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17051132? ago

Bin Laden was an CIA pawn asset gone rogue.

Read his letter to america, im kinda shocked they let such a redpilled thing out to the public

17065916? ago

Bin Laden was an CIA pawn asset gone rogue.

Seconding this, and he wasn't the only one. A small number of Israeli writers were on the ball in the early years of 1992-1994 and were forgotten. J. Millard Burr rediscovered it but was ignored. What happened was there was an alliance of three powerful terrorist leaders who built a worldwide fundamentalist mercenary army out of the mosques.

  • Hassan Turabi - Chief organizer, access to worldwide religious leadership

  • Osama Bin Laden - Financial strategy, access to Saudi leadership

  • Yasser Arafat - Political strategy, access to European leaders

Everyone on this board knows that bin Laden was a CIA asset and a friend of George Bush. The CIA had also put Turabi in power in Sudan by insisting that Gafar Nimeiry first share power with the Muslim Brotherhood, then give them control of the judicial system, then let them depose him.

So when the Israelis warned that Saddam had hired this group to retaliate against the United States for Desert Storm, everyone must have assumed that the Israelis were feeding us bullshit to derail the peace process. Osama bin Laden and Hassan Turabi were cleared beyond cleared, they had been CIA assets for over a decade! Yasser Arafat had been a CIA asset since the 1950s!

So they go and bomb the World Trade Center and the CIA starts covering it up because it was our Muslims from Afghanistan behind it. Then Yugoslavia breaks apart and the CIA needs mercenaries to fight the Russian-backed Serbs, so they call on their friendly CIA asset Osama bin Laden who was so helpful in Afghanistan. Osama calls a temporary ceasefire while gaining power and influence inside the United States. His people have open doors into the Pentagon and State Department and even recruited the President's wife. Then he turns around and bombs our embassies in 1998.

How did Al Qaeda build up so much influence so quickly? It was not just stupidity. It was money. Osama had rebuilt the BCCI money laundering network and made it bigger. Al Qaeda was one of the world's largest financial powers with the full combined resources of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, UAE, Qatar, the leading billionaires and largest banks within these states, and their European partners. With all of that money, they were buying influence and PR in the West.

How much PR? As it seems to have turned out, the entire Peace Process was an Al Qaeda psyop to give Arafat power, people, and territory in the heart of Israel. Another Al Qaeda psyop was pulling the US into Somalia and then persuading the US to leave without winning, demoralizing the US and showing the world that the US could be defeated. It's quite likely that one of their psyops is convincing the US not to win in Afghanistan but to burn resources sitting with our thumbs up our asses for 20 years. More recently, the Countering Violent Extremism program is another Al Qaeda psyop.

So when the Israelis learn that 9/11 is in the works and the Americans refuse to do anything about it because those Saudi pilots are bringing in their heroin, the Israelis say fuck it, let's help them out and wake up the Americans to the giant threat that's out there. It didn't work. Al Qaeda was already embedded so deeply into NATO's national security infrastructure that their agents were have to have all of our investigators fired and then rewrite the internal policies so that no one who opposed them could ever get a job. Then they went after the media, the schoolbooks, and the Internet. No one has been able to stop them.

17065921? ago

Good post. Just for clarification, AQ plan was to make international economic crises and collapse the American government. After invasion of Iraq, America suffered economic turmoil. aq's plan from their manual was that to make america stuck in middle east wars and all that loan = BIG ECONOMIC CRISES. it is working for them. but ofc aq is mixed, lots of saudi backing and zionist backing, u cant 100% know what their intention is. The reason Osama survived all these years was because of tribalism, not jihadism. taliban was powerful cause it combined islam with tribalism, AQ was globalist. I think Osama knew he fucked up post 9/11, this is why he stayed in tribal territory, he became a localist. he didnt really do leadership for AQ. but mistakes are hard to fix once u play the American Game its impossible to escape but i will give credit to him for 10 year hiding skills away from cia, mossad, everyone else…

17069951? ago

AQ plan was to make international economic crises and collapse the American government The financial jihad and the economic Deep Capture

They and their European allies have been using stock fraud to knock out American businesses until there was no one else in the market but people who would work for them. Example:

  1. Overstock's value destroyed by short selling

  2. Amazon dominates the market

  3. Amazon buys Washington Post

  4. Washington Post publishes AQ propaganda from Jamal Khashoggi

  5. Everyone loves Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world!

Or this one

  1. The exact same people who put Jamal Khashoggi in the Washington Post hire Bill Gates to promote their One World Education program

  2. Every school must teach what they're told to teach or they lose all of their funding

  3. Every school must teach students to obey this newly made-up Transgender religion, never question it, and fight "transphobia"

  4. Every school must teach students to obey Islam, never question it, and wage jihad against Islamophobia

  5. Everyone loves Bill Gates, the richest man in the world!