MuckeyDuck ago

Looks like this prediction was incorrect.

ScientificRacism ago

What about all those sealed indictments that ended up being about 6ix9ine instead of Hillary? lol...

Bunkson23 ago

So much great info Thank you Gods Angell

divine_human ago

pretty much my thoughts, too... the window is small now, until the end of the year.

thanks for the hint to the house going into holidays on dec.15, that means, there is a window of 10 days after hubers testimony for DECLAS, and then 2 weeks to arrest folks.

as soon as the new house gets sworn in, the witch hunt would amp up. thus, december is THE TIME.

concerning the budget: obummer governed with omnibus bills, DJT had an omnibus bill for this year, i dont think it would be a problem to have another omnibus bill for 2019.

luru ago

awesome, Christmas will come early this year!

feli00 ago

Q is an elite scam. It is characterized by attracting opposition and by giving false and unforeseen expectations on dates that are always postponed and postponed. Now it speaks of January. When January arrives, it will speak of February. We already know it

DarkKnightPatriot ago

Patriots need to also remember that while our beloved Government under Trump (bless his soul) is doing what it needs to do to keep the mission tracking forward, there are evils out there beyond the pale. There are people and organizations that will do anything to distract and prevent any knowledge getting out. Their misdeeds and treasonous behavior are very much on their minds and they are obsessed with covering their asses. Look for mirror statements, projecting, equating, justifying, and downplaying by all Blackhat parties.

The Cabal will do what they can to create world events and push our quasi frenemies into conflict with us- Russia, China, and Europe (EU). Russia and China are in on Trumps plan and are working with us to rid the world of the European based Cabal that has basically run the world for the last 1000 years. This is why I think more hot language and rhetoric is going to continue spewing from Macron and Merkel, as they see the EU crash and burn. Europe is center to all of the Cabal- look how badly the UK and the EU have become Police States! This was our future as well.....The Cabal stink is centered at the EU. The Globalists in Europe will do everything they can to push a distracting conflict that shows how the EU is bullied by the US, that NATO is irrelevant, and more talk about a European Army will continue....

The other thing I have concluded is that there has been a flashpoint and urgency created by Trumps ascendance. Things that were in motion by the Cabal and Globalists etc, were not complete. The entrainment and brainwashing you see in the Snowflake Generation and some of the Generation X, as well as the denial and complete trust you see in the Boomer Generation, only suckered in 30-40% of the population. Too many people are AWAKE. The stupid blanket statements and impulsive actions taken by the Left, the Cabal, and the Globalists (pushing Climate Change continually, pushing Gender/LGBT issues continually, pushing ACLU BS against organized religion, and harping on the evils of masculinity and alpha males, etc...the list goes on) have all been created as part of the plan to CRUSH the Western World and create docile populations too neutered, too gullible and scared, to push back or give resistance. HOWEVER, they did not have enough time to get the populations ready to make this last entrainment EASY. This is why they have had to create 'hate laws' and pulled victim cards continually. Their message is LOST on people that are NORMAL, EMOTIONALLY STABLE, and SECURE. So they have to turn their 'normal' rejection of their stupidity into criminal acts. Hence Social Media and their constant role in behavioral modification. Ridiculous.

bulrush ago

Quick review:

  1. EO about rule change to military tribunals takes effect Jan 1, 2019.

Enforce existing voter laws. Verify every ballot! Implement voter id with a picture and make it required for all states. Get rid of corrupt election officials.

24Trilionbucks ago

Nice work!

1ARights ago

Exactly. Many more than these were stolen.

CMAnon ago

If ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN all went dark permanently, no one would care. If the DECLAS can directly implicate them in aiding and abetting treason, they should lose their FCC licenses, and the people involved pay a heavy fine, long jail terms and perhaps even hang. Fox would continue so as to televise the proceedings but a few of their worse offenders would be taken off the air, too.

fuckmyreddit ago

Leaving myself a note to read this later.

littlestown ago

one point about the break is people won't be able to talk in person because they are likely in their home state so they must communicate other ways. If we are listening it should get interesting at the NSA.

Saufsoldat ago

So will you guys finally drop the LARP when nothing happens again?

azdali ago

that date should be added to the list:

Nov 26 George Papadopoulos reports to jail. Nov 27 Julian Assange hearing Dec 3 James Comey testimony Dec 4 Jeffrey Epstein trial Dec 4 Loretta Lynch testimony Dec 5 John Huber testimony Dec 18 Michael Flynn sentencing Dec 22 DHS report on voter fraud

CokeOrPepe ago

High Quality post!

