SearchVoatBot ago

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G3rm4nF4g ago

Once again a fascinating read. Created an account because of this question: I would love to hear your interpretation why Q used the phrase "brave new world" in his Q2450 statement. As far as I have researched that phrase originates in Shakespeares "The Tempest" and I have not found a positive meaning for it.

wWearyw ago

Thx SB2 - been following your light in the dark for a few months now. Can't say I agree with all of your analysis, but most of it is very insightful.

It has become obvious that today's dopamine addicted generation has lost all ability to be patient for the win of the long game, instead tending to skip to the moneyshot. Perhaps they should log off the internet for a year, learn normal human behaviour, and come back and read the wrap up when all the magic is over.

Folks this is happening now, don't waste these most amazing moments denying that anything is is going on! And don't spend the time on the losing side.

I said goodbye to a friend this week. He lived a life serving and loving others, he genuinely cared for everybody, so his life was well lived. I'm just sad that he didn't get to see the outcome of this phenomenal battle and the opening of a genuinely amazing time on earth.

Qtopia ago

I will never lose hope in the plan. Magic number is in days from the Midterms to see major progress exposing voter fraud.

CalAnon805 ago

Great post! You should definitely write about the Tv shows! I've always said Hollywood broadcasts the satanic prophetic vision! Now we see it as systematic desensitization.

I don't understand the breakup of the word dec(l)as. December maybe? What's the L? What/who/where is AS?

DannoPa ago

SB2 - nice work as usual.

Looking for your Gema insight & thoughts on "Watch The Water." I Gema see: 5:5, 33, and skull & cross bone reference. We see Q "watch the water" references quite a bit. What's your take? forgive if you covered in past. There was a good summary on Voat today, just wanted your take.

Icing on the cake, WWG1WGA

viperx3791 ago

Good job SB2.

patriotwomen ago

Damn don't let the door hit y'all on the way out !! Ye of little faith. Me I'm staying until the fat lady sings !!!!!!!! My gut says stay and my common sense is along for the ride too. Hate to see the few decide it is not worth the ride ... even tho some of you have already said you were leaving but are still here !!!

JCsgirl ago

Haha! I said that, too...that “it ain’t over til the fat lady sings”, and then I think of Qs post “when does a bird sing?”. I always imagine HRC the jailbird behind bars. Satisfying daydream. :)

HoppyHap ago

Back in 1966 the Beatles released Abbey Road and he rumor was Paul McCartney had died and been replaced by a look alike. The cover, which shows a photograph of the Beatles walking in step across the street away from Abbey Road Studios, resembles a funeral procession. Leading the procession is John wearing white, symbolizing the clergy. Ringo, dressed in black, is a pallbearer or an undertaker. George, dressed in work clothes, is the gravedigger. Paul, the corpse, is out of step with the other Beatles, leading with his right foot instead of with his left. Also, Paul’s eyes are closed and he is barefoot. Asserting that because people in many areas of the world are buried barefoot, Paul McCartney is Dead: The Great Hoax s of the 60’s.
Without a little less talk and a little more action will this turn out to be the great hoax of our time? You can call me a shill now. I am fine with it. Patience does not bring back a friend buried six feet down or comfort a child who has been abused. My brothers and sisters are hurting and need real help and less words.

wWearyw ago

And you are doing what exactly? Everyone wants someone else to do something. Are we powerless slaves, or powerful sovereign beings?

HoppyHap ago

Enjoying life and you?

JCsgirl ago

Very thoughtful and carefully written post. Several of the scenarios that you suggest are things I’ve been mulling over it was nice of you to sort out a lot of the thoughts in my head. Thank you!

VQTmom ago

Thanks SB2, you’re the light at the end of the tunnel. I pray tunnel ends now. Morning needs to come. Truly dark before the dawn.

TexasDeplorable ago

Well, after reading the comments, it appears that some of the "Patriots" are ready to jump ship, a TRUE "Patriot" never deserts his post. SB2 you are as refreshing and informative as ever, you are greatly appreciated ! Thank you for the insight ! God bless you !

Susiebeee ago

The first float in our parade has shown itself. Seeing all the voter fraud across this nation. The false flags didn’t take away from the main float this time. Thanks for your work. People are seeing that our vote doesn’t count anymore if it doesn’t go with what the dem leaders want.

HoppyHap ago

Patriots that ask tough questions are no longer Patriots. I get it that you have learned to be like Twitter and Facebook and just shut out opposition views.

