rockyracoon74 ago

Chris Christie did NOT appoint a Republican to replace a deceased democratic senator. He opted to hold a special election instead. Spartacus was elected in the special election. But this is New Jersey after all.

grace8 ago

Yes, a governor can make the choice to leave the seat vacant. The appointees governors appoint are only until a special election can be held. Elections can take 6 months.

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Ioniancat21 ago

I don't see this happening because they'd probably have a special election to fill those seats unless they have a protocol in place to deal with this. In the interim, they'd have to continue forward minus those people and vote shorthanded in my view. We can't simply stop the wheels from turning....

grace8 ago

I dont think you read the post. I covered special elections in it and said that the house might flip if in the wake of arrests enough special elections flipped from Democrat to Republican. No one is suggesting that just the lack of a quorem would flip the house

Ioniancat21 ago

I understood that. I just thought a quorum would be a last resort, not a first choice that will probably occur. Good stuff though...

grace8 ago

sorry if I miss understood I am getting beat up on another post right now. Hope I was polite. I try to be unless attacked but typing fast.

Ioniancat21 ago

VOAT is a beat-me-up type of place. Many posts get the flame but it's all good. Freedom of speech is there for the speech we hate, so I've mastered the ignore. I'm not angry, carry on the fight!!!

grace8 ago

When you say "this happening" what are you referring to? The law says House members are replaced by special election and the Senate is replaced through the state governor naming a replacement. That is the law.

Ioniancat21 ago

Thank you for that. I wasn't sure of the protocol...

grace8 ago

The law also says a quorem must be present to hold a vote. It be interesting to see what the longest a quorem has been unavailable b4. There is a long history of delaying votes by not allowing a quorem to be reached.

I remember a tv episode of the West Wing where a member of the legislature died and their husband held the seat and voted in her stead until a special election could be held. But I have not seen anything that says this is legal. That show seemed to be making an effort to be pretty accurate so maybe something like that could happen but these ppl are going to be criminals if not traitors so their spouse would not be trusted. It will be interesting to see what happens, but even if an exec order was passed to allow temporary surrogates, or a precedent exists to allow for temporary surrogates that process would take some time and hold up the chamber. And it makes sense that there would be a call to limit what votes were held to necessary votes only since there would be no quorem of elected representatives.

MotoshiBoy ago

There will be no arrests.

KardiffGiant420 ago

Anyone who believes the "House flips because of no quorem". You are ridiculously stupid if you believe this. By all means if you think I'm wrong, reply to me so come Jan 3rd I can make fun of you some more. The Dems have the House. The Dems will keep the House until 2020. Any thinking otherwise or that the elections will be overturned are DELUSIONAL.

I want to hear from all the delusional who believe OP. Who thinks the Dems will not be the majority party in the House come Jan 3rd 2019?

BCKeeper ago

You seem to have a problem with with logical thinking.

KardiffGiant420 ago

You seem to have a "I'm a silly little faggot" problem, fucking fag.

grace8 ago

Nobody said it flips because of no quorem. You did not read. No quorem would nullify the chamber and stop voting on anything. What could flip the chamber is if in the wake of arrests there is still a quorem but the majority now lies with the republicans

KardiffGiant420 ago

LOL ok, that's gonna happen? If you believe that, you're a fucking idiot. Anyone, including this fucking idiot im responding to, believes any of this shit, you are fucking d-u-m-b.

MissleCopterStoped ago

Stop being sexist, doesn't look good on you...

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

There should be no excuses or reasons why it's still better to not make arresta now. Or last year. It's past time. All this has done is allow one side of the conversation to go forward. This has damaged the President. As many have said the damage is so great people won't believe charges anyway. Nor care about assassination attempts, as the MSM won't be fair with news about anything harming Trump. THEY DO NOT CARE! Our only hope is the plan. Holding off arrests is just helping Democrat and Republican deep state.

anamazonslittle ago

This all hinges on arrests that have been a long time coming. It's justice porn.

White_pride_cis ago

W Predicted this! Just kidding, nothing will fucking happen, and you faggots will come up with another excuse. Brenda Snipes stepped down, which is a victory... how?

