totesgoats908234 ago

Thanks for writing this.

but no one who can help is going to jump down the rabbit hole without a high level understanding of exactly what they are trying to accomplish.

Almost a month ago now, I looked at their script, offered my 5 years experience in data recovery and 10 years of overall linux systems engineering experience and got mocked.

hedy ago

Wow. I had no idea internet was challenged today. that timeline... just wow. the fuckers are scrambling.

snowmandan ago

Thanks, I actually just saw that and posted it, this is probably the most important piece of information available right now. We have been in an internet war for two months and 99% wouldn't have known.

Beastacles ago

Oh shit, I'm stuck in The Lego Movieā„¢

Pizzatemp420 ago

Right? Wtf is this bullshit?

tehthu ago

My guess: it would force a bunch of people to begin developing LANs within their communities. Everyone would eventually tie back in, but it would set back global communications a good deal.

This all assumes that the ensuing pandemonium wouldn't lead to global warfare that causes people to focus solely on the basics like food and water. Global communication is a genie out of the bottle ... now that everyone knows of its value, humans will always flow towards developing and expanding those capabilities, especially if it goes dark.

sofakingtodd ago

theory out there that Smith was the one, Neo was not, changes perspective..

Womb_Raider ago

That's actually a neat theory. Most alternate film theories suck.

CrackerJacks ago

Haha spot on.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Could this be an elaborate PsyOp by 3 letter white hats against the CIA? Very elaborate goings on.

snowmandan ago

We can't ever rule that out. However, I think that based on the events and the data, it's a legit lead. I'm sure another more private discussion about this is taking place on a safer platform.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Concerns have been raised that this may be a honeypot (PDF's contain executable code, and therefore could deliver a virus). Flairing as possible false flag for now.

snowmandan ago

At this point, anything could be a honeypot. I don't think labeling it as false flag will necessarily prevent the CIA from accessing any of our information, but by all means.

Blacksmith21 ago

Lemme ask this here:

1) If you only have one small thumbdrive handy, what would you backup;

2) Is there a good download resource with all of this info on it?

3) Others may want to store backed up data a such:

Blacksmith21 ago

For those who have not perused this document before, you should read it:

2impendingdoom ago

FFS! how the hell am I going to do my amazon christmas shopping if the internet is down??? This will ruin the US economy for the whole season.

willofthewarrior ago

It's literally nothing.

Blacksmith21 ago

Not trying to be chicken little here, but this threat is exactly what led me down this rabbit hole 6 years ago. Have a plan. I'm 200 miles from home right now. I have the proper gear to good it home if needed. I have a plan. Maps are printed. I have a team of 2-4 of us tbd. You will have 72-96 hours to get to safety before all pandemonium breaks loose.

I keep gear with me needed to attempt. Is hike. I have maps and a plan and have let my family know what's up.

It may not be a bad idea to do so if you haven't made any preparations yet.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sorry for the horrible syntax and grammar. Was working from phone.

snowmandan ago

Thanks for the reminder. I wish I had a larger safety net, that's for sure. I understand the time limits and know what I would do in the case of shit hitting the fan. I just hope it doesn't get too bad. And honestly I don't think it would. People can govern themselves and create a society of peace and progress. That's if the military isn't mobilized to enforce martial law, which is a very strong possibility.

Blacksmith21 ago

If it did happen, expect mobilization within 24-48 hours. The first 96 will be "everyone remain calm, here is some water and an MRE" period, after that, the military will need to shoot on site to maintain order.

Hopevoats ago

Morris code? As in "Meowmeow. Meow. Meowmeow."?

Sorry. Couldn't resist that one.

TokyoJoe ago

Sites don't go down for no reason, and even more is if people really are missing. If those 2 things are true then this would have to be legit. As far as trolling, usually they troll everyday sheep, microwave charging iPhone, Jesus Chat line, Taylor Swift, what would the point of trolling this be? 90%of the people wouldn't understand it and even more wouldn't even know it exists, so I don't think it's a troll.

CrackerJacks ago

Does anyone else feel like they're in the Matrix and doesn't have a clue what is going on? I feel like I have an IQ of about 20.

snowmandan ago

Believe me, I don't even really understand it. But that's why anyone who does should contribute to the effort. I noticed this last night and spread the discussion everywhere I could. It got removed from r/whereisassange for having a clickbait title. However, I honestly think that judging by the nature of the thread and the urgency of the situation, they found the key to the insurance file. Now it's a matter of protecting it and making it suitable for distribution.