Gumbynator ago

What if the house is also referring to house of lords and house of commons

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

That’s a good thought....

Ties in with MI6 / UK pressure against Declas...

If we πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ are complicit, it would quite possibly trigger a vote of no confidence, or even a general election....

QisaPAYtriot ago

Wow, man. Things have certainly gone awry since Pam took over. I’m really glad we have yet another timeline. I’ve been waiting for well over a year for the choppers to hit DC. Maybe in the meantime, we will get more pics of the public White House Christmas shindig.

PatriotHacker ago

December 5th is the date in the article that Q linked to, it's when Sessions is testifying.

There's no reason to think that declas or anything else will happen that day. It might of course, but that doesn't seem to be what's being suggested.

MuckeyDuck ago

Great post GA.

FortuneTeller_69 ago

New Q Comms today?

Check out this tweet:

He tracks military aircraft call signs. (Another form of Q’s Comms?)

Today he found these: GITMO302, CASTL09, SOONR14

Tells me- GITMO, 302’s, Castle(WH), Sooner (DECLASS)

GodsAngell ago

Yes, great. Love those Fly Boys tracking everything with us!

corrbrick ago

According to Bill Mitchel, 17 races that looked to be in the bag turned blue in the closing hours through just-in-time found absentee & provisional ballots.

KillerKap ago

Fucking democrat scum are going to get theirs finally. fucking hate those (((democrat))) rats.

MeanoReno ago

Joe Deginova thinks that Comey or L.Lynch will not show up to testify. He thinks they’ll wait it out one or the other until the democrats take over the house in January. If Comey thinks the declaws will happen after he testifies then this will surely give him more reasons not to show up, but if declaws happens before he’ll most likely show up to try and twist and explain how the declas implicates him. Simply put, Comey will have more of a reason to show up if declas happens before testifying and no reason to show up if he thinks it will happen after.

GodsAngell ago

Not sure about Comey. But Lynch: Q already posted that she has been "singing". That means, she cut a plea deal. So she won't want to do anything to jeopardize her plea deal.

corrbrick ago

Yes, I think Comey will skip out if he dislikes his chances. What happens if the DECLAS does happen before his testimony, but it is only a partial DECLAS?

Tallest_Skil ago


Boyakasha ago

Any day now...

JGamble ago

dumbest plan to date. 2 days to round people up and keep the blue team from rioting...head shake no

restorefreedom ago

Good work!

Qanonplus1 ago

Whatever it is we think, it will be the opposite because Trump is not going to broadcast to the DS his plans.

Qanonplus1 ago

Believe it when it happens.

Roughboy ago

I'm just waiting for a group of obvious false flags to take a real look. Deep state is all about distraction and projection.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Nobody is going to give a shit about anything until actual arrests start happening, and then the MSM will be lying their ass off and screaming blue murder. It promises to be a very rough ride from that point.

We may know the story, but the average American has neither the time nor the attention span to follow it - so it will all be about the spin. The whole country is a Disney Land of contradiction.

If the government cannot get the MSM to start singing a differently tune, then civil war may erupt from attempts to follow through on any of this. I hope the military has included that in their contingency planning.

GodsAngell ago

The MSM leaders and their tv anchors all have sealed indictments in their names for aiding and abetting High Treason. They will be gonners. THAT's when the news will get reformed.

Yes, I know about the "bread and circuses" to keep the sheeples dumbed down. But I think things are changing, and there is a ground swell that is reaching a tipping point where more people know what is going on than those who don't. Early Dec release of FISA would be perfect, because it will be talked about at all the parties and social gatherings the month of December through the Holidays. Gotta give Patriots something to talk about, to help educate the masses.

etmb44 ago

We need to be careful with wild speculation especially about the House of Representatives "falling" and new elections called or martial law being imposed. After all, we have a Constitution and any idea that it can be scraped by the President is far fetched. We don't correct abuse by committing abuse. When Q speaks of the House "falling", neither context nor reason support the idea that he is speaking of the House of Representatives. It is more likely referring to the term "house of cards" indicating the structure of corruption. In another reference, Q speaks of the House "failing" and the context of that reference would indicate failing to enact a suitable budget.

