MuckeyDuck ago

73% of statistics are just made up.

stormymonday ago

Q mentioned the fires, I don't get what Q was getting at? My thoughts always were that the CA government or maybe Federal Gov someone is basically burning the residents out and reclaiming the land, they want to control the land what else could it be? Federal funding maybe? I don;t know I am puzzled

MudPuddlePie ago

Much of Calif is being sold to the Chinese. Ports sold to Chinese where U.S. has NO jurisdiction or inspection rights. Burn the conservatives out, destroy parts of Northern Calif from forming a new (much needed conservative) state (voting and govt seats?) with various weapons (DEW, arson, smart meters), "re-wild" CA (a la agenda 2021/2030), destroy all the dams, rezone Calif land burned in fire for stack and pack cities and won't let home owners rebuild, demand money from the govt, pack Calif with cheap labor and votes, and much more. Jerry Brown and govt is very, very evil.

stormymonday ago

I think it was DEW that imploded the Towers, pulverized them, along with control demolition on building no. 7

MudPuddlePie ago

Possibly. I think it was a combo of things..

moblodite ago

This is really a sad situation and a nightmare for CA, We need to do all that we can to help these poor people.. So PLEASE...We all need to send them a filled Zippo !! We need to help them to burn the entire dam state down all at once so we can put an end to this shit !! LOL

Michael3500BC ago

Fire deniers are something we need to rout out of the country

MongoloidWitchcraft ago

Any idea if this DEW could potentially trigger the fault lines? Been hearing a ton about mini tremors. More than the usual chatter.

DawnPendraig ago

I believe they use HAARP or some thing for that. They took out the Fukushima reactor to punish Japan in my opinion using it. Haiti so HRC could make bank off humanitarian efforts and set up a nice harvest of children and organs. Etc.

MongoloidWitchcraft ago

Good call patriot. It's hard to keep up with all their evil methods and diabolical machinery.

hope4gaia ago

I have a hunch that the firing of the Agoura area was to payback that Rap singer who was all over trump and then renounced him -- Kanye. His house was burned. There is nothing in Agoura except a little chapparal and houses - hardly a tree in miles. I'm sure it taught Kanye and others a lesson ;(

MeanoReno ago

I like that; “Anyone who disagrees is a Nazi Fire denier!!”.

hitekhobo ago

Fires accidentally on purpose? 🤬

Amount of fires in CA past 12-months? Amount of fires in CA past 10-years? Date FED funding cut off from CA as result of violation(s) of Sanctuary State/City? CA budget cuts past 12-months re: Fire & Prevention? ~Q

RedPill-U ago

What was the date the feds cut off CA funding?

hitekhobo ago

Being litigated after Trump issued EO earlier this year...

1deadmanwalking ago

Mid-terms, AG fired, shooting, voting irregularity, wildfires all in the last six days. Going to Iwilei Costco for more popcorn. Misdirection

1deadmanwalking ago

What do the Santa Rosa Fires, PG&E, Agenda 2030, Rothschild, Smart Meters, and Solaren Corporation have in Common?

SpiritualWarrior ago

Well, well, well...Rothchild's own PG&E PG&E Board. Deborah Tavares has exposed them as starting the fires through DEWs, which we all knew. I can't find the one I had last night, but this link is good too. plan to burn ca

cdglow ago

Is it true that a lot of the mismanaged land in California is actually controlled by the Feds?

(Like most of you, I am not a Park Ranger and do not have a degree in professional forest management, so I am just trying to determine objective facts)

basedbayboi ago

I'm hoping someone will chime in, I haven't been able to find this info either.

thewebofslime ago

I had a career in wildland fire, mostly making fire maps and burned area restoration maps.

Alaska has more acres burned every year and larger fires every year than anything in California, but they are ignored and allowed to burn... which is proper fire management, since many plants require fire to germinate.

Fire kills the bark beetles and allows California plants to germinate. When we stop fires rom burning, the fuel grows larger than it normally would, creating more devastating fires that move very, very fast.

Firefighting agencies are protecting insurance companies. The truth is that residents need to protect their own homes and be responsible for a fire break around their property.

The USFS sells off rights to the lumber for pennies on the dollar and the short and skinny of it is that the mismanagement is actually corruption within the Department of Agriculture.

GodsAngell ago


California wildfires: 31 dead, over 200 unaccounted for.