JackPosobiec1 ago

Just more failed predictions and attempts to divert attention from them. Q said midterms were safe. Q is a proven fraud, worse than fake news.

wWearyw ago

LOL you're a funny guy, and playing a dangerous game. You claim to have spent some time studying Q - so that either makes you:

  1. less intelligent than you think you are for missing the VERY obvious clues that Q is not a larp, or...
  2. an obvious disinformation shill who will soon be exposed for a sorry ass traitor.

I hope for your sake that you are just not very smart.

JackPosobiec1 ago

I’m playing a dangerous game? Q us a fraud. Come get me Q you stupid piece of shit. Make me part of the mass arrest! I want to go to git I! I want a military tribunal! Come get me Q you fraud! I’m waiting. Q is a deep state traitor.

wWearyw ago

Right so by your reaction you admit that it's 2. - you are an obvious disinformation shill. Good to know. Thanks for clearing that up.

I guess the next obvious question is: are you the real Jack Posobiec, or an unimaginative wannabe?

wWearyw ago

Triggered much?

IndigoEyes ago

I'm done with "Q". We've been led on. Total psyop.

wWearyw ago

So military tribunals began Jan 2nd. Still done with Q? It's happening folks just not on your schedule.

OakleytheMuppet ago

If you hover your cursor over the L it will show Lynn Rothschild; if you hover your cursor over the AS is shows Adam Schiff/Antonin Scalia...the more you know...

NellerBean ago

But isn't that just what's programmed in on Not in the original Q post? Or?

Beccacat3089 ago

Thank you SB2 for your input and analyzation of Q's post. Always am amazed at the strategies of our President and how it all plays out.

AmazingFlightLizard ago

I’d love for something to happen today. It’s Monday. Trump is back in town. Lots of crazy shit going on. Today would be the day, if there ever was one.

But I’m not holding my breath, either. Show me something. Just once. Not implications or suggestions. No gathering of possible evidence. Somebody needs a perp walk.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Morbo.

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CovfefeFan ago

SB2, what about:

Q2478 Let the unsealing begin. Let the DEC[L]AS begin.

What is the [L]? Is the L light?

Rajabesar ago

"The critical element that makes the eagle’s strategy work is the ability to enforce the law". Ah-so. Unfortunately the dims have countered that law with co-op of law enforcement. Local sheriff appears to be in on the dims plan. FBI seems neutered from within, DOJ looking the other way too long. Can't be turned around in the short time needed when FL state atty general is afraid to act with vigor. Sessions in charge?---Ha!. Whitaker may be too late and a dollar short.

HoppyHap ago

Bull Shit the FBI is neutered. The vast majority of the bad apples are gone. Homeland Security has the authority and so do the US Marshall's. Florida State Police to by pass the Sheriffs department. Lots of options There are options

CovfefeFan ago

The eagle is our American Bird.

Matthew 25:32 ... and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.

Then 2474



pby1000 ago

The United States and DC are both corporations. They need to be transformed back to what they once were.

JGamble ago

All that is great, and irrelevant at this point. Q/Trump have strung us along, and this is the week, or bye bye base. Zealots are on tilt/sheep, sheep like to run off a cliff if they believe.

Q the time is now :)

divine_human ago

the cabal has been at the helm for thousands of years. its an illusion to think that all their structures could be smashed within 2 years only.

whats your problem? DJT talked about voter fraud since before the 2016 election, and investigation has been going on ever since.

they got enough rope to hang themselves, took the bait, ran into the trap, voter fraud is in everybodys face now, and the patriots gathered evidence.

midterms arent over, i guess, state elections will be going on and on, throughout 2019. some house members may not even get sworn in because they will be out of the game before, through voter fraud proof, resignations, or indictments.

those who jump off the Q waggon now dont think far enough. used to instant gratifiation? this is the week? OMG, dude, things take time and timing is everything.

from my pov, things look perfect. just have some patience...

JCsgirl ago

I guess I can understand your frustration and that of others who write similar things. What keeps me watching Q is certainly appears that our president is linked to Q. The question that comes to mind if I start feeling like you do is this, What does Trump stand to gain if Qs posts and claims don’t start paying out? It seems to me that he, DJT, could lose a lot. Q and he are presenting themselves as cohorts in this effort to take the cabal down. If it were to turn out to be some kind of scheme, (for what? for Trump to stay in office?,) I think he would lose a lot of support. Wouldn’t there be some very, rightfully angry Q’ers for having been used? The folks following Q don’t strike me as the types that would let something like that slide. There are many people here who are much more informed than I am about Q, not to mention the plethora of conspiracy theories out there, so I could be mistaken, but I just don’t see how Trump benefits by going along with all this, unless Qs posts are real. ?

