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RampancyLambentRaven ago

Get in touch with veterans groups, church groups, Boy Scouts, anybody.

Al Qaeda is currently in control of every NATO national security agency, every media corporation, every major megacorporation, the banking system, the education system, and the Jewish groups that used to track them for the FBI. Donald Trump is not doing a goddamn thing about it. "Trust the Plan" is going to get us conquered. We need to move information through the men on the ground.

We've been dealing with the full combined weight of CIA, DHS, FBI, Home Office, German, French, Swedish, Netherlands, etc intelligence who are taking orders directly from Pakistan, Qatar, and from American-born AQ that our corrupt leaders put in charge of our own national security for commercial investments and campaign donations. George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, and Wolfgang Ischinger have been laundering disinformation, money, personnel, and instructions from Al Qaeda through NATO's national security agencies so that everything is done in secret as a national security project and they can justify shutting down anyone who talks about it.

Hillary Clinton set up a global Internet censorship board run by Islamists, the Rothschilds, and organized crime in exchange for campaign donations from the businessmen who funded Osama bin Laden. The money is bundled by Qatar and other Arab countries and is laundered through the International Crisis Group of George Soros and Frank Giustra, the two largest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Jesuits have been recruiting gullible students into the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1970s by lying about Israel and Palestine. More recently John DeGioia took $300 million for his college for an "Inclusive America" project to plant Al Qaeda operatives throughout businesses to sniff out and eliminate opposition. The White House planted one at Wikipedia and had him train them on how to recognize "Islamophobia" (accurate knowledge of Islam and terrorist organizations).

Britain has been fucking us by training up anti-American hate groups that jump to join the Muslims, then using covert ops to knock out any competing businesses and politicians. Antifa (Avaaz) is organized by British intelligence with Rothchild backing.

The Alt-Right was radicalized and spotlighted to create a distraction from Muslim Nazis taking over the Democratic Party and everything else in the United States. Faiz Shakir was a Hamas recruiter. He is one of many.

For much more information, read these threads.

When Trump calls the MSM the Enemy Media, he is not exaggerating! The Washington Post hired a friend of Osama bin Laden to publish whatever bullshit his Qatari handlers fed to him. The same Qatari handlers were involved in Common Core, the 9/11 Commission, and likely the selection of Obama's Cabinet.

It's up to you old guys to let the new guys know how to identify the enemy because new recruits were barely born when 9/11 happened, they missed the investigation and the Green Quest raid, and they are not getting the information from the MSM. Hardly anyone is aware anymore that the Palestinians are a banned foreign terrorist organization because the MSM does not mention it. Every extremist group supports them. It's an easy way to ID them.