Posted November 12, 2018 at 6:05 AM. ... Two people were killed and the fire had destroyed nearly 180 structures.

DawnPendraig ago

The Outer Light channel on YouTube had an interesting additional motive theory. Clearing land with cheap eminent domain payments and forced evictions as "not safe to rebuild" for that high speed rail that stalled out because of corruption and overspending.

2TBob ago

Thank you! I was hoping someone would help explain the more rational interpretation of what was said. I was looking to see what these 97% experts had to say but I don't see where it it is in this post, (besides the title). Just based on my own humble experience with "wooded areas" here in the south. WE would START "controlled" fires to do exactly what you just said. Was always told it was a good thing to do. I would not imagine the environmentalist in Cali would be cool with that though.

moblodite ago

I smell roasted liberal !

bman0321 ago

They don't call them controlled fires anymore because forest managers started a uncontrolled forest fire in New Mexico. They now go by the euphemism "prescribed burns."

2TBob ago

"They" do love their euphemisms!

NellerBean ago

These fires are created by DEWs and chemicals to keep them burning and make them impossible to put out.

pckpat ago

I have been in a few areas ravaged by forest fires. The used-to-be trees are just blackened, charred spires. Where are the comments all the govt./ univ.scientists who the (((msm))) so love to trot out regularly? Maybe there is a new species of asbestos trees that us dumb-folk just haven't heard about yet?

SuzanneAnon ago

There is much more to this than meets the eye. And our good President can hardly elaborate in the form of an exhaustive treatise within the space of a tweet window. Suffice it to say that the word FOREST has a whole load of ramifications all unto itself. And the reference to POOR MANAGEMENT is almost certainly NOT limited to sending people running all around to clear away fallen twigs, leaves, tree trunks, etc. So, what we DO NOT know is much greater than what we DO know. Do you not agree that it would qualify as POOR MANAGEMENT to have GOTTEN EMERGENCY FEDERAL FUNDING only to USE THAT AGAINST YOUR OWN PEOPLE AND STATE in some nefarious manner - say for example: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON attacks? I sure do! Sit tight folks, and remember that it was said LONG AGO that "there is nothing hid that shall not be revealed."

GodsAngell ago

California is on the verge of bankruptcy because ANY funds the Demoncraps get they spend on feeding, housing, medical care, schools for ILLEGAL ALIENS with the DEMAND that all Illegal Aliens VOTE Demoncrap, to keep the Demoncraps in power.

I told POTUS as soon as he got into office, DON'T SEND CALIFORNIA ANY MONEY, it will just be mis-spent on Illegal Aliens with the plan to destroy California.

Anyone who doesn't think THIS is THE PLAN, the Demoncrap's plan for YOUR state too is a fool!

This was the plan for Europe's demise, and this is the plan of ALL of the USA's demise. THIS IS THE PLAN.

SuzanneAnon ago

You are correct in most all of what you've said. But such is THEIR 'PLAN'. There is yet ANOTHER PLAN in motion. My wish for you is that you've not reached a point of despair believing that all is lost - JUST WHEN a miracle happened to LITERALLY flip the tables back where they need to be. There is absolutely NO WAY that President Trump is 'in' with 'them' on THEIR plan...and there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that he would have put his ENTIRE FAMILY into harm's way just to howl at the moon for a little while! I DO 'TRUST THE PLAN' - and clarify that I TRUST THE PLAN of the 'WHITE HATS' so to speak.

PeacefulAssassin ago

They will say this is due to poor funding by the government and blame Trump.
Maybe if they budgeted properly and didn't spend so much for illegals they'd have more to give their firefighters. also wildfires happen all the time there, so you'd think they'd start giving them more/proper funding.

pckpat ago

Biggest red flag to me (as to many others, obviously) is the foliage still on nearby trees. I remember the first time I drove through an extended area that had been ravaged by forest fire(in the early 80's). It was a stretch between Dryden Ontario and Winnipeg Manitoba. This is pretty far north up into Canada- where the dryness and ambient temperatures are nowhere near what they have in Kali.And all there was for about 75% of that almost four-hour drive was blackened spires of the conifer trees. And rocks and lakes. The fire destroyed EVERYTHING else. (and probably massive numbers of wild-life). Fortunately this was a very sparesely-populated area. How do dry trees in close proximity not burn? Oh and btw-where are all the govt. scientist-types- they must have some kind of answer?

mtpatriot ago

How odd that one of these fires started very near the site of the latest mass shooting? Without doubt you need fuel for a fire; however, that doesn't speak to origin of the SPARK that STARTED it; these fires were intentionally set to change the narrative off of corrupt election result. The ONLY question that remains is WHO or what ENTITY/s were involved in that. I have to believe that "WATCH CA" also included these fires.