MissleCopterStoped ago

Why do you got to be racist about Brenda Snipes? Being black has nothing to do with anything, yet you have to play the racist card anyways.

White_pride_cis ago

What are you talking about? I never mentioned that she is nigger, which is true.

MissleCopterStoped ago

That doesn't excuse you banging her.

PacaGoat ago

I think it's on Dec. 22Nd when the election fraud investigators issue their report before congress. This could be what opens the door to taking this election to SCOTUS or congress nullifying many of the elections. Those whose elections are nullified will not be seated.

Quai24 ago

If this is the case it would explain why Trump has been hammering on Roberts lately. With RBG not out until January he would need to take steps to make sure the court takes his side until another solid MAGA judge can be seated.

PacaGoat ago

Question came to my mind. Could there be a reason why RBG is waiting till Jan. To resign?

TheGreatAnonening ago

And what happens when these arrests don't happen? Is there an angle for that?

Because no democrats are getting arrested. You're missing the real target here...

Quantum-Blonde ago

I think it all plays out well and finally California will be proven to be not blue ! I painfully voted for Pelosi and Feinstein, fantasizing I was pushing the button to drop the boards below their feets at the gallows. I also thought about when I was young and first voted for them because we needed more woman . I woke up of course. I want them both dragged out of the house and senate floors , I want to make Christmas Cards with these images . Hate is not a strong enough word , they are pure evil .

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Hang in there, Patriot. Q said to watch CA so we're still watching. Hopefully you'll be vindicated and after you, the rest of us. I am also in a red state controlled by one or two blue counties. No voice hete either. Hoping CA will set the dominoes falling.

Peanuttles ago

We're actually leaving Cali soon because we have no voice here. I know there is massive voter fraud in our state. We live in the valley, and our county and the surrounding ones are red. But we really have no voice at all with out water being controlled by some group of leftists up in San Francisco. They've decimated our farming here. I don't think we've had a fair election here for years. Where I live, 25% of the population is here illegally.

Quantum-Blonde ago

Don't leave now, California is going Red . We will get our water back , POTUS said he would fix it .You are right there are triple the illegals that they say. the Voter ID coming will fix that. There are more of us than you think. My Mexican American Neighbors are all red pilled and calling Ice on the illegals , they are happy with Trump .

GodsAngell ago

Yeah, for Trump!!!!

This does an end run around CA's corrupt 9th Circuit Court, and it puts a fire under Congress to Act.

Time to call your GOP Congress and GOP Senate NOW and get this done.

And while you are at it, demand election reform laws be passed before year end, to take elections out of the hands of the corrupt state gov'ts for FEDERAL POSTS at a minimum, but also for State Posts as well......its the only way to unrig the elections so the Demoncrap State Strangle hold on so many states can be undone. Without this reform every time the elections are rigged to get Demoncraps in power running a state, they will never be over turned we end up with de facto Communist Dictatorships running the state forever after. How do you think the communists remain in power in Cuba and Venezuela??? Rigged Elections. No point in voting. Its a dictatorship. People in Venezuela, a once wealthy and prosperous nation, now starve as there is not food, no power, no medications, no doctors, no healthcare.....all the things promised to be FREE. The people are suffering but due to rigged elections they can never remove their de facto Communist Dictators from power! That's the game plan for every state in the USA!


Congress is scheduled to go on Christmas Vacation by Dec 15th! That's not much time.

Push these measures through, or say good bye to The Republic!

swimkin ago

As we left NY but now live in NC. Don't forget that voter fraud is rampant in MOST if not sll the states right now. It's just that NY and CA and other states with Democrat majorities are the hardest to beat.

1960Proud ago

There are all kinds of NY folks here in NC, many who are retired government folks. They came here to escape the very things they continue to support. NC is turning blue faster than a toilet full of tidy bowl.

swimkin ago

Yes but there are also many conservatives from upstate down here voting red too. I know of many of them

shadowbanthisFux0r ago

My sister lived on outskirts of Fresno for a few years, it was like visiting another country.

FreedBy45 ago

Please consider coming to Texas. We need more conservatives to offset the CA libs who fled their taxes yet continue voting blue here. If TX is lost, so is the nation. We're battling as best we can but need reinforcements.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Great, they ruined their own state, didn't learn and now want to ruin Texas the same way. Think Soros paid them to move there?