GodsAngell ago

Dec 21, 2017 President Trump declared a State of National Emergency in his Executive Order, which allows him to LEGALLY declare Martial Law in time within the next 365 days. That's the law. No abuse.

I believe Trump did the same thing with the Exec Order in Sept re: Foreign interference in our elections. So once the this report comes out in December of all the rampant fraud and how untrustworthy our election was in Nov, that too will be grounds for exercising his legal right to declare Martial Law.

etmb44 ago

Martial law is basically military rule involving suspension of normal law. Article 1 Section 9 of the United States Constitution sets out when habeas corpus can be suspended.

The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

The president derives authority from the constitution and law. He can not assume powers outside of the constitution or existing law by issuing an executive order. Short of an invasion or rebellion, martial law is not allowed.

If I remember correctly, the executive orders you cited delt with child trafficking and election interference. Both are serious issues and while specific actions are outlined, martial law is not one of them.

Pepperlin ago

It really feels good. I can just picture all democratic brains stewing in overtime planning all their investigations, impeachments and raises in their pay.

P8RTZ4Ward ago

Great post. I agree we are on the precipus of a truly historical moment. Both in American history as well as Human history. What a time to be alive. Stay safe Patriots!

Here is a link to a refreshing article that reaffirms what we all know is coming.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

So that would make 4:3 would it not?

KnightsofHubris ago

Also Remember: Jan 1, 2019, is when the March 1, 2018 Exec Order to close loop holes in Military Tribunals goes into effect.

This Jan 1st is a load of hooey. The march executive order has to do with a law championed by McCain and signed by Obama. This law CHANGES NOTHING with regards to civilians being tried by military courts. Something which is illegal in virtually all cases. This "they are are going to GITMO" is a fantasy.

We try dangerous people in federal courts all the time. The militia leader Ahmed Abu Khattala who led the attack in Benghazi was tried in a federal court. Mexican Drug Kingpin El Chapo Guzman is on trial right now in Brooklyn federal court.

corrbrick ago

You are right about federal trials, but drug running is not in the same class as treason.

KnightsofHubris ago

Treason cases are almost never brought because the Consitution defines treason very narrowly. The last person convicted of treason in the US was a Japanese American during WWII and he had a civilian trial in the federal court in the Southern District of California.

joeythew ago

OR by House he means the Soft Coup House of Cards comes down (Brennan. FBI, Clapper, Comey, Lynch, DOJ, UK/AUS, etc.) and it has nothing to do with the house of Representatives.

singlebrain1 ago

Bring down the house is also a theater term. To cause laughter or loud applause. We are watching a movie after all.

AmmaK ago

Maybe, but I have to think that there are sealed indictments for both RINOs (many already retired) and dems in the House, along with some in the Senate. Unless all the black hats are removed - they will continue to do evil!

singlebrain1 ago

Yes, that makes sense. I could not figure out how the FISA would affect the House of Reps.

GodsAngell ago

Black Hats in the House of Reps: Pelosi, Maxine these names ring a bell?

Both as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

singlebrain1 ago

So you think they are names on the FISA?

magavoices ago

<blockquote>Q Just Told Us The Timing of the DeClass of FISA (and other incriminating documents) will be BEFORE....the New Congress is sworn in, on January 3, 2019!!! Q just told us last night the DeClass will happen BEFORE the New Congress, because the DeClass causes the House to fall!</blockquote>

Uhm. The house is good now. Any good thing needed from the house needs to be done now. Why close it down when it is good? That makes literally no sense.

Why would "bring down the house" need to be done prior to January 3? There's nothing about Q's statement that precludes bringing down the house on January 4, or January 5, or February 10, or March 20. Sure, it'll happen before the House can do any damage. Putting it in a specific timeframe makes no sense, however.

Even if Q was telling us that, he might be saying it to freak the deep state out and cause them to make errors.

It's a big mistake to predict Q like this and state it as fact, because if it doesn't happen it'll give concern trolls ammunition to whine that Q isn't real.

GodsAngell ago

See my edit at the bottom of the post, for a correction.

PacaGoat ago

I'm thinking there may not be a Christmas break

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

More like Christmas β€˜presents’..... ?