DawnPendraig ago

Thanks. Adding that to mine

FoxNews 2017 boasting power of DEWs w/ CA Fires link video

oldlady ago

Many factors possible here for forest fires: over population of the state, drought, marrijuana growers going after each other, Sierra Club not wanting forests cleaned out, environmentalists not wanting smoke from brush cleanups, and my latest thought terrorists taking advantage of Red Flag Warnings to shoot at transformers. Like Q says, "See something, say something".

TexasInfidel ago

Im good with the D E W data(proof)

Flutterby49 ago

14982242? ago

Doug LaMalfa - the district guy for where I'm at claimed in his campaign that the Federal gov had red tape on both allowing our forestry guys to do maintenance and controlled burning in much of the Parks - as well as red tape that would have allowed PG&E to do the same with their powerlines, trimming back trees and brush.

If i find that fuckin canpaign shit again I'll take a picture and upload to voat.

JopharVorin ago

Burn mother fucker. Burn.

NellerBean ago

You do realize that, with the exception of burning up all the evidence of the pedovore tunnels, etc. in So Cal, they're basically decimating the RED areas of the state?

Cleanhobo ago

THIS. been sayin it all year.

VLady ago

What IS going on in CA? ANY 'word' on THIS?

MolochHunter ago

@VLady I was going to do a post on this with 'Direct Energy Weapons' in the title because I think we all should drill down and discuss / disseminate the mounting evidence - would you care to create a fresh post using this twitter thread as the core evidence, and ask the voaters to add additional evidence in their comments ?

VLady ago

Unfortunately I cannot, I am too 'new' to the Voat boards to create a post, I am limited to only commenting. :(

MolochHunter ago

oh. well then upvoat for you!

VLady ago

Many Thanks; much appreciated! ; )

GodsAngell ago

Poster has it wrong. Anyone who doesn't believe the fires are DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE, is a Nazi. That's the dumbed down montra.

These fires are all started by DEWs.

Codyhbgbrb ago

The fires are also a convenient way to declare “State of Emergency” and get Federal funding.

TexasInfidel ago


DawnPendraig ago

DEW is why we need the Space Force. Rothschild controlled PG&E has "solar energy from space" harvesting that gets "beamed down" and oops... Missed.

Great cover for deliberate attack by DEWs I would say.

Direct Energy Weapons aka DEWs fires with laser precision.

FoxNews 2017 boasting power of DEWs w/ CA Fires link video

TexasInfidel ago

Clear beam theory is bullshit, as is seen in the recent footage blue, green, orange

DawnPendraig ago

Maybe they changed it since 2017. Or different manufacturers make their own "flavor".

I saw a couple videos of the blue/lightning color looking ones. Scary. Especially as I had to evacuate from 2011 Texas wildfires but we had time because it was a normal fire. And they were able to put it out near our home.

What is going on now seems to be nuking people asleep in their homes or driving in cars. It's an act of war.

littlestown ago

NAZI Fire Starter

lowexpectations ago

I'm singing Prodigy as Nazi Firestarter now..

Ashamandre ago

Dammit, now you got me doing it!

Morbo ago

The Qtards know the answer. They were created by blue beams of light that look absolutely nothing like lasers, but hey why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?

DawnPendraig ago

Only tard here is you who does no research but thinks he is smarter than everyone else. You know nothing.

Lockhead Martin

Fires could started by Direct Energy Weapons aka DEWs with laser precision.

FoxNews 2017 boasting power of DEWs w/ CA Fires link video

Morbo ago

Dunning-Kruger is strong with this one. Thinks that because they do research that they are enlightened and super-woke. Just another Qtard thinking they are smarter and more patriotic than everyone else. What a fucking niggerfaggotmoron. Also, watching FOX news is the same as watching CNN but with the feeling that you're not an NPC, but I wouldn't expect an NPC to understand that. You weren't programmed to understand that.

nullifyNWO ago

Hello Morbo, its me again, the rude guy with the pissing reply.

