Rabbit_Runs_Deep ago

Burn Those Mutherfuckers To The Ground!!!!

CelticCoyote ago

Damn Straight! WWG1WGA

jaybee333 ago

CC. Thanks for sharing. It increases my hope and trust in the plan. I am a newbie from Ireland. This affects us all. If America goes down we all go down. WWG1WGA works both ways. It is important for ALL Patriots to stay together and assist the Q team. God bless all

CelticCoyote ago

Welcome Ireland. WWG1WGA and we will WIN!

jaybee333 ago

Celtic. God bless. Ireland is famous for Patriots. WWG1WGA

Tallest_Skil ago

So... nothing is released. Thanks for posting yet another lie in your titles.

WWG1WGA_Everyone ago

Looking forward to that! I care!

Conspirologist ago

Only kikes write this kind of demented and hypertrophied titles. The OP is a demented kike.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Who is bringing the popcorn goats? The REE'ing is going to be good.

albatrosv15 ago

Atom bomb! Horror!

OP is a faggot.

bulrush ago

If this is just one big BOOM right before the elections, will there be more, bigger BOOMs closer to the elections?

Dobs60 ago

New text being released this week. How will the left spin if texts show assasination plan-"oh they were just preparing for worse case scenario, just in case. You know like we were concerned about the leaking and wanted to get to the bottom of it. Right?"

TNLunatick ago

I like this post and I want to see it all happen, but I also feel like there’s something lacking in merely releasing memos and unredacted FISA warrants. It lacks showmanship. If this is a movie, surely the climax is not a big pile of paperwork. The American voter needs some Booms. They’re a fickle crowd and they’re going to need a rollercoaster ride. I’m waiting for Qteam to work some magic.

Ioniancat21 ago

I like Nunes, let's hope they declassify quickly and release the information quickly. November will not be the blue wave the media expects...

mattsixteen24 ago

haha, How many times do people say, "It's happening" and nothing is really happening? Why do you always fall for it? Aren't you sick of this garbage? It's like watching local news. It's awful. Just tell me this, what have you learned from all this Q crap?

Fergielady ago

Rep Nunes has proven himself to be a powerhouse for the truth. I am so grateful he is pushing the envelope on getting the truth to the public.


Drops an atom bomb


Those 2 things should never be put in the same sentence.

FistOfBlurry ago

Remember months ago when the Nunes Memo was going to Nuke the investigation? hahaha remember #releasethememo? all the hype? You guys never learn, so dumb

FistOfBlurry ago

The Dems have wanted those interviews made public for months, bozo. It's hilarious how worked up you get over this non-news.

And I thought the investigation was 'really' about getting Hillary? So now you want the whole thing nuked? You are the most confused, muddled and irrational creatues I've ever seen

OpposableGums ago

Hillary may not go down in Texas history, but she will go down.

MaunaLoona ago

Q predicted this.

new4now ago

I'm a registered voter, have ID, and am ready for November

Cleanhobo ago

Well, Its not the FISA but its something... Pretty much could be the end of russiagate

fatnibs ago

What tesla documents? Got sauce?

trypanon ago

Won't be declassified while Dan Coats is the Director of National Intelligence

common_sense ago

I'll believe it when I see it. I've seen #ITSHAPPENING like a hundred times since the election and every time it's literally nothing.

basedmangod2015 ago

yawn, nunes fails to deliver again. news at 11

preacherman777 ago

They have sizzled this steak dinner into oblivion! I'm ready for something real. The only time I'm counting on is a damaging release in October for maximal Democrat damage for midterms. Then I'm HOPING for something in November having to do with Jeff Sessions changing Operation Slow-walk into Operation Gitmo.

LakotaPride ago

we already know the answer, DNC and Rinos and UK were the Russians.

WokeazfuQ ago

Advice from a newfag, Fools Rush In. Quit your bellyaching and please don't downvote me.

Puitruq ago

Yeah, the ‘LEEEEE-ROOOOOY JEN-KINNNS’ approach wouldn’t work well in this instance... Patience. Trust the plan and stuff...

pat1776deplorable ago

D4 in motion. You gotta love that!

QOnTheWall ago

Read thru all JFK docs? I'm impressed, patriot! I got 2 hours into it and no more...

Blacksmith21 ago

From your mouth to God's ears. It's time. NOW!

Eddy_Kemp ago

But muh confidential sources and methods!!

klobos ago

Now, or now? Is everything that is happening, happening now, or then? It is happening now. What happened to then? We past then? When? Just now. Well go back to then? When? Now. Can't we just missed it. Or something like that.

