Trizzle1 ago

I sure hope so!

Discover-it ago

Could indictments against the Clinton Foundation be coming before Dec 5? Huber's testimony before Congress is curious since prosecutors don't normally comment on ongoing investigations. However, if arrests are about to happen, that may pave the way. Let it be, let it be...

JopharVorin ago

lol No. The only way will be militias issuing arrest warrants. Why would zog arrest zog?

Zadim ago

Don't circle any day or month or perhaps even year on the calendar, when it happens it happens.

amarQ144 ago

Like minds think it's great!...That said, it may well continue to be a slow steady crumbling of the foundation rather than a dramatic fall of the house of cards. The roots are deep...hundreds of trillions, maybe Quadrillions (the wealth of the world...and future) at stake. The shake up is inevitable...always happens. The usual method is war...everything gets fucked up and needs to be rebuild new. How many die in the process is of little concern as long as those at the top stay at the top. This time "option A" is that several billion die and the elite maintain control..."option B" is that 50 to 100 thousand die and the resources of the planet are returned to the inhabitants of earth...really isn't any "option c"...we shall see how it goes.

GodsAngell ago

Saudi Arabia's Deep State Players were all rounded up in ONE Day in a coordinated attack, on Nov 4, 2017, or have you forgotten?

singlebrain1 ago

Except for Khashoggi.

amarQ144 ago

Many...not all. I haven't forgotten. The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. Timing is everything though and the enemy here is far from stupid, well informed, very well armed, and very very well funded...and has no intention of surrendering,...and could care less how many die.

Elfchiro ago

Yes, they are going to become more and more dangerous. Northern California is burning. The North East has maybe seen 3 days of sun in the past 2 months. Remember the 80 homes in 2 different towns that blew up in Massachusetts due to a supposed gas line over pressurization (that has never happened before). Remember a few years back the Hurricane that hit the east coast of Florida and then instead of going out the sea did a 180 and hit the east coast of Florida again? They are capable of much worse. They are going to lose. Question is how many of us will they take out before they are taken out.

grace8 ago

I am wondering when Q says declass brings down the house if he is talking about the current white house or the Obama white house. Other Q posts have repeatedly said Rosenstein will be forced to recuse or resign by declass. He is one of many in our current white house who is still there. Lots of not clear info here and without making assumptions impossible to know when or what will happen other than RR being taken out. I'm guessing the key players involved in the FISA warrant are the Struck RR, Comey, McCabe, Crew. I still do not think the declass will trigger the big fast round up of the highest level folks. It makes no sense to do that b4 investigations complete if the goal is to limit rioting and injury. That said I believe there was a Q-post early on that lead to the understanding that these ppl had to be rounded up under martial law to aid in them being tried through military tribunals rather than federal court. Not sure that is true. What makes them have to be tried by military is the fact they are enemy combatants.

GodsAngell ago

THE HOUSE can mean several things: 1) The Obummer White House, which Q alluded to in a post where Q revealed Hussein was the one who ordered the SPYING on Trump, or 2) THE HOUSE could also mean THE HOUSE OF CARDS, that are about to fall.....alluding to the netflix series about all the graft and corruption in the District of Corruption.

singlebrain1 ago

The House has many meanings. House of Representatives, White House, House of Cards and in theater, bringing down the house is to cause applause. We are watching a movie.

grace8 ago

DECLASS HAS NOT HAPPENED YET, so why wouldn't RR still be in his position??? And IF RR recuses himself, then RR will remain in his position even after DeClass.

Right, I am saying there are a group of ppl in the current white house that he could be referring to as the the House. its a vague statement that could mean any variety of things.

Now you are directly contradicting Q.

I get why it sounds like that from what I wrote, but what I meant was I don't think that they will happen simultaneously. I think the declass will trigger a series of events and arrests that will occur while the investigations rap up and reports are discussed and filter out to the public and eventually at some point will lead to a big roundup of the top tier people last.

I am not going on the jump to conclusions not in evidence ride and believe that arrests are eminent unless Q posts that in clear language requiring no assumptions. I've done it 3 times b4 and now I am cautious. No reason to arrest till all investigations are complete and have had a while to disseminate that I can see. It might be a month after declass or even longer. Big fish are always last and smaller fish squeezed first. I am excited about what is factual that declass will be soon and that it will be a starting gun that will lead to arrests.

I didn't say they were not enemy combatant. I said they were already enemy combatants and that early reports that martial law was necessary to try them as such were probably bogus.

sorosminion ago

LOL Yeah................riiiiiiiiight. Any day now...................riiiiiiiight. Sooon,.............................riiiiiight. trump..............riiiiiiight. As soon as..........................riiiiiiight. After the.............................riiiiiiiight. When Trump..................................riiiiiight. Jesus fucking christ you people are gullible and stupid. You STILL don't get it!!!! But, but, but!!!!!........................riiiiiight. Happening soon.................................riiiiiiight.