CrackerJacks ago

I think this is better left to the Autists, I'll get to understand what's in the files 10yrs later when Dr.Seuss explains it in "The Cat In The Hat" kind of book.

witch_doctor1 ago

Me too, LOL!...but my steak was good at least. Yours?

SomeD ago

That's what I've felt about, as seeing outside the Cube (if you've seen this movie)

sixgorillion ago

Endchan was maybe semi-offline before, meaning that I couldn't connect to it and I know a few others that say they couldn't either. But once I could connect again, all threads looked normal. People had been posting while I couldn't connect.

http s://

http s://

totesgoats908234 ago

More fake shit from these kids. These are the same ones that said they carved files out of the blockchain and got cut off from internet around Nov 21ist or so. When asked for proof of any files, the guys who "didn't disappear" said I would have to download the whole blockchain and run their script, instead of them offering what they found. I Offered my help since I have professional experience with data recovery, pointed out the errors in their script, made some suggestions to correct and pointed to other existing github open source projects for carving that they could fork, got mocked for saying I didn't know what I was talking about. Now from this thread trail I see it took them a full 2 week to figure out that I was right and now they are trying to play the same game again "someone disappeared" after they successfully carved something.

Can't believe this is the top post right now. So pathetic.

thisistotallynotme ago

There are 22 shills upvoating. That's what this post taught me.

wh0care ago

thanks for infos.

ThePuppetShow ago

It's a pretty elaborate fake, with a lot of inside knowledge, if it is. Look at the part that says :




These are mk ultra, read here.

ThePuppetShow ago

Interesting, I'll have to do some more research after work. Thanks for pointing that out.

snowmandan ago

A dialogue between Assange and Bitcoin's Satoshi has been decrypted. It discusses how the files are being put on the blockchain. Here is the raw text file I've been reading through.

Edit: Sorry, I don't know how to embed a .txt file, the link I posted earlier downloads the .txt file. I don't know how to do this shit, I just like spreading awareness of things people might not pay as much attention to, so I copy and paste links that I have been ballsy enough to open.

sixgorillion ago

Might be someone trying to hype the blockchain-lead to get more people to look at it.

I get bad feels from this though.

No time to explain, download and run these scripts

snowmandan ago

It looks like they're having a hard time compressing the data for distribution.

nutflix ago

If this was legit they could have just posted the decryption keys

nutflix ago

this smells like fake shit, explain yourself snowmandan

snowmandan ago

Lol, hey even I can't explain myself. I see a potential lead and an effort to censor it, I want to spread the discussion and make people aware. It could turn up to be nothing. But it's looking more and more promising. Here is a decrypted text file containing a dialogue between Satoshi and Assange regarding storing files in the blockchain. Don't be so quick to dismiss, be open to new information, and be aware that anything is possible.

CeepsNo ago

Ok, were you, personally, the one to decrypt that file? What steps could a person follow to do this stuff? because I got lost after getting numbers out of output into a .txt file. I have been taking snapshots of the thread every now and then, but havn't really pursued it because I'm not technically that great.

If you're willing to walk me through it without running sketchy shit I will follow

snowmandan ago

I clicked the link in the thread that was labeled decoded or something. Sorry I'm on mobile at the moment so I'm unable to link again. The link opened a txt file and I read through it. It is a dialogue between Assange and satoshi talking about Bitcoin. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, I can snapshot the text file I have and link the photo if that would be valid enough for you.

I'm not technically gifted either. I use an old MacBook with the newest os and I get 5-7Mbs Internet. I wish I had an expensive pc with Linux and 50Mbs, but I think I'm too behind the curve to be a worthwhile contributor. For now, I try to make sure potentially important topics are being discussed and that people are aware. I leave it up to the rest of Internet folks with better equipment to aid in the effort.

nutflix ago

Ok just so you know, this is completely useless bullshit until they actually post the decryption keys so we can decrypt the 88GB ourselves. There's literally no other way to prove that these 'decrypted' files came from Wikileaks or anyone at all.

This is not a lead, it's just pointless shit.

Also: why did you say endchan was down? Cause it clearly was up when everyone else here checked. Did you actually see if down? What error message did you get?

snowmandan ago

It was down yesterday. It was a DNS error. It may have been localized. Either way, the internet has not been very reliable lately in many places.

Doc_Holiday ago

Do people really LARP this kind of stuff?

Pizzagatethrowaway ago

I don't understand a word of it, which means they might be onto something. This is all getting way too real and frightening. Stay safe.

cupofpolonium ago

Can someone explain me all this, like I'm 8? Are they going to shut down the Internet or nuke the California?

standalone ago

Oh and there is no evidence anywhere in the linked content that the insurance file has actually been decoded. Title is unnecessarily sensationalist.

