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Morbo ago

The Qtards know the answer. They were created by blue beams of light that look absolutely nothing like lasers, but hey why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?

nullifyNWO ago

Another one enjoying pissing into forums he dont like.

Morbo ago

I used to like this sub before the Qoomers showed up and made it retarded. It was easier to think that there really was something happening when the research didn't involve wild speculation on things that don't exist. Once the boomer idiots showed up, the sub went to shit and all the content turned into crazies pushing their fantastical theories as truth and fact. Most posts are now walls of text overflowing with drivel or links to 3 hour long videos of tinfoil hat wearing retards who take every little thing as an undeniable fact when they present nothing more than insane jumps to unfounded conclusions. The Q-boomer-tards have done so much damage to the Q movement than anyone in the DS could ever have done. There is nothing to believe in here any more. The whole movement has been destroyed by directed energy weapons of mass distraction. Idiots speaking about things they know nothing of have brought this all down to the crackpot level again and there is no saving it now. It's plain to see that talks of DEWs causing fires is just bulshit. If they had such weapons, why not use them to take out the president or top military brass who stand in their way? Why set fires with them when gasoline and a match could do it just the same? Why risk exposing the existence of an unknown weapon if the benefit from it is random and imprecise? A critically thinking person can easily discount DEWs because the evidence and proof are not there. This is why I am "pissing" into this forum.

Double_D ago

"Walls of text overflowing with drivel"

How self aware of you...

Morbo ago

My comment is hardly a wall of text compared to this.

How naive are you?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

You seem a good guy, from your profile and a few submissions and comments I saw, but then you have perhaps come to believe that because you got voted so high you knew better than anyone else... have you lost your self? come back down and smell the roses...

Morbo ago

I'm not lost at all. Are you?