TurtleHermitZ9k ago

Somebody get this guy a link for what to do in case of a stroke. I hope you are okay and have received medical care.

mrGaudi ago

Populism, nationalism, anti-globalism and anti-elitism are the political movements of our time. Your criticisms are short sighted. Q may exist or may not. That doesn't change the reality that the US has been severely corrupted and the media brain washes people like you, your thoughts and beliefs aren't yours. You have no answers, no original perspectives, no courage. Just keep eating, sleeping, spending, and paying your taxes, that's all they want from you. The spineless love the status quo, and that is you Sorosminion.

GodsAngell ago

Don't waste your breath on this baby shill. He's here all the time so he can get paid for making stupid remarks. Just down vote all of his comments without comment and move on, and he will go back into oblivion where he belongs.

mrGaudi ago

I hear ya, I've got unlimited breath though, no energy wasted, this shill has so many chinks in their armor that it's enjoyable putting words in their weak mind. Not a single coherent point regarding geopolitics can be made by this pitiful thing, utterly defenseless and absent of any mental strength.

sorosminion ago

Thanks, your MINDLESS totally INTERNET mind is just astounding! Keep doing RESEARCH, er, web surfing idiot sites and believing everything you see! Keep pretending this is an education, yeah sure genius! Your brain is rotted from INTERNET BULLSHIT! Too funny!

singlebrain1 ago

And what are you doing? Except Shilling?

amarQ144 ago

Glad to see you here faggot...wasting your precious time, why?...Maybe try to save a few lost Qsouls today?...

mrGaudi ago

Goading you is enjoyable, every message indicates your IQ is about 80, maybe. Your vocabulary is small. Your sentence structure is weak. And, most of all, you operate under assumption. Grouping people together is a mistake, everyone is an individual with their own strengths. Reading between the lines isn't a skill easily developed, generally reserved for the well read, which it's safe to say you are not. I pity you.

amarQ144 ago

...not really an actual soros minion...more of a wanna-be soros minion hopeful...

sorosminion ago

Oh the irony! Man, you people have ZERO critical thinking skills and the sophistication of a ground squirrel. goading? I love it when you hicks imagine I actually CARE what you think and that anything you write angers me. how stupid! I LAUGH at you, that why the "sorosminion" name, it's the only reason I come here. You IDIOTS NEVER CATCH ON! Too funny for words! LOL

mrGaudi ago

If you didn't care, you wouldn't respond. Again, operating under assumption doesn't make you come across as bright, also your intolerance makes you seem like a bit of a danger to those around you. Your name isn't interesting. And your blanket statements to 'you people' suggest you have a bit of a grandiose self opinion. You are self righteous but absent of any wisdom or intellect. You come here to feel better about yourself because you probably have no job and few friends. Just a guess. Again, I pity you.

TSE ago

Hey sorosminion, just make sure you come back here and beg for forgiveness when it starts. In the meantime, try not sticking your head so far up your ass and educate yourself on current developments.

sorosminion ago

Uh huh. So WHEN might this be? Oh.....SOON huh? LOL Poor stupid hick.

TSE ago

Obviously you have zero money, otherwise you wouldn't inject it here in a conversation that has nothing to do with money. Maybe you also have no brain. You certainly have no clue. I am moving on now. I hope you have a good life. Get out more; get a dog, or something.

singlebrain1 ago

Said from his parents basement, surrounded by xboxes. My precious.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Bwaaaahhhaaa Awesome post, this cult that these idiots rely on makes me giggle they actually think that they're helping and what they're doing is of some great importance but when absolutely nothing happens next week or next year or whenever they'll move the goalposts and wait for the so called great and wonderful Mr.Q to tell them what to do...

TurtleHermitZ9k ago

As I've said to other trolls: Q tells us to "watch" and "be vigilant," and to "say something" if we "see something" (and also to vote). Anyone with a brain should be doing those things already and will continue doing so long after the Q movement wraps up. Why do commie trolls always think the Q followers are being told to "do" things? I've never seen one directive to do anything other than watch, enjoy, and vote. We sure are pawns!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Commie troll bweaaahaaa yeah that's it, commie or shill, or how about a sane individual who sees reality and doesn't follow fake alphabet letters. You people got duped and can't take your heads out of your asses long enough to breathe so you act righteous and all we know more than you because we are followers and obey like little cult zombies and we will defend our hero Q because he posts cryptic messages and we believe everything that the internet says bwaaaaaha

amarQ144 ago

Well Bonsuckscocks, glad you are here q'save'n today too!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Always the cry babies just like the libtards, you will scream and rant and rave to prove this Q thing is real. Well little kek when nothing happens next week, just remember that you were fooled and are a liberal Democrat who won't take losing good...

amarQ144 ago

Ha...I will run to my favorite Bonercocksucker007 of what you are here for...yes?

Bonscottrocks007 ago

You must be a dick sucking faggot because you like bonercocksucking...bwaaaaah

amarQ144 ago

I just like the way you do probably the way you swallow

derram ago :

Trump rips into Obama's administration for 'spying' on his campaign

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