PacaGoat ago

I like orange wrappers😎

PacaGoat ago

So wait...I'm still working on my coffee...2+2=4 and D5. So the decals on the 4th and the Comey and lynch before congress the next day? Then there is the election investigation report in what...the 22nd? Congress may not get a holiday break! But we will get a huge 🎁?

GodsAngell ago

No. Declass will happen on Dec 5th, I believe in conjunction with Huber's Testimony.

PacaGoat ago

Ok I'm just wondering if 2+2=4 was indicating a date or if it pointed to a logical conclusion aka a truth.

GodsAngell ago

Sorry, I just meant, "Do the Math" (Think Logically).

PtCPt ago

I'd go with everything prior to 1/1/19 as being setup, with action coming after that. Don't get wound up too tight here on this. Besides, I'd think it'd be good to plan the mind-altering stuff after the holidays to maybe minimize FF issues. Just my $0.02 with no real basis. The hurry now is to get issues resolved in the house prior to loss of majority. Look to those things being forefront.

GodsAngell ago

The Deep State has seen the effective date of the Military Tribunal Exec Order. They know what Jan 1, 2019 means. Do you think Trump is going to give them lots of time to do more and more false flag attacks for months and years more? No. The sooner these psychopaths are behind bars the safer the world will be. Trump wants to minimize the loss of innocent life.

GodsAngell ago

Someone asked about the Rigged Elections:

We are going for a COMPLETE OVERHAUL to take Elections out of the hands of corrupt State and Local Officials!!!

You KNOW Dead People Voted.

β€’ Preventive Control: Use a National Voter Registration Database, compare it with IRS records and Life Insurance Companies for deceased voters. Hard code those deceased voters info so that the data can not be used again.

β€’ Preventive/Detective Control: Set up a national website so that family/friends of deceased can verify that deceased person is not registered and did not vote

β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities.

You KNOW Illegal Alien Foreigners Voted.

β€’ Preventive Control: Stop early voting which only allows criminals more time to commit fraud.

β€’ Preventive Control: Pass Voter ID laws nationally, requiring that only U.S. Citizens, who have proven they are U.S. citizens can vote.

β€’ Preventive Control: National Voter Registration Data base must require a social security number for each voter.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by BIG 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities.

You KNOW people voted more than once.

β€’ Preventive Control: Use a National Voter Registration Database, so that voters who move out of state, their old registration becomes automatically deleted. Multiple people using the same social security number will be easily identified researched and fraudulent users removed and arrested.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW absentee ballots were thrown in the trash.

β€’ Preventive Control: Stop early voting which only allows criminals more time to commit fraud.

β€’ Preventive Control: All mail in ballots must be printed with Certified Mail numbers on the envelopes to permit tracking of each ballot, at no extra cost to the voter.

β€’ Detective Control: Set up a national website so that each voter can view not only that they voted, but who and what they voted for and report errors. Voters can look up their own information, this is a strong detective control to identify missing ballots and ballots voting for the wrong persons.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW voting machines/software were RIGGED.

β€’ Use Nationally controlled Voter Machines, that have been proven to be tamper proof, with paper ballots recording the vote, printed for the voter to keep for their records. β€’ β€’ Preventive Control: We need FBI Agents/National Guard or other gov't agents at each poling location to monitor the election process and the back office counting processes.

β€’ β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence. β€’ β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW Voter Intimidation Took Place.

β€’ Preventive Control: We need FBI Agents or other gov't agents at each poling location to monitor the election process and the back office counting processes.

β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence.



ALERT: Foreign Interference of Mid-Terms.Votes are being counted outside of the United a Clinton associate

More Info here:

JaneQDoe ago

Good ideas, but perhaps a bit too restrictive re: early voting. There are a LOT of vets (myself & my brother included) whose PTSD can interfere with dealing with crowds and standing in lines trying to vote. Ending early voting would hurt that demographic that has def EARNED a little leeway. Cheers!

GodsAngell ago

You could do absentee ballot and vote from the comfort of your home.

JaneQDoe ago

Respectfully, those ballots are more more easily altered, just ask Brenda Snipes.

GodsAngell ago

You KNOW absentee ballots were thrown in the trash.

β€’ Preventive Control: Stop early voting which only allows criminals more time to commit fraud.

β€’ Preventive Control: All mail in ballots must be printed with Certified Mail numbers on the envelopes to permit tracking of each ballot, at no extra cost to the voter.