Spaceballs was awesome, fuck you all that will say a jew made it.

cholofrost2 ago

Deposition transcripts are not FISA applications. People ought not say "everything" unless they mean it.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I don’t think the American public it going to enjoy what it sees either.

TonyVilla89 ago

Nice try. I'll wait for Colbert to tell me if there's anything worth knowing in those releases.


MarielleBlackwood ago

They’re sociopaths. They don’t care.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

Sociopaths really really care about themselves, so, I'm positive they are a bit worried.

wooqy ago

DECLAS already! Drumrolls, drumrolls...yawn.

Blacksmith21 ago

DECLAS. This shit is ridiculous.

NoBS ago

Redacted is another name for Kangaroo Court.

Vornash ago

Thank god we need something soon.


"WILL?" sigh...

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm beginning to smell a Debbie Downer in @BONFIRE_OF_VANITIES.

Ever have this happen to you?



Naw I'm good to go. Just Ready


I DIDN'T CLICK...what was it porn or some shit?

Blacksmith21 ago

From a movie.


lmao! damn i must have forgotten about that one. Thanks for the chuckle. Dude was workin' there lol

CelticCoyote ago

I think the dems are scared to death of what is going to come out. The redacted part was bad enough for them, the unredacted parts will name names ...

Jappletime ago

They are very scared. I'll tell you who else is scared the guys over at Quilt_Headquarters. They are crawling all over me tonight. Screaming about Reddit and Voat.

Blacksmith21 ago

They are more than scared. IF you run back through Q's posts regarding benchmarks for treason, the bar was set lowest today.

2180 in the "new testament", "Define 'Traitor'.

  1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
  2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country. Synonym = Renegade What was the USSS codename for HUSSEIN? [RENEGADE] Q"

It isn't going to be hard to convince me that paper pushers are traitors in some regards. I've seen the Swamp from deep inside. I don't want want to see a counterpurge. I want to see re-education at some level. We can't execute 20% of this country.

Healing will be needed.

Lugols_iodine_cure ago

I support death penalty for anyone involved with children

1stNomad ago

I support the apprehension of the pedophiles. What you are suggesting is too good. Put them in chains. Place them on the Mall of D.C. exposed to the elements. Let every citizen stand in line to spit on them. Then, after 7 days of no food or water we allow by lottery individuals who have been harmed by Pedo’s to kill them in a manner of their choosing. A message for all the remaining evil child hunters....we’re coming for you.

PrivatePyle ago

I think you got redacted and unredacted reverser.

NoBS ago

The Democrats own the Censors. They are laughing their asses off.

the_art_collector ago

Goddamn is this being slow walked as much as possible. We're pretty much counting on October truly being "the month" or else the midterms are too much at risk.

Dktrogers6250 ago

Slow walked = slow Pain, panicked communications ( evidence) and time to snitch to save their skin...

I kinda like it!

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'Why cant you handle voat /v/theawakening?' was posted in v/whatever and includes this reply from @NoisyCricket:

It's been happening. It's been a steady stream of released information. The better question is why haven't you been hearing about? That's the point of Q.

The FISA application details will soon be released which will literally name traitors within our federal government. Thereby legally establishing an attempted coup against Trump.


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RufusTFlywheel ago

Look at Oct 2016. Ultimate slow walk w/ Comey drop just before. This is interdasting

the_art_collector ago

Good point.

VapidGopher ago

That's the only way to do it. People's memory spans are too short now days. If they released it in August, people would have forgotten by September, much less voting time in November. Trump knows he's holding the winning hand and he wants to time it just right.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'8 new Q drops today!' was posted in v/GreatAwakening by @ordinarymike and includes this reply from @tangerinepeach:


NoisyCricket put it well:

"They need to secure November. They need a slow walk to ensure it's not buried in media coverage. They need to slow walk to ensure people can absorb at least some of it so that it's not shocking when the arrests begin. Because otherwise the Deep State will start screaming, "tyrant!", and encourage a civil war. Which, honestly, I still expect since they've already been trying to play that card.

You can't start massive arrests without the public understanding why. Otherwise it looks like a coup by a dictator. We don't want that confusion since Trump really is putting down a coup."

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wooqy ago

No, there's no reason to hold back to secure November. If anything the mainstraim need to be flooded to the point to make it impossible to ignore the real issues. Slow walking is what gets things buried. 20 hitpieces 1 half of a news twisted into nothing. They were allowed to scream nonsense for long enough. Looking at Crazy Maxine. The swamp is not holding back of any of their bullshit noise, neither should the President. There are good representatives in the Capitol already, their bases are rock solid they won't hesitate to take stand. When real issues are on, the swamp creatures look immediately stupid.