Susiebeee ago

Great post. The enemy of our enemy is...

JCsgirl ago

:) our least, that's the hope.

JGamble ago

Your post was great. Thanks for sharing. We are in agreement. One potential downfall (who knows for sure) is Trump has united Team Jesus and that is a lot of power for one person. I wouldn't have ever voted blue before, but i sure won't after finding Q. Trump could put us in a corner, where we can only vote for him or some criminal (i dont' think so)

I feel there is always room for 10% of hey, we are missing dates, that are key. Debate :) See i'm nice :)

JCsgirl ago

Thanks. Haha :) yes, you're nice. And you’re right. I’ve said similar...asking questions, debating, or expressing concerns shouldn’t make anyone uncomfortable if what we’re after here is the Truth. I’m not gifted in the way of a Q researcher (amazing minds!) but I have discernment. God tells me to cover all that is Q in prayer and pray for President Trump’s protection, because there really are people willing to kill him. Before all that, the only One Who ever gets my complete trust and devotion is Jesus. And He’s already won! The part I have to continually remind myself of is that those who are deceived/an enemy of Christ need prayer, too. God still loves them. That’s where I fail.

ES-Trader ago

I agree 100%

No need for any more convoluted "interpretations."

No need for any more long-winded, strained analogies.

IF Q is real, "We have it all" is ALL that's needed! There is no basis for "accumulating evidence." Just stop the blatant and obvious vote fraud and start the perp walks!

FISH OR CUT BAIT -- We've waited long enough!

Until I see some actual PROOF, I am finished following some unknown and unnamed source that makes ridiculous, intentionally broad statements: "Watch CA" -- and then if ANYTHING happens in the state of California within 6-months, zealots on this and other boards say, "See??? Q predicted it!!!" BS!

JGamble ago

we need to get high one day. on the soul plane, i like your ideas. :) (not just because you agreed 100% lol)

MingDynasty ago

Half the idiots here will make up some bullshit excuse when this week, like every week before it, yields nothing. Then slam you as a "shill" if you dare question Q or the bullshit date they pulled out of their ass.

divine_human ago

yields nothing? voter fraud in everybodys face? wipe your eyes, m8, lots is happening every day, just have a look!

Q is not nostradamus and this is not about predictions.

the tone of your comment shows that you are no troubled doubter but indeed the shill you accuse people of accusing you of calling people who post such shitty divisive comments.

MingDynasty ago

Yup, everyone that questions almighty Q is a shill. REEEEE. You idiots sound exactly like libtards.

And show me whats being done about election fraud. Dont worry, i will wait.

divine_human ago

Dont worry, i will wait.

good. hold the space for the truth to be revealed.

mightymaximo ago

I know the frustration people have expressed, and shills leverage that to divide us.

My take is that this world is already done for in the long run from a spiritual perspective, and if Q is able to give us reprieve even for a generation, then I’ll take it.

As I’ve been researching all the cabal and secret societies, you have to understand that we are less than five(?) years into the take down of the global enemy. And it’s not like a 007 movie where one heroic scene saves the world. Wish it were true, but reality is much more dangerous.

Plus, I don’t know all the moving pieces, but understand human nature enough to know that the enemy isn’t just reading these drops and saying, “Oh nice, that’s a good move Q. You win.” They’ve burned California just for a distraction. That’s how much they hate and don’t care about us. So for me to ask that my desire for a result on my timetable trump Q’s work, yeah...I’m fine with a little faith in this Q+ team.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🏼

JGamble ago

well said. I like the word zealots (they don't understand what it means lol)

derram ago :

            Top Senate Democrat Schumer: Whitaker should recuse himself from Russia probe | Reuters

This has been an automated message.

candtalan ago

from a post in this board today I saw similar and tried it myself: GreatAwakening cursor 'notifications' apparently within Q#2478 L, AS

time3times ago

So what does the [L] mean?

zengzeng ago

The only other instance of an [L] was referring to Lynn de Rothschild. SerialBrain2, maybe a good analysis for you to make is what is the [L]. The original post was DECAS. Then Q came back and edited and added the [L]. Its interesting enough to merit more analysis!

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

L is 50 in Roman numerals... can’t see a link to this..

L is also 12th letter of the alphabet, and today is the 12th, but as I get no news that isn’t biased over here, I don’t know if something has/will go down...

L is one of the abbreviations on home page of Great Awakening, and there it stands for Lyn Rothschild... she is involved with just about everything..