Wow, what did we kick off here, quite interesting to me. (I am probably the age of all of that tree's commenters childrens' ages added.)

  1. Why was i rude to you? Because your comment hasnt any (Q topic-) content in it but discrediting language we know from the MSM - 'Conspiracy theory', 'blue beam' (in case you are not informed about project blue beam, you may find info from William Cooper).

  2. Why did i reply to your comment at all? Because i wanted to test if you are a shill. If you are, then a pretty good one, but i think rather not. This thread itself could be a shill's post - but i rather think it is not.

  3. I am stunned how you youngsters put yourself into drawers like Boomers or GenX. That is all BS. I know guys and girls of all age brackets who are so awoke & informed and dont fit 'their' tag attributed by the MSM. DONT DO IT, REFUSE IT.

Matthew 5:14 says it perfectly: 'You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all that are in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.'

  1. Back to the Cali wildfires. I aggree with Trump in that self declaring enviromnmentalists are the greatest danger to the environment. They HATE foresters. Their ideology sees humans as parasites on planet earth and they dream of as many forests untreated by humans as possible.

Furthermore, i would imagine that DJT as well as maybe the author of this thread KNOW about the DEW but they re not mentioned for a reason - the public not being ready for that.

God bless you all. nullifyNWO!

DawnPendraig ago

Thank you for bringing wisdom and maturity to this thread. I agree POTUS knows and public would latch onto Mockingbird Media lies if he brought it up now.

I did notice someone blaming PG&E though for mismanagement causing it.... Again. On a major network.

When Texas was punished in 2011 we also had "management of power lines" by the local co-op electric company which seemed odd to me the way it burned and so fast. And the weather and wind issued were odd that year as well. We nearly lost everything and had to evacuate. Others did lose all and many their lives.

I pray for all the innocents caught in this human and animal alike.

Morbo ago

Yeah there was quite a reaction to this little exchange. I was only here to stop the DEW misinfo since most people who claim their existence know absolutely nothing about lasers or particle beams. I have a lot of knowledge on lasers (was going to be my major but chose EET instead and ended up a programmer) so I'm aware of the many limitations we still have in making practical weapons out of them. It's not even really a matter of needing more time and research being the reasons for it. The reality of it is they just don't scale due to the physics involved. The "power problem" is a huge hurdle in that you end up putting huge amounts of energy into a high powered laser system only to yield a much lower amount of laser energy output. Physics can be frustrating like that so I like to stamp out misinfo on the subject when I see it. There was a lot of DEW talk on Voat today so it sent me into a frenzy of correcting the falsehoods and outright impossibilities. I expected the downvotes so whatever on that. It was funny how people reacted though. I guess some people just don't want to live in a world where black governments can't use "death rays" to murder innocent people at their fancy. I for one am glad that we don't, but sadly they have other more realistic methods that work very well. What to do...

nullifyNWO ago

Hello Morbo, i have a film tip for you: James Bond 'Diamonds are forever'- Hillarious, and the story revolves around a laser space weapon.

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Diamonds_Are_Forever_(film)

Ian Fleming, author of the play, was high level SIS by profession. His boss allowed him to take off 3 month of the year to write the James Bond books.

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Ian_Fleming

These original James Bond stories are said to mirror the real world just to the extent to not publish classified information. There is even a book by a Navy guy 'James Bond is real' where the guys explains that congruence in detail.

Diamonds are forever - a film i have watched 3 times and will probably watch another 3 times. Have fun!

Morbo ago

The 1980s Val Kilmer movie "Real Genius" was actually much more factual on lasers than any other movie I have seen. I'm not so much talking about the use of the laser as a weapon, which was the premise of the movie, but instead the terminology, math on the boards and a number of laser setups shown in the movie. They also talk about the "power problem" and how it is something that is difficult to overcome. As for James Bond movies, Ian Fleming made up a lot of fanciful things that simply aren't real. I think DaF fits that. I don't take movies as proof of existence of fantastic weapons that have real world physics brick walls holding them back. If movies are to be believed, then why not shoot for the Death Star laser as proof?

nullifyNWO ago

(Known) lasers seem to have a power supply problem, there was this guy who brought the concept of mirroring a color segment of the target with the laser and improving efficiency 3-fold or something.