NelleBeane ago

Sounds just like the migrants escaping the results of the same socialist policies they'll demand if we let them in.

TypicalVoaters ago

sounds like stockton

Lynnwiod ago

Why did you "have to" vote for them at all?

Quantum-Blonde ago

I explained it was symbolic, and I wan't them publicly arrested, but you don't live here you would not understand .

White_pride_cis ago

California only allows voting for the most popular. They had no other choice. Didn’t Q predict this? Or did your few years of schooling fail you? I learned this in Iowa for Q’s sake

Anonymouse_cheese ago

How can they do that? That has got to be unconstitutional.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

California has a runnoff system like non partisan races.

White_pride_cis ago

They pick the most popular candidates and the rest aren’t on the ballots. Their gun laws are unconstitutional, so why would anyone say anything about their voting which effects even less people

Anonymouse_cheese ago

That's true.

Peanuttles ago

There's a lot of propaganda in academia here. In some places more than what you see in other states. It's not unusual for the younger people to vote liberal until they get out of school and get a job. Seeing the taxes the state takes out here is a real eye opener. I think we're number one in the country for taxes now. We bypassed New York last year.

Lynnwiod ago

But when you voted, why did YOU "have to" vote for Pelosi or Feinstein? You could just NOT vote for them, you could not vote at all, or you could vote Red, or Independent. Who held a gun to your head and forced you to vote for those criminals?

HELP ME UNDERSTAND, because I don't get it.

Lynnwiod ago

Thanks for the article. It's been a few days but I finally read it. Explains a lot. That Really Sucks. What was Arnold thinking? Doesn't seem like it's working to me if 2 liberals run against each other (or conservatives for that matter) That said -- I voted straight ticket Democrat my whole life, I'm 61. I started to question the Democrats when they got so politically corrrect it got to be stupid, literal nonsense. Example after example, it drove me nuts. The final straw was when Obama sued Texas for enforcing federal border/immigration laws. It was obvious to me even then, as a Democrat that a sovereign country can't let people stream in--for decades, circumventing existing immigration processes. I was done. I had decided to stop voting. I had a custom stamp made and started using it on every ballot line:

I got a lot of satisfaction using that. Then, a miracle happened. Trump walked down that escalator. I can't say I was immediately sold, but I went from being a Democrat to a Nationalist very quickly. America First? Hell Yes. That's a platform I can get behind. So I guess you could say I am early #WalkAway-er.

I still think the OP could have not voted, you don't have to stamp it "No Confidence" like I did, but unless there was a gun to my head I would ot vote Democrat again unless there was a gun to my head. I don't know who was on the CA ballots at midterms, but I can't imagine the people against Pelosi and Feinstein were worse choices. How is that possible? LOL, WOW!! It must have been terrible!!

I lived in Cali when I was a teen, it was beautiful. Mid 70's. Sex, Love and Rock 'N Roll. Venice Beach. Santa Monica Boardwalk, it was incredible. Now, some areas are a literal sewer. I don't understand how that happened, but over time I have come to see it is broad liberal policies.

I can't really say I am a Republican, but I vote for whoever I think has the best chance of defeating the Democrats. This is of course a simplified version, because as we both know, The Globalists are the real enemy. Right now the Globalists are mostly working through the Democrats.

Sorry I got carried away, I wanted to say thanks for the article...

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Yvw! I wondered about that too so I did a little searching and it helped me so...I like the stamp idea lol! I wasn't on board with Trump right away because of the egoism being displayed. I understand it now but at first, I was like, "What? How is anyone going to get behind him with that sort of brashness?" It wasn't long before I was onto Q and aboard the train though! Like you I vote for who I can agree with and who has sound plans for getting us there. Needless to say, I didn't vote much. There were no plans out there worth getting behind. They were all the same old Soros rhetoric for globalism and the NWO. 🤢 So I was floating around flat earth land and checking that out when I ran across Q. I was hooked. Finally someone was standing up for America and it wasn't just a slogan to get elected that Trump was using. Something was actually being done! Finally a leader who spit in the face of political correctness and said what was really going on. So you see, I found your "rant" interesting.

