compressed frame of video is evidence, but you brainlet "space is cgi"-tier cringetards refuse what's right in front of your face.



Prove it, faggot. Prove this is a magic warp and not compression artifacts. Protip: you can't.

17210457? ago

do you even know what compression artifacts look like holy shit dude kill yourself

17210459? ago

Do you? You've posted a single jpeg still image. You're pretending video uses the exact same algorithm and lacks any movement that would cause the algorithm to make adjustments.

17044924? ago


Reminds me of www.thispersondoesnotexist.com

Hit refresh for a different picture, results may vary.

16084785? ago

The camera lens was dirty and swamp gas Goy

16084568? ago

Computer, zoom in and enhance.

16084555? ago

Looks like a morph cut

16159450? ago

Absolutely a morph cut in premiere

16084407? ago


1:50: face freeze

15:08: eye morph

18:46: collar morph

16084410? ago


16084419? ago

Can you show me examples of compression artifacts like this? The implication I’m seeing is that these videos could be manufactured ‘deep fakes’ like those nude celeb ones that came out last year.

16084458? ago

Literally any lower bitrate lossily compressed video. You will find this kind of shit everywhere.


anon posts with no proof


I'm technically inept and have no fucking clue what I'm talking about so it must be SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLS

16084554? ago



compression artifacts are not smooth transitions like that, they are usually blockiness and noise/errors

it looks a lot more like an ai/algorithm stitching composite videos together

unless you have some other examples of 'compression artifacts' like that


literally any video

yeah show me which one

anon posts with no proof

kettle meet pot

16084402? ago

wow compression artifacts my technical ineptitude means this is proof assange is dead

17199371? ago

That's not a compression artifact you stupid nigger. There isn't one fucking video on jewtube or any other site that has a similar artifact. Whether these videos were a frankenstein of assanges previous interviews, deep fakes, or whether it is just a well-produced jump cut, this artifact wasn't caused by something as innocuous as digital compression.

17198159? ago

Not an expert but I think compression artifacts don't make smooth geometric transitions.

16084558? ago

Holy dick this is a fucking stupid post.

16084396? ago

Fuck off joan.

16084389? ago

Go back to kikechan, yid.

16084388? ago

Black liquid? Sounds like a burst stomach ulcer, blood turns black in stomach acid.

16084438? ago

or bile from a burst gallbladder which will also make you die very miserably.

16084431? ago

It's from an old X-Files episode lol. Not true in the least bit.

17195197? ago


It's from an old X-Files episode lol. Not true in the least bit

X-Files "predicted" 9/11, then it was cancelled shortly after.

17296578? ago

X-Files was about a group of rich, shadowy men who controlled governments and had made a deal with ayys to betray humanity for power…

17195199? ago

x files predicted 9/11 and was cancelled shortly after

nope that was the spinoff show based on some xfiles characters called "The Lone Gunmen"

17195204? ago


you could have an entire thread just on pre 9/11 predictive programming

16084380? ago

i want to talk about… oh i forgot. musta been memoryholed

16084378? ago

All recent Assange articles use the same pics from May 19, 2017.

16084376? ago


Isn't dead. Kill yourself.


Literally fucking who? Kill yourself for looking at cuckchan post-2014.


Photoshop. Fake and gay. Kill yourself.


Post sources you nigger.


Nobody stopped talking about this.


17198155? ago














muh compression artifacts

muh adobe premiere morph cuts

still going at it, huh? the same bullshit explanations with no evidence or other examples of it happening anywhere else? this should be easily reproducible if it's just a transition effect in commonly used video editing software.

16084383? ago

watcha doin' rabbi?

16084397? ago

dispelling disinfo and demanding actual proof is jewish goy

Let me guess, mpeg-4 compression artifacts are above your IQ so you think that's "proof" of Assange being dead.

16084368? ago

We need to study esoteric Charles Manson motifs

16412579? ago

You know what, the gubbamint went around wacking lots of acid cults and religions in the 60's. I'll tell you a funny little story I heard when I worked for an old boomer. The old fuck was young, and he was out partying in a campground with a biker gang- he was tatt'ed out to hell, and had hair down to his lower back, a complete fuck-up. He got high and drunk, and wandered out into the woods. He fell asleep and the next day, he had no idea where he was or how to get back. He walked for about two days before he saw smoke rising in the distance. It was a cabin, and a small commune of hippies lived there. One them claimed to be a "guru" of some sort, and he showed boomer a trick- the guru took a bunch of acid, would go into a trance, and could make the flame from a candle move from the wick and fly around, even if he was in a different room. That's what the boomer told me he saw, and I believe him. It makes sense that the government would shoot, burn, and otherwise destroy anyone who could achieve spiritual supremacy and influence others, hence the rise and fall of the acid cults.

17365580? ago

Autobiography of a yogi has lots of stories like that.

16084367? ago

Hi, Pamela Anderson here.

I couldn't afford to pay for my hepatitus C treatments, using the blood of children, so I agreed to off assange and keep up the pretense that he is still alive.

I mean, he is still alive, and fine and we're dating xoxoxox

16282077? ago

Post bobs and vagene hello sexy beautiful woman I want to love you pol please help me find sexy gf I'm the Pajeet kikebook stalker lel bitch lasagna

16084364? ago

The alien shit, except for #4 is known to be probable LARP but there were rumors of vans and strange calls


For Assange I just did but in my haste missed a line break or two. The others, I will as time permits or I'll be lazy and let others…there are other topics we can put here too

16084771? ago

what is the X-Files and the black oil

16084370? ago

Make sure to archive in the future.

16084579? ago

ChanThreadWatch is 10/10 for it

16084373? ago

I think I have stuff on a cold drive somewhere if I ever find it.


Another theory was that he dressed up as her and snuck out…


Give me a bone here nigger

16084372? ago

Sage for double post. Otherwise, good work, anon.

16084360? ago

Please post more references.


don't bother trying, just keep shitposting

Anon, if we want to improve this board we need threads like this.

16084490? ago


good work

16084374? ago

Re: Assange

Sites were getting scrubbed including archive.org (this happened during the comet pingpong investigation too), and endchan went down.

More Material:




I have not looked into it yet but the 8chan database leaked in March 2017, deleted assange threads could be in here:


17142759? ago

< Assange is dead, fellow Pol anons!

Not much difference from Q-larp.

16084434? ago

Finally, an active discord invite for a related codebreakers chat that went dark


The chat should contain anything I missed

16084439? ago

Kill yourself, reddit.

16084436? ago

And I realize the humor here but yes, people really used discord to talk about this.

Feel free to talk assange here, but… any of the other topics got any interest?

16084429? ago

Pic related to the woman killed with ties to WL

17251242? ago

Tell me more about the dead WL lawyers and their families.

16084874? ago

A person who works at wikileaks doesn't know that it doesn't matter who owns exit nodes? Surely they would know how TOR actually works.

16084548? ago

If WL is indeed compromised, where the fuck should a whistleblower post leaks then?

16084375? ago

Nevermind, it's just a git repo clone

16084354? ago

/pol/ is fubar m8.

16084573? ago

He's right though. Back up your information on another board asap, so this doesn't get memoryholed either.

16673548? ago

what are other good sites though?

i just go between 8 and 4.

8 seems a little dead and 4 is constantly getting shilled the fuck out of these days

16084421? ago

/pol/ is fubar m8.

No, it's newfags posting, oldfags lurking. The time for talk has passed. Action will be required soon.

16084455? ago

Keep me posted for when it goes down Mr Larper