The thing u need to know comes, sorry, from the book again. Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Would they reveal the latest DEW technology in schools?

jodieann ago

Blue lasers can also be fabricated directly with InGaN semiconductors, which produce blue light without frequency-doubling. 445 nm through 465 nm blue laser diodes are currently available on the open market.

Morbo ago

Blue lasers can be made by lots of materials/methods. Argon ion gas lasers can produce output in the blue range, Helium Cadmium lasers are deep blue around 442 m. Nitrogen lasers are UV, but technically still "blue". The only problem here is that neither the Indium Gallium Nitride of various gas lasers that emit in the blue part of the spectrum are very efficient. Having a beam of that diameter (from the videos) and for that short a shot duration, the power needed to set something massive (having a large mass rather than just "big") would be extremely high. We're not there with lasers. We can achieve extremely high power outputs, but for nanoseconds only and focused to a point. The diode lasers you speak of could never set a tree on fire in a pulse of less than 1 second. These beams just don't match anything laser at all.

Locknltx ago

So tell us, genius, what is your standard for how a "laser" should look?? Go troll over on Reddit.

Morbo ago

There is no standard, however there are a lot of characteristics these "blue beams" lack. There is no atmospheric "speckle" in the beam. There is also really poor divergence at a short distance. Divergence of that scale would mean the laser is really close by. If it were distant, the beam divergence would be so great that it wouldn't be recognizable as a beam anymore. A laser of visible spectrum would shine like crazy in a smoky environment. It would also reflect brightly when it hits a surface. These beams do neither. But if you want the biggest proof this blue beam stuff is garbage, a laser that can set fires like that in such a short time (the burst is pretty damned quick), the amount of energy if would have to have would mean the target would burst into flame or ablate into vapor right away. When a laser with enough energy to ablate or even just burn a material strikes its target, an intense white light emits from the point of strike. These videos show nothing of the sort happening. None of the characteristics of an actual laser are there. This is all just wanting to believe in something that isn't there because you want it to be real. The bigger thing to question is why so many people want this sort of weapon to be real. Why do you want to believe it exists? Why do you want it to be real and being used against people? That's kind of a sickening thing to wish for.

NellerBean ago

Beams we saw during the Napa fire weren't blue, they were red.

Morbo ago

It doesn't matter what the color is. Lasers don't work like they do in hollyweird movies.

DawnPendraig ago

The ones shown on Fox news in 2017 are invisible to our eye. Or so they say. So you are wrong about "all laser beams look like x y z"

Morbo ago

Obviously visible output was intended by my description, but if you want to get semantic, IR and UV lasers can be seen with cameras and other optical sensors which will exhibit the same characteristics I described. My comment still holds despite this weak attempt to discredit me.

NellerBean ago

And fires don't burn like this, even in Hollywood movies.

nullifyNWO ago

Another one enjoying pissing into forums he dont like.

Morbo ago

I used to like this sub before the Qoomers showed up and made it retarded. It was easier to think that there really was something happening when the research didn't involve wild speculation on things that don't exist. Once the boomer idiots showed up, the sub went to shit and all the content turned into crazies pushing their fantastical theories as truth and fact. Most posts are now walls of text overflowing with drivel or links to 3 hour long videos of tinfoil hat wearing retards who take every little thing as an undeniable fact when they present nothing more than insane jumps to unfounded conclusions. The Q-boomer-tards have done so much damage to the Q movement than anyone in the DS could ever have done. There is nothing to believe in here any more. The whole movement has been destroyed by directed energy weapons of mass distraction. Idiots speaking about things they know nothing of have brought this all down to the crackpot level again and there is no saving it now. It's plain to see that talks of DEWs causing fires is just bulshit. If they had such weapons, why not use them to take out the president or top military brass who stand in their way? Why set fires with them when gasoline and a match could do it just the same? Why risk exposing the existence of an unknown weapon if the benefit from it is random and imprecise? A critically thinking person can easily discount DEWs because the evidence and proof are not there. This is why I am "pissing" into this forum.

GodsAngell ago

God news for you bubba, this sub was CREATED SPECIFICALLY FOR Q FOLLOWERS.

You don't like, why don't you stop coming to this Q site?? Duh???

Morbo ago

Good news for you too, boomer, this site is free speech so both you and I can say what we will. If you don't like it, well then you can go back to Rettardit and get banned again.

slwsnowman40 ago

I completely agree with your take on the boomers screwing shit up wherever they go.