NoisyCricket ago

Finally, someone else gets it!

They need to secure November. They need a slow walk to ensure it's not buried in media coverage. They need to slow walk to ensure people can absorb at least some of it so that it's not shocking when the arrests begin. Because otherwise the Deep State will start screaming, "tyrant!", and encourage a civil war. Which, honestly, I still expect since they've already been trying to play that card.

You can't start massive arrests without the public understanding why. Otherwise it looks like a coup by a dictator. We don't want that confusion since Trump really is putting down a coup.

Azurulia ago

Exactly. This is a strategic slow play. However It feels like so few people get that. People want perp walks and they want perp walks now.

However if that happens, all kinds of things will go bad. From chaos being exploited and stoked by globalists and the MSM, to people getting tired of the news of things and the impact of it fading away and being less of an impact on midterms due to complacency.

And like NoisyCricket said, "They need to slow walk to ensure people can absorb at least some of it so that it's not shocking when the arrests begin." THis is very True. For example, 4 months ago, bringing up the "deep state" would have had you dismissed and a conspiracy theorist and laughed up. Today, it's an everyday talking point. People have warmed up to the idea of a deep state. The next step to slowly reveal to people what they are doing and have done. Then we'll see a string of arrests. Then worse/bigger crimes will be exposed. Then another string of arrests. Rinse repeat until it's all out there and the big name actors are sitting pretty in Gitmo or hanged.

We won't see any big name arrests until after January first. You can count on that one. Because that is when the classifications/modifications to the military tribunal rules go into effect. January-February is when the Obama White House starts to come down. We might get Hilary in time for Christmas though. (Which would be fucking hilarious btw.) Becaouse as much as we know everything she has done, she isn't the Normie big fish. That's Obama and his admin, so they will likely go down last. After which, I'm willing to bet 9/11 truth will come out as the final domino that topples over, freeing/waking up the USA and bringing the fight to the rest of the world.

We are quick to forget that we are light years ahead of our normie friends and neighbors when it comes to global threats and world events.

spaceace66 ago

I believe Wikileaks has threatened to expose Hillary by October 21 if she has not been indicted yet.

HelloDolly ago

This is an excellent explanation and should probably be its own post somehow. It really does have to go down this way. Military Intelligence has undoubtedly studied how this type of information is processed by society at large, cognitive dissonance, etc. They are working within a framework of breaking down mental resistance to certain information. Sometimes it worries me that we are being played in the same way to some extent. Like was the shut down of the Reddit site really just predicted? Or was it planned because there will be a certain known reaction making the subscribers there more vocal, and dispersed among other platforms?

Azurulia ago

I could do that. I'll clean it up a bit and post it as an explanation of why no perp walks yet.

NoisyCricket ago

You've got it nailed. I don't know the exact timeline. Like you I'm assuming the big arrests will start in the first quarter of next year. Which is, as you rightly point out, when military consultations begin (January 1st).

WWG1WGA_Everyone ago

They also need to consider all the people doing early voting in October. This all needs to be exposed before early and absentee voting commences mid-October, if they want to sway or solidify voters to Republican candidates.

letortfort ago

Yes. Glad someone else is thinking this with regard to the timing.

POTwrmUSQ ago

Early voting straight red next week here!!!

El_Cancero ago

Good to see someone gets it.

If enough of the populace doesn’t understand the cause of the arrests of a huge number of democrats and high level government officials then it will look like a takeover. And that is what the media will be screaming anyway.

Look at the news “trump in major trouble over Russia probe, looks like it’s the end for him” stuff.

To some It will look like a stalinistic purge of opposition and you can bet your left one that there will be an upheaval like you have never seen before. People won’t believe that a whole suburb was shutdown while the evidence was blown up and slaves removed by the police. It is the kind of thing you don’t want to believe.

If you and I can see this, the guys in charge of releasing it must know and have factored it in.

But it will be a bumpy ride for you Sepos.

301854 ago

The corrupt media needs to be the first hit with arrests. Hit them hard so they know better than to continue their manure

El_Cancero ago

That is what the new executive order was about

DawnPendraig ago

It's like that game where you try to cover your friend's hand and they cover yours over and over. They gotta slow roll this to keep it in our public gnat sized memory and always have something to reassert the story when Mockingbirds & Shadow govt contrive a distraction.