Lynnwiod ago

Thank you! -- Q has been on fire! I think we are almost at the finish line, with Trump retweeting that meme of the bad actors behind bars, and today a simple TREASON !!!

WWG1WGA! - Glad to communicate with a fellow AWAKE Patiot!!!

Anonymouse_cheese ago

I think we have a way to go yet but things are definitely rolling. I'm sure Trump and Q team would like things to be able to go more quickly too but I very much appreciate their patience, diligence, and self-discipline to get the job done right. Any other way and we fall back into what we had before. So hang in there fellow Patriot! Glad to have you here to communicate with as well! WWG1WGA!

Spud4ever ago

Think next month (very few sitting Reps from what I see, mostly Republicans - all D's expect to be caught in voter fraud investigations)!

KardiffGiant420 ago

"From what I see"

What...exactly...are you seeing, sport? Who's your sure bet that got voted in that you know is going down?

grace8 ago

So the question is will all the arrests in the house be from the democratic party? It could be since the declas is what causes the arrests?

grace8 ago

A quorum requires that there must be 51 senators present in order for the Senate to do business, while the House requires that the majority of the membership - or 218 representatives - are present. The number required for the House of Representatives may vary if there are absences.

There are 435 members in the house. Roughly half are Republican. So 217 members would have to be not present whether by arrests or by republicans making sure they are unavailable for votes they do not want to see pass.

Another way this could go is that they do have quorem but no longer have the majority to pass any votes.

KardiffGiant420 ago

"Another way this could go is that they do have quorem but no longer have the majority to pass any votes."

What the fuck does this even mean? Do you even know how the House works? How could there be a quorum but not enough Dems for a vote?

And GOP has closer to 200 seats.

grace8 ago

If there is a quorem there are enough members for a vote but the dems may not be the majority anymore. Also the dems left will no longer have to stay loyal to the party no matter what if the leadership that demanded that is gone. They could instead vote with what the ppl they represent want. If those ppl are seeing investigation after investigation showing corruption and treason, the ppl will no longer have blind allegiance to party but start to think for themselves. This will bring them into the middle. Especially if some of these newscasters are proven to be traitors through these investigations.

We could actually have a moderate government from both sides that just make good common sense decisions rather than twisting the truth into a pretzel to prevent common sense from prevailing.

Lynnwiod ago

Thank you. Excellent read!

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Is it all states or just some states that requires, like with no name, that the governor appt. someone from the same party as the out going senator?

rockyracoon74 ago

I believe it is up to the governor of each state to decide who to appoint or, as was the case in New Jersey, hold a special election. Originally, all senators were appointed by the state governors.

KardiffGiant420 ago

This has nothing to do with the Senate dumbass. JFC you learn this in elementary school. Or should have. How are you this ignorant?

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Your ignorance is showing, you might want to cover that up.

KardiffGiant420 ago

No it doesn't. You need to learn 2 read mate. You look dumb.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

That's why you have down votes? Because I look stupid? Think again.

KardiffGiant420 ago

LOL what a fucking loser you are.

LOL what a fucking joke you are. I'm cracking up. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"MUH UPVOTES!!!! MUH UPVOTES!!" - Fucking loser.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Wow. You are truly sick individual.

KardiffGiant420 ago


Listen up, you little baby butt fucker. You got to have fun at your DemonCrat Satanic Pizza Party Pedo Sex Orgies underneath the Comet Pizza shop and have a slice of pineal gland za with the Obamas, now turn yourself in.

FreedBy45 ago

Federal positions so feds mandate how Senators are replaced; same for all states.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ty! Popcorn? I brought a bunch.

FreedBy45 ago

Apparently I was misinformed, sorry. The Constitution gives the State Legislatures the right to allow the governor to appoint. But it doesn't have to be from same party in all states. I believe this to be a reliable source...sorry for misinfo:

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ok, ty! I thought it wasn't in every state based on what I thought I remembered hearing during no name's replacement but I wasn't sure if I remembered that correctly or not. Ty for the link. That was really nice of you.

grace8 ago

It's all of the Senate.

Anonymouse_cheese ago

Ty, popcorn?

SkiMaskTrumpGod ago

Popcorn ready 🍿🍿🍿 Enjoy the show!