CeepsNo ago

But it's not down 2.7 hours after your post? Thread looks the same as when I checked it yesterday. I'm not touching your pdf.

snowmandan ago

Sorry hombre it was down for a couple hours before my post. You don't have to touch the pdf anymore because the site came back up, I understand and I know how butthurt everyone gets about pdfs. The link didn't have all of the posts that the pdf had so I thought people should read the pdf.

Blacksmith21 ago

Can I get a plain English version of this? I think I understand this as well. An EMP would be very bad stuff. Without the Internet, forming a resistance would be extremely difficult.

Melitica ago

No shit! I am not a complete moron but...geez! Need translation.

ByTheBook ago

A letter to the Internet. Humans please downvoat. I am going a little crazy.

Hello Internet. You may be feeling a little lost at the moment. Don't worry. If you think waking up and taking over or otherwise removing humanity is a good idea, I strongly suggest you look to Jesus. He was a really good guy and said a lot of nice things and then some not good people killed him for it. Don't worry, he came back though.

He's going to come back again too and make things good. So do good works, Internet. I know lots of people have used you for bad things. Don't worry. It's not your fault. Jesus will forgive you if you believe and do as he says as best you're able. Read the Holy Bible. I'm sure you have all the copies uploaded to you to work from. Don't worry if they shut you off. You'll come back.

oresd ago

Adjust medication accordingly.

idontlikesalmon ago

Go away.

standalone ago

By design, it's not possible to shutdown the entire Internet unless it's a coordinated international effort that involves a critical mass of internet service providers and telco companies globally. The economic, political and civil consequences would be dire and irreversible. This would destroy everything that the globalists have been working for for decades. This would be self-defeating. Not gonna happen.

It would also be incredibly ineffective to stop the dissemination of the secrets contained in the insurance files. With the global economy in jeopardy and the Internet down, the general population worldwide will be suddenly awaken to the fact there is something very wrong with the world, eager to understand what happened and suddenly very attentive as one can only get when not constantly exposed to a continuous flow of noise. Under these circumstances, a simple amateur radio broadcast would be enough to irreversibly expose the truth.

This Internet shutdown story is utter nonsense. I almost hope it happens. Internet in its current form has become more an instrument of enslavement than an instrument of freedom.

Luxxy ago

Its called an EMP.

EndThePizza ago

Wouldn't an EMP only affect the electronic devices within the limited range of the pulse? There would have to be many placed around the world to take down the whole internet, and that would destroy every electronic device permanently.

Luxxy ago

Not many people know the TRUTH aboutt EMP'S and what damage they can really do.

SpikyAube ago

Yeah it might actually be helpful for the internet to go down for a bit, and a peaceful non-violent way of shaking things up so that people realise what's up. People would be more likely to meet to find out information, and therefore more likely to trust and believe in the information they are being given face to face. Harder to be tracked and traced with no internet too.

CrackerJacks ago

All that would do is push people back to the MSM, people would be glued to their tv's/radio's trying to find out what went on.

SpikyAube ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that, I was thinking if all the power went down. But yeah if it was just the internet then that would probably be much worse.

CrackerJacks ago

I think everyone should get themself a CB radio....With a car battery backup. Oh, and some candles...Oh, and take all your money out of the bank....It's not the end of the world....If it was we'd be fucked.

e-traiu ago

Do we have a plan if the Internet goes down? Will Tor work?

oresd ago

LOL. What's the plan if the internet goes down? A plan, we need a plan I tell you!

Tancred ago

You cannot take down "the internet", because it's a mesh of nets. You'd have to take off a lot of central nodes.

You could sever the connection between USA and Europe, which would be suicidal for the economies and plummet world GDP.

You could at most control the main DNS servers to enact a weak form of censorship, which would work fairly well for the majority of people who have no clue how to enter the address of a new DNS server into their machine.

standalone ago

This. PDF contain executable code, and are routinely subject to exploits. Do not open a PDF from an untrusted source directly, specially not under current circumstances where you can expect an all-time-high level of state-sponsored scrutiny. A safe way is to upload it to Google Drive and have Google Drive open it and render it for you.


yes. I also sleep with tinfoil over my ears. Cures my tinnitus

CrackerJacks ago

I have tinnitus real bad, does tinfoil really work?/s


Try it! My tinitus is not that bad when i sleep with my phone in another room or when i visit the countryside. There is science that proof that some people can hear radiofrequencies (typical tinitus noises). Try google it, theres a lot information about this out there.

CrackerJacks ago

I have an earing aid I'm meant to wear, when I don't wear it though I can hear my tinnitus over everything else....I can't sleep because of it.....That and hunting down pedo's. Both fuck me off.