β€’ Detective Control: Set up a national website so that each voter can view not only that they voted, but who and what they voted for and report errors. Voters can look up their own information, this is a strong detective control to identify missing ballots and ballots voting for the wrong persons.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

Jjones ago

They better get it done before January or the shills will be proven right. I seriously doubt the dims will go along with the investigations after they gain control. So it's shit or git off the pot time.

etmb44 ago

Democrats will only have a majority in the House of Representatives. They will not have control of the government.

Qd4Action ago

UR right. That's the point a lot of folks miss around here. It's like impeachment of POTUS, House can vote on articles of impeachment but the Senate has to try the case. A trial does not succeed without a 2/3's vote. Once it fails, game over. Look what happened to Republicans after the failed impeachment of Clinton. And he actually did commit obstruction of justice crime and perjury offenses.

Jjones ago

It seems like they have been in charge for the last 10years. Did anyone hold the irs accountable? Did anyone fix the immigration laws? Has anyone came out with some kind of healthcare system that doesn't rape everyone? Is Hillary in jail? I think the dims have never left power.

acmecoyote ago

You need to add another 30 years on that. They may say (R) but they weren't,aren't and never will be.

GodsAngell ago

We are going for a COMPLETE OVERHAUL to take Elections out of the hands of corrupt State and Local Officials!!!

You KNOW Dead People Voted.

β€’ Preventive Control: Use a National Voter Registration Database, compare it with IRS records and Life Insurance Companies for deceased voters. Hard code those deceased voters info so that the data can not be used again.

β€’ Preventive/Detective Control: Set up a national website so that family/friends of deceased can verify that deceased person is not registered and did not vote

β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities.

You KNOW Illegal Alien Foreigners Voted.

β€’ Preventive Control: Stop early voting which only allows criminals more time to commit fraud.

β€’ Preventive Control: Pass Voter ID laws nationally, requiring that only U.S. Citizens, who have proven they are U.S. citizens can vote.

β€’ Preventive Control: National Voter Registration Data base must require a social security number for each voter.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by BIG 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities.

You KNOW people voted more than once.

β€’ Preventive Control: Use a National Voter Registration Database, so that voters who move out of state, their old registration becomes automatically deleted. Multiple people using the same social security number will be easily identified researched and fraudulent users removed and arrested. β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW absentee ballots were thrown in the trash.

β€’ Preventive Control: Stop early voting which only allows criminals more time to commit fraud.

β€’ Preventive Control: All mail in ballots must be printed with Certified Mail numbers on the envelopes to permit tracking of each ballot, at no extra cost to the voter.

β€’ Detective Control: Set up a national website so that each voter can view not only that they voted, but who and what they voted for and report errors. Voters can look up their own information, this is a strong detective control to identify missing ballots and ballots voting for the wrong persons.

β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW voting machines/software were RIGGED.

β€’ Use Nationally controlled Voter Machines, that have been proven to be tamper proof, with paper ballots recording the vote, printed for the voter to keep for their records. β€’ β€’ Preventive Control: We need FBI Agents/National Guard or other gov't agents at each poling location to monitor the election process and the back office counting processes.
β€’ β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence. β€’ β€’ Detective Control: Fraud Audits by Big 4 CPA Firms Required for All voting precincts in large cities

You KNOW Voter Intimidation Took Place.

β€’ Preventive Control: We need FBI Agents or other gov't agents at each poling location to monitor the election process and the back office counting processes.

β€’ Detective Control: Set up 800 numbers and national websites to report voter intimidation, voter fraud, election fraud, with the ability to submit photo and video evidence.



ALERT: Foreign Interference of Mid-Terms.Votes are being counted outside of the United a Clinton associate

More Info here:

con77 ago

right. I'll believe it when it happens

Buzzsaw ago

Expect lots of FF's for cover.

gadget820 ago

False Flags/Misdirection have started already. Re: The media furor over the use of tear gas at the border (war crimes, emphasis on the use against children etc.)

DawnPendraig ago

And Ukraine antagonizing Russia

Zadim ago

The UK sent in the Royal Marines to the Ukraine to help them against Russian aggression. Anyone have an extra Malaysian airliner laying about or some barrels of Novichok handy? They are getting desperate about the upcoming DeClas and need something big - NOW!

