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Morbo ago

The Qtards know the answer. They were created by blue beams of light that look absolutely nothing like lasers, but hey why let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory?

nullifyNWO ago

Hello Morbo, its me again, the rude guy with the pissing reply.

Wow, what did we kick off here, quite interesting to me. (I am probably the age of all of that tree's commenters childrens' ages added.)

  1. Why was i rude to you? Because your comment hasnt any (Q topic-) content in it but discrediting language we know from the MSM - 'Conspiracy theory', 'blue beam' (in case you are not informed about project blue beam, you may find info from William Cooper).

  2. Why did i reply to your comment at all? Because i wanted to test if you are a shill. If you are, then a pretty good one, but i think rather not. This thread itself could be a shill's post - but i rather think it is not.

  3. I am stunned how you youngsters put yourself into drawers like Boomers or GenX. That is all BS. I know guys and girls of all age brackets who are so awoke & informed and dont fit 'their' tag attributed by the MSM. DONT DO IT, REFUSE IT.

Matthew 5:14 says it perfectly: 'You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all that are in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.'

  1. Back to the Cali wildfires. I aggree with Trump in that self declaring enviromnmentalists are the greatest danger to the environment. They HATE foresters. Their ideology sees humans as parasites on planet earth and they dream of as many forests untreated by humans as possible.

Furthermore, i would imagine that DJT as well as maybe the author of this thread KNOW about the DEW but they re not mentioned for a reason - the public not being ready for that.

God bless you all. nullifyNWO!

DawnPendraig ago

Thank you for bringing wisdom and maturity to this thread. I agree POTUS knows and public would latch onto Mockingbird Media lies if he brought it up now.

I did notice someone blaming PG&E though for mismanagement causing it.... Again. On a major network.

When Texas was punished in 2011 we also had "management of power lines" by the local co-op electric company which seemed odd to me the way it burned and so fast. And the weather and wind issued were odd that year as well. We nearly lost everything and had to evacuate. Others did lose all and many their lives.

I pray for all the innocents caught in this human and animal alike.

Morbo ago

Yeah there was quite a reaction to this little exchange. I was only here to stop the DEW misinfo since most people who claim their existence know absolutely nothing about lasers or particle beams. I have a lot of knowledge on lasers (was going to be my major but chose EET instead and ended up a programmer) so I'm aware of the many limitations we still have in making practical weapons out of them. It's not even really a matter of needing more time and research being the reasons for it. The reality of it is they just don't scale due to the physics involved. The "power problem" is a huge hurdle in that you end up putting huge amounts of energy into a high powered laser system only to yield a much lower amount of laser energy output. Physics can be frustrating like that so I like to stamp out misinfo on the subject when I see it. There was a lot of DEW talk on Voat today so it sent me into a frenzy of correcting the falsehoods and outright impossibilities. I expected the downvotes so whatever on that. It was funny how people reacted though. I guess some people just don't want to live in a world where black governments can't use "death rays" to murder innocent people at their fancy. I for one am glad that we don't, but sadly they have other more realistic methods that work very well. What to do...

nullifyNWO ago

Hello Morbo, i have a film tip for you: James Bond 'Diamonds are forever'- Hillarious, and the story revolves around a laser space weapon.

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Diamonds_Are_Forever_(film)

Ian Fleming, author of the play, was high level SIS by profession. His boss allowed him to take off 3 month of the year to write the James Bond books.

https://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/Ian_Fleming

These original James Bond stories are said to mirror the real world just to the extent to not publish classified information. There is even a book by a Navy guy 'James Bond is real' where the guys explains that congruence in detail.

Diamonds are forever - a film i have watched 3 times and will probably watch another 3 times. Have fun!

Morbo ago

The 1980s Val Kilmer movie "Real Genius" was actually much more factual on lasers than any other movie I have seen. I'm not so much talking about the use of the laser as a weapon, which was the premise of the movie, but instead the terminology, math on the boards and a number of laser setups shown in the movie. They also talk about the "power problem" and how it is something that is difficult to overcome. As for James Bond movies, Ian Fleming made up a lot of fanciful things that simply aren't real. I think DaF fits that. I don't take movies as proof of existence of fantastic weapons that have real world physics brick walls holding them back. If movies are to be believed, then why not shoot for the Death Star laser as proof?

nullifyNWO ago

(Known) lasers seem to have a power supply problem, there was this guy who brought the concept of mirroring a color segment of the target with the laser and improving efficiency 3-fold or something.

The thing u need to know comes, sorry, from the book again. Ephesians 6:12

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Would they reveal the latest DEW technology in schools?