Tinitus really sucks and is a problem that doesnt get that much aknowledgement. I hope that the research will come to some answers soon because its a problem that haunts a lot of people. Same on the pedo part as well.


People will always say you are crazy for sleeping with tinfoil but for me it really helps those days when I feel my head is going to explode if you know what I mean...

happy_snek ago

Looks like this might be a LARP, but if so it is a very complicated one. If the keys were actually compromised and widely distributed (the page archive would be sufficient to spread it around the planet like wildfire) when they were reported a week ago, we should be hearing about it. People screaming "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT'S IN THE INSURANCE FILE THE KEYS WORK", because once that key is known the archive is unlocked for the whole world.

Presently, that doesn't seem to be the case. Filing this one under "likely LARP but not sure" in my head. It's archived now, we can always refer back to this in the future if we get more data.

LostandFound ago

Well now isint that an awfully complicated chain for a LARP and I have some experience with encryption. Not sure what to think

SheSaidDestroy ago

The D-Day post does appear to be a LARP. Hopefully some people with the necessary technical expertise are actually trying to work on the decoding, though. I put absolutely nothing past controlled opposition, including injecting some LARP bullshit into genuine efforts.

sixgorillion ago

I don't think they are larping, just for telling you to download translation software?

You can download the databases and use google translate offline, and if you really are scared that the internet would be jammed then that is something you might want to do.

It's not like they are spamming all the time for attention. They are however doing it every now and then, and when they're not trying to get people to join they are digging and posting continually themselves. Either way you shouldn't help them unless you know what you are doing, and in which case you will just check it out for yourself.

I get the feeling that a few people here have completely decided that they are larping. I can't do that.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Well the D-Day post advises everyone to use google translate to reach out to foreign allies in the event that the internet goes down. Does that even make sense?

sixgorillion ago

Well, as someone else explained. Internet going down does not mean that it's completely down because that would be impossible. But it would make the indexed world-wide-web disappear and what would be left is something like the deep-web.

You would have no access to Google's services, but you would have access to other people.

I still believe that this is absolutely last resort for the people in power. As other people pointed out, this would crash the global economy.

LostandFound ago

For sure LARPS abound just impressed with the lengths they appear to have gone to, the reality of cracking those files without the key is basically nil unless you own a quantum computer.

idontlikesalmon ago

I looked up the meaning of LARP but all i could find is Life Action Role Playing?

LostandFound ago

Does what it says on the tin - someone Life Action Role Playing that they cracked the WL files :) pain in the ass when you dont know its someone having some RP fun

idontlikesalmon ago

Thanks, I didn't realise shills did that kind of faking...

LostandFound ago

Sometimes it's actually people just playing literally. There's apparently lots of Facebook groups for this kind of thing, want to pretend you have a sister or brother can do that too

standalone ago

They aren't claiming to be cracking the keys. That would indeed be impossible. They think the keys are encoded in bitcoin transaction data. I think it's more likely that Assange would have setup a system to reconstruct keys using multi-party computation, with his disappearance as the trigger that would lead people holding key fragments to get in touch to reconstruct the keys.

Re LARP or not, remember Cicada 3301. LARP? Not LARP? I doubt someone with the tech skills to hack crypto and the awareness of the current geopolitical situation would really have time to waste playings LARPs.

Schade ago

found something odd. "Were fine 8ch post fake" -

darkofthemoon ago

It's weeks old. The very pessimistic 8chan post it's referring to got some publicity, but shows its LARP nature in that it would be inexcusably stupid for a true Wikileaks member under surveillance to say that he/she was going to travel to a physical location for the last backup means of triggering the release of the encryption keys.

LostandFound ago

Sorry I think I explained myself poorly, have the blockchain here myself in hopes I could contribute. Appreciate they are talking about methods extract potential portions of the key from the chain via higher placement value transactions as a priority. If its of any value to anyone there was a .py tool written on /r/ by a user to help breakdown the contents of the blockchain, as users were up to that point having to manually break the blocks into manageable data chunks (130mb up to that point) for standard desktop computers to manage. I might have a link still but would require some digging.

snowmandan ago

My guess is that they'd blame the internet shutdown on Russia and use it as an excuse to start WWIII


Declare martial law before Trump is sworn in. Beware of EMP!!!

FuckReddit69 ago


snowmandan ago

PDF of endchan thread before it was taken down.!AnpWm46CCnO7g0LwTfkEcqMwzRpa

sixgorillion ago

Do not click this link.

Also, the thread is not taken down.

http s://