Perhaps the aussies will donate a sacrificial aircraft for added effect.

robmorris ago

DemoRATS are going down. Patriots trust the plan. WWG1WGA

greatheart ago

Q was referring to the budget when he said what happens if the house fails. What happens if the house fails to pass a budget? I do not think Q was talking about what happens if the house comes down

GodsAngell ago

Shit! You are right. My eyes are bad, and I am waiting for my doctor's appointment to get my glasses updated.

However, ALL is not lost:

Folks I think this is a CONFIRMATION that DeClass Happens on Dec 5!!!:

Q Post 2494:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6e0a05 No.3978190 πŸ“ Nov 20 2018 21:42:33 (EST)πŸ“

[D]ec 5


Nothing can stop what is coming.



See the "D" in the Kill Box: [D]? D=DeClass

Q is telling us the DeClass will happen Dec 5th!!!!

Right after that Q has the D5 standing for Avalanche to hit!


Moun1tain ago

Both valid points given Robert's recent non-sense with getting his panties in a bunch over the term "Obama Justices". However, once Comrade Ginsberg is gone...soon I hope...we should be back to 5-4.

GodsAngell ago

Ginsberg resigns January 2019. I believe that has already been announced. She is very ill with cancer, and some broken bone. She is very old. She is gone.

grace8 ago

You seem to think that the declas equals arrests and to be spreading that idea. It may be weeks b4 we see the arrest of house members and even months b4 we see Hillary Clinton and her campaigns staff arrested.

I cant tell you how many times I misinterpreted Q to mean arrests were emminent, posted my interpretation. Then that post lead to ppl new to Q feeling he had posted what I interpreted and being turned off. Now I just sit back and look carefully at what assumptions I am making and what the facts are that Q is saying. Q did not say that arrestswoudlhappenb4 the change of majority in January. He said we should look at the pro's and con's. That means there are advantages to waiting and Q may be saying that waiting is better. I made a post yesterday outlining some of the advantages to waiting. Here's a link:

January may be the month for arrests of house members, not Clinton campaign staff that will happen after all the investigations complete and release reports. But if the goal is a peaceful populace and no riots, which Q said early on was one of their main concerns, then I would think that they would need to wait until the declas is out for awhile. Since the press doesnt cover these stories straight up it takes days for the truth to filter through all of us working social media to get the truth out.

My guess is Jan 3rd or 4th for the house only arrests.

WanderingTaurus ago

Weeks? Maybe months. As much as I want declass to happen, I really am not holding my breath any longer. Have taken a step back from all the Q stuff and have just praying that Trump is truly the patriot we have been needing for so long and that fucking evil will get their comeuppance some day and if not well, I dont want to spend my time sitting around not making the best of the last days on earth.

GodsAngell ago

Someone (a law fag) pointed out a while back that those 65,000 Sealed Indictments are only good for about a year. Can't recall his exact words, but he seemed to indicate they have an expiration date of some kind, of about one year. We know some have gotten unsealed this year. We KNOW McStain's sealed indictment was acted upon, and he was tried and executed.

So once the FISA Declass goes public, there should be no reason NOT to round up all involved, and we are talking about Hildabitch and Hussein. Q specifically references Hussein in:

Q Post 2129:


Looking at the context, Q is referring to the Obummer White House.

Q has always said the Declass of the FISA leads everywhere and brings down all the key players: Hildabitch, Obummer, Comey, Brennan, ......etc. And no doubt many have ratten on Soros by now, so Soros is going down too.....this leads to the UK Rothschilds, Soros' Puppet Master.

BlazingBear1 ago

Could you help me out, how do we β€œknow” that no name had a sealed indictment and it was acted on? Thank you.

Zadim ago

Good question. How can we call it Justice if people are being given the grace and mercy of saying 'passed away' due to cancer or something that anyone of us can die from - that is not justice that is protecting the guilty.

A small child dies of cancer is a poor victim of the disease, a corrupt politician and traitor to our country can not be given the same dignity as the innocent child in passing away.

There must be a public display of justice being carried out.

grace8 ago

Thanks for re-post of Q drop 2129. That came out while I was distracted with some positive but intense life events. It made me question if FISA declass will cause arrests in House of Representatives at all since the House refers to the white house. I need more info on fisa and who all knew in advance. Why is UK/AUS weighing in against the declass of a fisa warrant for Carter page? Just doing there part to support their Globalist brethren or is there some thing specific that will be revealed that hurts them. I'm missing something I think.