We see how they play. They had 2 months sitting on that allegation against Judge Kavenaugh and they whip it out weekend before vote.

Also because it's not on stable foundation. She scrubbed her social media first, has connections to Stanford as does big Pharma husband. MK Ultra territory.

Azurulia ago

Also this slow walk is utterly destroying the mockingbird media's credibility. People are aware of their bullshit and are paying attention, so they keep calling it out when they see it, rather then not giving it much of a second thought.

This is also getting people to think as well as wake up. Which is exactly what Q does with all of all. Throws out clues leading to/implying something and tells us to figure out the rest ourselves.

This movement isn't just about waking us all up, it's about retraining us to think for ourselves so that this doesn't happen again.

ideologicidal ago

Sounds like a BOOM to me. Plus it puts the ball in DNI Coats' court.

respect for Nunes intensifies


So many cockteases this month, my balls haven't been this blue since bible camp dance night.

mightymaximo ago

Your bible camp had a dance night?!

Mytempacct20171001 ago

We're there no busty redheads there?


Oh my Lord, one of the camp counselors was this porcelain skinned ginger goddess that danced with an 11 year old me. Haven't been able to shake that fetish since.

Mytempacct20171001 ago

That's wrong

Promnite-toilet-baby ago

Not catholic then

RufusTFlywheel ago

Bwahaha. Good post. I understand

Elbower_of_Quants ago

If you had dance night at your bible camp you were progressive. Blue balls get off the charts when the Pentecostals banned dance night at church camp on steamy Ohio summer nights and sent all the kids to their tents/cabins early for improved connection to Jesus after the never-ending fucking prayer lines for cancer/upset stomach victims.

You've never, ever seen a set of balls bluer, boyo. Ever.

Blacksmith21 ago

I got laid at sailing camp. Repeatedly. Like Dirk Diggler.

KaputtmacherNL ago

White Squall

ThesePeopleAreStupid ago

Getting molested by your counsellors doesn't count though.

ProgNaziGator ago

Awesome! This comment and responses deserve their own thread.

Piss leeward

Hoisted the main sail did ye

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Way to work the dinghy!

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL..If one can't get laid on a boat - a sailboat - then it's hopeless.

The_Prophets_Profit ago

Well she can't say no on a boat.

TriggeredNigger ago

Suck it or swim.

FKM ago

hope it was co-ed

Blacksmith21 ago

Co-ed like a mo-fo. Stinky pinky +++

lord_nougat ago

That's nice jib you got there, sailor!

Imovedfromredditgize ago

(dangling jib intensifies)

Blacksmith21 ago

Hard-a-lee, coming about!

lord_nougat ago


MarielleBlackwood ago

Fun fact. The female equivalent is called blue bean.

POTwrmUSQ ago

How about blue waffle?

Optional-Reading ago

Blue walls. I heard

expletivdeleted ago

Sounds waffle.

Mghorning ago

That's the first time I've heard that term.

I'm looking it up!

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Don’t use snopes! :)

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I checked, just to be sure... Snopes says this is "False: As some women have balls and some men have beans. In fact, the very mention of blue balls and blue beans is inherently sexist as it assumes gender."

2 scoops...

ShaneE11183386 ago


8butternut ago

And two terms.

Triceratography ago

I can't even tell whether this is satire.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Exactly. This is America. Where I would bet that a new cable channel spin-off of TheOnion.com would not only be hilarious... but it would accidentally convey more meaningful news content than CNN.com.

ProgNaziGator ago

Iirc they did exactly that ONN onion news network ?

It had potential but then by episode 3 it was just anti Bush thus predictable and thus not satisfying or funny.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Edit: Submitted this to Snopes.com:

I would bet that a new cable channel spin-off of TheOnion.com would not only be hilarious... but it would accidentally convey more meaningful news content than CNN.com.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I’m not sure exactly how, but God you’re a racist!

yougettogotogitmo ago

You should have known to be more sensitive to the 4758692 genders currently acknowledged

Memanon ago

"There are only two genders."

2blesecretprobation ago

And counting.

DawnPendraig ago


DamnLiquor ago

"We believe" "can expect" "might be classified" "expressed hope"

Doesn't sound like a sure thing to me

CelticCoyote ago

Typical government speak. I hear it everyday.

CelticCoyote ago

Let's get busy Rep Nunes. We The People need to see what you have before we vote so we can vote out all the libs and get this country back where it belongs. WWG1WGA

NellerBean ago

Corruption isn't limited to the left.