NellerBean ago

Then you're parroting a divisive Cabal narrative.

pckpat ago

Did you brainiacs ever stop to theink that Trump and the Q-team would be part of your "boomer" conspiracies as well?

slwsnowman40 ago

They at least appear to be trying to change course(s) instead of continuing on the same path(s).

pckpat ago

I trust you recognice sarcasm?

slwsnowman40 ago

Not at that time of day.

Morbo ago

They're like a plague or a swarm of locusts. Individually they are rather harmless but in numbers they consume and destroy everything while thinking they did nothing wrong.

NellerBean ago

Sounds much more like "today's socialist" (who uses everything it's gained from Capitalism to destroy Capitalism) — the kids raised by them are by far the largest mistake boomers have made.

Morbo ago

Sadly I have to agree with you. I'm GenX, one of their kids, and we stand as the greatest proof of the Boomer's failures. They will never admit to it, but they fucked us up good and have the audacity to act like it was not their fault. I'm glad we get to choose what happens to them in their final years. It will be the karma they deserve.

NellerBean ago

Thanks, I've created a permanent link to this so that I can show all my friends who are considering kicking out their parasitic kids. Best to get them out before they're murdered in their sleep.

slwsnowman40 ago

Why set fires with them when gasoline and a match could do it just the same?

Gasoline is almost $4 a gallon, using that to start a fire is a waste of money and you can do it so much cheaper walking around with a sparkler. In these wind events, that's the best way to start one of these blazes.

Morbo ago

You can still get matchbooks for free at convenience stores so why waste money on sparklers? Strike a match then light the whole book of matches with it.

slwsnowman40 ago

Matchbooks are still a thing? I haven't seen one since the 1980s...

Morbo ago

Yeah they still exist. They are really crappy now. The last one I got was made of really thin cardboard (the matches I mean) and the match heads were tiny drops of match material. I went through half the book just trying to get one to light and the striker was almost completely worn away by the time one actually lit. The Chinese really know how to make shit products really cheap.

Timaria0930 ago

Being lazy and not researching Qanon says more about shills than the PATRIOTS that support Q . However, and fortunately, many CHRISTians follow Q, which gives US the ability to forgive shills, libtards, fake MAGA, and other assorted obamanations. We PRAY for them ALL!

Morbo ago

What a typical boomer response. Get off your pulpit lest you make yourself higher than God. You're not enlightened. You are a follower of other followers. You believe without skepticism and then cower behind your Christian beliefs when faced with information that doesn't conform to your worldview. You're attacking another Christian, btw, so how does that sit with your divine ability of forgiveness? Believe in Q all you want but I was't attacking all of the movement. I am attacking this retarded notion that DEWs are being used to start fires. Go learn about the physics of lasers, unless you just want to be lazy and not research them. I have done lots of research on lasers and have lots of hands-on experience with them as well (and I'm not talking laser pointers here). Come back to me when you can explain why lasers have a "power problem". Maybe then we can talk about research.

Timaria0930 ago

We PRAY for you, Brother!

DawnPendraig ago


Morbo ago

I PRAY for you too. I PRAY that you will stop using prayer as a weapon, especially against another CHRISTian. You're not praying for me- you're being condescending and hiding behind prayer. It's like saying "bless your heart" with a smile. That's not very CHRIST-like is it? You need to pray for yourself to be less arrogant and pretentious.

DawnPendraig ago

Not using it as a weapon but with love and hope that the scales be removed from your eyes.

Timaria0930 ago

Oh, hello again! I was just PRAYING for your arrogance and pretentiousness! There truly are no coincidences!

Morbo ago

Bless your heart.

NellerBean ago

It's not arrogant and pretentious to pray for someone who's clearly been deluded to hate Christians, because the goal of its masters is to destroy Western Civilization, which are founded upon common-sense Judeo-Christian values.

Baichu ago

California is the petri dish for what's coming... Stay's what the vultures want.

Double_D ago

"Walls of text overflowing with drivel"

How self aware of you...

Morbo ago

My comment is hardly a wall of text compared to this.

How naive are you?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You seem a good guy, from your profile and a few submissions and comments I saw, but then you have perhaps come to believe that because you got voted so high you knew better than anyone else... have you lost your self? come back down and smell the roses...

Morbo ago

I'm not lost at all. Are you?