Putting that aside, and looking at the possibility you propose of clnton and obama being arrested right away at the point of the declass I really did not see that in the posts, so it's just a theory. It may be true but if you are trump and your big concern is rioting why would you arrest leaders who half the country loves b4 all the evidence comes out of wrong doing from the 3-4 reports that are due in the next few months. If even 5-10% of ppl are dissuaded from rioting by learning about the results of these multiple reports through friends and social media the additional reports, why would you not wait? They cant leave the country. The deep state actors are not going to stop bad acts after the arrests unless all the reports are out and you can get most of them rather than just those implicated by the Fisa declass. I imagine you would say, q said so. But he didnt he said Fisa brings down the house. That could mean that the fisa warrant declass leads to arrests that eventually leads to more arrests that eventually lead to Clinton and then lastly Obama being arrested months later.

All that said, I am wondering why Putin and MBS are moving against the deep State in such inflamatory ways right now. I guess my thinking could be Americentric, but they are making waves now when a few months from now no one would be upset about the death of a CIA spy with a cover as a news paper reporter getting killed in the Embassy. R they jumping b4 the bell cause they know arrests are coming soon.

Trump has been careful and methodical. What you suggest would be premature and rash. Mass arrests of the big names will wait till the reports come out unless there is something major I am missing.

awaymay45 ago

This is a blog post from 2012, from David Wilcock. In it he talks about imminent mass arrests of the cabal, military involvement, mass resignations/retirements that were occurring, EAS style messages to calm the populace when the arrests happen, and he calls it 'the Plan'. Say's it's going to happen any day. 2012.

In the comments you can see people complaining that the arrests weren't happening, and that it was all BS, and they were going back to reality.

David Wilcock profited from the mass arrest fantasy in 2012, and he is profiting from it in 2018.

There aren't going to be any mass arrests.

grace8 ago

Wow, this is an awesome link! Ive read just about a quarter of it and its well worth the read. It sounds like to me the history of the military revolt against the CIA starting in the 1970's. I imagine for you that you see this as proof that there will be no arrests, and that really may be true. It could all be a psy-op to control the opposition to the cabal. But if it is it has instead inflamed us and served to increase our numbers and organization. It also could just be that this is the history of the military trying to build a coalition to take out the cabal. I take as encouragement that we are closer to the goal than they were in 2012 that Trump got elected. If they really want globalism he is definitely not their guy. If they want economic enslavement and wealth redistributed across the globe he's not their guy. If they want a weak American Military -not their guy.
I know that we may be completely getting mind fucked but I see reasons in Q's posts and events of the past year to believe and find believing far more hopeful than how I felt B4 Q.

Total respect to you if you have been awake and aware of this since 2012. I might feel completely different about Q if I had been facing reality that long. Its stressful thinking that all this is going on in the world but not knowing for sure whats real. And so many ppl thinking it's not real adds to that

GodsAngell ago

Try 20+ years.

PacaGoat ago

Correct. You war a camel one bite at a time. The house, goes down the elections redone, and the cabal looses it's ace in the hole. AND....RBG gets replaced and later even Roberts.

GodsAngell ago

No doubt that is still absolutely in the works. It will justify the reason for Trump to advocate a TOTAL OVERHAUL OF OUR ELECTION PROCESSES!!! Then we can put reasonable controls in place to prevent and/or detect fraud. NO MORE RIGGED ELECTIONS!!!

Bonscottrocks007 ago

And when nothing happens??? How do go about your lives when all of this fails? You were brainwashed and installed into a cult without knowledge or reason, just mind controlled to follow and obey. When all of this fails, how many stay aboard this sinking ship? How many actually commit suicide because they can't handle reality anymore. How do you continue to justify the so called plan. Or do you stay the course and wait for more cryptic messages from your fake leader. Only time will tell. I'm not a betting person, but my money is on nothing happens, and then I'm going to come back and lmfao

StarAnon ago

I guess it depends on what you mean by "nothing". Personal question; "Why are you even here?"
Because you're a Q fan. You wouldn't come here if you weren't. You'd be going about your own business. Or: You're 3 yrs. old.

mrGaudi ago

December is the moment if it is to happen, I’d be more worried about your mental state if you realize you’ve been fooled and have been lead by an actual death cult all these years. Whether Q exists or not, the elitists who have been at the steering wheel are corrupt and act with impunity. How does that make you feel? You are nothing to them. Keep following, sheep, and pay your taxes.

GodsAngell ago

Gee, if you really feel like this, why in the world do you keep hanging around this website???

Oh, I forgot, you get paid to make these shill posts.

fuckingawesomePOTUS ago

Yeah but, you never answered his simple question.

FreedBy45 ago

Don't feed the troll. Downvote & move on. Responses only encourage them to keep shilling.

Bonscottrocks007 ago

Fuck They're on to me.... But what happens when nothing happens??? Do you still trust the plan????

Landrictree ago

Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill...

seeallevil ago

Again - why is he hanging around?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

He’s attracted to somebody here, and of course he’s AC/DC...

VQTmom ago

Putting on hold Christmas travel by air until calm after storm. I think though it will be a while before the storm passes, so much corruption to unveil.

GodsAngell ago

Once key bad actors get rounded up and sent to GITMO, it should be safer.

Of course, there could still be mk-ultra agents on the loose that can get triggered. That's they dicey part. But no backing down, we have to do it.

PRAY for an Uneventful Take Down, that all false flags get thwarted. God can do it!!

VQTmom ago

Agree, thanks.

Bunkson23 ago

Thought declas was coming around Comey Lynch Dec3 and 4th and HuberDec5.

GodsAngell ago

MORE: I think we can refine when the DeClass will happen:

I think in Q post 2501 Q is hinting that the Declass will happen after key testimonies. If they declass before these hearings, people will tailor their statements to match what gets declassed. If they don't know what will be declassed, they are more likely to tell the truth, the whole truth. So my guess is the Declass will happen after these key testimonies:

Declass??? Before Jan 3, 2019, but not before Dec 3 -4th when Comey and Lynch testify.

So, Maybe HUBER will DeClass at his Dec 5th Hearing!!!!! That makes sense. Woo-Hoo!!!

Bunkson23 ago

Thankyou I missed that.

TheBRAINz ago

Comey and Lynch testimonies likely unfold in a limited number of ways:

1) They Plead the 5th to avoid further exposure while under oath (indirectly corroborating the documented corruption contained in the Declas docs)

2) They sing like birds and/or throw bigger fish under the bus (bolstering the validity of the Declas docs and further justifying their release)

3) They lie and misdirect, under oath, thereby putting more nails in their proverbial coffins once the Declas occurs and the truth of their role in the crimes is exposed.

In each scenario, it's a win-win-win for the people.

Trust the plan. Q

GodsAngell ago

I agree.

But Loretta Lynch has already been singing like a bird to the Justice Dept, per Q. So that means she cut a deal. Therefore she is most likely going to continue to come clean and not risk her life any further by lying at this point.

Comey? I don't know. He must be the reason the declass will be delayed until after his sworn testimony.

Trizzle1 ago

I would love to see POTUS tweet out, JC called looking for a deal. It is an option.

TexanSteven ago

I expect Dec 5th since that is when Comey goes behind closed doors

Mila7714 ago

Subpoenas state Dec 3rd for JC, Dec 4th for LL and Dec 5th for JH. But I agree DECLAS on the 5th or shortly thereafter.

TexanSteven ago

Thank you for clarification.

johnjacobjingle ago

I think this is just coincidence, but I did just get my jury summons notice for early january....

grace8 ago

For federal or local court. I once got called for federal court and it came like 6-8 months in advance of the date. These ppl will be tried in federal court.

GodsAngell ago

No this is TREASON. This is an attempted Coup d'etat. These Enemy Combatants.

Why do you think Trump closed all the loop holes in Military Tribunal Law with his Ex Order March 1, to remove all wiggle room for getting out of Military Tribunals by US Citizens?

Why do you think Senator Lindsey Graham spent 5 minutes grilling Judge Kavaugh about American Citizens being tried in a Military Tribunal, IF they ATTACK the USA???

grace8 ago

Your right. Brain fart!

Mila7714 ago

Tribunals will be in military court

Moun1tain ago

All of this certainly makes sense in light of the fact that Trump wanted Kavanaugh confirmed before the election and the new congress is seated in January 2019....Rule of Law 5-4 Supreme Court would be quite helpful!

RG72 ago

Ding ding ding...D5 AVALANCHE ALERT! It's on the way. Can't NO ONE stop what's comming!

GodsAngell ago